Windows 7 Run Time Error On Vb Express 2008 - Unable To Start Debugging

Feb 19, 2010

I have a windows 7 computer with vb 2008 express on it. it works really well, except only one thing. when I try to debug an application ( usually windows forms), it produces a run-time error saying: Error while trying to run project; unable to start debugging.

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IDE :: Error While Trying To Run Project: Unable To Start Debugging

Nov 18, 2008

I am working with visual studio 2008, developing a simple windows form app. in VB. but a very weird situation has presented itself (at least I think its weird).When I try F5 or any other way to start the debugger I get this message:"Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging.The debugger cannot connect to the remote computer. This may bebecause the remote computer does not exist or a firewall may be preventing communication to the remote computer. Please see Helpfor assistance."Needless to say, Help is Helpless.The weird thing about it is that this only appears if my computer is not connected to the home network and only in VB. When I try to debug on any other language it works fine, or if I connect to the network then VB debugs fine. I do not think I am using a remote debugger.

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Net 2003 Unable To Start Debugging

Jul 24, 2009

I have installed .net 2003 in a machine running Vista Ultimate. I have started by writing a simple 'Hello World' code but I get an "Unable to start debugging.."error when I try to start the code.The message tells me that I need to have adminastrative or debugger rights.

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VS 2005 Unable To Start Debugging

May 9, 2009

Whenever I try to debug, I get an error message that says "Error while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging. The binding handle is invalid." How do I fix this? It's happening for every project.

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Printing In Vb Express 2008 - Debugging Of The Code Giving Error?

Dec 1, 2009

I am working in vb express 2008. I got some sample code from the site and tried to implement it as it is. Debugging of the code gave following errors:Error 1 'Protected Overrides Sub Dispose(disposing As Boolean)' has multiple definitions with identical signatures.

C:Documents and SettingsDaLicaRestaurantLocal SettingsApplication DataTemporary ProjectsPrintingForm1.Designer.vb 7 29 Printing


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VB Express 2010 - Start Debugging Won't Work

May 3, 2010

Sometime when I press the run (F5) Start debugging button it does nothing. Often when I have jsut run it and made a quick correction. If left for a while it will then work! Have tried it with simple and complex projects.

Using W7 x64 - never had this problem with VB 2008 express.

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Microsoft VB 2008 Express Edition Error When Attempting To Start A New Project

Aug 27, 2010

I'm, following the tutorial on creating your first program in Visual basic. I'm instructed to start a new project, and select windows form application. When I hit okay I get the following error:"Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Build.Engine, Version, culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."

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DB/Reporting :: Unable To Start UsingSQL Server Express?

Aug 3, 2009

I have been using Access 200 as my database of choice with Visual Basic 2008 Express.I am trying to start usingSQL Server Express but having a difficult time with it. All of the instrctions I have tri9ed seem to be written for someone who already knows the answers. Here's my problem.I wrote a program using Access, with one table and five queries and it works fine. Using that program as a baseI created an SQL Server database within Visual basic. Naturally I changed my code to reflect SQL rather then OLEDB.When I try to run the program I get an error message telling me that the database is not registered. When I use the SQL Server Management Studio Expres, it shows my database by give a big message that the database is not registered.

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Error: Cannot Start Debugging Because The Debug Target Microwave.exe Is Missing

Oct 15, 2011

i am working on a microwave app its very important anyways ill give up what code ive got so far and such but when i try to run it i get this error message: Visual Studio cannot start debugging because the debug target Microwave.exe is missing Please build the project and retry or set the OutputPath and AssemblyName properties appropriately to point at correct location for the target assembly. [Code]

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Project Error: VS Cannot Start Debugging Because The Debug Target .exe Is Missing

Feb 10, 2010

I'm using visual studio express 2008, I wrote my code for a project and then when I tried to debug it I got a few errors but one main one that says this. Visual Studio cannot start debugging because the debug target "".exe is missing Please build the project and retry, or set the output path and assembly names appropriately to point at the correct location of the target assembly. Since this is my first time debugging a program with this particular instance of the program, I am in shock. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

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Why Is VS 2011 ASP.NET Project Giving A 401.2 Error When Debugging With IIS Express 7.5

May 10, 2012

Everything was working just fine...then one time running the debugger and I'm given a 401.2 error from IIS Express 7.5. I created a new project and tested - worked fine. I ensured the web.config and other project settings where identical - still getting the error in the original project!


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Vb 2008 Express Breakpoint Debugging

Jun 4, 2009

When I try to debug my program, it sometimes catches the first breakpoint, but as I step into each step, it just skips and runs the program. Is there some kind of setting that I can make in vb 2008 express that will allow me to see my code step-by-step?

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IDE :: Error With Debugging A Windows Form Application?

Jun 20, 2010

I have windows xp professionalx64 installed on my C:/ drive and windows xp home edition installed on my D:/ drive, i have adminstration priveledges.This is the error i receivedError while trying to run project: Unable to start debugging.Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) failed to start. Verify that the remote debugger is installed.I uninstalled Visual Studio 2008 Professional and reinstalled it

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Unable To Start Process Under Different User Context From Windows Service?

Nov 24, 2010

I have a Windows Service that needs to start other processes under a user context other than that used by the service. I've seen other posts related to this but have seen no resolutionI've tried many things and have been unsuccessful in starting the process from a Windows Service when a username, password is supplied. orking as it's a requirement of our system to do this and it worked fine until recently and only fails on Vista and Windows 7 (works on XP).

The following code is used to start the process.
Dim P As New Process
P.StartInfo.Domain = Domain


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VS 2008 Error - Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs'

Nov 7, 2009

When executing this code I get this error:

Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs'.

Private Sub NoteGrid_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles NoteGrid.CellContentClick


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Using Nero Recode - Error Message - No Installed Debugger Has Just-in-time Debugging Enabled

Apr 1, 2009

When using Nero Recode I get a error message shortly into the program saying:

"An unhandled win32 exception occured in Recode.exe [5580]. Just-in-time debugging this exception failed with the following error: No installed debugger has Just-in-time debugging enabled. In Vision Studio, Just-in-time debugging can be enabled from Tools/options/Debugging/Just-in-time"

As far as i can see it is enabled but I still i get this error message.

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Error Message In Express At Start Up

Jan 13, 2011

When I start a new VB.Net program I am starting to get the following error messages in the myextensions part.

Error 1 Type 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.HideModuleName' is not defined. C:Documents and SettingsxxxDesktopWpfApplication1WpfApplication1My ProjectMyExtensionsMyWpfExtension.vb 10 6 WpfApplication1

Error 2 Type 'ThreadSafeObjectProvider' is not defined. C:Documents and SettingsxxxDesktopWpfApplication1WpfApplication1My rojectMyExtensionsMyWpfExtension.vb 12 35 WpfApplication1

Error 3 Type 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.Devices.Computer' is not defined. C:Documents and SettingsxxxDesktopWpfApplication1WpfApplication1My rojectMyExtensionsMyWpfExtension.vb 12 63 WpfApplication1

Error 5 Type 'Microsoft.VisualBasic.ApplicationServices.User' is not defined. C:Documents and SettingsxxxDesktopWpfApplication1WpfApplication1My rojectMyExtensionsMyWpfExtension.vb 13 59 WpfApplication1

All together there are 17 similar type errors in the part.

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IDE :: 2008 Express: To Step Into Properties - Go To Tools -> Options -> Debugging

Apr 2, 2009

I get this message whenever I'm trying to debug using VB.NET 2008 Express: Step into: Stepping over property 'ReadTnsNames.ClassTnsNames.set_Name'. To step into properties, go to Tools->Options->Debugging and uncheck 'Step over properties and operators (Managed only)'.


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Difference Between Build ,rebuild ,start , Start Without Debugging?

Aug 18, 2007

I am confused with the terms Build ,rebuild ,start , start without debugging in VS.NET.After writing the code what actually we want to do .We have to run directly by pressing F5 key or we have to build the solution .Usually i tried to run the application after coding and if shows any any errors i will fix that and run again .I never used build or rebuild thing .What exactly meant by building the solution .What is meant by rebuild and start without debugging.

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VS 2008 Visual Studio Cannot Start Debugging Because The Debug Target (path) Is Missing

Nov 21, 2009

I get this error every time I try to debug.But, I do not know how to fix it or why it started occurring.

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Debugging - Get An "Unable To Set The Next Statement To This Location" Error?

Dec 28, 2011

I have two debugging issues and I'm not sure what I did to make them occur:

1) I get an "Unable to set the next statement to this location" error when I try to set a new line.

2) Some of my objects don't return their member variable values. I get a "Cannot evaluate expression because we are stopped in a place where garbage collection is impossible, possibly because the code of the current method may be optimized" error when I hover over them or try to expand the object into tree mode.

These two problems must be related. I did a lot of searching about managed code and just-in time debugging but nothing I tried did the trick (even unmanaged code had these errors).

edit: After some more research it seems that #1 only occurs in one specific function (naturally, a very important and large one). This function is located in a module. Problem #2 occurs in all areas of my project.

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[VB2008] Start Time Of The Desktop Windows?

Sep 18, 2010

Knowing the hWnd and the Title of all the desktop windows, I whould like to order them by start time order (them order on the task bar)In your opinion is there an API that gives those data? I can't use the Process.StartTime property because many of these windows have the Process.MainWindowTitle = "" and Process.MainWindowHandle = 0

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Unable To Load VB2010 Express Because Cannot Remove VS2010 Beta (Error 1402)

May 6, 2010

I have been trying to install VB2010 Express, which directs me to uninstall VS2010 Beta. I have been primarily successful in this, but I keep getting error 1402, as follows:Form "Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional Beta 2 Setup - Update Page":

Uninstalling Components:

[completed - check] Microsoft Office Development Tools for Visual Studio 2010 (x64)
[completed - check] Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Professional Beta 2
[pending - double bar] Microsoft Visual Studio Macro Tools


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Starting VB - Caused The Same Error - Every Time Try To Start The Program

Dec 3, 2011

I recently installed Visual Studio 2010 which caused the same error, every time i try to start the program i get this message. i am using windows 7 professional 64bit i only have one user account, and i am the computer administartor. every other program works fine but visual studio programs.

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Start A DOS Application Using VB 2008 Express?

Jul 1, 2009

I am complete newbie to VB express. I have created a simple windows form that opens programs using menus and so on.Works great using the Process.Start on windows apps (word, excel, etc.) but I have some very old programs that run in DOS I am also trying to open that do not work when using the Process.Start method.

I am able to get the command prompt box to open up and in the title bar it shows the path of the .exe program I want to open but the actual program is not opening.


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C# - Detect If Application Start Using A Manual Handling (Pressing An Icon) Or Start When Windows Start?

Feb 28, 2011

I have made my application to start automaticly when windows start (registry ../currentversion/run/appname + path). In this mode the application start minimized and an little icon appear in the notification icon area. With this icon you can maximize the app or exit it.If you exit the app and start it again using the Menu (Start/programs etc) than the application start in minimized mode (and in this case I would like to have it in normal mode) because the setting autostart is still true.Is there a way you can detect when the application start when windows startup using the above registry or when people click on an icon in the programs menu (or desktop)?

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Unable To Connect To A Database From VB Express 2008

Feb 14, 2010

I added a new database using SQL Server Management studio express 2008. I can connect to that database using Web Developer and Visual Studio just fine. But when I try to connect from VB Express 2008 I get an error message "file in use by another program". VB only prompts me for the name of the database, but Web Developer and Visual Studio prompts me for both server instance and database name. I'm sure this is just something simple I'm missing.

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Unable To Use KeyAscii In VB 2008 Express Edition?

Jan 19, 2010

why do the following code does work in VB2008 while it works very well in VB6 or am i missing something...?

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress
if KeyAscii = 13 then
lblTot.text=val(txtQty1.text) * val(lblRate)
End Sub

When running it shows KeyAscii not declared but the same works well in VB6 (the following code)

Private Sub Text1_KeyPress( KeyASCII As Integer)
if KeyAscii = 13 then
blTot.text=val(txtQty1.text) * val(lblRate)


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VS 2010 Unable To Start Specific Command With Process.start

Jun 18, 2011

Here's what I currently have:


I've commented out various things to limit it to specifically this command (example, I can swap mklink out with notepad and it works fine). The command runs fine from a DOS window, but can't be found when I use it this way. I also tried using the SHELL command just to test and I get the same results. No idea why it can't be found, as like I said it executes from the command prompt just fine.

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How To Start MS Sql Server 2008 Installed With Vb Express 2008

Nov 28, 2009

I recently installed vb express 2008 and with that download i also installed Sql server 2008. Earlier i have been working in MS Access so i have no experience in SQL server. My first problem is how to start sql server. I can see only following:

Start>All Programmes>MS SQL server 2008>Configuration Tools, Import and Export Data(32 bit)>SQL server configuration Manager,SQL server Error and Usage Reporting,SQL server Installation Centre. Moreover in Programme Files i have two folders:


how to start to create a database in SQL server with Vb express 2008.

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