.net - Why Does XmlDocument.LoadXml Throw System.Net.WebException

Sep 12, 2011

Why does System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml method throw System.Net.WebException ?if MSDN was right, LoadXml should at most give me a System.Xml.XmlException.Yet I have weird exceptions like:The underlying connection was closed: The connection was closed unexpectedly.

Dim document As New XmlDocument
document.LoadXml("<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC ""-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"" ""http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd""><x></x>")

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A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.Net.WebException' Occurred In System.dll

Sep 7, 2009

i am receiving the following error message when I debug my application, and I do now know what the problem is. This code has worked before but I don't know why.A first chance exception of type 'System.Net.WebException' occurred in System.dll

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VS 2005 A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.Net.Webexception' In System.dll?

Dec 28, 2009

I have a project that I am working on and I just recently transfered it from an XP machine to a Windows 7 machine. Both machines are running VB Studio and the only thing that changed was I moved it from the XP machine to the WIndows 7 environment. I have not changed any of the code, I just transfered it and ran it to make certain nothing happened.

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Ftp WebClient Class System.Net.WebException?

Jun 2, 2007

I'm writing an application in vb.net to download files from a remote server by ftp using WebClient Class

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Error: System.Net.WebException: The Remote Name Could Not Be Resolved:'site.com'

Jun 10, 2010

I created an application which posts data to a url using webrequest.It worked fine on my computer, but when another client runs the application , he gets the following error:

System.Net.WebException: the remote name could not be resolved:'site.com'
at system.net.httpwebrequest.getrequeststream()..

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C# - What Could Cause System.Timers.Timer.set_Enabled Property To Throw A System.NullReferenceException

Apr 4, 2012

Here is the stack trace:

2012-03-16 19:15:09Z E System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at System.Timers.Timer.set_Enabled(Boolean value)
at System.Timers.Timer.Stop()

Here's the code:

Timer declared as private member variable.
Private _myTimer As System.Timers.Timer
Initialize timer method.


The timer has to have a value or else the Timer.Stop() call would be throwing the exception. This is a sporadic error and I'm just trying to see if anyone has experienced this before or if anyone has any ideas of what could be causing it. It is occuring in a WinForms application in the event handler for the Elapsed event of the Timer, but it is only occuring sporadically on the users computer. I haven't been able to reproduce the error myself.

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Specifying System.xml.xmldocument Codepage

Dec 13, 2010

I have a really simple example that reproduces an error that I'm seeing.

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim TransDoc As New System.Xml.XmlDocument()


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SYSTEM XML XMLDOCUMENT And OWL Files - Read An OWL File And Display Nodes On A Treeview

Jan 4, 2010

Do you have a sweet solution in VB (visual studio 2008) to read an OWL file and display nodes on a treeview? It works great for XML but not for OWL when nodes are like as follow: [Code]

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[2005] Throw Exception - Used Methods From Namespace System.IO

Mar 12, 2009

I want to throw error, if i used methods from this namespace System.IO

For example,

If i write File.Delete("TempPath") , i have to throw undefined Method..

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System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry Doesn't Throw Error If Unable To Resolve?

Nov 13, 2009

I want to check if an IP address can be resolved to a hostname.I figured I would use System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry as System.Net.Dns. GetHostByAddress is shown as obsolete in VS2008.

However,if I specify an invalid IP address to System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry the HostName property equals the IP address I gave. If I use System.Net.Dns.GetHostByAddress it, rightly, gives a resolution error.I don't mind continuing to use System.Net.Dns. GetHostByAddress but is there any way to have System.Net.Dns.GetHostEntry throw an error if the IP address cannot be resolved to a hostname (other than by checking if the IP address given equals the hostname returned, I mean)

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Throw System.Exceptions From Within Custom Classes To Calling Code

Jul 9, 2010

I Have just been watching a video on throwing Exceptions. Are you supposed to throw System.Exceptions from within your custom classes. to the calling code, Which other way can they communicate. I have read in several places it is bad practice to throw SystemExeptions.

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VS 2010 Get Contents Of Webexception

Feb 18, 2012

[code]i can get the response error code and message, but how do i get that page contents?i need to get the page contents even if it replies an 404 error.

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WebException Not Caught In Try/catch Block?

Feb 3, 2011

I've tried to Google this problem, but haven't found any relevant results.I am trying to handle HTTP 500 errors when logging into a web service (the web service returns 500 when login is incorrect). An WebException is thrown, but I can't seem to catch it properly. The exception is highlighted in green instead of the normal yellow (having trouble finding info on this as well)


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VS 2008 Webexception Was Unhandled By User Code?

Apr 9, 2009

im running the following bit of code in a background worker and it is coming up with the following error

"The remote server returned an error: (503) Bad sequence of commands."the code is My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile(strFTP & aryfiles(i), My.Settings.strLocalTemp & aryfiles(i), strPUserName, strPPassword, False, 100, True) It runs fine the first time through but 5 mins later when it runs again it always throws this error.

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Encountered WebException When Printing A Large Number Of Batch Jobs

Mar 22, 2010

We have a customer, who prints a large number of a batch job to a reporting service. When printing large batches of jobs, occasionally he would get a WebException from reporting services saying "The underlying connection was closed".What is the work around for this? Somebody added this portion in the code [code]It doesn't seem to fix the issue though. The customer still notices the Web Exception when she prints a large job to reporting service.

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Write XML Using XmlDocument?

Mar 31, 2010

I've reached a point where it's time to learn how to Read/Write XML files properly and I'm really confused to how we're supposed to do this. I've been reading up on using the XmlDocument, but all I'm finding is how to use it to read xml files. Right now I need to Write them, later I'll code the reading of them.

The data for the XML file comes from a couple of tables in a database too, I've got a Master/Child table (actually there's 5 child tables). I've got the data coming into DataTables and I've got the loops set up already, I'm just stuck to how do I take the Master table's row and store that data as an XmlNode then loop each of the 5 child DataTable's and add each row as a child node to the master's node.

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Xml - How To Remove All In An XmlDocument

May 29, 2012

and other non-visible characters such as whitespace in XmlDocument?I tried PreserveWhiteSpace = False and IgnoreWhiteSpace = True for XmlReaderSettings, but those didn't work.

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.net - Selecting Nodes From XMLDocument Using Asp.net

Jan 31, 2012

I have following xml:


and I need to pick node from Id 25 to id 75. It is a portion of XML. Original XML is very long. How to do it without XPath? Dim nodeList As XmlNodeList = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("//Node[@id >" & 25 & " and @id <" & 75 & "]") Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder For Each childNode As XmlNode In nodeList sb.Append(childNode.InnerText) Next but it is not working ...

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How To Use XmlDocument.GetElementById Method

Jan 8, 2010

How can i use XmlDocument.GetElementById method? It is always return Nothing

Private mXmlDoc As XmlDocument
Public Sub Read(ByVal strFileName As String)


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VS 2005 Read XML Using XmlDocument?

Apr 7, 2010

This is a spin off of my other thread: Write XML using XmlDocument

Now I have it creating an xml file and everything's good, I'm working on the the reading of it now. Here's my current

Dim XmlDoc As New XmlDocument


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XMLDocument And Network Stream?

Jul 17, 2010

I'm trying to send a XML serialized class over a network stream the send is working

Dim IP As Net.IPAddress = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(IPAddress)
Dim IPE As New Net.IPEndPoint(IP, 10003)
Dim TCPClient As New Net.Sockets.TcpClient


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Xmldocument To Datatable Or Dataset?

Mar 16, 2009

I am ably to load a XML file (via a filepath) to a datatable. See code below.However, I'd like to be able to load a in-memory XML document to a datatable.

Code: Public Function XmlToDataTable(ByRef filePath As String) As DataTable
Dim ds As New DataSet Dim dt As New DataTable ds.ReadXml(filePath) dt = ds.Tables(0).Copy()
Return dt
End Function

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Asp.net - Add XML Nodes To Specific Node In XmlDocument?

Jun 19, 2012

I have two XmlDocuments that both have a namespace attribute specified. Both documents have the same structure, but contain different data. I can't seem to get a specific node tree from one document added to the end of the same node tree in a second document. Here is an example of my two documents:

Document #1:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rootnode xmlns="http://www.mynamespace.com/Service/2012-06-18">


I certainly know this is wrong... I've tried serveral different approaches. This particular approach adds all <Item> nodes to the destination document, but it adds them to the very bottom of the document instead of after the last <Item>. how to add a specific node tree an XmlDocument to a specific position in another document? Again, there is a namespace involved and the <Item> nodes have nested nodes/elements under each one.

NOTE: The <Id> nodes have example data to show uniqueness only. I can never count on any kind of numbering. The order of each <Item> node is totally unimportant. I'm just assuming it will be easiest to add additional <Item> nodes after the last one in the destination document.

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C# - Building SOAP Message With XMLDocument

Jul 20, 2010

I am having some problems building a properly formatted SOAP message using XMLDocument in VB.NET(C# answers are fine though). I am using the following code to manually create my SOAP message, what is happening is that the namespace prefix of the soap:Header and soap:Body are being stripped in the output XML:


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C# - Xpath Expression To Loop Through Xmldocument?

Feb 19, 2012

trying to parse this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<directoryresponse xmlns="https://www.sisow.nl/Sisow/REST" version="1.0.0">

Here's my code:

XPath = "//directoryresponse/directory/issuer/issuerid"
Dim nodeList As XmlNodeList = XML.SelectNodes(XPath)

but nodelist.count=0...why?

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Read / Write XmlDocument With Namespaces?

Jan 6, 2011

Consider the following XmlDocument with namespaces:

<Report xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/sqlserver/reporting/2005/01/reportdefinition" xmlns:rd="http://schemas.microsoft.com/SQLServer/reporting/reportdesigner">


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Reading An Xml File With XmlDocument Class

Nov 11, 2009

I'm having trouble reading a simple xml file with the XmlDocument class. Here is my xml file:


I want the title attribute of the node but it gives me a message box instead saying: "System.Xml.XmlAttribute" How can I convert that or in some other way get the title attribute of the books? Another problem I will be running into is storing the books and readers in a 2D array dynamic array. How can I run through the <readers> nodes to store them in an array within the nodeTitle For Each loop?

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Reading Xml Document Into XmlDocument Object?

May 23, 2012

I have published xml document through web service like this

<WebMethod()> _
Public Function HelloWorld() As XmlDocument
Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument


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Xml - Getting InnerText From XmlDocument Throws NullReferenceException

Oct 28, 2011

Whenever I try and get the InnerText of an element using an XmlDocument, it throws a NullReferenceException. Here is the code below:

Dim SetDoc As New XmlDocument
Dim xmlString As String = "<upload><links><bananas>apple</bananas><original>thirteen</original></links></upload>"


The same happens when I load exactly the same XML from file.

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[2005] Loading A XML File Into XMLDocument?

Mar 2, 2009

I am currently trying to load an XML file into my app. However, it keeps throwing an exception error (InvalidOperationException - Object reference not set to an instance of an object) and I can't work out why. have a look at the code below and see if you can spot the error? I'm still very much a beginner so i'm sure it will be something simple..

Public Class FrmXMLReaderTest
Inherits Form
Friend WithEvents txtOutput As TextBox


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