Ajax File Upload Unusual Behaviour When Using Sessions

Jan 30, 2011

I have just implemented an Ajax File Upload control that uses a progress bar. I am a little confused. When i use the control on pages that dont use sessions, the progress bar with no problems will show the user the actual progress of the file being uploaded from 0%,1%,2%,3%.......% to 100%. Now when i move this control onto a web page that uses a session, this session stores the user information such as screenname, email, etc... the file uploads with no problems but the problem is that the progress bar does allow the user to see the progress until the file is finised uploading and the progress bar jumps straight from 0% to 100% uploaded and doenst really show the full progress of the file whilst being uploaded.

Why is this behaviour occuring when i use sessions? where the progress of the file being uploaded isn't being shown to the user until the file uploads.

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Use Ajax File Upload Control Inside A Repeater?

Jun 24, 2012

Should have a option to attach file in each row of a repeater

Once I clicked to upload, I have to pass a id and need to execute the insert query

Is there any way to do this using ajax asynchronous?

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Unusual File Monitor Results?

Oct 4, 2010

If i save a document called sheet.docx i get these results. How come its not displaying just the full path and dcoument? C:Documents and SettingsOwnerDesktopNew FolderSheet.docx as this is the entry i needhere is my code

Private Sub fswDocumentDirectoryMonitor_Changed(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.IO.FileSystemEventArgs) Handles fswDocumentDirectoryMonitor.Changed


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Visual Basic - Upload Progress Bar For File Upload?

May 11, 2012

i have this code, how do i incorporate a progress bar into it? Private Sub btn_upload_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_upload.Click


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Unexpected Behaviour When Adding A File To A Solution

Sep 1, 2011

I did so by chosing "add existing file". For purposes to reproducing this let's say the file is in c:emp. So I added c: emphelp.chm.

I set the properties to "copy always" under the option "copy to output directory".

Then I compiled and it worked fine.

I then updated the file in c: emp with changes and compiled. I expected the updates would be copied into my program but they did not..

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Using Uploadify Or JQuery File Upload For CSV Upload In ASP.NET

Oct 24, 2011

Rather than using a Handler(.ashx), is it possible to use a web service(.asmx) to upload?

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Restrict The File Type In The File Browse Menu Of An AsyncFileUpload In The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit

Jul 28, 2010

I would like to restrict what they see in the file upload dialog, which is set to "All Files" by default. I understand how to validate that they only uploaded a certain file type, that is not the question here. I would just like to know how to default the file type in the file selection dialog.

Is there any way to change this to "PNG only" or "*.png"?

This is using AsyncFileUpload in the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit.

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Unusual With Textbox Border Color?

Feb 13, 2012

im using the following code to change the textboxes border color:Private Sub BorderColor(ByRef _Control As Control, ByVal _Color As Color)


the weird problem im getting is if i run my program and click the add button with the textboxes being empty it correctly changes the bordercolor to red but if i press the tab key it removes all the red bordercolors, why is this?i dont want the tab key to clear the red bordercolors.

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C# - Upload File Via FTP - Server Returned Error (550) File Is Unavailable, Cannot Find File?

Oct 31, 2009

I'm trying to upload a file via FTP from my local computer to an FTP server, which is also on my local computer at the moment. I've got this sub I'm calling:

Public Sub UploadFTPFile(ByVal ftpservername, ByVal fullfilepath, ByVal filename, ByVal username, ByVal password)Dim clsRequest As System.Net.FtpWebRequest = _
DirectCast(System.Net.WebRequest.Create("ftp://" & ftpservername & "/" & filename), System.Net.FtpWebRequest)
clsRequest.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(username, password)
clsRequest.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile


I'm running an FTP Server using Golder FTP Server, which is freeware. I think it's setup correctly because connecting to the FTP Server using the exact same string as above using Windows Explorer works great.

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.net - Socket Communication - Unusual Data Being Received

Feb 24, 2011

I am trying to communicate to a local AS3 Air app on my PC via sockets. The VB.Net app is acting as a server in this case while the Air app is a client. The .Net app sends data every 25ms to the Air app. I have not send any message termination. I just receive the data on Air app and process it.


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Reading XML Into DataGrid Control With Unusual Error?

Mar 11, 2010

Here is the code in question:

filePath = "..authors.xml"

With DataGrid1

.DataSource = dsAuthors
.DataMember = "authors"
End With

However, it will not allow me to reference .DataMember, it keeps popping up with the error text "'DataMember' is not a member of 'System.Windows.Forms.DataGrid'". What can I do to resolve this error? Or how else can I read into the DataGrid?

Note: I have the most recent Framework installed with Service Pack 1

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Convert A String With Unusual Date Format To Datetime?

Jul 3, 2009

i have a string "07.03.2009 17.06.00" that i want to convert to datetime. i have tried

.Text, "MM.dd.yyyy HH.mm.ss"
, New
, True

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Asp.net - LDAP User Attribute Request Returns Unusual Results?

May 31, 2012

I'm struggling to return user details from AD using LDAP, after i have authenticated that the user exists. I am using a simple auth method as follows:

Function AuthenticateUser(path As String, user As String, pass As String) As Boolean
Dim de As New DirectoryEntry(path, user, pass, AuthenticationTypes.Secure)
Dim ds As DirectorySearcher = New DirectorySearcher(de)
Dim result As SearchResult = ds.FindOne()


the problem is that "distinguishedName" returns "DC=our-domain,DC=co,DC=uk" and "name" returns just "our-domain", not the name of the user that has just been auth'ed

Note: the displayName.text outputs are purely for debug purposes.I have tried various combos of requests but nothing seems to return USER details. ETA: to the security police: this is all within a https connection, I'm not sending passwords about in plain text!

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Forms :: Multi-line Textbox And KeyPress Event Unusual Behavior?

Aug 13, 2010

I have several multi-line textboxes that I want to lose focus (i.e. when the user presses the right arrow key) but the control wil not relinquish the focus.Simply put, I first verify if the selection start is at the end of the text, if it is, and the user presses the arrow key, it should move to the next textbox. some debug.print code placed in strategic locations indicates that the target textbox gets focus and immediately loses it and the source textbox gains focus once again. Essentially not allowing the textbox to lose focus.

Select Case
Case Keys.Right


After changing the source textbox multi-line property to false, it behaves as expected. Is this a "feature" .. surely I don't have to resort to "SendKeys"

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VS 2008 Drag And Drop To Upload File - Find File Size

May 5, 2011

Alright here's my situation: I have a form. This is a very small form that can be moved with the mouse (formborderstyle=none). The transparencyKey is 0,0,1. The form back color is 0,0,1. There is a label on the form. I drag files to this label(its backcolor is black[0,0,0]). What I want is for the filesize to be checked. I already have the uploading to ftpcode, I just want to know if the file is above my limit I set. (250mb per file)


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Asp.net - Integrate Ckeditor File Upload And File Browser Capability?

Dec 8, 2011

I am trying to integrate the ckeditors file browser and upload image tools, i have managed to set the ckeditor to allow you to click on the browse file button and upload tag but how do i use ASP.NET VB to open the file browser and make the upload image work?

I am using the .NET 3.6.0 version where they provided the DLLS

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Access Sessions In Asp.net Handler ?

Apr 13, 2012

I am trying to upload images using generic handler as shown below and I have a normal aspx page where I am showing all the uploaded images after uploading.Everything is working fine.


Now I want to add a session variable by generating a random string and add the uploaded images to the newly created random string.

1.I have seen this Question on SO to use System.Web.SessionState.IRequiresSessionState for sessions and how do I create a folder with that and add my images to that folder after doing that how do I access this session variable in my normal aspx page.

2.(Or) the better way is create session variable in aspx page and pass that to handler?If so how can I do that?

3 .I am trying to find the control from my handler.Is that possible?If anyone knows how to get this then also my problem will get resolved so that I am trying to create a session from m aspx page.

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Secure User Sessions In ASP .net Using VB?

Oct 5, 2009

procedure to create multiple secure user sessions in ASP.net.

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Shared Methods In ASP.NET Sessions

Feb 25, 2011

As a followup to the previous question I have asked "ASP.Net Architecture Specific to Shared/Static functions" I am still struggling to understand the implications of using shared methods in ASP.NET.

So for example let us take the following code.[code...]

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Enable Multiple Sessions For WebBrowser?

Dec 6, 2011

Even after numerous attempts, im unable to set different sessions for multiple webbrowsers (in tabs ) hosted on the same windows form.

So far, i have tried the following methods (and failed)Created a new form for each session (The WebBrowsers share the session)Used HttpWebRequest,HttpWebResponse to get and set separate sessions for each webbrowser ( Couldn't implement this properly)Could someone please point me out to a proper channel on how to implement this ?

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IDE :: Keep The Size Of The Properties Window Across Sessions?

Apr 10, 2009

When I start working on a Project I like to change the size of the Properties Window. (I like to make it taller than it is by default). But each time I start a new Project the Properties Window goes back to the original shape/location. Is there a way that I can customize the layout of that window so that the shape is retained across sessions?

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VS 2008 Multiple Sessions - Different Web Browsers

Sep 10, 2009

I've thought long and hard on how to do this. Since I'm posting here, you see I haven't figured it out. I've found out how to login to a website with GetElementById, but I have another problem. I need to login with multiple web browsers. But when I login on the second, I can't because the session/cookie is already there. I thought usnig a proxy would work, but that just applies to both web browsers. Using the example below, would it be possible to apply this to only one web browser? Or make separate sessions for each web browser control?


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VS 2010 Different Applications Share Same Sessions?

Oct 19, 2010

just wanted to ask if it is possible to have different applications sharing the same session (i.e. database session)... i'm planning on creating a web-based application and a form-based application using asp.net for web and vb.net for forms but i need to have them share sessions since some global variables will be session based and also authentication to one application should also authenticate on the other.

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VS 2010 Passing Objects And Sessions?

Aug 21, 2011

I was wondering if someone could tell me if this is "bad practice" or is a perfectly acceptable way to pass an object to another form.I've cut out a lot of the code to summarise what im asking.


Dim myRetrievedObject as myObject = Module1.returnSavedObject()Is this a acceptable way of passing an object between forms or is it a completely bad idea?Ideally i would like to be able to "add" further objects to the initially created object in Form1 but then on reloading of Form1 , retrieve the new version of myObject with the newly added objects within the myObject class.My initial thinking is this creates an almost session like state for the initial object. So you can use the same object over all 3 forms or more and just simply add to it like a shopping cart type of functionality.

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How To Upload File To Web URL

Jul 30, 2011

I am writing a VB.Net app that has need to send a file to web script.
1. Dim uriString As New System.Uri("[URL]"+addNew_title.Text+"&price="+addNew_price.Text)
2. Dim myWebClient As New System.Net.WebClient()
3. Dim responseArray As Byte() = myWebClient.UploadFileAsync(uriString, OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
4. Dim response As String = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(responseArray)

There is a problem with URI that I give, it says "Expression does not produce a value" on line 3. where "uriString" used. When I used myWebClient.UploadFile(String,String) it freeze on sending, so I found out, that to continue code execution I have to use "UploadFileAsync", but it does not provide [String,String], but it requires [Uri,String].
Just for the record, I will put a screenshot of code: [URL]
What do I have to change, so code is valid, or if there is another way to upload this file?

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How To Upload The Zip File Into Sql Db

Mar 2, 2009

how to upload and download the "Zip or RAR" type file into sql database using vb net openfiledialoge/savefiledialoge is vb net..

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Upload A File To A Ftp?

Mar 1, 2011

im using this code to upload a file to an ftp , the problem is that this is not a secure way to do that , its very easy for someone to see my username and password of the ftp,

Private Sub Upload(ByVal source As String, ByVal target As String, _
ByVal credential As NetworkCredential)
Dim request As FtpWebRequest = _


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Upload A Txt File?

Feb 25, 2009

I have a windows application , and in my application root i have a Documents Folder ,(D:\ UtilityAppDocuments) and

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Upload Log File Without Ftp?

Apr 7, 2011

I've come across a problem with my program; I'm using MS Visual Studio 2010 with a VB.net application. I'm uploading a log file with .log ext to my server after my program is done running. I have noticed a lot of systems fail to upload the log file because of the firewall settings of their modem. I was wondering if anyone would know a workaround to uploading this file maybe on port 80. Here is the code I use to upload the file.

My.Computer.Network.UploadFile( _
"C:log.log, _
"ftp://www.myftpserver/logs/log.log, "loguser", "password")

Like I said this works fine if the Modem firewall in on low, but fails everytime if modem firewall is in the default setting. I believe it's using port 21 right now to upload.

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Way To Upload A File

Aug 18, 2010

I know the basic concept of sending and receiving response to server

i want to make my hand's in how to upload a file to webserver ?

i did a search in vbforum as well as in google but everywhere i found that users asking there own doubt or some code which is above my knolwdge Like Why we create boundary before sending any file to server ?[code]...

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