Adding Items To List Results In Duplicates?

Jul 29, 2009

I have this code to return a list of fund sources for our organization.

Dim FundSourceList As New List(Of FundSource)
Dim fs As New FundSource
If results.Count > 0 Then[code].....

The problem is that when I loop through the resulting FundSourceList all it shows is the last value. For example, if I have three fund sources (state, federal, athletic), then when I use this code to loop through all I get listed is athletic, athletic, athletic.

For Each FundSource In FundSources

So I change the code to this. I moved the creation of the fs variable inside the loop.

Dim results = From result In dsResult.Tables(0) Select result
Dim FundSourceList As New List(Of FundSource)
If results.Count > 0 Then[code]....

This works fine but now I'm creating a new class over and over again. It seems a little inefficient to me. Can I not create the class outside the loop and use it over and over again?

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List.count While Adding Items To The List Increments Returns 0

Jul 20, 2011

I am attempting to read the results from a SQL query into a List(Of) and I can see the List.count while adding items to the List increments, however in another part of my code when I am attempting to read the List the List.Count returns 0. My List is as follows:


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Adding Items From List Box

Jan 28, 2010

I'm learning how to add items from a list box to a combo box. I'm trying to follow what's going on in the function loop and comparing a boolean and selected index. I can see that it's comparing the item chosen to each item already in the combo box to make sure that it's not already there. If function finds that it's not in the list it sends back that it is true that the item is not in the list.

It then continues to the statement that adds item to the list. The code for the double click event is working fine and items are getting added to combo box. However, the code for the add button isn't functional. I'm not seeing why it doesn't work? I coded out the original code, and replaced with something I thought might work but it still isn't functional. [Code]

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Adding Items To A List Box

Mar 9, 2009


Mod Edit: Please use code tags when posting your code. Code tags are used like so =>

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Adding Items To A List (of Object)?

Mar 28, 2010

I have some code that adds items to a List(of Object).

Here's my original code

Dim BeaconStoryList as New List(Of My.StoryType)
Dim BeaconStory as New My.StoryType
Dim NewStories() as New Foriegn.StoryType = GetStories


But as soon as the code assigned "Chicken" to BeaconStory.Title, then BeaconStoryList(0).Title would also change to "Chicken".

With my second version of the code this did not happen.

It's as though it was placing pointers into the elements of the array rather than values. If that is the case, however, then why does my second version of the code work - I'm still passing in the same thing - aren't I?

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Adding Items To List Boxes?

Oct 19, 2010

I'm using the free version on Visual Basic 2008 (through school).The assignment is to populate a list box from user input text. The textbook only talks about populating a list of known items.ex animalListBox.Items.Add("dog") Which works just fine, however, we don't know what the user will input.

So, how should I be thinking about this?

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Adding List Of Items To Array?

Apr 14, 2010

I'm still learning and there is a bit of code I have added which is an array and I want to add a list of items to the array. If that makes sense. I have 6 classes two have arrays.

Here is the code from one of the classes
Public Function getItems() As Array
Return _LevelItems
End Function

How would I add the item list to this? Where do I put it? Like underneath it or in the items class? That code is in the Level class.

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.net - Dynamically Adding Items To An Un-order List In

Feb 22, 2010

if i create a html ul. and wanted to dynamically add list items to this list. so i have :


is there a way i can add list item to this list dynamically in i am using vb

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Adding A List Of Items To A Listbox From A String?

Aug 18, 2011

I have a small program that talks to a server, grabs the content from a website using a php webscraping program and then places the results in a listbox as a string. My problem is taking this string and creating a list from it. Each item in the string is followed by a | (pipe). I have included the code that I've tried below:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim str As String
Dim start As Integer = 1


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Adding Items To The List At Creation Time

Apr 13, 2010

In c# I can initialize a List at creation time like var list = new List<String>() {"string1", "string2"};


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Adding And Removing Items From The List And Tree Views

Mar 10, 2009

I am trying to learn how to work with the different controls in Visual Studio for VB.Net in particular the List View and Tree Views. I don't have any code to show as I am not working on anything in particular just messing around with it to learn what the different controls do that weren't covered in my Intro to VB.Net class last semester.I would like a clearer explanation on how to actually use code for these controls. In particular adding and removing items from the List and Tree Views using code.

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Adding Value To Items In Text Box From List Box In Order To Calc?

Jul 16, 2011

adding value to items in text box from list box in order to calc

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VS 2010 : Adding Selected Items In List Box To Multi Picturebox?

Aug 9, 2011

building simple program that i could print index pictures to 11x17 size paper. and came across with listbox multi items selected and wanted to add them to different picture boxes?

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Adding To Collection Just Continually Duplicates Added Record?

May 7, 2010

I have run into this problem a number of times, and I am not sure what I might be doing wrong - or if this is just a bug, or not going to work.I have a collection that I setup on my own (eg, collection class). I then cycle a Log file that has text entires and I read those, and then parse the entry and attempt to add it to my collection.

But as each entry is added, ALL records just get duplicated - in other words, as I add entry 2, both entrys 1 AND 2 wind up with the same values - as I add 3, all 3 entries get the same value - and this continues no matter how many entries. For example,
if I added 100 entries, I would have 100 duplicates of the last record added.I have stepped through the debugger and watched this occur and just cannot figure out why this is not working as it should. Here is the code...

Not objReader.EndOfStream
' Read one full line


No matter what I do, my lstSent collection just winds up with EVERY entry being the same as the last entry added.

Add the elements into the collection if its a "Sent" itemElem = objReader.ReadLine

View 7 Replies - Select Multiple Items From DropDownList Into TextBox, No Duplicates?

Dec 7, 2010

i used the following technique to Select multiple items from DropDownList into TextBox with No duplicates, however i dont think it is the most proper way,

pressing again with same value selected choose another value from DDL and press button

here is my code Protected Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click If TextBox2.Text.Contains(DropDownList1.SelectedItem.Text) Then


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Remove Duplicates From A List(Of T)?

Feb 23, 2010

I fail to remove duplicates from my List. What am I doing wrong?

Dim Contacts As New List(Of Person)
' remove duplicates '


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Why Is List.add() Adding Items To Object AND Source Object As Well

Jun 15, 2011

I need to be able to add elements to a copy of mylist.testlist without modifying the global mylist object. (Which seems to be happening via the below code.)When I am working on x, which should be a totally separate object, mylist is getting modified as well. How can I fix this? I have worked with lists extensively and never seen this behavior before. I have tested and reproduced the problem in .NET 3.5 and .NET 4.0 on Win 7 Pro 32bit.

Source Code:

Public Class Form1
Public mylist As New test
Sub Main()


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Marking Duplicates In A List While Not Sorting

Feb 15, 2012

I had a need to mark a listview row if filenames were duplicates for n number of characters from the left. I wrote the following but it smacks of VB6.[code]...

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VS 2005 : Prevent Duplicates In List?

Feb 27, 2011

I am trying to prevent an item from being added to my list this is what i have so far duplicates are being added

With dtAll
Dim List As New List(Of String)
Dim dtrow As DataRow


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Find Duplicates In List(Of String) In Program?

Jun 27, 2012

I have a customers List(of String) on which I am trying to find the duplicate customers.[code]...

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LINQ VB How To Check For Duplicates In A List Of Objects

Oct 11, 2011

I have a list of objects, each with 2 relevant properties: "ID" and "Name". Lets call the list "lstOutcomes".I need to check the list for duplicates (meaning object1.ID = object2.ID, etc.) and set a flag (valid = false, or something) if there is at least one duplicate. Also, it would be nice to send a message to the user mentioning the "Name" of the object, when it fails.I am sure I will need to use the Group By operator to do this, but I am not used to doing that in LINQ, and the examples out there are just not helping me. This article seems to be close to what i need, but not quite and it's in C#.

Here is a starting stab at it...
Dim duplist = _
(From o As objectType In lstOutcomes _


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VS 2008 Searching List(of String) For Duplicates?

Jun 28, 2010

Okay so i have a very large list of string (500 000 strings) i want to check the number of duplicate strings and maybe even isolate the duplicate strings if i can.

i cant find a fast method to do so :S

i tried using a string array (slower than list) takes ~15mins

i tried using list with the code below takes ~10 mins

that wont cut it :S i need something faster.


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VS 2010 Searching A List(Of Integer) For Duplicates?

Aug 24, 2009

Is there an easy way to search through a List(Of Integer) and find duplicates? Or do I need to do loops to search through it with each number, comparing it to each one?

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Find Duplicates Within An Array List Of Random Numbers?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm creating an application that creates a list of 20 ramdomly selected numbers within an array and displaying those numbers in a listbox. I then need to display the duplicate numbers in an adjacent listbox by clicking the find duplicates button. How would I be able to access those 20 numbers in order to find the duplicates?

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Generate A List Of Random Integer With A Click Of The Button And Put The Results In A List Box Using .Net?

Nov 18, 2009

If I can generate a list of random integer with a click of the button and put the results in a list box using VB.Net but how do I randomly change several integer number generated by button 1 by clicking button 2? How I retain the results of button1 and change the results when clicking button2?I try before but the two button function code cannot relate to one another.

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VS 2010 Custom Type Array / List With Adding Items And Specifying Custom Type Variable

Jun 21, 2011

I recently downloaded VB 2010 Express so i am quite new to the language, but i have worked with dark basic, which seems to b very similar.Anyway, my problem is that i cannot seem to correctly set out my array of a custom type/class. i am trying to create two arrays, one of available entities and another of selected entities of which the user selects the entities to be dealt with in irrelevant ways. i have creates a button (called test) which adds some entities to the available list and all the entities come back the same value but they shouldnt be as you'll c in the code. i have run the step into command a found that "available.item(#).Name = " will change all of the entity's names.As of current i am working with lists as the array kept asking for a 'new' statement but i couldnt figure out where to put it.[code]

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Any Way To Align Items (Results) In ListBox?

Jan 25, 2012

I am working on a simple program, calculating an auto bill. When I display the results I want to have some text on the left, and some on the right. I'll post the code. Basically so everything lines up, if possible. Here is what I want it to look like:

Customer: Name
Cost of labor: Cost
Cost of parts: Cost
Total Bill: Total

Here is the code:
Public Class frmAutoRepair
Private Sub btnBill_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnBill.Click
Dim customer As String
Dim hoursOfLabor, rate, costOfLabor, salesTax, costOfParts, partsWithTax, totalBill As Double
customer = CStr(txtCustomer.Text)
[Code] .....

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Word 2007 Adding Adding Values To Combo List Box

Jun 7, 2011

I am trying to create a simple Word doc that when the user presses the button it takes the information in the boxes and tosses it into a template style paragraph. But my issue is that I have two combo list boxes as seen in the picture. I want to have two values in the drop down list as seen in the labels next to them but for the life of me I can't figure out how to do this in Word 2007. In Visual Studio this is much easier but I am work and need to snap this out for the folks at work. Is there an option that I can choose in the properties where I type in the values for each drop down or do I have to add them in at run time?

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Adding To StringArray - Populate Results From A Table

Sep 22, 2009

I'm trying to populate it with the results from a table in a dataset, something like Dim MyStringArray() as string = {Me.MyDataset.MyUsers.Rows.Tostring}. So I would end up with, StringArray() = {"Bob", "Jane", "Sally"}. I know I'm missing something very simple but I'm just not getting it.

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Adding Header Element Does Not Give Expected Results

Jan 25, 2012

I'm not very good with web services and I'm dealing with one developed internally in Java. This web service requires a Header element named Token with a value (an encrypted string). I've been able to add this "Token" but the service doesn't accept it. This is the request xml my proxy calls generates (proxy class built with WSDL.EXE and modified to accept a SoapHeader external class I wrote to add Header to request):

<soap:Envelope> <soap:Header>
<TokenHeader soap:actor="[URL]">
<Token>[TOKEN VALUE]</Token>

And this is what the web services wants (this is a xml request made by a java tyest client):
<soapenv:Header> .....

This is the code I wrote:
Imports System.Web.Services
Imports System.Web.Services.Protocols
<System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRoot(Namespace:=[WSDL NAMESPACE])> _
Public Class TokenHeader
Inherits SoapHeader
[Code] .....

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