A Potentially Dangerous Request.Form Value Was Detected From The Client?

Apr 3, 2009

I have a form that have many text fields and all are being validated, I also added the NiceEdit plugin to be able to format text in my text areas, but it is raising errors like:

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client Now I can simply go to the top of the page and in the page directive add ValidateRequest="false" but this will deprive me from all the validation that I really need, so how can I switch validation OFF for my text areas ???VB.net, ASP.net 3.5, VWD 2008 Express...

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.net - Error - A Potentially Dangerous Request.Form Value Was Detected From The Client

Feb 4, 2011

why I am getting the following error? I have debugging enabled.Server Error in '/' Application.A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (strContent="<p>test</p>").

Description: Request Validation has detected a potentially dangerous client input value, and processing of the request has been aborted. This value may indicate an attempt to compromise the security of your application, such as a cross-site scripting attack. You can disable request validation by setting validateRequest=false in the Page directive or in the configuration section. However, it is strongly recommended that your application explicitly check all inputs in this case.

Exception Details: System.Web.HttpRequestValidationException: A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (strContent="<p>

Source Error: The source code that generated this unhandled exception can only be shown when compiled in debug mode. To enable this, please follow one of the below steps, then request the URL:

1. Add a "Debug=true" directive at the top of the file that generated the error. Example:

<%@ Page Language="C#" Debug="true" %>


2) Add the following section to the configuration file of your application:

<compilation debug="true"/>


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MVC3 Json: A Potentially Dangerous Request.Form Value Was Detected From The Client

Nov 8, 2010

I use... $.post("/StoreHtml", { 'html': $("#txtHtml").val(), , function (data) { }); to store html user enters, but method above fails with an "A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client". How do I encode the html before sending it? ... and how do I decode it in vb.net?

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Potentially Dangerous Request.Form Value Was Detected Dealing With These Errors Proactively?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm noticing this error more and more in my error logs. I've read through the questions here talking about this error, but they don't address what I would like to do (see below).

I'm considering three options, in the order of preference:

1) When submitting a form (I use formviews almost exclusively, if that helps), if potentially dangerous characters are detected, automatically strip them out and submit.

2) When submitting a form, if potentially dangerous characters are detected, alert the user and let them fix it before trying again.

3) After the exception is generated, deal with it and alert the user.

I'm hoping one of the first two options might be able to do somewhat globally...I know for the 3rd I'd have to alter a TON of Try-Catch blocks I already have in place. Doable, but labor intensive. I'd rather be proactive about it if at all possible and avoid the exception all together.

Perhaps one approach to #1 would be to write a block of code that could loop through all text entry fields in a formview, during the insert/update event, and strip the characters out. I'm ok with that, but I'd rather not have to heavily alter all my Insert/Update events to accomplish this. Or maybe I just create a different class to do the text checking/deleting, and only insert 1 line of code in each Insert/Update event. If anyone can come up with some example code of any of these approaches that would be a

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Send Data From A Windows Form To An Aspx Page And Send Back A Response - Request.Form Vs Request.BinaryRead?

Mar 29, 2012

Im trying to send data from a Windows Form to an aspx page and send back a response. Im running around in circles trying to make this work. The data im trying to send is 4 strings. So fare I have this in my code, using the build-in webclient in visual studio 2010, in the windows form sending to the aspx


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Wcf - Soap Request Client To Webservice Using .net?

Dec 28, 2011

How do I send/Receive SOAP messages usiung .NET I wanted to invoke a webservice, however not like the way shown in the link above.What I did was, created a service reference with the wsdl url(in a windows application with a button click event)


have created a client object

Dim objProxy As MyClient = New MyClient()

I have populated the objrequest and objreqheader using the below methods, (assigning string values and not xml)

objreqheader.id = "abcd"

Finally the below line invokes the service

objresponsehead = objProxy.myoperation(objreqheader, objrequest, objresp)

From reference vb, this is the myoperation public function

Public Function myoperation(ByVal RequestHeader As AFA.RequestHeaderType, ByVal GetTransactionDetailsReq As AFA.GetTransactionDetailsReqType, <System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute()> ByRef GetTransactionDetailsResp As AFA.GetTransactionDetailsRespType) As AFA.ResponseHeaderType


I checked the property of objProxy, it is having basic http binding as the property. Anyone invoked the service like this? From soapui, the response is fine, after i populate the request fields.How can i enable the trace to see what is the request going and where is the problem.

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Xsd - Request Generation In Soap Client?

Mar 3, 2012

Take the tripservice wsdl from this link In this wsdl, I replaced the from element with the below(added nillable as true and added min length and max length restriction).


The element from xsi:nil="true" is generated, even though i am not touching the element in my vb.net code to generate the request. The element is optional as per the wsdl(min occurs = 0). How can i send a request without the from element name, even passed in the request?

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Asp.net - Get Request.Form.Item By Matching Request.Form.Key?

Jul 6, 2010

My Request.Form keys are all prefixed with ctl00$container name$ and then the key I want.How can I get the regular key name working?

Visual example from the immediate window:I want to use:

? request.Form.Item("stationIdea")

but it won't work because the key is:


as retrieved by

? request.Form.Keys("4")

so only this works:

? request.Form("ctl00$content_innovation_body$stationIdea")

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Design A Report Request From Client Machines To Be Run On An Available Server?

Sep 29, 2009

I have a vb.net 2.0 winforms project that is full of all kinds of business reports (generated with Excel interop calls) that can be run "on-demand". Some of these reports filter through lots of data and take a long time to run - especially on our older machines around the office.I'd like to have a system where a report request can be made from the client machines, some listener sees it, locates a server with low-load, runs the report on that server, and emails the result to the user that requested it

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Minecraft Server To Client Protocol / 18 Byte Packet On Login Request

Feb 6, 2011

I'm working with the Minecraft Server To Client protocol documentation for a server I am making.It says the packet is 18+ bytes, but I can't seem to figure out what each byte is for.

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ALTERNATIVE OF RESPONSE.REDIRECT - Client.openRead To Send Request And Passing Line Through Finalurl

Nov 21, 2009

I am using a client.openRead to send request and passing line through finalurl.

Dim data As Stream = client.OpenRead(finalurl)

Now my server blocks ports and i am getting error on this line now is there any other solution to client.OpenRead and what ever i am sending throught this is code is going on other company's server so i can't tell then to change their way so is there any other solution to this?


Dim data As Stream = client.OpenRead(finalurl)

And in final url i have other sites url and some querystring data

For example

dim finalurl as string= [url]

I already use WebHttpRequest but it not works still server not allow it.But i try it with response.redirect and it works but not suiteable to my conditions.i want control on my site so i was using Dim data As Stream = client.OpenRead(finalurl) but now server block some ports due to some reasons

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Communications :: Client-server Communication Program - Click On CmdListen In The Server Form And CmdConnect In The Client Form

Jul 23, 2008

The problem I have is: When I click on cmdListen in the server form and cmdConnect in the client form,both programs won't respond and they crash for some reason I don't know.

Client source code:


Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1


Imports System.Net.Sockets
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1


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Introductions And Suggested Reading For 'I Know Enough To Be Dangerous'- Types

Apr 28, 2010

Ive created a few in-house applications using Access, such as an IT Ticket tracking database and a database to store legal case logs, but finally found a project that I knew would completely out-grow Access and Im trying to incorporate my previous knowledge in to Visual Basic/Visual Studio.That being said, do any of you have any suggestions for intermediate-level reading material or tutorials, especially on how SQL Server and Visual Studio mix together? I've picked up a copy of Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2005 in 24 Hours, which isn't too bad but I've had to skip around quite a bit because I'm already pretty familiar with the interface, I just need some more assistance with the code. I've also purchased Murach's Visual Basic 2008, but I haven't cracked that one open yet.At any rate, I look forward to talking with you all.

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Closing A Windows Forms Applications And Excel.exe Processes Interact (potentially Through The Garbage Collector)?

Mar 2, 2012

I may be the only person still automating excel this way and I am looking at doing it in ways that better handle COM objects and such, but for now I just importMicrosoft.Office.Interop.Excel and go for it. Something that gave me a lot of grief at first was hanging excel.exe processes, but there are tons of resources online for fixing that. At this point I am pretty confident in my abilities to handle it.One thing I did notice and was wondering about is how does closing a windows forms application interact with excel.exe running in the background and likely more specifically the garbage collector. I have written quite a few excel automation projects and noticed that after I run my program .exe and it has completed there is an excel.exe process that hangs on until I close the pop up window from the windows forms application. Why is that happening?

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Use A Request.Form() On A Windows Application?

Aug 1, 2011

I have written a HTTP server in VB.NET but I don't know how to use the Request.Form() method on a windows application. I need it to read HTML data sent in a HTML form.

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Web - Based Tech Request Form

Oct 7, 2010

I hope this is in the right category. If its not, direct me for where it should go. I'm quite a, what you would call "noob" to visual basic. I'm trying to make a web-based (LOCAL ONLY) Tech Request system for my LOCAL machines (Only 1 noted for use). I want a login area (I think I know what to do for that.), a open request area, a OPENED requests area, a way to CLOSE requests (by staff only), and and started/not started field for staff to use.

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Net - Casting A Request.Form Control From Code Behind?

Oct 15, 2010

This seems really simple, but for some reason Im stumped.Im dynamically generating an HTML Select Box, lets call it myselect. Im creating this select box based on some database values Im generating an HTML Select Box.. almost like a string that Im just spitting out to the page. So it's never a control in the codebehind, just part of a string thats rendered as HTML by the browser. If I submit my form, and in my codebehind I perform:

Dim myVal as String = Request.Form("myselect")

That code will give me the VALUE of the myselect select box. How can I refer to this control to cast it as a System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlSelect control? Request.Form seems to give me the value, but I want to reference the object itself..

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Client-Server-Client Multithreading - Instant Message Another Client

Jun 21, 2010

We are creating a Who wants to be a millionaire style game in VB. Our server is pulling information such as questions and answers from a Access Database and sending them to the contestants (Clients). All transfer of information is directly from the server to each client. One of the "Life Lines" we want to use is "Ask a friend", where one client is able to Instant message another client for a short time to get help on the question.


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Asp.net - Request.Form HTML + Select Multiple Box Values?

Oct 29, 2011

I am trying to get values from a select multiple box like this but the breakpoint at 'For Each Item in box' is nothing, what am I doing wrong?


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Asp.net - Results Of Request.Form If The Requested Input Is Blank

May 5, 2009

When I use Request.Form("myInput") and the input field "myInput" is blank, I get a server error.

How do I handle this?

Is there a way to check if "myInput" has not been filled?

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Receive A Http Web Request On A Windows Form Application?

Jul 30, 2011

How can one pass http get or post methods to a windows application? I require a webserver to send a get method to my windows form application that will querry a database then reply back to a webserverI'm developing a windows based search engine that searches a MySQL database. It receives a keyword from an SMS gateway software as a HTTP get request and should reply to the gateway software using the same HTTP request.This is my code. It is correctly searching the database but I don't know how to receive the get methods on the application however it's sending the messages to SMS gateway.

Private Sub bSend_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bSend.Click
Dim request As HttpWebRequest


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Asp.net - Request() Versus Request.QueryString()?

Jul 5, 2010

I have recently started using Request("key") instead of Request.QueryString("key") to access my querystring values. However I have read that:

'Gets the specified object from the System.Web.HttpRequest.Cookies, System.Web.HttpRequest.Form, System.Web.HttpRequest.QueryString, System.Web.HttpRequest.ServerVariables'

Therefore, if I have a querystring key and cookie key which are the same, which value is returned?

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Windows.form.webbrowser's Newwindow Event Does Not Capture New Window Request

Sep 22, 2009

I used to use windwos.form.webbrowser along with cast of its activeXinstance to shdocvw's webbrwoser to get the newwindows event to force new windows in another tab instead of popup. also capture right click new window requests to another instance of browser in another tab but keeping the security context


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Extend The Client Area Of Form To To The Non-client Area?

Nov 19, 2009

I guess thats what I need to do, Im trying to allow the user to right click on the top of my form, and my custom Context Menu Strip is displayed, not windows context menu strip. I guess somehow i would need to get the size and draw a rectangle on the non client area and see if the user has right clicked in that rectangle? if so how would I get the area of the non client area?

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An Error Occurred Creating The Form : Request For The Permission Of Type 'System.Security......?

Sep 4, 2009

we are making our program in other computer it runs, without errors, but then when we transfer the program to another computer it has an error that says

An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details.The error is: Request for the permission of type
'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.

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ContextSwitchDeadlock Was Detected?

May 18, 2011

I'm getting this message in my 2010 debugger suddenly for some reason:The CLR has been unable to transition from COM context 0x4c4b68 to COM context 0x4c4cd8 for 60 seconds. The thread that owns the destination context/apartment is most likely either doing a non pumping wait or processing a very long running operation without pumping Windows messages. This situation generally has a negative performance impact and may even lead to the application becoming non responsive or memory usage accumulating continually over time. To avoid this problem, all single threaded apartment (STA) threads should use pumping wait primitives (such as CoWaitForMultipleHandles) and routinely pump messages during long running operations.

It happens while I am looping through a datatable. In each iteration I do a SQL Select lookup and a a SQL Update if I don't find a matching record.

For Each drCurrentRow As DataRow In m_Dataset.Tables("Group").Rows
Dim boolFound As Boolean = False
CheckForRecordInTemp(boolFound, drCurrentRow.Item("ACTIVITY_GROUP"))


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PInvokeStackImbalance Was Detected?

Jul 7, 2011

Am getting this error when am running the code to open/close the CD try:"PInvokeStackImbalance was detected Message: A call to PInvoke function 'TabsTest!TabsTest.Form1::mciSendString' has unbalanced the stack. This is likely because the managed PInvoke signature does not match the unmanaged target signature. Check that the calling convention and parameters of the PInvoke signature match the target unmanaged signature"


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Request() Vs Request.QueryString()?

Jan 5, 2011

I have recently started using Request("key") instead of Request.QueryString("key") to access my querystring values. However I have read that:

'Gets the specified object from the System.Web.HttpRequest.Cookies, System.Web.HttpRequest.Form, System.Web.HttpRequest.QueryString, System.Web.HttpRequest.ServerVariables'


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Buttons Missing On Form For One Client

Sep 26, 2011

One of our users cannot see two buttons on a form, that everybody else can see. I'm not sure if the buttons are not there or the window is smaller than it should be. The size of this window is fixed, so it cannot be adjusted manually. (it is like a pop-up window infront of the main window). Our application is used by employees of our company all over the world. So they all have windows xp in different languages and their regional settings differ. But I can't see how that would make a difference.

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Control The Form Of Client From Server?

Feb 5, 2011

Is it possible to control the form of client from server? I must create a program in server that will control or even show/load application form in client. I use Visual Studio .net Ultimate 2010 platform both of the server and client application.

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