Applicaiton Not Working On Other Systems (I Need A Valunteer)?

Sep 29, 2009

I just finished my program which has a refference to thats a dll right? When i build the application its not working on my friend's computer why?...probably cause this dll is missing. (net framework matches its not the prob) How can make it work? do i place the dll at the same location as the executable ?where do i find this dll? I dont want to publish my application just the executable and some extra files probably no need to install on another system to work.

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Sharing Applicaiton Settings Across Many Applications?

Jun 28, 2009

Sharing applicaiton settings across many applications

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Designed In The Other Systems And Run The Application?

Apr 16, 2012

I have designed an Application tracking details and I have deployed it. The records are updating the way I need. I want the same application to be used in other three different systems which do not have MS Visual Studio. How can I do it ? Is it enough that I create a similar table in the path I have designed in the other systems and run the Application ?

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Load Event 64 Bit Systems?

Jan 17, 2010

that in the IDE on 64 bit systems, that the Load Event swallows exceptions. "Any error in the Load event will cause the event to end and the Form to be shown." J Wein@MSDN

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Set Timer To Systems Time

May 12, 2010

I would like to close my program based on the system time. I have stuck a timer on my form and I want to set my timer to my systems time. if the timer = "8:00" pm or timer = 20:00 hrs then END Does any one have the code on this? If I could do it without the timer as in to check the systems time = 8:00 pm or 20:00 hrs then End

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VS 2008 Operating Systems App Run On?

Apr 6, 2009

I've just developed my product, and I am wondering...How can I tell what operating systems it can run on,Obviously it works on Windows XP SP3, I assume Windows XP Home Edition will be fine also (32 BIT)

Will it work on Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Vista?

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Install It On Other Systems And It Almost Works Perfectly?

Dec 27, 2009

I have an application I made and I created a Setup Project so I can install it on other systems and it almost works perfectly. It doesn't install over older versions even though I have that option set to True. So I decided to look into publishing to a website since it seems you can have the application look for new updates which is what I want since I'm still in testing and the source code is changing frequently. I found the Build -> Publish Application option but it won't upload to the site. Also, is this the right approach to accomplishing what I want?

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VS 2010 Datatype Size On 64-bit Systems?

Jun 17, 2011

I'm still using ye ancient 32-bit machine with ye olde XP.Currently I'm writing some code to add binary content to files, and I need to know, if the same code can be applied on 64-bit systems.For example an integer variable added to a binary file with:


can be safely loaded with

MyInteger = BinaryStream.ReadInt32

on my system, but is this also the case on 64-bit systems or should I truncate it to Int32 before writing it to file?

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Set A Brush To A Variable?

Jun 4, 2009

I am coding a reversi game for my computer programming class and I need help with something. I have a list of all the brushes in a Combobox and I want the user to be able to pick their color. So I have the list of colors I just need to make it so I can set the color the user picks to the brush that is for his team I guess you would say.


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Tell Difference Between Operating Systems 2000, XP, Vista, 7?

Jun 18, 2011

I was wondering how I would make a program identify the operating system?

--EDIT basically so that the program can access a certain part of a file system no matter what the user directory is called?

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Will Software Work On 32bits And 64bits Systems

Sep 8, 2011

A few years ago I created an application using VB6. It works fine on all OS but considering vb6 is no longer supported and it lacks lots of features, I've decided to upgrade to VB.NET. Plus I also want my software to run on all future OS correctly. I was using the ADODC control on many of my forms. In VB.NET, if I go to Tools > Choose Toolbox Items, I see ADODC under the .NET framework components tab. Can I still use this or is it outdated/no longer supported? If I use it, will my software work on 32bits and 64bits systems? [code]But in VB.NET when I write this I get the error As Any is not supported in Declare statements. How should I write this in VB.NET?

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Work On Operating Systems Such As Linux Apple?

May 18, 2011

i was wondering how far back in the windows operating systems visual basic builds would run. like the exe you build at the end will it work on old windows 95 systems and would it work on other operating systems such as linux apple ect..

View 2 Replies

Create Interactive Voice Response Systems From Home?

May 7, 2009

I am trying to build an IVR and hook it up to my website, what are the different (inexpensive) ways that I can do it.

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Customize A DateTimePicker To Show Dates In Other Calendars Systems?

Apr 23, 2012

How to customize a DateTimePicker to show dates in other calendars systems ?

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Implement Two Various Systems - One To Keep Track Of Illnesses And The Other As An Enrolment System

Jun 3, 2010

Assignment Overview: Background: You have been approached by Learning for Life a locally based tuition company that teaches a small amount of courses (at least four) to a minimal amount of students (five to ten students per course). They currently utilise a paper based system and are looking to implement a computer based one as it has become difficult to store all the relevant information.

They are looking to implement two various systems, one to keep track of illnesses and the other as an enrolment system, keeping track of what courses the students are actually taking part in.

System Notes:
-Each student can only attend one course at a time
-There are only 6 lecturers in total
-There is approximately four to six courses running at one time
-There is normally five to ten students on each course
-They have included a system description as to the layout of the database required for the enrolments segment
-The enrolments program must have password based security where each user has a different password


2 fully functional programs (fully annotated)
Class diagram
Report with the following headings:
-Evaluation of OO in SE



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Unable To Connect To MS Access Which Is Placed In Another Systems Shared Folder?

Oct 30, 2009

I have web service which updates MS access database. Im using OleDB for Updating MS Access database

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VB2005 32bit Program NOT Running On 64bit Systems

Oct 16, 2009

I developed a Visual Basic program in VS2005 that uses SQL2005 on a 32bit system, which runs perfectly on 32bit systems using Click Once deployment, but whenever I try to load or run same program on any 64bit system, it does not load or run. What do I need to do to make the program run on 64bit systems.

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Develop A Project To Monitor EDI/Edifact Data That Are Send Between Different EPR Systems?

Dec 1, 2009

actually i have to develop a project to monitor EDI/Edifact data that are send between different EPR systems.Different erp systems means also different database systems. So i have to develop an app to monitor up to 5 tables.These tables can be stored in SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL or DB2. What kind of data access do i have to use ? ODBC ? ADO.NET ?? I actually don't have an idea how to handle this.In the app (i have to write) there should be something like a "DB Configuration for EDI" and there i want to configure if it is SQL, MySQL or what ever that i have to access.In the different Databases all the tables have the same name (means in SQL there is a table called Actlog and in Mysql also a table called Actlog)How can i write my app that it is DB independent ??

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Error In Getting Installed Software On Local Network Systems Access Is Denied?

Mar 26, 2012

Dim wmins = ("//")
objOS = New ManagementObjectSearcher(wmins, "SELECT * FROM Win32_OperatingSystem ")


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Write An Application That Performs Common Systems Tasks From A Single Location?

Feb 26, 2010

I am wanting to expand my programming knowledge base and the only way I know to do that is to actually do stuff. I am wanting to write an application that performs common systems tasks from a single location. Just simple things like deleting text files, maybe displaying drive space, etc. In order to even begin to do this I have to understand more about the class in VB. Does anyone have some good info that breaks this class (and possibly related classes) down hierarchically? MSDN offers a lot of info but doesn't really give a lot in the way of explaining how certain classes are interrelated.

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Make Web Browser Made In VB The Systems Default Web Browser?

Nov 14, 2009

How do I make my web browser made in visual basic the systems deafult web browser, as well how do I make a feature that checks that the program is the deafult browser.

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.net - Systems.timer.timer Unwanted Multithreading?

Jul 14, 2011

I recently switched my code from using the windows.forms.timer to the systems.timer.timer and it has resulted in a multithreading error. I'm using the timer to trigger just one event so multithreading shouldn't be an issue. To give more detail I have implemented the timer at follows:
At the top of the class I have: Private Shared timr1sec As System.Timers.Timer

When the program loads (Private Sub Test_load):
timr1sec = New System.Timers.Timer(1000)
AddHandler timr1sec.Elapsed, AddressOf OnTimedEvent

In OnTimedEvent I call several subroutines, and write some data to the screen using a ListView object.VisualExpress throws the multithreading error on the last line of this code, which is in OnTimedEvent


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Force Asc To Use English Codepage On Non-english Systems?

Jun 15, 2012

I want to simulate a way to "force" the ASC function to use the english codepage, even on a system having the "language for non-unicode" different than English.[code]On a system having "language for non-unicode" set as English, currently the result is 140..On a system having "language for non-unicode" set as Slovakian, currently the result is 79..The twist is I CANNOT user AscW (for reasons I cannot disclose)In the particular example above I would need for the code to always return 140.If there's a way to force the whole program to use the english code page I could work with that as well.[code]

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Share .net .exe From One System Another System(min 6 Systems)?

Jan 18, 2011

I developed project. My project name is Lone.My front-end is Backend is Ms Access.I completed my project.Now I copy the Lone.exe and put shortcut into my system desktop.

Now I want to run that Lone.exe to all system.I don't no how to share that one.Tell me how I want to run my project to all system.Note: In my system only having systems doesn't installed

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UnhandledExceptionEventHandler Samples From Msdn Working, In My Code Not Working?

Sep 3, 2009

I found on msdn samples and modified (add Thread.GetDomaind.UnhandledException)

<SecurityPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Flags:=SecurityPermissionFlag.ControlAppDomain)> _
Public Sub Main()
' Add the event handler for handling UI thread exceptions to the event.[code].....

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VS 2008 Cannot Seem To Get A Working Filter In Working Order

Jun 18, 2009

It appears that my favorite thing in the world is tackling projects that are beyond my current knowledge and abilities. I have a little project that I am working on which is a simple image viewer stocked with (upon completion) your standard Load..., Next/Previous, Zoom In/Out, Actual Size, and Full Screen capabilities. However, I am running into a few snags:

(1) I've been able to get my "Load..." button to display a file dialog box, but I cannot seem to get a working filter (with which only image file types are allowed to be selected) in working order.

(2) I have a PictureBox object (entitled PictureBox1) that displays the image selected via the file dialog box, but it loads images in their full size (1:1/100% zoomed) state without scrollbars, etc. to allow me to navigate the loaded image. I would like to have it load the image, initially, to fit within the dimensions of PictureBox1 and from there be able to zoom in/out via my "Zoom In/Out" and "Actual Size" buttons and be able to scroll if the zoom level is beyond the dimensions of PictureBox1.

(3) It dawned on me that I haven't the faintest idea how to get my "Next/Previous" buttons to allow the user (me) to navigate, in succession, the images contained in the folder in which the currently loaded image is stored. [code]

If it is deemed that this thread is inappropriately requesting help, I ask that it be locked/deleted quickly as I recognize that this is a large community with many discussions going without need of unwelcome posts.

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Operator '*' Is Not Defined For Types 'System.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar' And 'Systems.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar

Oct 29, 2011

I am trying to use values from form1 in my project, in form2, but Im not sure how to do it. I've tried

txtboxTotal = (Form1.vsbLength * Form1.vsbWidth) * Pattern

But I get: operator '*' is not defined for types 'System.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar' and 'Systems.Windows.Forms.VscrollBar.'

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Make Application Working Better And Never Freeze / Make Application Working With Any Count For Loop Without Freeze

Jan 19, 2012

I'm using loop to read data from sql and then make some calculations then save it again to another table but when application loop for 3 or 4 times it's freeze but the job is done but if loop = 10 or more then it is freeze and hangup for long time .i need to learn how to make my application working better and never freeze and make application working with any count for loop without freeze .

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For Each X As Y In Z Not Working?

Jul 14, 2010

I can't understand why this is not working.


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GDI Changes - Working With Vb.NET And GDI+

Mar 28, 2009

I am moving over to vb.NET and am experiencing the learning curve. Am learning quickly, but I do have a question for anyone who can respond. vb6 could be made to run much faster by going after the GDI API directly, rather than going through vb6's standard wrapped functions like Line(), and Circle(). Now that I am working with vb.NET and GDI+, as far as I can tell there is no wrapper anymore and you hit GDI+ directly "right out of the box". Is this true? It looks like trying to phenagle the old vb6 API code can't work because .NET does not use GDI uses GDI+ via the System.Drawing namespace.

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