Add Username And Password To SOAP Header In Program Web Service Client?
May 13, 2011
I need to query a web service that basic authentication, putting the username and password in the request header. My client is written in VB.NET Visual Basic Express Edition 2010. I've added the web service to the Service References. It has auto-generated the appropriate classes for me. [code]...
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Dec 27, 2011
I wrote a soap service in PHP using nusoap. It works fine with the test client I wrote in PHP, however, our customer wrote his client in and it is not working. There are no errors that I see, but the service is not parsing his requests properly.
I am letting nusoap generate the WSDL, and it looks fine. If I compare a message that I send in to one of his messages, I do see a few differences in the envelope, but I'm not sure if the problem is on my end or his.
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Jun 21, 2010
send a solution for this "update login SET password=@password,username=@username where username=@user"
while executing i got the error"syntax error in update statement "
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Jul 31, 2010
I try to make one application that will first show login form (with textbox for username and password) and when I press login client application send request to server side application that make SQL query (local) and return some values and that values will be listed in main form. I try something with TCP chat source codes but I don't manage what I want.
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Feb 21, 2011
I am trying to develop a program that will allow a user to automatically log into a website with a username and password and click login, which works fine, However after clicking login i am trying to have the pragram click another button to submit a file. This is where the program bombs. This secondclick will work in a separate event but not in the same event as the login.
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Mar 10, 2009
How can I have my program use an online SQL database to check a username and password to login someone to a different part of the program?
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Nov 22, 2010
1) I have a chat Program.
2) To access the Chat Program one has to put in ones Username and password in a Login Form.
3) TextBox1 = Username TextBox2 = Password
4) One clicks the "Log In" button.
5) HERE is the problem. I do not know how to check if the specific username and the password are correct. I have a file called "Users.dat". In there every valid Username(marked with a *) and it's Password(marked with a #) is contained e.g.*Username#Password.
I want my "Log In" program to check if the Username matches one of the usernames and if the username is found in the file, if the password provided is the same as the one standing behind the Username in the file.
6) If both the Username and Password are valid, the Chat Programs shows up.
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Sep 1, 2009
I've been having huge problems having a VB.NET Windows Forms program run as a scheduled task under XP SP3. The program runs when I set the task up to use my non-admin network username and password, I can see the interface fine (albeit without the desired results - the program requires access to remote shares). When I set the task up with the network administrator account credentials, the task is "Running" but I do not see any interface. It doesn't error - it just kind of sits there happily in the background.
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Jul 20, 2011
I've been developing a client that connects to a Webservice using SOAP. This Webservice needs the SOAP message to be signed and have a timestamp.To this point all is possible, using WSE 2.0 SP3 I've able to sign the message and include the Security tag into the SOAP Header and the timestamp tag is included too, as you can see in this sample:
This is what I send
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Jul 15, 2009
I am looking to create a simple password box that will ask the user for a username and pass, if the user is validated against the usernames and passwords in an .ini file the login box will close and launch a program also stated in the .ini file. I would also like to be able to launch different programs for different users.
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Dec 30, 2011
This is related to my question at the below link, however posting on a seperate thread as needed some direction on the error handling part.soap request client to webservice using
How/Where can i get the error "response validation not conforming to wsdl and schema" in my webservice client. I checked the response using the validate response option, within soapui tool. Is there any way to generate the logs related to this, in .net client?There was no exception in my .net client, except the response object was blank, even though i could see the response xml in the trace log.
The below line invokes the webservice. After the excution, tracelog has the request and response xml, however my objresp(response object) is empty. In soapui, i validated the response, it was not conforming to schema.objresponsehead = objProxy.myoperation(objreqheader, objrequest, objresp)
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Jul 19, 2009
Function PostWebservice(ByVal AsmxUrl As String, ByVal SoapActionUrl As String, ByVal XmlBody As String) As String
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Dec 28, 2011
How do I send/Receive SOAP messages usiung .NET I wanted to invoke a webservice, however not like the way shown in the link above.What I did was, created a service reference with the wsdl url(in a windows application with a button click event)
have created a client object
Dim objProxy As MyClient = New MyClient()
I have populated the objrequest and objreqheader using the below methods, (assigning string values and not xml) = "abcd"
Finally the below line invokes the service
objresponsehead = objProxy.myoperation(objreqheader, objrequest, objresp)
From reference vb, this is the myoperation public function
Public Function myoperation(ByVal RequestHeader As AFA.RequestHeaderType, ByVal GetTransactionDetailsReq As AFA.GetTransactionDetailsReqType, <System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute()> ByRef GetTransactionDetailsResp As AFA.GetTransactionDetailsRespType) As AFA.ResponseHeaderType
I checked the property of objProxy, it is having basic http binding as the property. Anyone invoked the service like this? From soapui, the response is fine, after i populate the request fields.How can i enable the trace to see what is the request going and where is the problem.
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Mar 3, 2012
Take the tripservice wsdl from this link In this wsdl, I replaced the from element with the below(added nillable as true and added min length and max length restriction).
The element from xsi:nil="true" is generated, even though i am not touching the element in my code to generate the request. The element is optional as per the wsdl(min occurs = 0). How can i send a request without the from element name, even passed in the request?
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Apr 20, 2012
basically i want to create a login to my program which uses the same username and password as windows login.I already know how to retrieve username and auto place it in the username box using
TextBox1.Text = Environment.UserName.ToString
i wondered is there an easy way to only allow access if the password matches up to their logon? i dont know about setting up databases but i dont think this option would work because each member of staff can personally choose their password.
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Feb 4, 2011
I am new to the wcf services and soap. Kindly give me an example or demo how to generate a soap request and response using wcf services. I need to use for this.
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Jul 27, 2010
I have created a WCF VB.Net Soap service. The service compiles and runs, but at runtime, only half of the variables passed to the function via a soap request are received.
Imports System.ServiceModel
Imports System.ServiceModel.Web
<ServiceContract(Namespace:="")> _
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Sep 13, 2010
I'm building a .NET component that will call an external web service. I used the "Add Service Reference" dialog to add the web service to my component, which generates the code needed to consume the service and adds the settings to the app.config file.I'm testing the component by adding a reference to its DLL from a Console application and calling the appropriate method that creates a new instance of the web service: ... = new MyServiceSoapClient(). However, when I do this, I get the following exception:
Could not find default endpoint element that references contract 'MyServicesSoap' in the ServiceModel client configuration section. This might be because no configuration file was found for your application, or because no endpoint element matching this contract could be found in the client element.This makes sense since the app.config isn't being brought over with the component's DLL. How can I call the web service without having to rely on the settings in the App.Config?
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Apr 14, 2009
I want to send an xml soap request to an existing web service created by outside party. how do i go about doing this and viewing the response.
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Aug 4, 2011
I have a specific problem that I have not yet found an answer to. Basically I need to pass a list of numbers into a function do some math and return them. I can pass one number at a time without a problem, however when I want to pass in an array I start to have issues. My code looks like this...
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Mar 23, 2012
I'm currently working on a VB. Net web service calling another web service running in the mainframe. I was provided with the WSDL file and I generated a proxy class using wsdl.exe. Upon attempting to invoke the method of the mainframe web service using the proxy class, I encountered an exception saying "Conversion from SOAP failed" coming from a line of code in the generated proxy class.
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Jul 28, 2011
I am building a client in for calling webservices methods from a partner organisation.[URL]../ because I can't get it to work using the Web References feature of Visual Studio 2010 (when I try to do that it turns the methods from the WSDL into classes).I have created a proxy class and can instantiate an object of that class no problem.
However, when I try to call a method which requires arguments I get this error:
Unmarshalling Error: unexpected element (uri:"", local:"key"). Expected elements are <{}key>,<{}login>,<{}pwd> Does anyone have any idea why this might be? (If it's helpful I can post my code and the location of the WSDL.) (P.S. I can get the whole thing to work fine in PHP using ZF Soap classes, but for various reasons I need to get it to work using .Net)
Edit to add: I have used Wireshark to examine the outgoing and incoming SOAP message to compare them with the messages being sent via SoapUI, where it all works fine.What this has shown is that my VB client is sending a message where the namespace of the web service I am trying to access is declared as an attribute of the method, and not in the soap:envelope attributes.
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Sep 27, 2010
I had a problem getting a VB.NET web service client to receive the response object from a Java web service.In the process of posting this question someone from another department volunteered some code written for a similar situation.I couldn't find this anywhere on the net so I'm completing my question to help others out.[code]The web service is Apache CXF with some Spring elements mixed in.
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Mar 17, 2010
Public Class LoginForm1
' TODO: Insert code to perform custom authentication using the provided username and password
' (See
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Sep 24, 2011
While a web page -which needs login- is opened in my browser, if I close browser and re-open, I have to write username password again. But, sometimes when I close browser and re-open for the same page, it isn't needed username and password again? Is it about Session, Cookie? If yes, why are there different conditions?
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Nov 24, 2010
1. i need to connect to a active Directory through different credentials. I want to have two textboxes like Username and Password. The User should provide these two information + the domainname and i connect then to the ad
2. How to check if the connection was successfull?
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Mar 8, 2012
I'm making a program that requires FTP access. I need to encrypt the password/username so no one will be able to decompile it and gain access to my FTP account.
how to encrypt strings? I've gone through google, but I'm not looking for a 5 page essay.
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Nov 5, 2010
i am trying to do a for loop to give the user 3 trys to get the login username and password right. the username is User and the Password is VB. the code i got so far is a if function Private Sub btnLogin_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLogin.Click
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May 20, 2009
How do i set username and password, and how do i make a function that makes it aviable to change the password and the username from the program??
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Mar 17, 2010
i have a problem when adding username in my registration form..registering same username is allowed in my program..i dont want to allowed this. How can i make it using SQL..if the username exist dialog box will appear that the username exist
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