.net - VB Equivalent Of C# Type Check?

Apr 12, 2010

What is the VB Equivalent of the following C# boolean expression?data.GetType() == typeof(System.Data.DataView)Note: The variable data is declared as IEnumerable.

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Check Codes Are Equivalent?

Oct 8, 2010

I have a Windows form application written in VB of about 5000 lines of source code. For security reasons, I have changed all the names for variable, sub, and function to meaningless strings. For example strFileName to XBHDY. Apart from doing some test runs of the modified code, is there a reliable way to check that the two sets of codes are completely equivalent?

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Get Type Object From Its String Equivalent?

Nov 3, 2009

for Types, we could call toString and convert that into a String, but i would like to do the reverse i.e getting a Type object from its string.

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Why Boolean True Is Equivalent To -1 If Identifier Type In Integer

Jan 24, 2012

Dim method1 = Function(x As Integer, ByRef y As Integer) As Boolean
If x = y Then
Return True


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VS 2008 Dragdrop - Check If The Present Data Type Inherits From The Base Type

Aug 20, 2009

I have a number of controls (Device1, Device2, etc.) that all inherit from BaseDeviceControl. In the DragEnter event handler I am trying to test for the correct type by using the BaseDevvceControl like this....


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How To Use The Vb Equivalent Of ++ For An Index Property In A Linq Query Projecting A New Type

May 3, 2011

I'd normally do this in C# but since I've got to get this code in this particular assembly which is a vb.net one, I'm stuck.

Here's my linq query:

Dim i As Integer = 0

Dim oldAndCurrentIntersectionOnNames = From currentApplicant In currentApplicants _
Group Join oldApplicant In oldApplicants _


You'll see the .Index = i+=1

This was my attempt to do what I'd quite happily do in C# (i.e. Index = i++) in VB. Unfortunately the VB compiler doesn't like that. how I'd do this in VB.

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Can't Find The .net Equivalent Of A Variable Type Of A "raw" Generic List That Takes A Wild Card?

May 17, 2012

I'm strictly looking for a language conversion here of this:List<?> I already have a work around I'm just surprised that I can't find the vb.net equivalent of a variable type of a "raw" generic list that takes a wild card.Java's mechanism here enables you to reference a list regardless of what T is.Java even enables you to go further and do things like:

List<? extends Number>
List<? super Double>I tried:
List(Of )

and that did not work. That only seems to work inside the GetType function.

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.NET Type Check On Interface

Jan 6, 2012

I am trying to implement the Strategy design pattern using interfaces.However, while developing some code I stumbled upon something strange.The type of the object is not verified in design-time.Observe the following code.Notice that Foo implements IFoo and Bar DOES NOT implement this interface.No error is shown when trying this:[code]This code compiles fine. No error is shown in Visual Studio.However, when I run this piece of code, I receive an InvalidCastException.The output of the console:[code]

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Check If The First One Can Be Converted To The Second's One Type Or Not?

Nov 24, 2010

If i have 2 variables, how can I check if the first one can be converted to the second's one type or not?

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Check When Object Is A Certain Type?

Jul 5, 2011

I am passing various objects to a subroutine to run the same process but using a different object each time. For example, in one case I am using a ListView and in another case I am passing a DropDownList.

I want to check if the object being passed is a DropDownList then execute some code if it is. [code]...

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Check Datetime Data Type?

Apr 2, 2009

<VB.NET 2005+SQL server 2005>

Error has to be raised for input text by user. User will input data on datagridview. Below are examples of use input.

1. "2009/01/23 08:00:10" --> How do I know that right datatime format or not
2. "2009/15/23 08:00:10" --> How do I check the month is wrong

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Check The Final Type Of A Variable?

Sep 6, 2010

I have a BaseClass, a DerivedClass1 and a DerivedClass2 from a third party library. DerivedClass1 and DerivedClass2 both inherit from BaseClass.There's a ContainerClass, from the same library, with a member variable ActiveItem, which can be of DerivedClass1 or DerivedClass2, so it is declared as BaseClass.I want to know if ActiveItem is of DerivedClass1, as it can change in runtime without notice.If I do

Dim isDerivedClass1 as boolean = TypeOf(oject.ActiveItem) Is DerivedClass1

then I get a compile time error, telling me that ActiveItem can never be of DerivedClass1 type.I have tried several combinations of GetType and TypeOf but it doesn't seem possible to check this. I have also tried to declare an auxiliary DerivedClass1 variable and comparing their types, but haven't got any luck either.

Edit:The following code doesn't compile in vs2005 SP1.

Public Class Base
Public x As Integer
End Class
Public Class Derived1


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Check Whether An Object Is Of A Particular Class Type?

Jul 16, 2009

I am trying to check whether an object is of a particular class type, or if it derives from a particular class type. I've tried to do this muliple ways. But have not had much success. I am using VB.NET.

Here is the code that am using:

If Me.Page.GetType() Is GetType(AALASWebsite.ContentPage) Then
hlPrintPage.Visible = False
End If

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How To Check If A Property Type Is An Interface

Feb 12, 2009

I would like to check if a property's type is an interface (not a specific interface, but any interface).

dim __PropertyInfo As PropertyInfo
dim b as boolean = isinterface(__PropertyInfo)


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How To Check Input Type Radio

Apr 20, 2010

how to checked Radio Input on webbrowes with code ?

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Check Money Data Type Null In Net?

Aug 4, 2010

I usually have a check to see if a certain database column is DBNull and if it is convert it. Current with a datatype of money in SQL 2008 with the row column containing

Null, i declare the equivalent value as Decimal (in .Net) then get the error "'DBNull' to type 'Decimal' is not valid".... How could i check this column for null and convert it?

View 4 Replies

Console Application - To Check If You Type A Certain Thing

Aug 25, 2010

I have a console application, and its supposed to check if you type a certain thing, then it does it.

My code is:

Console.WriteLine("Please enter a command.")
If Console.ReadLine = "time" Then


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Create A Check Box Column Type In A DataGrid?

May 7, 2011

I am writing a macro using excel 2003 to read rows of a excel sheet & perform some task,now before execution I want the user to select for which rows the operation is to be performedo do so I added a form in MACRO & placed a flexgrid on the form which will display the content of the excel sheet. But, I am not able to change a column type to a checkbox where the user can check it to indicate if the operation is to be performed on that row or not.

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How To Check If Variable Is String Or Double Type

Jun 16, 2009

I want to see if a variable's type is string or double type. How to do it in vb.net immediate window?

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Spell Check To Type The Text For TextBox?

Sep 18, 2009

I will try the way of the following code:

'Click on Button1 spell checks Text1 textbox
Dim strResultText As String
Dim sc As New SpellChecker


I can identify the error.But I don't know.

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VS 2010 Check Selection Is Image Type?

Dec 14, 2011

Is there any easy way to check if a selection made by a user from the browser is an image type and not any other file type. I could check for extension types i.e. bmp, jpg etc but what I would like to know is whether there is a generic term.

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Check An Array Field Is Empty When Type = Form

Jun 4, 2011

I have an array set up to receive the names of forms when they open. The form name is sent as a Form not a String therefore when I run my code I cannot check for whether the field is empty in the normal way (ie. array(1) = "") as the "" are only usable with strings!

Dim Forms(24) As Form
Dim i As Integer
Dim Free As Integer = -1


I only need a solution to do the same as array(1)="" but for windows forms.

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Connect VB Check Box To MS Access Database Y/N Field Type?

Jun 5, 2011

How could you, update the fields on database if its data type is Y/N, and the method of updating is a checkbox??

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How To Access Data Of Selected Row If Column Type Is Check Box

Feb 15, 2012

I am using VS 2008, asp.net and VB coding.Using Grid View, How can I access the data of the selected row if the column type is check box?The following line is working fine with text, date, number,lbltest.Text = GridViewRVs.SelectedRow.Cells(7).Text but the problem is that I need to access a checkbox..

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VS 2005 Check TextBox Bindingsource Field Data Type

Apr 15, 2011

Lets say I have a form with several Textboxes that are all bound to "bindingsource1". I'd like to be able to check the field data type each textbox is bound to. Something like this,

Dim ctl As Control
For Each ctl In frm.Controls
If ctl.GetType.IsAssignableFrom(GetType(TextBox)) Then


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Check If LINQ Entity Of Unknown Type Exists In Its Respective Table

Sep 23, 2010

I'm trying to check if a LINQ Entity exists in its table, but at design time I dont know what type that entity is. So I figure I'll just get the table, and try the Contains method on it. But I cant get the table in such a way that I can query it at design time.I've tried the GetTable method on the datacontext, but I dont know how to cast it to the appropriate type when using GetTable(Of). GetTable(Type) works, I just use Entity.GetType(), but then I don't know how to query the ITable thats returned.To try and cast the ITable to something useable, I created an interface(IWhatever) that could implement properties that are native to all of my entities I would encounter. [code]

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Determining If A Type Is A Reference Type Or Value Type

Oct 13, 2010

I've come from a Assembler and C/C++ background, so I understand the concept behind reference types versus value types in vb.net. Also, I've read Jon Skeet's article regarding references and value types and I understand all of that. My question is: How can you tell if a given type is a reference type or a value type? Is it simply that all integral types (ints, floats, etc.) are value types and all classes are reference types? (If so, where do strings fall?)


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VB: Getting Checkboxes On Windows Form To Check If Their Values In A Database Field Is Check (True)

May 10, 2011

This is my problem.I have a field set up in MS Access to Boolean YES/NO, this field is populated when the user check a checkbox on a windows form. If the user check a checkbox, the value is written as checked in the data field (MS Access).The problem is when I search for the user information, I need the information from the Data base to populate(return) to the windows form. Example: If I enter a users phone number and the user data is present, the form gets populated with the information the user previously entered which was store in the database.Example: If the user selected checkbox1 and submits the form. When I search for the user info, the check box should check(populate) because the user had checked it on submit.Here is what I have done:


I am getting the check value correctly in the database using a Boolean.Here is one of the errors I am getting. Unable to cast object of type

'System.Boolean' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox.I am having trouble putting the codes in a code tag or block

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Search Data From Database With Some Check Box And Text Box When User Select Check Box Specific Function

Dec 15, 2011

My application is like this : i have to search my data from database with some check box and text box when user select check box specific function go on and then when user enters some range of value in textbox then the result will shown in data grid view after that i can print it by selecting data
my vb.net code is as follow:

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient

Public Class XtraForm1


I m also pasting the demo picture.

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.net - Equivalent Of VB And And Or In C#?

Oct 14, 2010

I know that AndAlso is equivalent to && and OrElse is equivalent to ||. But what is the cleanest way to achieve the equivalent of Visual Basic's And and Or in C#?For example, consider the following VB.NET code.The ValidateForControl method performs some validation and returns whether the state of the specified control is valid. The entire input form is valid if all controls are valid. However, each control must be individually validated even if one is invalid (which requires the operator not to short-circuit). Visual Basic's And operator is perfect for this situation, but unfortunately there's no equivalent operator in C# as far as I know (&& short-circuits).


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