.net - Convert An E.item.dataitem To Type (Of T)?

Jun 13, 2011

I'm trying to do this in an item_databound event of a datagrid in asp.net

Dim EntType As EmployeeEntity = DirectCast(e.Item.DataItem, EmployeeEntity )

but I encounter the error

Cannot convert to class EmployeeEntity

The EmployeeEntity class has the same members as the items in e.Item.DataItem's DataRowView items. so how else do i cast the contents, without having to actually set each property of EemployeeEnity individually, from the e.Item.DataItem ?

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Asp.net - ItemDataBound 'e.item.dataitem("key")' With ListView Control?

Jul 7, 2010

With the ASP.NET Repeater control, I am used to being able to access my data item values in the ItemDataBound Event Handler by doing:e.item.dataitem("column_name")

However, it seems with the ListView control this is not possible. How can I access the data item values?

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Explicit Conversion - Convert The Variable D From Double Type To Integer Type And Store The Result As 132

Oct 22, 2009

I want to use explicit conversion (CType function in VB.NET) to convert the variable d from double type to integer type and store the result as 132.

Imports System.Console
Module Module1

Sub Main()


This is my code. But Visual Basic tells me an error: Error1Type 'i' is not defined.C:\Users\mihaispr\Desktop\Conversie explicita\Conversie explicita\Module1.vb1922Conversie explicita

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Convert Anonymous Type To Strong Type For Grouping Query?

Aug 30, 2010

I've pieced together some information from other posts but I'm stuck. The first part works fine. Basically I query the database using LINQ and then I loop through the results generating a report.


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Convert String Value To Type And Pass As Type Parameter.

Nov 19, 2010

i am getting all filenames from a directory.parsing out the directory names & the .vb extension then converting those filesnames to classes.Every file in the LPCriteria direcotry is its own class with a "Evaluate" function.[code]

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Convert From Type 'ListItem' To Type 'String'?

Aug 28, 2009

In a VS 2008 ASP.net 3.5 aspx.vb file, Response.Write(DDL.SelectedItem) worked very well.But "Dim filenameDDL As String = DDL.SelectedItem.Text" did not. Then I tried the following codes and found the problem -- Conversion from type 'ListItem' to type 'String' is not valid.


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ASP.NET ItemTemplate Container.DataItem

Mar 5, 2011

I have a Repeater on one of my pages like so: [code] But, when I run it it errors out with the message:'btn<% Container.DataItem %>' is not a valid identifier.I want to append btn to the Container.DataItem value so that I have dynamically assigned control names that are associated with the underlying data item. Any ideas?

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Container.DataItem Works Only In C#?

May 24, 2009

This line of code((Matches)Container.DataItem).MatchIDworks in C# but in VB.NET, when used in a Repeater, I get the error

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If Container.DataItem.BooleanValue Then?

Jun 8, 2012

Working in VB.NET, in a repeater. I only want to display part of the repeater if one the data item's fields is set to true.I am struggling to write a line that will accomplish this but am trying along the lines of this:

<% If '<%# Container.DataItem.IsLive%>' Then %>
<asp:PlaceHolder ...
<% End If%>

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C# - Get Array Of Data Out Of Container.DataItem?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a ListView in which i have a function that creates images for users.I pass userGender,userImage1name,userIsImage1Aprooved values to the function in which i generate image.ie. if user has approved image i return it back, otherwise i return default image based on gender.

My question is, is there any way to avoid passing 3 parameters to that function and to pass whole DataRow so i can get values of columns i need?In reality i pass about 12 parameters just made it easy for you.ie. i want to achieve something like that <%# GetImage(Container.Item) %> while in GetImage() i would be able to access Item("some_column_name") or C# version Item["some_column_name"].

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Checked Dataitem Of Datagridview In Textbox?

Oct 11, 2011

i m populating a datagridview with two columns i.e checkbox and papername.I m trying to show papercodes(not present in grid but in database ,in the same table where papernames are)in a single textbox with a comma seperator, when i checked papernames accordingly.


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C# - Solve This Error "Cannot Convert Lambda Expression To Type 'string' Because It Is Not A Delegate Type"

Jun 12, 2010

. I get this error: "Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'string' because it is not a delegate type" - keyword select become underlined in blue


Above code should displays drop list of employees first name and last name in a combo box

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.net - Remove The Current DataItem From Being Bound To A ASP.NET Repeater?

Dec 1, 2009

I want to evaluate the current DataItem being bound to a repeater and remove it from being added if my condition meets. I would have thought that setting e.Item.DataItem to Nothing would work, but it does not. Any ideas how to not add a DataItem to the repeater when a certain condition meets?

Protected Sub rpt_OnItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RepeaterItemEventArgs)
If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Or e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem Then
If true Then[code].....

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Asp.net - Unable To Add Text Along With <%# Container.DataItem %> In Repeater In User Control

Nov 26, 2011

I have a User Control which is dynamically placed by CodeBehind as follows:

Dim myControl As Control = CType(Page.LoadControl("~/Controls/mainMenu.ascx"), Control)
If InStr(Request.ServerVariables("url"), "/Login.aspx") <= 0 Then
End If

As per an example from my previous question on here.

Within this Control is a repeater which calls a database to generate values.

My Repeater mark-up is as follows

<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="locationRepeater" OnItemDataBound="getQuestionCount">


The example above works fine, but I want to be able to prepend text to <%# Container.DataItem %> in the title attribute of that <p> to print to the browser like this is some text DATA_ITEM_OUTPUT

When I try to do that though, it prints this is some text <%# Container.DataItem %> exactly like that, ie, turning <%# Container.DataItem %> into text, NOT the value from the repeater code.

It was working fine before I made it into a dynamically inserted control, so I am thinking I might have something being generated in the wrong order, but given that it works without any prepended text

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Convert Every Li To A Listbox Item?

Oct 11, 2011

I'm currently doing some web applications and I wanted to know if I could add the text of every li to a new item in listbox1.

Here's the code on the website of which I have to work with[code]....

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Convert The Item Number In The Combo Box To Be Use Able?

Jun 29, 2012

How can I convert the item number in the combo box to be use able? I keep getting told to change RaceNum to a double but I need the RaceNum to stay as a int so it reads the files 1-15 but it starts at 0.


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Reciept Printing - Form Which Consist - Item Code , Item Name , Item Price , Quantity Of Item

May 25, 2012

Regarding my college project. i'm working on a sales system . i have a form which consist of all the following information( item code , item name , item price , quantity of item ) which is display using a data grid . data input by user using text box and all this information will be stored in a database(sales database) i'm using ms access 2007. the grand total will be displayed in a text box . and amount paid will be input in a text box too , my major problem now is how to i create a reciept that will have all this information of the purcase. i have a reciept button . what the next step ? i dont have any idea how to get the reciept done.

Imports System.Data.OleDb

Public Class Form5
Dim con As New OleDbConnection


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C# - Get The Item Type From A BindingSource?

Jun 14, 2010

I would like to get the Type of item that a BindingSource is hooked up to or configured for. The BindingSource.DataSource property can be set to an object, list, or type. If it is a Type, it obviously does not have a bound item yet, but I would still like to get the Type. For a List, I need the item Type, not the list type.

I currently have a custom list type for business objects that implement an IListItemType interface, that I created to solve this problem a while back. I would now like to get this working in a more generic fashion so that it will work with any list.

I've looked through the API docs for for a good way to do this, but so far I have not had any luck. Am I missing something or is this just something I can not or should not be doing?

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Know The Type Of Item In Arraylist?

Apr 11, 2012

I am defining an ArrayList type varaible. It can have of any type of items. I want to know the type of its item. Is there any way to know the type of items in the arraylist variable? I want to know the type of item in the for loop.

Dim ArrList As New ArrayList
Dim A As Integer
Dim s As String


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Reflection - Getting Item Type Of A Bindinglist

May 27, 2010

I am trying to write a function that has an object parameter. That object will always be an BindingList. That BindingList will be of some unknown (at design Time) class. I think I've figured out how to get the type of the collection object, but now here the tricky part. I'm trying to create a function that can handle any type of collection and be able to return an item from that collection. I need to create a new object of that type and return it from the function. [Code]

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Search For An Item In Collection Type?

Nov 10, 2011

I am using VB .NET 1.1 and wanted to make sure if inside a key value pair class "Dates" (collection type) a key by name "TerminationDate" exists.

If Not Dates.Item("TerminationDate") Is Nothing Then
'Do x y z'
End if

But this is throwing an exception: Argument Index is not a valid value.

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Convert The Name Of A Type - To A Type

Jan 15, 2009

How can I use a string parameter for a method and convert this to a type.

I am using reflection to retrieve items within an enumeration:


Currently I am creatnig a separate method for each enumeration in order to retrieve it's values.

What I would like to do is pass the name of the enumeration as a parameter to the method and cast this as a type.

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VS 2005 Get Item Type For A Given Generic.IList

Mar 25, 2009

I have a piece of code that does an action to any collection that implements generic.IList<T>However to do this it needs to get the type <T> of the generic list.e.g. If I pass in a variable of type Generic.List(Form) then in my code I need to get the fact that the list is made of Forms. To add complexity the list may be empty (So you can't just look at Item(0).GetType)

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Convert CSV File From Any Type To UTF-8?

Dec 20, 2011

I am creating a simple console application in vb.net in order to convert a file from any type to utf8 but i can't figure out how this thing works with the encoding. I know that the source file is in Unicode, but when i convert it to a new format i get junk. Any suggestions? i am not sure if my code is correct

this is my code.


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Convert Vb6 Type To C# Struct?

May 31, 2012

I am converting an application originally written in vb6 to vb.net. One of the things this application does is that it sends a object to a dll. I tried converting the type to a structure and p/invoking the dll but it does not seem to work

'Define WICS Communications Control Block (CCB).
Type WicsCCBType ' Create user-defined type.
CCBNum As String * 1


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Asp.net - Convert The Encoding Type Of A Stream In .NET?

Dec 27, 2010

I ve the following stream but I don't know its encoding type because the stream reader detects encoding from byte order marks

Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(respStream, True)

so how can I detect the encoding type AND convert it to another type? (for ex. from ASCII to UTF8)

PS: What is the difference with the following line?

Dim reader As StreamReader = New StreamReader(respStream,
Encoding.ASCII, True)

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C# - Error Convert Data Type?

May 22, 2012

i am getting id from the url and pass it to sqldatasource - selectcommand i get thefollowing error : Conversion failed when converting the varchar value '<%=MyIdVal%> to data type int.

code behind :
Public Partial Class Edit
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page


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Convert An Array From One Data Type To Another In .net?

Apr 26, 2010

I'm using vb.net 2008 edition and i was wondering if there a way to convert an array type to another array type. For instance say i dim an array as string and then want to convert the array to the integer data type for sorting, how would i go about this?

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Convert Boolean To Generic Type?

Jan 13, 2011

In VB.NET 2010, how to return a boolean value as generic type without compile warning?

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Convert From Binary To Image Type?

Dec 21, 2009

convert binary image to jpg or png one.i've saved some types of images in my database but now i want to display them but i can't do it

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