Adding Empty Rows?

Jan 3, 2011

I need to give the user an ability to add rows. i can't figure out what control to use to accomplish this. for example

first row with empty text boxes is always visible:
[first name] [last name] [middle name]
add more button


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Delete (almost) Empty Excel Rows?

May 27, 2009

I'am new in the VB world, and should translate excel sheets into new sheets.I'am using Visual Studio 2008 (with VB .net I think) and I'am trying to tackle empty rows deletion.Maybe an additional problem is, that some columns having a space (visualy the row is empty and should be deleted).[code]...

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Dataset Rows Count Empty, But Table Is Not?

Apr 8, 2010


Gives 0, why?

The table has data!

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C# - Retrieve Not Empty Rows In First Column Of Excel Sheet

Feb 4, 2011

My requirement is to read all rows of an excel-sheet in first column that are not empty, are numeric and have a length between 15 and 20.

For example:

This column might have a header that is not numeric and there might be empty rows. This would cause an exception when importing them via SqlBulkCopy. So i want to prefilter the correct rows via OleDbCommand.

What I have tried so far is following(C# is also appreciated):
Using connection As New OleDbConnection(sExcelConnectionString)
Dim schemaTable As DataTable = _
connection.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, _
New Object() {Nothing, Nothing, Nothing, "TABLE"})
[Code] .....

But this throws an exception if there are empty rows or the format of the value is incorrect. So my question is: How to restrict the rows of OleDbCommand to:
Get only first column of every worksheet
All values that are numeric
Skip empty values
Ideally only the values with a length between 15 and 20

Any way how to skip the empty rows, Or do I have to to select the whole datatable? I hoped it would be possible to do that only with one query because of performance reasons.

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Iterating A WMPLib.IWMPPlaylist Displays Empty Rows In VB 2010 Express?

Oct 1, 2010

When I iterate the media items in a Windows Media Player playlist and set the properties of a user-defined class to the attributes of a media item, the first n rows of the playlist are populated with useful information; however, the remaining rows are empty. If I perform the same operation but access the media items directly (e.g., display the attributes to the console window) then all items in the playlist are populated properly.

Here is an example of the output showing the condition:

Inserting song "The Arrest" from album "Jesus Christ Superstar [MCA Original Cast Recording] Disc 2" into database...
Inserting song "Peter's Denial" from album "Jesus Christ Superstar [MCA Original Cast Recording] Disc 2" into database...
Inserting song "Pilate and Christ" from album "Jesus Christ Superstar [MCA Original Cast Recording] Disc 2" into database...


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Set The Column Width And Leave The Top 10 Rows Empty In Order To Insert An Image Into Excel Report?

Sep 3, 2009

How can I set the column width and leave the top 10 rows empty in order to insert an image into my Excel report?

Here is my code:

If ComDset.Tables(0).Rows.Count > 0 Then
With Excel


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Adding DataGridViewRow Manually Causes Empty Cells?

Jan 6, 2012

This works:

DataGridView.Rows.Add("Bla Bla Bla", value1, value2)

But if I do:

Dim newrow As New DataGridViewRow
newrow.SetValues("Bla Bla Bla", value1, value2)
If Not value1.Equals(value2) Then


the entire row is empty.

Why is the row full of empty cells?

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Form Is Adding New Rows In Database But The New Rows Do Not Contain The Form Data?

Aug 16, 2010

I have a form that i want to be saved to my database. The form is adding a new record to my sql server 2005 database but it is not bringing the text over with it. The new record in my db is just an empty row. Here is my code.Add to database section ( i have removed the connectionstring for privacy reasons)

<%@ Page aspcompat="true" Debug="true" %>
<title>Form to database</title>


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Adding An Empty Row To A Databound Listbox Using Linq2SQL And Winforms?

Sep 28, 2011

what is the most robust method for adding a empty row (to select "nothing") to a ListBox?

Dim List = Enumerable.Repeat(New TABLE With {.Text = "", .ID = -1}, 1).AsQueryable().Union(From t In mainctx.TABLEs)
ddlMangelKategorie.DisplayMember = "Text"
ddlMangelKategorie.ValueMember = "ID"
ddlMangelKategorie.DataSource = List.ToList

But this has some drawbacks:wordy must explicit write the Type (TABLE in this case), so i cant wrap this in a function have not found an solution, which works with anonymous types I.e. if I add a From t In mainctx.TABLEs Select Text=col1, id=col2 to the query, this method does not work anymore.

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Adding An Empty, Hidden, Button As The Last Item On The Tabindex ?

Oct 19, 2010

I have a calculator like program which has a function to export a string ('StringBuild') to notepad .The process start OK but it has a funny problem. When I run Process.Start it also keept running a sub that I had linked to one of the calculator buttons.I played around with the code but now it runs a hyperlink that I have on the calculator. I even tried adding an empty, hidden, button as the last item on the tabindex to see if that would work but it hasn't.


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Enable Tab Out From Empty Texbox When Adding New Data In VB 2010?

Jan 27, 2012

I am using visual studio 2010, service-based database. I created a simple table and created an edit form for that table. But when I save a row and then clear the text of a textbox (which holds a decimal value), it simply does not let me tab off the text box or save it. I put a ErrorProvider to see whats going on. It says "Input string was not in correct format". But I allowed this column to be null in my table. So how do I fix this error. And by the way, it does not happen for all text boxes.

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Adding Rows To A ListView?

Aug 11, 2010

I have tried reading the documentation and can't find a good example of how to add rows to a 5-column unboudn listview. I manually added the 5 columns thru the designer. I'm getting an error on the highlighted line of code. See attached screenshot.

Private Sub LoadComponentGrid()
Dim lvItem As New ListViewItem


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Adding Space Between Two Rows?

Jun 12, 2009

I am generating the Table at runtime dynamically ,how can i add the space between the two rows..

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DataGridView - Adding Rows & More

Jul 7, 2009

I am trying to code a DGV that can insert(update when row exists) and delete records. I use Visual Studio 2005, and code in VB.NET. I am using a MS SQL Database. Some pages i have tried but are either lacking in detail or what i need:


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Adding Additional Rows Of Data?

Jul 2, 2009

I'm am very new to, I have coded in VBA.I have created a form that will open Microsoft Excel, add header text to the columns, and insert the text from a few of the controls located on my form ("not finished adding controls") when I click the Submit button.

My problem is that when I enter different data into those controls and click the submit button again, I get a new Excel Workbook with the new data.I need the new data the be submitted to the .Activecell.Offset(1,0) of the already open workbook.Ultimate Goal of Submit button is to open new Excel workbook, Enter multiple rows of data via Visual Basic Form.


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Adding Multiple Rows To DataGridView?

Jun 3, 2009

I am trying to Add multiple rows to a datagridview using the below code, but at the moment it only adds 1 row and when i click add again it overwrites the previous entry and not add a second row:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim dt As New DataTable()
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Make", GetType(String)))
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Model", GetType(String)))
[Code] .....
How do I manage to append the previous entry in the datagridview so multiple rows get added?

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Adding Multiple Rows To Dataset?

Jun 21, 2010

I have a piece of code that works for adding multiple rows to a dataset but I think that it is a lot of code and thought maybe someone may know a better way of doing it. I need to add rows to the dataset based on the selection of a combo box. ie if the user selects 15 the the program adds 15 rows to the dataset.

Case cboQty.SelectedItem = 3
Dim dr As DataRow


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Adding Rows To A DataGridView Dynamically?

Apr 26, 2012

VB.NET 4.0 framework Windows Forms Application. So I have a DataGridView that I have dropped on my form in designer, set all the columns to readOnly, AllowUserToAddRows = FalseAllowUserToDeleteRows = False. Now for the part where it the code is going bad at.

My function Looks Like this:
Private Sub fill_items()
Dim prop As List(Of property_info) = db.property_info.ToList


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Arrays And Adding Rows In A Datagridview?

Sep 4, 2009

I have an unbound datagridview, the datagridviews columns count may very depending on how many are needed like so

For i = 1 To myColumn
Dim RP As DataGridViewColumn = New DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn
RP.AutoSizeMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnMode.None


The problem with this is that it puts everything in the first column instead of each column.

What I was trying was to have it place each value into its own column.

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DataGridView : Adding Rows Manually?

Sep 17, 2007

I'm adding rows to a DataGridView via the following function, passing in one or more DataTables.The DataGrid is not aware what column(s) are coming back, but appears to build the column names okay.It's when it adds the individual cells (highlighted) that I get the following message:

ArgumentOutOfRangeException was unhandledSpecified argument was out of the range of valid values.Parameter name: rowIndex

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DataGridView Adding Rows Manually?

Sep 11, 2011

I'm adding rows to a DataGridView via the following function, passing in one or more DataTables.The DataGrid is not aware what column(s) are coming back, but appears to build the column names okay.

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Datagriview Rows And Columns Adding

Feb 20, 2012

[Code] The code in above had already create rows and columns(row=20,column=8),and all data have already insert into datagridview1 when i click button1. Now i want insert data again when i click button2. Because the datagriview have already create rows and columns. In button 2, i don't want create again rows and columns, i just want insert 10 rows data into datagriview1. Which part that i need to eliminate?

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DataGridView - Nonvisible Rows Are Still Visible And The DataGridView Is Empty Despite Having A DataSource

Jul 30, 2009

I have several problems with rows in a DataGridView. Background information: The DataGridView (DataGridViewCalib) is in one TabPage of a TabControl, some columns of the DataGridView are automatically DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn as the DataSource have some colums which are Boolean. This is a Windows Form written in VB.Net with Visual Studio 2008. The user loads an input data file.

The problems:

1) At first arrival in the TabPage, ShowDataGridViewCalib (code below) is called. All rows are then shown in the DataGridView, despite the code saying that some rows should not be visible. Breakpoints in the code show that the code do arrive at the Rows.Visible = False events. Despite all rows beeing shown a Watch in the debugger shows that:


There are two alternative ways of handling the rows in the code. The first attempt (commented away here) is probably the "nicest".

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Adding Few Rows To The Database Using Some Stored Procedure?

Jun 2, 2011

I am using visual basic express 2008 . and i am adding few rows to the database using some stored procedure. it is working fine. after adding the row i am displaying in a grid using dataset . fine.but when i close the program and reopen the program i can't see any rows in the database..

I don't know the problem.this is my code to create a procedure.

@SName varchar(50),
@DOJ date,


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Adding Rows Based On ChidNodes In DataGridView?

Mar 16, 2011

Present i am working on TreeView and Datagridview in VB.NET 2008. In the Treeview one of Node if i will expand, corresponding number of ChildNodes, i want to create same number of rows on the DataGridview.

Assume my treeview Control Nodes and ChildNodes like below.



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Adding Two Rows In Data Grid View?

Sep 11, 2011

What could be the code if I want to add the value in the 1st row and 2nd row. I want the total to be displayed in Label1.text. I'm just a beginner in Datagridview.Anyway, I didn't put the code because this is just a very small portion of the program that I am creating.

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Exception Was Thrown When Adding New Rows To Datatable?

Aug 20, 2010

listA is list of integerdtListB is DataTableI'm checking that if StudentId of ListA doesn't exist in dtListB, then add it to the dtListB.

Dim stidListA, stIdListB As Integer
For Each la In listA
stidListA = la.StudentId


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SQL Server 2005 Slows Down As I Keep Adding Rows

Dec 31, 2009

As a preface, I am brand new to using SQL Server 2005; I know how to use the SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT commands and that's about it. I am also using Express Edition on my local PC (E8400 processor, 8GB of DDR2-800, 2 x 640GB SATA-II HDD in RAID 1)

I have a table that I set up with 8 columns, all are NVARCHAR(Max) and I allow Null. I know in concept what a primary key is, but I don't have one (nor do I know how to set one up).

My VB.NET program that I'm working on is downloading a historical stock price chart from Yahoo, for every single ticker symbol in existence. The first 50,000 rows or so I added was super fast. Then I went to bed, and when I woke up it was still running - but the rate of row additions has slowed waaaaaay down; I noticed this around row 300,000. I always expected the rate of row addition to be constant over time, but obviously this is not so!

From browsing other Stack Overflow questions, I suspect my slow down is related to my piss-poor table setup. If this is the case, where should I begin first to fix this, and are there any good resources I could read up on to get started? I'm hoping this is something simple I can fix [code]....

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VS 2005 Adding New Rows Using Add / Update Method

Nov 3, 2010

I created a reporting utility for my users to view, send (via email), export SSRS reports. I have set up date parameter boxes with calendar drop down and they are able to send via email a URL link that would either display the report via ReportViewer or send a link that would let then view the report in Excel or PDF. This is working just fine. Now I just added a button for adding new email addresses and a new windows form with a textbox for entering the email address and a command button for Save Email Address. I get an error msg Quote: Objects added to a BindingSource's list must all be of the same type.[code]

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VS 2005 DataGridView - Intercepting The Adding Of Rows

May 10, 2010

I see the DataGridView control has a property "AllowUserToAddRows" that I can turn on or off but what if I want the ability to be context dependent. i.e. I want an event that will fire when the user attempts to add a row in which I can cancel if certain conditions aren't met but I can't find an appropriate event.

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