.net - Insert A <br /> Tag Programmatically?

Apr 28, 2009

I'm trying to dynamically add results to this display and I simply want to put a break tag after a label to start putting information on the next line. For some reason, Using a literal isn't working for me. Is there a better way to do this or should I just use tables?

Dim break As LiteralControl
break = New LiteralControl("<br />")

That's part of the code that I'm attempting to use.

Let me clarify what I said:

It's not working as in the line break isn't showing up on the webpage. It's compiling fine and there is nothing wrong with the code. It just doesn't show up in the html for some odd reason.

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Insert Database And Table Name In SQL Programmatically?

Jul 18, 2011

i try to make SQL programmatically but in this site [URL] i can create the database and table name how to rename its from program ?this is my source code

Public Class Form1
Private ConnectionString As String = "Integrated Security=SSPI;" + "Initial Catalog=;" + "Data Source=johnson;"
Private reader As SqlClient.SqlDataReader = Nothing


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Insert XML Child Node Programmatically?

Aug 11, 2009

I have what seems to be a simple problem for which I can't find a simple answer. I have an XML file something like this:


I would like to write a small visual basic .net 2008 snippet that will allow me to insert a new child node as the first node in the parent (or maybe insert it at any point within the parent) so that I now have


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Insert Text In Word Document Programmatically?

Nov 17, 2009

I want to add text which i will read from a database to be copied on the current word instance. i am coding in vb.net.

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Insert Programmatically Datetime Value Inside Datagrid Cell?

Apr 3, 2009

i have datagrid bind to datatime that has one coloumn datetimeI want that user press space bar inside datagrid cell and i want insert current datetimei try so

If e.KeyCode = Keys.Space Then
dgrdVisite.Item(dgrdVisite.CurrentRowIndex, 4) = DBNull.Value
dgrdVisite.Item(dgrdVisite.CurrentRowIndex, 4) = Now.Date.ToShortDateString


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Insert To Sql Via OLEDB Connection - Including (already Accomplished Image Insert Directly Into The DB)?

Aug 20, 2009

im trying to write to an sql database. im inserting an image, as well as some other information. I am using the following code which works fine, as long as i do not add an extra column/variable "LOCATION" in to the mix and leave "

'Cmd.Parameters.Add("@LOCATION", OleDb.OleDbType., 3).Value = "testing"

commented out. *this is undesireable as im trying to add extra criteria to be saved like LOCATION.

Dim st As New FileStream("\serverfolder1storage" & "pdftemplate.jpg", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)
Dim mbr As BinaryReader = New BinaryReader(st)
Dim buffer(st.Length) As Byte


i am trying to store the location e.g "c:file1.jpg" in the sql db. Can anyone reccomend a solution to this using OLEDB? ideally i need to add approx 4 more variables. e,g


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Insert Statment "Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

Mar 30, 2009

Im getting an error with my insert statment "Syntax Error in INSERT INTO statement". I do not understand why. Im using global variables from form 1 and using them in form2 and trying to insert them from form2 into the database.


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Insert Command Dont Insert Into Database?

Dec 18, 2010

could someone tell me what i am doing wrong in this codeProtected Sub insert_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Insert.Click


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Insert Into SQL Database With Tableadapter.insert Not Working

Mar 3, 2009

Visual Studio 2008VB.NETFramework 3.5Windows Application

I have a SQL database names TestSQLVB

In it a table called tblTest2, with a three fieldstest2id , int, pk, increment by 1field1, varchar(50)field2, varchar(50)

I have a dataset named Dataset2.xsd

A tableadapter named tblTest2TableAdapter

A insert query names InsertTest2 with fields @f1, @f2 and ExecuteMode = Scalar

When I run the following code per MSDN [URL] the database does not get updated.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim testds As New DataSet2TableAdapters.tbltest2TableAdaptertestds.InsertTest2("One", "Dog")
End Sub

View 5 Replies

INSERT Query - Insert Data To Database?

Jun 22, 2010

im in the middle of doing sql queries i can search my data base usingGetDateFrom (Select, from, where) Me.nameTableAdapter.FillBy(namenDataSet.descip, Me.box1TextBox.Text,Me.box1TextBox.Text, Me.box2TextBox.Text, Me.box2TextBox.Text)i have this working fine im struggling with inderting data to my databse i have made the query ..

INSERT INTO `details` (`Forename`, `Surname`, `Username`, `Password`)
VALUES (''& ForenameTextBox.Text &'', ''& SunameTextBox.Text &'', ''& UsernameTextBox &'', ''& PasswordTextBox &'')


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Insert Some Data Into A Table With The Insert Function?

Aug 2, 2009

I have run into a problem. When I insert some data into a table with the Insert Function, I want it to return to me Id key.Say a table is like this


If I run


Insert Into [table](Product, Quantaty)Values(Cd, 3)

I want it to return to me the value of the ProductId so that I can use it, is this possible?

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Insert An Additional Row On Insert Into SQL Table?

Jun 28, 2010

I have a csv file that I need to import into a sql table, this portion is working correctly. The code grabs the data, displays it in a datagridview and then imports it into the sql table. What I need to do is add an additional field that will automatically number itself by the amount of rows inserted at that perticaular moment. Let me explain a little clearer. The data I grab from the csv file is a day snapshot broken down to the hour. So lets use todays date 6/28/2010 will be broken down in the csv file like this:



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Insert Data With Insert Command?

Feb 3, 2012

I am developing vb.net windows application. I am trying to insert data with insert command.I am getting the insert data as long as the application is running. But when i close the application and reopen again the inserted data was not in the access database and i am getting no result. what is the problem, is it in code? i am using like

strsql=" Insert into table(col1,col2) values(val1,val2)"
selectCommand as new oledb.command(strsql,strConn)

Not inserting in the database but showing in application. how?

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Insert Doesn't Insert To Database?

Oct 15, 2011

why my insert doesn't insert into mysql database


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Cannot Insert New Row To .mdb Access Database, "Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement" Occurs

Feb 20, 2011

here is my code so far:

Public Sub cmdSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSave.Click
Dim i As Integer


when i click the button, i get a error message saying "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement". as far as i can tell, i have everything i need to insert a new row into the database, and i dont see why this problem is occuring.

item(0) is an autonumber key field, so that should make a new record by itself, and i have declared the input textboxes as the data() array

View 11 Replies

How To Go To A Tab Programmatically

Nov 12, 2010

I have a few tabs in my form. On each tab the user has to enter some information like selecting a time. If the user exits the form but the first time is bigger than the second one, then I want it to display a message and stay on the first tab. The code I currently have is this:[code]Perhaps it's the deceleration that I may need to change from Leave to something else.

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Add Row To Datagridview Programmatically?

Apr 2, 2010

I want to add row to datagridview programmatically with this [code]...

the error i get is : Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView's rows collection when the control is data-bound.

the datagrid is not data-bound. i used the same code in another form and it's working.

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C# :: How To Create GPO Programmatically

Apr 4, 2012

I need to deploy my vb.net application via group policy. I found some information on how to do this here

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How To Convert Vb6 To Programmatically

Oct 15, 2010

Visual Studio comes with Wizard that converts vb6 code to vb.net. Is there are any way to call this conversion via code?

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How To Run Notepad Programmatically

Jul 9, 2009

Below is the code I am using to attempt to schedule notepad to edit a file. It gives me a system exception saying it cannot find the file I passed it (CityNames.txt). If I take the file name out, notepad comes up ready to go. What am I doing wrong and is there a better way to do this? I am using VS 2005 VB.Net

otepad.exe C:Program FilesDropMasterCityNames.txt")

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IDE :: How To Add A Row Or Set Cell Programmatically

Feb 6, 2012

In Vb 2008,DataGridView Witout Datasource Link......

Sub DataGridView1_CellEnter(ByVal sender
As Object,


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Log In To Lockerz.com Programmatically

Dec 14, 2009

I can't figure out how to log in to the website in the title and retrieve the amount of points the user has.

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Programmatically Select A Tab?

Jul 18, 2010

got myself a bit stuck here

Private Sub tbMisconfig_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tbMisconfig.Click
Dim SelectedTabName As String = tbMisconfig.SelectedTab.Name


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Programmatically Use A UserControl?

Feb 3, 2011

Have actually managed to create a UserControl complete with buttons, windows media player ... Right-Clicking in the toolbox I browsed to the dll and that brought the control into the toolbox successfully as VideoSourceControl.I can drag/drop this control onto the form and it is fine, buttons etc looking good. Now I want to create it programmatically - I actually want to refer to an array of them.On the form load I have

Public mySources() as SourceVideoControl and I get an error saying that 'SourceVideoControl is not defined'The dll that I loaded was called VideoMixerControl.dll?

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Set A Tooltip Programmatically?

Nov 24, 2009

Is there a way to programmatically change a tool tip once it has been set in the IDE properties or in other words, at run time? I want to change the tool tip data for each customer that is selected in a combo box.

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Trying To Add Textbox Programmatically?

May 21, 2011

Why is this code not working?


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.net - Close BalloonTip Programmatically?

Mar 15, 2011

I have a Tray icon in my application. I am showing the balloon tip for 20 seconds, when I am loading something in the background. But, if the background load gets completed early, say in 10 seconds, I would like to hide the balloon tip. Currently the only way to hide the balloon tip is to click the close icon in the balloon tip.


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.net - Programmatically Moving The Mouse?

Oct 5, 2009

how can I move the cursor using code in vb.net? I can't seem to find the proper method....

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.net Programmatically Creating Controls?

Jan 7, 2012

It seems that when I'm online the following code I see is used interchangeably:

Dim x As Button
Dim y As New Button()

or even

Dim z As New System.Windows.Forms.Button()

Does it matter how I declare the variable?

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Accessing Images Programmatically In Asp.net

Mar 25, 2010

I am using visual studio 2008 coding asp.net.vb..I have 20 images on my site, the image holders being named picbox1 picbox2 picbox3 picbox20.I want to be able to address each picbox programmatically; pseudo code would look something like this [code]

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