Application And SQL DB Deployment

Dec 4, 2011

I have decided to try and engage creating my first app with a database. I have run through all the VB Express 2010 default tutorials and feel confident to move up one notch.My application on has two users and we do not have a server, just a file sharing setup which works okay if youre using MS Access DB. I have also constructed the app with a Service based DB attached to the project (VB Express 2010)I have spent a week trying to research this on Google but cannot find any specific answers to my questions.So, how do I setup the app prior to publishing so that I can install the app on both desktops and have SQL server installed on only one of the desktops with the DB residing on that?

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Deployment Of .net Application?

Jun 22, 2010

i have developed a small application of vb forms in which i have use a service based sql server databas(.mdf)i want to make its msi installer last time i have made it and after installation application giving error for connecting?

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Deployment :: Starting One Application From Within Another?

Feb 17, 2010

Basically I've written two Apps (A and B) and all I want to do is put a link on the menu of App A which when clicked will fire-up App B.

Normally what I'd do is something along the lines of...


However, both of my apps are installed on the target machines via a Setup-Kit generated by the Publish Wizard in VB.NET. As far as I know, after you've run the Setup you don't get an EXE file for the actual application - you just get an 'Application Reference' on the Start Menu and/or Desktop.

My problem is that I don't really understand what the Application Reference is and how my application is actually deployed onto the target machine after setup has finished...

Given that I don't seem to have an EXE file after running Setup, I need another way of telling App A to fire App B, because I'm guessing I can't use my Shell command anymore?

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Deployment Of .net Sql Server Application?

Jul 20, 2009

I am tyring to deploy application on a network environment ( windows xp and vista machines ) with sql server database. The application itself needs to access database as do all machines. I cannot install sql server due to cost and technical limitations at installation. Is there a way I can connect application on all machiens directly to some physical file like MDB ( access ) file but with sql server database ( I think something like Mdb was used to server data earlier)

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Deployment Of A .NET Application / Backing Up?

Jun 5, 2009

All it is is that when playing World of Warcraft people are having to clear their cache for the game to operate all the time, if they don't do this then the game bugs out in some places - so I thought of this as a way to get better at VB .NET by making a small application that asks for the directory of their WoW folder, searches through their cache folders and deletes the ones that they are also asked how they'd like to delete.I don't plan on actually releasing this in any way, I just want to make it to further my VB .NET skills and hopefully get a little better.

Anyway, it doesn't make sense much, sorry about that, but all I want to ask is if this program will work on any other computer or will I have to find a way to deploy it?Also, one thing that I thought I should put in this program is a backup function just in case something goes wrong. I just thought of moving the cache files that are being deleted somewhere else but this will move the files and folders one-by-one, is there any way I can make a certain type of file that only this program can read, where the files being backed up are placed in?

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2008 Express Application Deployment

Nov 15, 2010

I have an application in Visual Basic 2008 express that I want to deploy. It has MS Access DB tables and some queries. How can I put this together in the deployment?

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Application Deployment Via VB 2008 Express?

Mar 12, 2009

I've developed a small application using VB 2008 express and I am trying to deploy it for the first time.I have done this using the options with VB 2008 express and installed onto another PC. I find it has installed using what is termed a user instance which I understand comes with some limitations.I want the option for the application and data base to be multi user in the future. I want to be able to connect to it from Business intelligence for reporting purposes (there is no report viewer control in VB2008 express) and ideally I would like to be able to back it up using SSMS.Does anyone know what the options for deployement are and how to deploy using a "traditional" instance rather than a "user" instance?

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Deployment :: Add 'Application Block' Something To References

Nov 24, 2009

So I created an application with, I added Messenger type Api in preferences, compiled my program and everything was fine. However I can't run the program from other directories. It says that the .dll is missing. I'm trying to include the .dll to the program somehow - no success, how that should be done? Friend tried to help me and said I should add "Application block" something to the references. I can't find that though.

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Deployment :: Application Works Properly On PC But Not Others

Mar 8, 2010

I have an application developed in VS2008 It is a numberpad with buttons for 0 - 9.When published and installed on my local PC, everything works as expected. I open a browser window, and am able to click a number-button and have the corrosponding number sent to the active window location. When installed on other PC's, the numbers sent to the active window location are repeated many many times. If you click the "3" button, then anywhere from 10 to 50 "3"s are sent to the screen.All PC's have Windows XP Professional, Version 2002, Service Pack 3.The only differences I can detect are the many many .NET frameworks installed on my computer and not on others.[code]

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Deployment :: Error When Installing Application

Jun 14, 2012

I am not an expert in using, but I am trying to make my project accessible to others. I've done it before (about 5 years ago) with another program. This program is basically the same just for a different product line for us. I have all the files on a server. I published everything to a directory on the server...the directory is in the same spot as the other directory. I checked all of my project properties and have now made sure they are the same as my other project. The publishing works fine. But, when I try to run the setup.exe or the .application file, I an error message that pulls up a log file. I've looked all over and found similar log files, but no solution that seemed to work. Here is what the log file is telling me. Any help would be great. I am thinking it is something simple...remember I am not an expert. And, I know I got the other one to work a few years ago when I moved it from visual basic 6.0 to I am using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition to work with my project.


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Deployment Of Windows Form Application?

May 5, 2010

i am deploying an application visual studio 2008 have seen hints and comments indicating i can have application check to see if newer versions exist and if so automatically update the application.

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Translate My.Application.Deployment.ActivationUri To C#

Feb 21, 2010

How do I translate My.Application.Deployment.ActivationUri into C#?

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VS 2010 Dll Reference And Application Deployment?

Feb 20, 2012

I am successfully using a dll reference in VB.NET project. When I export the application to another PC by using a deployment setup, the application does not start at all. I have included the dll file inside the deployment setup so that this file is copied in the application folder. If I remove the dll file from the deployment setup, the application starts normally.I was wondering how I should set the properties of the reference in the .Net project. I am attaching a view of the references dialog where the used reference is highlighted.

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ClickOnce Deployment After Resetting Application Files

Apr 12, 2009

I use VS 2008 Standard. If I do a QuickOnce deployment after resetting Application Files in the Publish Tab I get a bunch of messages saying that various files are not in the GAC. To solve this I change the Publish Status from Prerequisite (Auto) to Include and set Download Group to Required. Then when I install the application I get the splash screen and then the message that the application has stopped working. There was a workaround posted to delete /bin/obj/.cache etc, but I have no /bin/obj/ folder.

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ClickOnce Deployment Error And Application Identity

Mar 26, 2009

All,I seem to have stumbled upon a ClickOnce error that stops me from auto-updating. When I Deploy my program using ClickOnce it publishes to the specified location and installs just fine. I can run my program no problem if I activate it from the start menu. However, I have code that registers the program as the default to open a specific file type. Naturally, I want my user to be able to double click on the file type of my choice and have my program open like normal. All-in-All this works.

The problem arises because I need my program to check for updates before loading my program, much like it does when I open the program from the start menu (I set the auto-update check within the ClickOnce options). However, this check does NOT run when the user double-clicks a file type to run my program, it merely skips this step and opens the program. So first I tried to find a way to run the Update manually through code, what I cam up with was this: [Code]

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Deployment :: Application Icon Not Displaying On Desktop

Nov 24, 2011

I've created my first Visual Studio (2010) app. It's a simple, single form, single exe app. I set the application icon in Project Properties and built the app. When I view the exe file in Windows Explorer the small icon displays but when I copy the exe file to my Windows 7 desktop I get the default exe icon instead of the icon I've specified. If I copy the ico file to the desktop the picture displays and when I create a shortcut to the exe file and specify my ico as the icon it also displays.

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Setup And Deployment Project That Installs My Application ?

Jan 21, 2009

I have a setup and deployment project that installs my application. During installation, I create a hierarchy of folders under the C: drive.

However, when I use add/remove programs to uninstall my application, I do NOT want this hierarchy of folders to be removed. How is this possible?

Also, when creating the folders, I set "AlwaysCreate" to True. If one of the folders already exists, will it be replaced with my new empty folder? If so, how can I prevent this.

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Unable To Get Namespace System.Deployment.Application

Aug 19, 2010

I am trying to get this: System.Deployment.Application.ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.IsFirstRun.But the application namespace is not there. I just see System.Deployment.Internal. The object browser, however, shows me all the properties and methods of that namespace, but my app can't see it.?

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Use ClickOnce Deployment On My Application To Get The Update Feature?

Dec 21, 2009

I use ClickOnce Deployment on my application to get the update feature.But i really do not like the deployment and the setup Is their a way I can use the Visual Studio setup feature to make a msi package for my application but still have the update feature?

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VS 2010 Express Database Application Deployment?

Sep 28, 2011

I've developed a database application in VB.Net Express 2010 and am having difficulty deploying it. The only deployment method available to me using the Express version is OneClick deployment. I can't figure out how to include the Access database file in the package.

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Vs2010 Eula.rtf Is Not Displayed During Application Deployment?

Jul 15, 2010

I've created a setup and deployment project for my application using the Visual Studio 2010 wizard. I also added the eula.rtf file to the setup project and set it to install to the user's application folder. I then added a license agreement UI dialog in the setup project and pointed the licenseFile to eula.rtf. However, when testing the resulting setup.msi, the UI License Agreement dialog appears but no text is displayed inside the box where the eula should appear. I tried re-naming the eula and tried to change the encoding of the file but without success. Am I missing something? What should I do to make it work?

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Application Setup And Deployment - Create A Software Package

Jun 12, 2009

I completed an application in and i'm using sql server 2005 as database engine.Now I want to create a software package for this application.But the problem is that how can I include the database within this package,I'm also using a crystal report, How can I install this application to a system that doesn't have sql server?.

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Clickonce Nightmare System.Deployment.Application.DeploymentDownloadException?

Jun 9, 2009

anyone know how to fix this? this is what i get when i try to run setup.exe

Windows : 5.1.2600.196608 (Win32NT)
Common Language Runtime : 2.0.50727.3053


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Deploy Windows Application Without Using Setup And Deployment Package

Apr 8, 2009

I have created a windows application which Installs Multiple MSI's based on some condition. The project is created in Visual Studio 2008 with .Net framework 3.5; If this application runs in a machine which has atleast Dot Net 2.0 installs, it works fine. but the system without framework 2.0 throws an error "The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0000135)"

How can I stop my application from crashing. I tried giving a check in the Main(), but it is not even firing the Main(); Is there any way I can give a prerequisite, But not in the Publish, Coz i am using the output exe and not the clickonce output..

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Deployment :: Application Icon Setting In Project Properties

Jun 5, 2009

I have a icon for my application that I set in the project properties window there is a little drop down box to browse to the icon location. While debugging everything is good. Once I build the app and place it on a PC and manually start the app all is good. My app starts with windows and now every time the program goes to start I get an error that the icon cannot be found in the DocumentandSettingUSERNAME folder. So the question is do I have to place my app icon in this folder? In design I have the icon in the binDebug folder and that is were I point to in the Project properties page.
I am using VS 2008

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Deployment :: Deploying A Application And Creating An Access Database

Mar 25, 2009

I have to deploy my VB.NET application, and create a new access database with 5 tables, some filled in with values on installation in a specified folder in the C: drive which also needs to be created. I have found using google havent seemed to work for me. I am using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition, so maybe I need to use a proper copy of Visual Studio 2008 to do this.

So basically I am looking for a way to create a .exe file that will be used to install my program on a user's computer, and create a folder and database with some values on instalation. Could anyone tell me how I can do this or point me in the right direction? EDIT - Also would you be able to answer this question for me. Will the computer that the program will be installed on require visual studio or any other software to run my program?

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Deployment :: Is There Another Application Can Use To Deploy Project Without Losing Sanity

Mar 3, 2012

Using Visual Studio 2010, Windows 7.Setting up project on one machine, then attempting deployment it on another machine with Windows 7 on it:When it comes to deployment, every time I have one to do, it is like pulling teeth.I am in file system setup, and I have a custom folder created with DefaultLocation set at [CommonAppDataFolder].Supposably you can use the "Common Files Folder" too, but that did not work either.What is happening is, I have three files in this folder, and two of them copy over just fine, when I look at the ProgramData/Tachufind folder, both of those files are in there, but no sign whatsoever of the third file.I have tried deleting and then re-copying the file back in, to no avail.I have tried setting various properties, to see if that will change anything, to no avail. Can't Microsoft make this easier, this is deployment-hell! Is there another application you can use to deploy a project without losing your sanity?

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Deployment :: Roaming Profile - Get The Installer To Install An Application Normally

Mar 4, 2012

Using Visual Studio 2010, Windows 7. Setting up project on one machine, then attempting deployment it on another machine with Windows 7 on it:

How do you get the installer to install an application normally, my app is installing on roaming profile, and I do not want it to install that way . . . I want it to run as a normal software application, it is not created for network use!

In short, I want the application to install under the Program Files directory, and the data files to install under the ProgramData directory. I have already designated the Application Folder's DefaultLocation as [CommonAppDataFolder] and the application data folder as [CommonAppDataFolder], . . . but it makes no difference, it still installs as a roaming profile.

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System.Deployment Reference Breaks Application.Exit()?

Oct 20, 2009

I have the following code under a button labeled "Exit" for exiting my application. Code:Application.Exit()It has been working fine. I added a reference to System.Deployment and the compiler suddenly doesn't like Application.Exit(). Can I not use Application.Exit() and have a ref to System.Deployment at the same time? Upate: I got it. I used the Object Browser and found "System.Windows.Forms.Application.Exit" which works with System.Deployment referenced

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VS 2008 Synchronice Database In ClickOnce Deployment Application?

Aug 24, 2011

My application/project has an Access Database as its Project DataSource. I have a DataSet Designer (.xsd), with many TableAdapters, some of which I've created via the Designer. I have 2-10 users/foreman on any given workday, with their own Netbook and my ClickOnce Application.Users will add/edit/delete records in each of their own versions of the App/DataBase, XML files, representing changes, are created and upload to an ftp server.The corner I've painted myself into:When my Project Manager downloads these XML files using his own version of the application, analyzes each reported item, confirms and updates his version what is the best way to propagate those updates back to each user without having to update the project db and publish again?

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