Adding A Local User Using ADSI Or WMU?

Jan 28, 2011

Is it possible to add a new user to "local user and groups" (not active directory) using WMI or ADSI

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System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement - Error Adding User To Local Administrators Group But Not Other Groups?

Apr 30, 2012

I am using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement to try to add a local account to the local administrators group with the following code but am getting the error below on the group.Members.Add(usr) line. Both usr and group are created as objects and if I create a Test group, I can add the user to the Test group. I know the group object is the local administrators group and not the domain group because i changed the description on the local administratrors group and the group object is correct so it appears to be something specific to the local administrators group.

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Add Domain User To Local Group While Logged In As Local Account?

Sep 15, 2010

Does anyone know how this can be done? The problem is that when you run the script to add a domain user to the local group as a local user you have no permissions to query the domain. Is there a way to pass a user name and password when doing this? [code]...

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Disable A Computer By Using ADSI?

Sep 7, 2009

How is it possible to disable a computer by using ADSI?

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Enumerate OU In TreeView (ADSI)?

Oct 16, 2009

I need to enumerate a list of OU (Active Directory) and output in treeview.

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Using ADSI Object IIsIPSecurity Revisited

Oct 11, 2010

Using ADSI object IIsIPSecurity thread from 2008. I am trying to set up a restricted web interface I can use to import and export IP restriction lists between web servers. The lists are rather long, average length of entries are about 1,000 strong.I've run into the infamous "Value doesn't fall within the expected range." error while trying to use the old COM setup.The answer given to the above referenced thread would work except that I do not have reference to the System.DirectoryServices (neither in the Imports or direct referencing, just doesn't exist). I am using Windows 7 Ultimate and Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate with VB.NET on the development machine and the servers are running Windows 2003 Standard. Because of client restrictions the sites are currently using .NET 2.0 platform.Question simply is why can't I find the reference and how can I get it to show up.

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Using ADSI Object IIsIPSecurity Revisited?

Sep 24, 2011

This is a revist to an old problem listed in the Using ADSI object IIsIPSecurity thread from 2008. I am trying to set up a restricted web interface I can use to import and export IP restriction lists between web servers. The lists are rather long, average length of entries are about 1,000 strong.

I've run into the infamous "Value doesn't fall within the expected range." error while trying to use the old COM setup. The answer given to the above referenced thread would work except that I do not have reference to the System.DirectoryServices (neither in the Imports or direct referencing, just doesn't exist). I am using Windows 7 Ultimate and Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate with VB.NET on the development machine and the servers are running Windows 2003 Standard. Because of client restrictions the sites are currently using .NET 2.0 platform. Question simply is why can't I find the reference and how can I get it to show up.

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Creating A Local User With The Option "User Must Change Password At Next Logon" Set

Oct 19, 2010

I am currently creating a tool that can manage local user accounts on Windows-PCs. I am using the functions described on

this MSDN page ; and after some struggling, I got most of them to work.

Unluckily, I haven't found a way to set the option "User must change password at next logon" while creating a new user account. I use the

NetUserAdd -Function to create the new user. I set the level to 1 and supply a

USER_INFO_1 -Structure . This structure accepts flags, and the flag UF_PASSWORD_EXPIRED seems to be exactly what I want - but when I set it, the user can log on without changing the password first...

I'm developing on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit using Visual Studio 2010 Express.

Here's my code:

#Region "Constants"
Public Const UF_PASSWORD_EXPIRED As Integer = &H800000
Public Const USER_PRIV_USER As Integer = 1


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Strange Output During Compile When Adding Local Namespace To XAML

Mar 16, 2012

I'm attempting to create a bound WPF control; when I add a local namespace to the UserControl, I get strange output from the compiler. The header of the UserControl follows, with the offending line highlighted.[code]When that line is present, the compiler generates the following in the output:[code]

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Walkthrough: Adding A Local Database Cache To An N-Tier Application?

Nov 5, 2009

I have followed this walkthough at http:[url]...but I am having problems working out how to save changes to the Local Database Cache so that I can use the bidirectional sync. This walkthough does not provide the code to save local changes,I have added the line of code for the bidirectional sync and it works if you drag datasources direct onto the form from the XSD but this uses the component TableAdapterManager and the method UpdateALL which I cannot see how to implement in this Walkthough ?how I change the local Database Cache and update back to server in this walkthrough ?

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C# - Get Local User By SID?

Feb 28, 2011

I want to get a local windows user by SID: I found this code



I deduced from it, I could do it in (VB) .NET with this:

Dim strURL As String = "WinNT://" + strComputerName + "/<SID=" + strSID + ">"
Dim de As DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry(strURL)

However, this doesn't work.Anybody knows how I can do this WITHOUT looping over all users (which requires to convert from byte[] to string first, and then compare [case insensitive] a lot of strings, which makes it slow).

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VS 2010 Datagridview - Bound To A Local Databse Table Through A Linq To SQL Class - Adding Does Not Work

Sep 5, 2010

I have a datagridview which is bound to a local databse table through a Linq to SQL class.

Everything works as I would expect, when the application runs, up to a point.

If, in the datagridview tasks pane I enable Adding, Editing and Deleting all work as expected.

If I disable Adding & Deleting, leaving Editing enabled, Editing works as expected.

If I disable Deleting & Editing, but leave Adding enabled, Adding does not work, despite the row for new records being displayed. I can move around the row but not enter data.

I suspect somehow its the datasource as opposed to the datagridview that is the cause of my problem but as I say, I can add rows if the Enable Editing option is selected.

Changing the relevant properties programatically makes no difference.

I've been searching for the reason for a couple of days without success.

I have a workaround, by leaving Enable Editing set and programatically setting each row during the RowPostPaint event to be readonly except the row for new records. I would just like to understand what is going on.

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Directoryservices Update Local User?

Aug 7, 2011

does anyonne have a sample on how to update a local users account using directoryservices. (Winnt://)

need to update the following:


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Local WMI Connection With User Credentials

Nov 21, 2011

In VB.Net, I'm trying to connect to WMI on my local computer with different credentials (the user won't have admin rights) and I get this exception : « User credentials cannot be used for local connections » Here's the code :


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Add Domain User To Local Administrators Group?

May 17, 2012

I need my program to add all users selected in a checkedlist box to the local administrators group.I will be logged in as a domain admin when doing this , if soeone tries to run this without permissions it should prompt them for domain admin creds[code]...

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Remotely Add Domain User To Local Group?

Jul 14, 2009

I'm in the process of writing a script for use in our lab. I need it to remotely add a domain user to the local group "Remote Desktop Users" on some remote desktop servers we use to bridge two subnets. The person adding the user would have admin rights for that remote server. I would use GPO, but we don't control the domain and it'd be damned near impossible to convince IT to set aside a OU for us with just those machines. I've been looking at using WMI in the script I've been working on but I haven't got the slightest clue how I'd implement it.

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WMI WIN32_Account, Unable To Retrieve SID Of Local User?

Sep 17, 2007

i'm trying to retrieve the SID of user to eventually set sharing permissions. I somehow missing how to properly set the parameters for win32_account so it autom. retrieves the SID and makes it available through account("SID").

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Add A Domain User To A Local Group On Remote Computers?

Mar 6, 2009

add a domain user to a local group on remote computers

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Change User Password Programmatically At Local Computer?

Apr 26, 2010

I have a vb6 program that could change my password at local computer.

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Windows Service Passing Local User Id And Password

Feb 24, 2009

I'm writing a windows service in VB.Net and set the service process installer's "Account" property set to "User". So when I tried to install the utility using INSTALLUTIL.EXE it is prompting to enter the user id and password. So I wanted to suppress this "Set Service Logon" so added below code to ProjectInstaller.vb and I was able to do what ever I want: [code]

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C# - Windows Service Installer For Different User Account (other Than Local System)?

May 1, 2012

Set objService = objWMIService.Get("Win32_BaseService")

objService.Create("usb2", "usb test", "c:usb2.exe",


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Startup Folder Path For Current User And Local Machine

Oct 28, 2010

How do I get the startup folder path for "Current user" and "All user" in

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Backup & Restore Access Database Where User Want By Selecting Local Drives?

Oct 28, 2009

I want to take my access database which i used in my project on visual studio2008 backup by selecting the local drive of my computer at the time of backup i choose the drive & there were i taken the backup i restore my database. Is is possible to take backup atomatically when i close my application.

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VS 2008 Local System Service Starts Process As Interactive User?

Aug 15, 2010

The original code came from AutoItI just rewrote what was necessary for VB.NET and added the structures and throws. If successful the PID of the process started is returned, else an exception is thrown. No imports needed.

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User Adding Row In DataGridView?

Dec 9, 2010

I'm having an incredibly frustrating problem with datagridview that seems like it should have a very simple solution, but I haven't been able to find it yet.I have a form with a datagridview on it that is only usually 1 to 2 rows long but can be much longer. So when the form loads it populates the datagridview with values for however many rows there should be, and there is a blank last row. On the column header on that last row is an asterisk. If you click on the asterisk or anywhere in the blank line, it adds a new row where you can enter data, however, the blank line with the asterisk does not move down to be under it. In fact the asterisk stays on that line, and if you click anywhere on that same line, it adds another row, placing it on top of the one that was just added, and this can happen forever. I have a sub that refreshes the whole table and repopulates, however I can't run it in the new line code with an "Operation is not valid because it results in a reentrant call to the SetCurrentCellAddressCore function." which I can't seem to get past. If I exit the form however and come back in (it runs the refresh on loading), now all the lines that were added show up, with a blank line with an asterisk at the bottom.

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Adding An Icon To User Control?

Jan 11, 2012

how to add an icon to a user control - I'm talking about the icon that shows up in the toolbox. I have found some articles on the Microsoft site, but honestly they are so complicated and esoteric that I simply cannot follow them - it's like every synaps in my brain is misfiring when I try to read it!

I would love to see a very simple example of how this should be done.

I've tried embedding the image into the resources, setting the build action to Embedded Resource, creating a ResourceFinder class (as per MS advice) and then preceding the class with:

<ToolboxBitmap(GetType(ResourceFinder), "ExposureMeter.Exposure.bmp")>

.. but so far I feel like I'm shouting into a cave without a single bat flying out...

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Adding New User Info To Database

Feb 4, 2011

got a new problem while trying to add a new user into the database. After i've submitted all the data i get an error message saying "Conversion failed when converting the varchar value "Aron" to data type int" to be honest, im totally stumped as to what this could meen, does it meen its trying to convert string type data to an integer? Anyway heres the code im using


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Adding New User Info To Database?

Jan 29, 2011

im trying to add a new user login to my database through my program, and i've got the procedure worked out, i just dont know how to retrieve the inputted data.

Basically i've got three text boxes that ask for "Name" "Password" "Phone Extension" but how would i work them into his statement?

CreateLogin.CommandText = ("INSERT INTO Users (UserID, Password, Phone) Values How would i follow up after "Values"??

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Adding User Controls In VS 2010?

May 12, 2012

i'm adding some user controls to my form but when i debug my project VS 2010 send me this error The variable 'xxx' is either undeclared or was never assigned what does that mean??(and its actually declared in the designer code)

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Adding User To Active Directory?

Apr 27, 2012

I am trying to add user to a Active Directory group which i already have access to but i am getting an error "Unspecified Error" Ca you guys please take a look at my code and let me know what i am doing worng?

Public Sub adUserToGroup()
Dim Buf As String = ""
Dim sDomainName As String = ("")


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