.net - Loop Overwriting The Array Each Time

Jan 24, 2012


I checked the contents of the array at the end and it only held the last records within the text file, which suggest that it is overwriting the array, how can i prevent this?

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Overwriting File During A For Each FileInfo In DirectoryInfo.GetFiles Loop?

Jan 6, 2012

I have a project where I am looping thru specific files in a directory using a For Each FileInfo in DirectoryInfo.GetFiles() statement. My question is if I overwrite the current FileInfo object, will it still retain the reference to the object even though the file is no longer the same?

Code Snippet:

For Each fi In folder.GetFiles("*.idx")
Dim reader As IO.StreamReader = fi.OpenText()
index = reader.ReadLine()
values = index.Split(",")


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Make Loop In Program And Calculate Time Taken To Complete Loop?

Nov 23, 2011

I am constructing a program, i am new to Visual Basic, but i have past programming experience. I was wondering if anyone knew how to form a loop that could...lets say calculate the answer when two numbers are added together,and it would repeat this thousands of times, etc. And if there is a way, would it be possible to calculate the time taken to complete this loop.

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Controlling Time With A For..next Loop?

Mar 20, 2009


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Loop Through The Applications That Run At A Time?

May 28, 2009

Is there any way to loop through the applications that run at a time (the application list from task manager) and get the application's caption?

At a moment I have two instances of "acad.exe" but they will have different application name and I have to choose one of them, but I don't want to close the other one.

If I use the process list I get only the "acad.exe" name and I cannot differentiate between them.

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VS 2008 Loop Through A Second Time?

Sep 2, 2009

The code below finds a string from a text file and, if the correct month, - Monthcheck1, adds it as an item to an unsorted ListBox. I want to run through the text file again to find data for the next month. If I repeat this code for MonthCheck2, nothing is added. My question is: What is the convention for looping through the same file a second or third time?


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Datetime - Loop To Check Time?

Nov 3, 2009

So I'm kind of new to VB and am just playing around with a little project, I currently need a loop that is constantly checking the systems clock to see if it's equal to a certain time.

While Not myTime.Hour = 24
If TimeOfDay = newTime Then


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Get Rid Of The Missing Ingredient When It Loop The Second Time?

May 9, 2009

how to get rid of the missing ingredient when it loop the second time?


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Loop For A Specific Period Of Time?

Mar 25, 2009

I have been trying to find out of the last hour how to do something proberbly very simple ?

I have a button, when I click on it, I want to loop the code inside this button for 60 seconds.

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Loop Through Each Date In A Given Time Period?

Sep 2, 2010

How can I loop through each date in a given time period so that I can add those dates as a column name in a table. I want to create datatable with the person's name and hours he worked in a given time period. The user will select the dates and I want to show each day/date in that table as a column name.

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Read Hex At The Same Time Loop The Function?

Oct 29, 2011

I'm a newbie in VB.. I'm editing a file that sets the click-able area of a button in a game.


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Run Time Error During Long Loop?

Dec 7, 2011

I wrote a program which loops through a very long CSV file (50 meg) and parses the data as it goes.Sometimes, the program aborts and I get the following message:The CLR has been unable to transition from COM context 0x37a090 to COM context 0x37a200 for 60 seconds. The thread that owns the destination context/apartment is most likely either doing a non pumping wait or processing a very long running operation without pumping Windows messages. This situation generally has a negative performance impact and may even lead to the application becoming non responsive or memory usage accumulating continually over time. To avoid this problem, all single threaded apartment (STA) threads should use pumping wait primitives (such as CoWaitForMultipleHandles) and routinely pump messages during long running operations.

I know its going to take a while. There are several hundred thousand lines of text in the file that this program is reading. I am not sure exacly waht the message means, but my program seems to work fine other than the message. odd thing is sometimes the message doesnt always pop up..

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VB Loop And Display One Line At A Time?

Jan 20, 2010

I'm using visual studios 2008, VB9 and I am trying to write an app that basically performs calculations on a set of data input by a user. During the calculations, I want to display the data at each step, and have it retained in the display area on the GUI (not overwritten by the next data being displayed).

For example:

UserInput = 1
UserInput += 1


I tried this, and other loop structures and can't seem to get things right. The actual app is a bit more sophisticated, but the example serves well for logical purposes.

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Get An In A Loop To Accept A Value And Add It To A List Each-time Okay Is Pressed?

Dec 9, 2011

I'm trying to get an in a loop to accept a value and add it to a list each time okay is pressed. For some reason, I have to add a value twice for the input to be added to the list. For example, if i enter the string "hello" in the inputbox and click okay, it doesn't add to the list, but if i do it a second time, it goes in.

Here is the code for it

Do Until lstCourse.Items.Count = CDbl(txtClasses.Text)
InputBox("Enter Course Number", "Course Number")
strCourse = InputBox("Enter Course Number", "Course Number")

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How To Pause A Loop For A Certain Amount Of Time And Then Continue

Feb 4, 2012

Dim d As Integer
For d = 0 To TextBox2.Text

//a code that pauses the loop but does not stop the browser thread

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Loop N Numbers Of Record At A Time In A Dataset?

Oct 19, 2011

I am trying to loop through a dataset and process n numbers of records at a time.For example lets say I have around 240 records in my dataset. I need to loop through the dataset and then create a new batch of 50 records. so for the dataset which has 240 records I want to create 6 batches. Out of these 6 batches, 5 would have 50 records and and last batch would have 40 records.

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Multiple Referers One At A Time Loop Error ?

Jan 21, 2012

Here is the code:


What I want to do is I want to post to different referers one at a time and of course the links will be provided by a richtextbox(i.e. richtextbox1.lines(i) ). I will use only password(which will be chosen by the user from a combobox(combobox1.text)) because the username is harcoded. This is what so far ive come up with but it always gives me the result of the first line(or referer) from richtextbox1. I think there might be a problem with my "FOR" code.


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Print Loop Result Real Time?

May 12, 2012

I want to ask about looping

if i have big looping, and i want to print it result real time, how can i do it?(it look like when we scanning with antivirus, then the label that contain location that scanning change real time)[code]...

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How To Loop Through A 2d Array

Mar 15, 2012

i want to see if i can get my hands on a working example of a 2d array something along the lines of continents and 5 sample countries from each continent.i would also like to know how to loop through a 2d array - i know i need a loop inside a loop but cant find any examples.i know to declare a 2d array its like: dim arrayName(,) = {{"sample","sample"}{"sample2","sample2"}}

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Loop Through An Array?

Feb 26, 2011

I am designing a prisoner system

On the design i have different text boxes that display the prisoner name, birth date, number etc.

I then set all of the the different prisoners up in an array.

I want to know how to loop though this array so that when i start the program up it will start at the beginning of the array with the first prisoners details and then when i click "Next" the next prisoners details will be displayed in all of the boxes.

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Loop - Sub - Wrote Only To Temporarily Fill The Database In During Run Time

May 1, 2009

I have a sub that i wrote only to temporarily fill the database in during run time to be able to test a few other functions that i wrote as well ... weird thing is by the way i wrote it it should only look 100 times... but by the unique ID in the database and the information it pulls back into my list box it loops 700 times before actually stopping the loop ...

Public Sub Fill_LeftOvers()
Dim x As Integer = 0


Now i used step debugging and sure enough it only loops 100 times during stepping but in the database it looped like crazy ... i have also tried while x < 100 instead of the do loop but it did the same thing ... i know this may be considered a double post i mistakenly posted originally in the PHP forums earlier today ...

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Using For Loop Counter In VB To Change Variables Being Referenced Each Time

Jan 11, 2010

We have a project that needs to gather survey data. On one particular page of the website, there are 21 questions each with a scale of 1-5 where the user selects one radio button for each question in the table. The survey is being coded in VB.NET. The data submits to an SQL database. All the radio buttons are similarly named, so only the number changes for the question [Code]

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VS 2008 For Loop - Changing Panel Number Each Time?

Dec 22, 2009

For Each Ctrl As Control In Panel20.Controls
If TypeOf Ctrl Is CheckBox Then
CType(Ctrl, CheckBox).Checked = False
ElseIf Ctrl.HasChildren = True Then
End If
I have a few panels that contain the controls, how can I check them all at once rather than use that code above and just change the panel number each time? It'll get pretty messy if I have to keep pasting all that code and just changing one number.

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Array Loop Not Displaying?

Apr 29, 2012

I am trying to display payment details for each loan, but I am having problems displaying on the form.

Public Class MortgageDetailsCalculatorForm
Private Sub CalculateButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CalculateButton.Click


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For Loop For 2 Dimension Array?

Nov 3, 2011

I had insert value from datagridview to array

but how to make the array become for loop function?
Dim rowNo As Integer = 0
counter = dgv.RowCount()


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Foreach - Each Loop On A 2D Array In .NET

Oct 14, 2011

I'm writing a loop to go through the first array of a 2D loop, and I currently have it like this:

For Each Dir_path In MasterIndex(, 0)
'do some stuff here

But it's giving me an error, saying it expects an expression in the first field. But that's what I'm trying to do, loop through the first field. How do I fix this? What would I put in there?

EDIT: to clarify, I'm specifically looking for the 0th element in the subarray of each array, that's why that second field is constantly 0.

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How To Initialize Array Without Using Loop

Feb 13, 2012

I define a arrary.
Dim myStr(100) as string.
Then the length of this array is still 0. Then is risky to cross the bound. So how to intialize this array without using a loop?

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Loop Through A Textbox Array?

Mar 10, 2009

I've been looking far and wide to find the answer to my question. Its probably has a simple answer, but I am new to VB2008 and can't figure it out. I have a web form setup 30 textboxes, and am trying to find a way to quickly add them to an array through a loop.Their ID's are all - TextBox1,TextBox2 ect. I have this loop here that runs with no errors, but nothing shows up in the TextBox's on the web form.If the TextBoxes are already on the form, do I still need to declare new boxes when trying to add them to the array? [code]...

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Loop Using Values In An Array?

Feb 5, 2011

I would like to ask a code on how to loop using values in an array.To site an example:

Dim arrTarget(Target1, Target, Target3) as Array
Dim i As Integer
Dim endi As Integer = arrTarget.Max() 'Get the sum of arrTarget index


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PictureBox Array - Use With Loop

Jun 22, 2010

I Have 100 Picture Box(PictureBox1-100) And I want to use Each PictureBox with loop like


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