Add SQL Database For First Time In 2010 Express?

Jun 21, 2010

I have found a tutorial that will teach me how to set up my first Database, but the first thing it tells me to do is right-click on the Data Connections Icon within Database Explorer and choose "Create New SQL Server Database" ... unfortunately, this option is greyed out, so I am assuming I have to choose "Add Connection" first ...[code]...

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VS 2010 Connecting VB 2010 Express To SQL Server 2008 Express Database Via IP

Feb 29, 2012

I am trying to make a user account SQL database work with Visual Basic 2008 Express for login purposes, i.e. usernames & passwords. Plan is to host this server so people can login to use the the application and verify they have a valid account. I would like to host all the account information in SQL due to the possiblity of hundreds of users at any given time. I also need the ability to add data to the database for users registering for the first time. The SQL server will need to be able to access the SQL Server databases remote via WAN.

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Connecting VB 2010 Express To SQL Server 2008 Express Database Via IP

Feb 29, 2012

Here is the scoop: I am trying to make a user account SQL database work with Visual Basic 2008 Express for login purposes, i.e. usernames & passwords. Plan is to host this server so people can login to use the the application and verify they have a valid account. I would like to host all the account information in SQL due to the possiblity of hundreds of users at any given time. I also need the ability to add data to the database for users registering for the first time. The SQL server will need to be able to access the SQL Server databases remote via WAN.

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VS 2010 - Applications Made Using VB 2010 Express Expire After Some Time?

Nov 3, 2011

Here are my questions concerning VB 2010 Express:

1. I've registered my VB 2010 Express, will it still expire?

2. Will the applications I made using VB 2010 Express expire after some time?

3. Is it OK to write my code in the designer.vb file? I don't know why, but when I started writing my application it took me to the designer.vb instead of form1.vb code.

4. I've been working on an application for a week now, but suddenly I can no longer access my Design View(Shift-F7). All my codes are written on the [form name].Designer.vb. I can still view my codes but I cant access my form layout. On the solution explorer, my forms no longer have the 'form icon'. When i press Shift-F7 nothing happens. Right-clicking the form on the solution explorer doesn't show 'View Designer' option. How can I fix this?

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VB Express 2010 Time Functions?

Jul 4, 2011

I am having a really hard time with the hour(TimeOfDay) VB Express 2010 command, is there any one reading this that could enlighten me on this problem please.My local machine time is in standard time, but the VB hour(TimeOfDay) command sent to a text box on my form is in Military time, is this a bug or do I need to use another command that I am not aware of, or can I use the format command to force it to
standard time and if so how do I accomplish this task please as I have battled with this for few weeks now and I am all out of ideas as to the nature of the problem.

I know about the following:-format(TimeOfDay,"h:mm:ss") 'displays time in standard time with out a padded zero format(TimeOfDay,"hh:mm:ss") 'displays time in standard time including a padded zero!

format(TimeOfDay,"H:mm:ss") 'displays time in military time with out the padded zero!
format(TimeOfDay, "HH:mm:ss) 'displays time in military time including the padded zero!

how could I do the same with the format(Hour(TimeOfDay),"?") function I also notice that the minutes and seconds can include or exclude the padded zero, I would also like to have control over these two commands please.

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Add A Remote SQLServer Database To My Database Explorer Window In 2010 Express?

Feb 14, 2011

I'm trying to use LINQ to SQL in Visual Basic 2010 Express.

It allows me to create the .dbml file, but in order to drag items from the Database Explorer window to the design surface, I first have to get my database listed in the Database Explorer!(this is a remote SQL Server database - not a local .mdf)

I already have a good, working connection string to the remote SQL Server database, but that doesn't help me when I'm trying to generate the DBML at design time.

Can anyone tell me how to get my remote SQL Server database identified in the Database Explorere window? When I try the "Add Connection", I am limited to Access, SQL Server Compact, or SQL Server Database File. If I try to enter the IP address & port of my DB Host I get a 'database file does not exist' message. Doesn't seem to want to let me point to a remote DB server...

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Add A Sql Express Database In 2010?

Sep 21, 2011

i created a database in SQL Server Management Studio by use engine sql express how to add my database in my project in 2010

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.net - VB 2010 Express Form To Database?

Mar 14, 2011

I made an input form that I want to work like a daily diary. The user inputs a title, date, time, and the actual text entry. At the end is a button and I think I have to make a click "event" to make all the text from the input boxes get stored somewhere. I want each of these submissions to be separate for each day with the capability of showing the journal entry for each day later on.

I am a novice, but I think the data needs to go to a database. Cannot find any sample code to make the form data save to a database. The database I made is "a local database." Not sure if it needs to be "Dataset" or "Entity Data Model".

Please show me some code for this or a way to save information without a database only using vb code.

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.Net 2010 Express And Access Database On 64 Bit Vista?

May 22, 2012

I posted this as a bug on MS Connect and am wondering if anybody else can verify the problem: I been beating my head against the wall for about 3 days and I don't think it is my problem.

Desktop computer - Vista 64 bit
Portable Computer - Vista 32 bit 2010 express on both of them

I can not establish a connection to an Access db (either .mdb OR .accdb) on the 64 bit computer. When I try I keep getting a message that says "Format at the initialization string does not conform to specification starting at index 0." (this was typed not copied). (There are screen shots over on Connect).

I can establish a connection to a "Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition" (.sdf) database on the 64 bit computer.I can estabish a connection to all 3 types on the 32 bit computer (.sdf, .mdb, .accdb).The 'funny' thing is that if I establish the connection on the 32 bit and copy the program directory over to the 64 bit, the prorgam loads and seems to run fine. But the %$# _(%* Wizard will not run on the 64 bit machine. Runs fine on the 32 bit but not on the 64 bit. Of course I make sure that the db's are in the location where the program expects them to be when I run the program on the 64 bit machine.

One final thing, when I am in the progam created on the 32 bit and running on the 64 bit and I try Data->Add New Data Source->Database->Dataset only two of the three connections show up while all 3 show up on the 32 bit machine. Also the connection string is incorrect for the non-sdf connection. It should include

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Accessing MySQL Database Through 2010 Express

Sep 16, 2011

I am trying to follow this userguide url... to basically build an application that will allow users to connect to my database, from an exe file. I'll try to explain as best i can. The plan is, users will launch an exe file that i have built in Visual Basic(VB) 2010 Express. When they launch the application they will see a 'login screen'.I am following the example guide (see link above), and will customise it once i can connect to the database. For some reason whenever i connect to the database it gives me two errors, the first is if i use the 'debug' mode in VB to test the script (note it doesn't produce any build errors), the second is if i build the application and run it as my users would.

1)Error Connecting to Database:Access denied for user 'mike'@'92.**.**.***' (using password:YES)

2)Error Connecting to Database:Unable to access any of the specified MySQL hosts..The ip address starred out (*) is my local machine ip address.The server is the server in which my Database runs on. 'mike' is a listed user on my 'user' table, the password i use is the password assigned to this user on my table.

3)I've rebuilt the whole VB project, but still no joy, wern't expecting it to as there were no errors generated.

4) I've read, but don't really understand that it could be something to do with my database not being able to be controlled remotely, only locally. I started digging into 'Access Your MySQL Server Remotely Over SSH', didn't really know if i was going completely off the mark, it didn't mention needing to do any of this in the guide i've been following, but just a thought. It might be the case as i've tried to access my database through a programme called MySQL Administrator. I punch in the host,username etc and connect to my database, for some reason it won't allow me to add new users, could this be because i can't control my database remotely? Would this stop what i'm trying to do working?

5) When trying to install the MySQL.Data.dll file i had great difficulty in choosing one and finding it, adding it to my project using the 'Add reference' in VB. Finnally got it how it should be (i think), installed MySQL.Data.dll Ver into my project.

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Connect A Sql Server Express Database In 2010?

Sep 17, 2011

I want to use a connetction string for connect a databse in sql server express by My code is : Cn1.ConnectionString ="Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=30;User Instance=True" but i when open then connection i see this error Cannot open user default database. Login failed. Login failed for user 'Shahab-PCShahab'.

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VS 2010 Express Database Application Deployment?

Sep 28, 2011

I've developed a database application in VB.Net Express 2010 and am having difficulty deploying it. The only deployment method available to me using the Express version is OneClick deployment. I can't figure out how to include the Access database file in the package.

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VB 2010 Express Opens MS Access Database As Read Only

May 16, 2011

I am brand new to VB. I am using VB 2010 Express. I have a MS Access database and can read & display the data. However, when I enter a line of code to manipulate the data I get a "read only" error message in the project editor. I have checked the file and directory structures from windows and the command prompt. I have even used the "attrib" command to make sure the file was not read only. Then I put the following code in the form and it dispaly the read only message.

Dim infoReader As System.IO.FileInfo
infoReader = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFileInfo("C:zzz-devaccesswhitneywhitney.accdb")
If infoReader.IsReadOnly = True Then
MsgBox("File is readonly!")
End If

I am using the VB 2010 Express DataSource to connect to the MS Access database and not a connection string in the program.

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Deploying An Application Express 2010 With A Sql Server 2008 R2 Database?

Apr 10, 2012

I have recently developed a back end database in SQL server 2008 R2 and attached it to a application in VB express 2010.Everything works fine and when i publish the application, it works fine on my machine, but once i try to setup up the application on another machine i get the error message: A network related or instance specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. Server was not found or not accessible please verify the instance name is correct or allow remote connections.I have read numerous forums on this saying about changing the connection string and instance name.but with being novice i dont understand what needs to be changed etc.The sql server allows remote connections, but i am unsure what else needs changing to allow the application to work with the database on another machine.

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Link Database From MySQL 2005 To Microsoft VB 2010 Express?

Jan 7, 2011

My question is how to link database from MySQL2005 with the interface created in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express?Is it possible to link the database into my interface?

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SQL Server - Local Database With Visual Basic Express 2010

May 24, 2011

Visual Basic 2010 Express, lets the user to add a Local Database with .sdf extension. These databases needs MICROSOFT SQL Server to be created or they can run in the user's pc without any additional software? What are the limit of these databases unlike an external database?

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Adding Records To An Access 2007 Database Using VB 2010 Express Edition?

Jun 21, 2011

I am not able to add records in an Access 2007 database using VB 2010 Express Edition. I have read other posts and followed them but still I am not sucessful. I have the connection to the access database as MS Access Database, therefore it has the OLEDB connection (not the Jet 4.0). I am using the project instance in binding the text boxes to the fieldnames in the Access database. Did I miss something? I am also using Windows Vista Ultimate.

Below is the code.

sender As


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Table Created In VB 2010 Express Database Explorer Does Not Appear In Underlying Server?

May 10, 2010

The above is more or less the complete question. I have created a table in the VB 2010 Database Explorer but I cannot for the life of me work out how I can get this copied or created into the underlying server. It is not appearing in the underyling serverand when I run the code of course I ge "invalid object <tablename>" I have data as well in the table that appears in Database Explorer. I think I have missed something fundamental in my overall conception of using VB 2010 Express with SQL Server Express in that I don't know if I have a local copy (that isn't then mirrored on the server), or what (the ____ have I got)? An article that explains the overall relation of Database Explorer to the underyling Server would be great as well

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Make Login Form In Vb 2010 Express That Is Link In Database Access 2007?

Jan 2, 2012

The project must have different user and each has username and password will be saved in my database but only the admin can add users.

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Connect To A Database On SQL Server R2 Express From Visual Basic Express?

Nov 1, 2011

Is it possible to connect to a database on SQL Server R2 Express from Visual Basic Express? I am following a set of tutorial videos done in SQL Server 2005, but cannot seem to connect to create the database. I have created the database in SQL Server R2 Express, but cannot connect. Is there a work around?

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XCopy Deployment Of A VB Express App Which Uses A SQL Server Express Database?

May 13, 2005

It's probably just a case of me not looking in the right place or not seeing the obvious, but does anyone know if a machine with just version 2.0 of the .NET Framework should be able to run a VB.NET Express application which accesses a SQL Server Express database file? Or is there an additional requirement for a non-development machine to have some kind of SQL Server Express runtime component in addition to the 2.0 Framework?It seems to be counterintuitive to expect that a VB.NET application would be able to access any kind of SQL Server data without having some kind of SQL Server host component (Express or otherwise) installed. But then again, it seems just as counterintuitive that Microsoft would require the download and installation of the new framework as well as a separate database runtime in order for the average user to run an application with accesses a local SQL Server Express database.To me, it runs contrary to the whole concept of XCopy deployment to require more than just the application's files and .NET Framework for an application to run properly. But nothing I've read so far explicitly indicates that a user would require anything more than the app files and the framework to run an application which accesses SQL Server Express data. But...I can't get any VB Express applications which uses a SQL Server Express databases to run on any machine that doesn't have SQL Server Express installed.What am I missing?(Apologies if this isn't the right group to post this in.

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Unhandled SqlException In VB 2010 Express Thta Does Not Occur In VB 2008 Express?

Oct 16, 2010

I tried to start using VB 2010 Express with a program I originally developed with VB 2005 Express that I moved to VB 2008 Express successfully a couple years ago. It uses a database file (*.mdf) that is on the computer ( not out on a server). When attempt to run the program in debug mode, I get the following error "An attempt to attach an auto-named database for file C:Documents and SettingsTomMy DocumentsQuizzing StuffQuestion Database 2010QuizQuest ionGameQuizQuestionGameinReleaseQuizQuestionDB.mdf failed. A database with the same name exists, or specified file cannot be opened, or it is located on UNC share."

I first made a copy of the entire project folder that was working in VB 2008 Express and gave it a different name. In VB2010 I opened the project in the copied folder and it said it successfully converted the project. I am able to open the Data Source inthe Designer and see the database structure as I expect. I think the project is still using SQL Server 2005 Express (because it is what is checked in the list of prerequisites on the Publish tab).

Note, I have programmed off and on for many years, but fairly new to using databases and SQL Server.

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INSERT Or Update In SQL Server 2008 R2 Express In VB 2010 Express

Jan 21, 2011

I am trying to re write a VB6 program using MS Access, many years ago, using VB 2010 express and SQL server 2008 R2 Express. I have a database with several tables, which I created using the designer. I am able to connect to the database and select data and display it in textboxes etc in vb code. What I have not been able to in code is to INSERT rows DELETE rows or UPDATE any data in the tables. I can do any of these operations using the Query Designer, but I want to do it in code. I can post some code if necessiary, but I thought it might just be some property that I had not set in the designer.


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VB Express 2010 Slower To Compile And Run That Older Versions Of VB Express?

May 12, 2010

Is VB Express 2010 slower to compile and run that older versions of VB Express? I've installed it this weekend and it seems a little sluggish on my quad core computer with 1 gig of RAM. I have VB Express 2005 installed for my students at school and it seems to fly just fine. Those school computers are older P4s with 512k of RAM.

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(VB 2010 Express - Bug In VB 2010 Express Working With Excel?

Jun 3, 2011

Initially my app worked with excel fine, now it causes my computer to reboot only after Excel has been opened (two or more times). I have opened and closed Excel files 20+ times without running thru either of my apps (they all uses identical code for excel) and it has never caused a reboot or a crash.

run either of my apps and have the app control excel has become a crap shoot, it will reboot my computer. Adding to that I then have to do a manual shutdown because the reboot process after is unstable. (System doesn't respond properly). My code in this app is small, should make for a good example. I can provide the entire project to anyone who would volunteer to test it. (First I need to know how to send the project).


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Connecting VB 2010 Express To SQL Server 2008 Express Via IP

Feb 29, 2012

there Dream in Code Community! Im an okay programmer as far as skill right now I am still learning as we all are I need some help from some experienced VB.NET programmers in the community, Here is the scoop: I am trying to make a user account SQL database work with Visual Basic 2008 Express for login purposes, i.e. usernames & passwords.


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Getting Time In VB Express?

Dec 23, 2009

tried inserting a timer in my form but do not know the code to extract the current second and reset the time counter.

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Store Time Date And Time To The Mysql Database?

Jun 24, 2009

Im using and the database is mysql to write a time management system. how i store date and time to the database?

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Date - Time Format When Fetching Data From SQL Express To Datagridview

May 26, 2010

I fetch data from an SQL Express database table named ALARMLOG to a datagridview1. One of the columns of ALARMLOG is "TheTime" which has datetime data type values. This values are in the following format "22/04/2010 13:23:45 PM".When I fetch the data to the datagridview1 I get "22/04/2010 13:23 PM".The problem is that I can't display the seconds in datagridview1. I tried the CORVERT command of SQL in order to convert from datatime to varchar but nothing...


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Windows 7 Run Time Error On Vb Express 2008 - Unable To Start Debugging

Feb 19, 2010

I have a windows 7 computer with vb 2008 express on it. it works really well, except only one thing. when I try to debug an application ( usually windows forms), it produces a run-time error saying: Error while trying to run project; unable to start debugging.

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