Adding A MonthControl Programmatically?

Apr 26, 2010

how I can add a Month control to appear in the centre screen when I click a button?

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Adding Programmatically A Control On Top Of Others?

Dec 14, 2011

I'm looking for adding a control on top of others controls during runtime.

I read that the only way of playing with the Z-Order of controls is by playing with the order of the controls inside the Form.Controls Collection. I find this solution very weird and weak and I'm looking for an alternative.

Does anyone has an idea? I just want to make some kind of modal dialog that'll show below another user control to notice the user that the user control is currently doing something.

Edit: I tried using Control.BringToFront() but it doesn't work at all.

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Adding A Datatable To A Database Programmatically .NET?

Oct 31, 2010

I am trying to add a datatable to a database. Here's what I've been trying:

Dim newDataTable As DataTable = New DataTable("Example")

I've tried various incarnations of Fill and Update. But the tables will not save on the database!

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Adding ControlChars To ComboBox Programmatically?

Aug 21, 2009

Is there a way to loop through each constant in the ControlChars module programatically? I want to add each of the enumerated control characters to a combobox control.

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Adding Controls To A Panel Programmatically?

Jul 10, 2010

I'm trying to add a group of four radio buttons to a form. There are other radio buttons so I'm grouping them by placing them on a Panel. However using the below I just get the panel added to the form without the radio buttons... Am I doing something wrong here?

Dim arrRButton(3) As RadioButton
arrRButton(0) = New RadioButton
arrRButton(1) = New RadioButton


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Adding ListView To New Tabpage Programmatically

May 31, 2011

I have an MDI application, say name of MDI is MDIParent. From form1 I am adding new tab pages to form2. In the first tab of form2 I have generated a ListView by calling a ListViewCreate() function in Load event of form2. I am not able to generate ListView for the new tabs. I tried calling the ListViewCreate() while adding newtab. But, it is not creating listview nor throwing any error.

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Adding Printers Port Programmatically

Feb 2, 2009

I have been attempting to do this in so many ways. I have tried using rundll32 printui.dll, PrintUIEntry and for some reason it stops working on vista. I have no clue why. It wont even try to work with HP printers using the inf file. What is the best way to add a LPR port printer programmatically? I can create the LPR port with NO issue what so ever.

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Programmatically Adding A TextBox Control?

Feb 16, 2009

I am adding a TextBox to my page programatically via a PlaceHolder Control. However when I set the TextMode value to MultiLine I get this error:System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format.

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Programmatically Adding New Row To Bottom Of DataGridView?

Apr 9, 2009

I have a unbound datagridview for which i want to add a new row at the bottom when a user selects a value in the 2nd column of a 9 column DGV. The issue is that i have a default value (0.00) programmically entered into the last row once this 2nd column value is entered. When i call DGV.rows.add() it places the new row at teh top, but when the user enters or changes the last coulmn value then a new row is added at the bottom. I want my programmically added row to be at the bottom and have not found a way of doing this.

PS. What is the logic behind this different behavior on adding rows?

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Adding And Updating A Record Programmatically Using .NETCF

Apr 22, 2009

OK - I have worded this search 40 different ways and I seem to be lost here. Every example I find seems so happy that you can easily drag and drop a datagrid and let the user fill it in -- then they stop! I know how to do everything I am asking through LINQ. That obviously won't translate here. I really should have learned ADO.NET first, then LINQ, but NOoooo... I need to know how to do the following in .NETCF (Windows Mobile 5) using a SQL CE database on the device.

Add a new record and populate some or all of the fields with data I supply. I don't need to add a record to a datagrid - sometimes the user will not even see the record. How do I add a new record -- put data into it and save it? For example: Create a new delivery record, say, and have the program store the date in one field and a number in another field. Search for a record, then update data in it. Again, using LINQ I can do this easily -- I cannot for the life of me find any examples of doing it without it.
I can find lots of examples of populating a grid of databound fields, letting the user make changes then saving it out. I don't need to do that. Say I need to search for the one record that meets a criteria (customerID=10 and orderID=1234), then when (if) that record is found, update a field in it.

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Adding To Sharepoint 2010 List Programmatically?

Oct 7, 2011

I am trying to create a new item in a sharepoint list. Not getting any error messages but the item does not appear in the list.

Here is my code:

'Declare and initialize Lists Web service.
Dim listService As New Lists()


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Removing, Adding, And Referencing ToolStripMenuItems Programmatically?

Dec 10, 2009

I'm trying to use a split button from a tool strip to add and remove selected items in a listview.Users click the button to add the selected item which appears in the split button drop down menu as checked.The drop down menu has three items at any one time, each with a default value of <none> - this is replaced with the text from the listview when an item is added.When users click the item from the drop down, the item is unchecked and the text returns to <none>.

The drop down should populate from the top down so if a user removes item 1 or 2, the items below would appear to be moved up with the 3rd item now showing <none>.


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DataGridView / Data Source (Adding New Row Programmatically) + Custom Control 'setting?

Jul 30, 2010

1. I have a DataGridView box, that is connected to a MySQL database via the 'Data Source'. I am trying to do the datagridview1.rows.add("info here"), however i receive an error i cannot do this programmatically. I DO know the code to post to MySQL via the "insert into" la la la.However, I was curious if I can do this via the datagridview a bit..easier/simpler, such as a "datagridview1.rows.add(stuff)" sorta thing.

2. I am attempting to make a custom control, and as with ANY control, they have their.. settings. Example, a textbox, or label, has so you can set the Text. and color, etc.Others, have it (such as datagridview) have the little icon on the control itself, where you click it, and it opens a small window with settings.

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Internet Explorer - Programmatically Adding A Site To The Allowed Sites Of The IE Pop-up Blocker

Jun 16, 2010

A few more details. I need to programmatically (Winforms, VB.NET) check if a site is in the Allowed Sites list of the IE Pop-Up Blocker (IE 7 and 8 and Windows XP, Vista and 7) and if not, add it. The application is fully trusted and I don't want to disable the Pop-Up blocker entirely. To clarify some things, this is for a web-automation application with several users across 3 countries. I want to avoid receiving tons of emails and explaining each time how to add the website to the Allowed Sites manually. Also, some of the users have Google Toolbar installed, which also has a Popup Blocker creating trouble to my app. Can this also be done programmatically?

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Word 2007 Adding Adding Values To Combo List Box

Jun 7, 2011

I am trying to create a simple Word doc that when the user presses the button it takes the information in the boxes and tosses it into a template style paragraph. But my issue is that I have two combo list boxes as seen in the picture. I want to have two values in the drop down list as seen in the labels next to them but for the life of me I can't figure out how to do this in Word 2007. In Visual Studio this is much easier but I am work and need to snap this out for the folks at work. Is there an option that I can choose in the properties where I type in the values for each drop down or do I have to add them in at run time?

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VS 2010 Adding Unique Tag After Adding Component

May 4, 2012

I'm adding labels at runtime to my form with a tag. Let's say I have 3 labels with the tags, "1", "2" and "3". I'm adding the tags by counting the labels + 1. When I remove a label with tag "2" from the form there are only 2 left. When I add a new label it will add a new tag "3", but that one already exist. So my "solution" isn't a very good one Although tag "2" is free, I want to give it "4". Any thoughts on how to code this properly?

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How To Go To A Tab Programmatically

Nov 12, 2010

I have a few tabs in my form. On each tab the user has to enter some information like selecting a time. If the user exits the form but the first time is bigger than the second one, then I want it to display a message and stay on the first tab. The code I currently have is this:[code]Perhaps it's the deceleration that I may need to change from Leave to something else.

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.net - Insert A <br /> Tag Programmatically?

Apr 28, 2009

I'm trying to dynamically add results to this display and I simply want to put a break tag after a label to start putting information on the next line. For some reason, Using a literal isn't working for me. Is there a better way to do this or should I just use tables?

Dim break As LiteralControl
break = New LiteralControl("<br />")

That's part of the code that I'm attempting to use.

Let me clarify what I said:

It's not working as in the line break isn't showing up on the webpage. It's compiling fine and there is nothing wrong with the code. It just doesn't show up in the html for some odd reason.

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Add Row To Datagridview Programmatically?

Apr 2, 2010

I want to add row to datagridview programmatically with this [code]...

the error i get is : Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound.

the datagrid is not data-bound. i used the same code in another form and it's working.

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C# :: How To Create GPO Programmatically

Apr 4, 2012

I need to deploy my application via group policy. I found some information on how to do this here

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How To Convert Vb6 To Programmatically

Oct 15, 2010

Visual Studio comes with Wizard that converts vb6 code to Is there are any way to call this conversion via code?

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How To Run Notepad Programmatically

Jul 9, 2009

Below is the code I am using to attempt to schedule notepad to edit a file. It gives me a system exception saying it cannot find the file I passed it (CityNames.txt). If I take the file name out, notepad comes up ready to go. What am I doing wrong and is there a better way to do this? I am using VS 2005 VB.Net

otepad.exe C:Program FilesDropMasterCityNames.txt")

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IDE :: How To Add A Row Or Set Cell Programmatically

Feb 6, 2012

In Vb 2008,DataGridView Witout Datasource Link......

Sub DataGridView1_CellEnter(ByVal sender
As Object,


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Log In To Programmatically

Dec 14, 2009

I can't figure out how to log in to the website in the title and retrieve the amount of points the user has.

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Programmatically Select A Tab?

Jul 18, 2010

got myself a bit stuck here

Private Sub tbMisconfig_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tbMisconfig.Click
Dim SelectedTabName As String = tbMisconfig.SelectedTab.Name


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Programmatically Use A UserControl?

Feb 3, 2011

Have actually managed to create a UserControl complete with buttons, windows media player ... Right-Clicking in the toolbox I browsed to the dll and that brought the control into the toolbox successfully as VideoSourceControl.I can drag/drop this control onto the form and it is fine, buttons etc looking good. Now I want to create it programmatically - I actually want to refer to an array of them.On the form load I have

Public mySources() as SourceVideoControl and I get an error saying that 'SourceVideoControl is not defined'The dll that I loaded was called VideoMixerControl.dll?

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Set A Tooltip Programmatically?

Nov 24, 2009

Is there a way to programmatically change a tool tip once it has been set in the IDE properties or in other words, at run time? I want to change the tool tip data for each customer that is selected in a combo box.

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Trying To Add Textbox Programmatically?

May 21, 2011

Why is this code not working?


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.net - Close BalloonTip Programmatically?

Mar 15, 2011

I have a Tray icon in my application. I am showing the balloon tip for 20 seconds, when I am loading something in the background. But, if the background load gets completed early, say in 10 seconds, I would like to hide the balloon tip. Currently the only way to hide the balloon tip is to click the close icon in the balloon tip.


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.net - Programmatically Moving The Mouse?

Oct 5, 2009

how can I move the cursor using code in I can't seem to find the proper method....

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