.net - Remove The Current DataItem From Being Bound To A ASP.NET Repeater?

Dec 1, 2009

I want to evaluate the current DataItem being bound to a repeater and remove it from being added if my condition meets. I would have thought that setting e.Item.DataItem to Nothing would work, but it does not. Any ideas how to not add a DataItem to the repeater when a certain condition meets?

Protected Sub rpt_OnItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RepeaterItemEventArgs)
If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Or e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem Then
If true Then[code].....

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Asp.net - Unable To Add Text Along With <%# Container.DataItem %> In Repeater In User Control

Nov 26, 2011

I have a User Control which is dynamically placed by CodeBehind as follows:

Dim myControl As Control = CType(Page.LoadControl("~/Controls/mainMenu.ascx"), Control)
If InStr(Request.ServerVariables("url"), "/Login.aspx") <= 0 Then
End If

As per an example from my previous question on here.

Within this Control is a repeater which calls a database to generate values.

My Repeater mark-up is as follows

<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="locationRepeater" OnItemDataBound="getQuestionCount">


The example above works fine, but I want to be able to prepend text to <%# Container.DataItem %> in the title attribute of that <p> to print to the browser like this is some text DATA_ITEM_OUTPUT

When I try to do that though, it prints this is some text <%# Container.DataItem %> exactly like that, ie, turning <%# Container.DataItem %> into text, NOT the value from the repeater code.

It was working fine before I made it into a dynamically inserted control, so I am thinking I might have something being generated in the wrong order, but given that it works without any prepended text

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.net - ASP.NET Repeater Datasource Bound To A Function?

Apr 28, 2010

In the code behind I have a function that returns a List(Of SomeClass):

rptRepeater.DataSource = SomeFunction(SomeVariable)

In the html I have a basic repeater layout and am using the below code to get the Properties of each object returned.

<%#Databinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Parameter1")%>

My question is, would there ever be a case that it would execute the Function more than once?

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Add Blank Rows To A Repeater Bound To A List<T>?

Mar 31, 2009

Is this possible? Using VB.NET.

Can I do it in the footer maybe? Would that be the best way? Bind the footer to a datatable and throw some blank rows in there?

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.net - Integrating ASP.NET Repeater Control Into Current Page?

Feb 7, 2011

So I currently have a aspx page that shows details for any single staff member, and the page is setup with mostly ASP labels. I have a subroutine called "getstaffdata" that populates the page on load (via subroutine).

I would like to convert this to a page that shows details on one staff member, or many staff members, one after another. So I thought of using the repeater control, but I'm not sure how to convert the page over. The staff userids are passed via query string, but I'm just confused on how to do the datasource for the repeater control.

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Forms :: Can't Remove The Border Of The Data Repeater Control

Jan 28, 2009

Definitely data repeater is a very nice control. I can't remove the border of the data repeater control.It appears black by default. how to remove the border of the data repeater? I am using data repeater in my c# windows based application.

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Remove Selection 'frame' And Stop Datarepeater From Scrolling While Looping Data-repeater

Jun 4, 2012

I am using datarepeater to display rows of information from database. When i click a 'save' button and i would like to loop through the rows of data in repeater. The code i am using is able to do all these. The only problem i encountered is at the Interface side. When i am looping the data-repeater. The selection 'frame' (refer to the picture point as 'A') is moving from record to the next record and scrollbar is auto moving as well to scroll to further down until the last row where looping finish.Is there anything can be done to remove the selection 'frame' and stop datarepeater from scrolling while looping the datarepeater.

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Remove Row From DataSet If Bound Table Is Sorted?

Aug 31, 2010

I have a DataGridView that is bound to a DataSet and I allow someone to remove a row from the table and I remove the row from the set. My code looks like this:


My problem I found is if the grid gets sorted the index of the rows no longer corresponds to the indexes in the DataSet. As a result the wrong rows get removed from the set.

Can I solve this problem with maybe having to sort the DataSet on some sort event of the DataGridView?

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Asp.net - Access A Gridview Inside A Repeater Which Is Inside A Repeater (Nested Repeater)?

Apr 11, 2012

How can I access rep_DataSimilarToBacthid ? I need to bind the GridView and call GridView RowDataBound or InitializeRow


I am using VB.Net with Framework Version 2.0.

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Remove The Current Record?

May 2, 2010

I'm a bit of a newbie and am trying to delete the current record on a form. next record, previous record is easy. i just write the following Me.CustomerBindingSource.MoveNext()

How come there is no "Delete" method available? such as:Me.CustomerBindingSource.Delete()

code available? I have my form binding to a database table called Customer and am wanting to write code for my own record navigator buttons.

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Asp.net - Nested Repeater Show Data That Matches Parent Repeater

Mar 15, 2011

I am using a repeater to build a custom table. However, I can't figure out how to make the table show subtotal if the next rows tour does not match the previous rows.

Something similar to that.

row1 tour1
row2 tour 1
tour1 subtotal


but this shows all the data in the nested repeater not the ones that match the parentrepeater fields for example tour,theme,dep7 should match in the child repeater

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Rebind Repeater Using Next / Previous Buttons In The ItemTemplate Of The Same Repeater?

Mar 27, 2009

I have a parent repeater with nested repeaters.My problem is I am trying to use 'Next' and 'Previous' buttons to rebind my repeater (rptTabContent) and thus the inner repeaters also, but when I try to manipulate the state of these links during the ItemCommand event they are overwritten by the bind.

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Remove Current Item From List If Some Criteria Matches

Jun 2, 2011

I am trying to remove my current item in for each loop if some criterai matches but its triggering error after removing and looping again.


I am using myBookedRooms.remove but its trigerring error so what can be the correct way for doing it? ie, remove booked room if the room id matches with selected one

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ASP.NET ItemTemplate Container.DataItem

Mar 5, 2011

I have a Repeater on one of my pages like so: [code] But, when I run it it errors out with the message:'btn<% Container.DataItem %>' is not a valid identifier.I want to append btn to the Container.DataItem value so that I have dynamically assigned control names that are associated with the underlying data item. Any ideas?

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Container.DataItem Works Only In C#?

May 24, 2009

This line of code((Matches)Container.DataItem).MatchIDworks in C# but in VB.NET, when used in a Repeater, I get the error

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If Container.DataItem.BooleanValue Then?

Jun 8, 2012

Working in VB.NET, in a repeater. I only want to display part of the repeater if one the data item's fields is set to true.I am struggling to write a line that will accomplish this but am trying along the lines of this:

<% If '<%# Container.DataItem.IsLive%>' Then %>
<asp:PlaceHolder ...
<% End If%>

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.net - Convert An E.item.dataitem To Type (Of T)?

Jun 13, 2011

I'm trying to do this in an item_databound event of a datagrid in asp.net

Dim EntType As EmployeeEntity = DirectCast(e.Item.DataItem, EmployeeEntity )

but I encounter the error

Cannot convert to class EmployeeEntity

The EmployeeEntity class has the same members as the items in e.Item.DataItem's DataRowView items. so how else do i cast the contents, without having to actually set each property of EemployeeEnity individually, from the e.Item.DataItem ?

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C# - Get Array Of Data Out Of Container.DataItem?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a ListView in which i have a function that creates images for users.I pass userGender,userImage1name,userIsImage1Aprooved values to the function in which i generate image.ie. if user has approved image i return it back, otherwise i return default image based on gender.

My question is, is there any way to avoid passing 3 parameters to that function and to pass whole DataRow so i can get values of columns i need?In reality i pass about 12 parameters just made it easy for you.ie. i want to achieve something like that <%# GetImage(Container.Item) %> while in GetImage() i would be able to access Item("some_column_name") or C# version Item["some_column_name"].

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Checked Dataitem Of Datagridview In Textbox?

Oct 11, 2011

i m populating a datagridview with two columns i.e checkbox and papername.I m trying to show papercodes(not present in grid but in database ,in the same table where papernames are)in a single textbox with a comma seperator, when i checked papernames accordingly.


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Allow Blanks In BOUND Textboxes (bound To Int And Money Columns)?

Jun 16, 2009

I want to allow blanks in BOUND textboxes that are bound to int and money columns.

It's not letting me - apparently it knows to force digits...

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Receive Upper Bound And Lower Bound Of A Range

Sep 20, 2010

Is there anyone who can tell me the code for the below? Receive a lower bound and an upper bound of a range. Also receive a number of random numbers to generate. You must validate

1) the numbers are integers
2) the lower bound is less than or equal to the upper bound
3) the number to generate is positive (i.e., > 0).

Generate this many numbers in the specified range and keep track of how many of each are generated in an array of counters. Once all the numbers have been generated, display in a List Box the number, the raw count data, and the percentage of how many times the number was generated displayed with two decimal places of precision.

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Bound DataGridView With A DataGridViewComboBoxColumn Bound To A Different Table

Jun 4, 2010

I have a DataGridView that is bound to a DataSet I created from a database table named Contacts. The Contacts table contains a field called StatusId. StatusId is a foreign key to a table called Status. The Status table contains StatusId and StatusName.


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Find A Repeater That Is Within Another Repeater?

Feb 7, 2012

Ok so my issue is I have three repeaters. Within that repeater I have another repeater and a third one in the second. There is more in between but that's not relevant. Below the HTML is my VB code. My issue is that rptCrashPercentageAvg reutrns Nothing. How can rptCrashStatsDisplay access rptCrashPercentageAvg?

<asp:Repeater ID="rptCrashStatsDisplay" runat="server">
<asp:Repeater ID="rptCrashPercentage" runat="server">


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Asp.net - ItemDataBound 'e.item.dataitem("key")' With ListView Control?

Jul 7, 2010

With the ASP.NET Repeater control, I am used to being able to access my data item values in the ItemDataBound Event Handler by doing:e.item.dataitem("column_name")

However, it seems with the ListView control this is not possible. How can I access the data item values?

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Asp.net - Clicking Link To Replace Current Frameset Contained In Current Window

Dec 28, 2011

I have following link in a.aspx file:

<a href="a.htm" target="iframe">A</a>

I want to set link from a.aspx.vb page according to what person is viewing the page. How can i change this so that if user clicks on link it will replace current frameset contained in current window with a url provided according to user?

Or in another way:

How will i replace href code in aspx page by giving it value from aspx.vb page?

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Get Current Enumerator (iterator) In LINQ Query / Like A Current Index In For Loops

Sep 20, 2011

Is that possible to get current Enumerator (...or iterator? Don't know which tern is the correct one) in a LINQ query ? For example, I try to create a XML output (via LINQ to XML) of all currently loaded assemblies. [code] is it possible to somehow get current "index" (counter?) from LINQ's Selects? I would like to use it in XML. [code]

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Bound Datagridview Not Bound?

Jul 9, 2010

There is something strange going on with my datagridview.

I've a data adapter that fills the underlying data table from a database. Then I assign this datatable as datasource to the datagridview Then I add a row to the datagridview and immediately I need to update the table in my database (as soon as user leaves the newly created row).

At this moment I have more rows (+2, not +1) in my datagridview than in the underlying datatable (the new row doesn't exists yet in it so the data adapter .Update method doesn't write anything to the database).

When DataGridView's .RowLeave event fires the undelying datatable is not yet updated. I've a question - is this behavior normal?

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[2008] Mixing BOUND Controls With Non-BOUND Controls?

Jan 26, 2009

We are binding most of our text boxes and dropdown boxes to a BINDING NAVIGATOR (with a DATA SOURCE of a DATA TABLE).When the BN is clicked through the text boxes all change immediately.We need to use some non-bound controls as well.First one is 4 radio buttons that when clicked will change a single value in a DATA TABLE.What would be the best method to do this? Should I track when the CURRENTCHANGED event occurs on the BINDING NAVIGATOR.I'm thinking that I could trick this by BINDING the SINGLE FIELD to a HIDDEN TEXTBOX and when that textbox CHANGED event occurs mess with the radio buttons and visa-versa.

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Keyup Event - Get The Current Value Of The Current Row And Column

Sep 12, 2011

I have a datagridview having 3 columns (qty,scraft factor,actuall qty). What I want is if the user encode 50 in qty and 2 in scraf factor, actuall qty will automatically computed based on qty multiply by 2. I was using keyup event. Now I am using endedit to get the current value of the current row and column, now the problem is if the amount to be encoded is more than one digit it will not accept because of endedit. What event do I have to used? or any solution with this scenario.


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Casting Early Bound Object Type Into Late Bound Object Type?

Jul 5, 2010

I've got a piece of code in a project (MyProject) that contains early bound object from a referenced assembly (We'll call it CommonAssembly):

Dim myObject As CommonAssembly.MyEarlyBoundType

now I have another assembly that is dynamically loaded because it is not present in all projects:

Dim myLateBoundObject As Object = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap("Utils", "Utils.MyLateBoundType")
MyLateBoundType derives from CommonAssembly.MyEarlyBoundType, and I want to cast myObject to myLateBoundObject and then programmatically invoke the additional


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