Array Parameters In Functions/procedures?

Feb 1, 2011

I do need to write a procedure that carries an array as a parameter- The array can be an array of many types (Dates, Double, Strings etc)- The number of elements in the array is unknownExample:Private Sub MyArrayRoutine(MyFirstPatameter as string, MyArray as array of Object()

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Calculating VAT Using Procedures And Functions?

Jun 3, 2011

Im currently working on a car service program on Visual Basic. The user simply selects some radio buttons, enters a couple of values and at the end the lablels are SubTotal, VAT and Total. Can anyone tell me how I calculate the VAT, the VAT rate I need to use is 20%. I currently have an appropiate answer for the Sub Total. I know I need to multiply the SubTotal amount by 0.2 but how do I do this using Procedures and Functions?

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Mastermind Game - Functions And Procedures

Apr 19, 2010

I have to make a mastermind game in VB 2008 using procedures and functions and not using any public variables. There are 5 procedures and functions:

1)Sub ChooseColors (intPeg1Color, intPeg2Color, intPeg3Color) which generates unique numbers to represent the colours for the secret arrangement of the coloured pegs.
2)Sub GetGuess(intPeg1Guess, intPeg2Guess, intPeg3Guess, blnDuplicateGuesses) which gets the unique guesses of the three peg colours from the user.
3)Function CorrectPegs(intPeg1Guess, intPeg2Guess, intPeg3Guess, intPeg1Color, intPeg2Color, intPeg3Color) which calculates the number of correct pegs chosen by the user.
4)Function CorrectColors(intPeg1Guess, intPeg2Guess, intPeg3Guess, intPeg1Color, intPeg2Color, intPeg3Color) which calculates the number of correct colors chosen by the user.
5)Function HasDuplicates(intPeg1Color, intPeg2Color, intPeg3Color), called from ChooseColors(), which returns True if any of the peg colours is a duplicate with any other peg colour.

Here is my code so far:
Private Sub btnDone_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDone.Click
If MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to exit?", "Confirm exit", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Stop) = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then
[Code] .....

How I can get the variables from ChooseColors (peg1Color, peg2Color, peg3Color) and the variables from GetGuess (peg1Guess, peg2Guess, peg3Guess) and use them for the functions, CorrectPegs and CorrectColors.

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Mortgage Calculator Using Functions And Sub Procedures?

Nov 23, 2011

For my enterprise computing course we were asked to re-due a previous project which was a mortgage calculator that calculates your monthly payment except now using function and sub procedures.


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VS 2008 Track All Functions And Procedures?

Feb 4, 2010

is there any option in callstack or any third party tools to get all the list of functions and procedures executed in project. on callstack, while when goes to different class method and returns, the tracking information loss. so after fulll of excution of project, do we get the list of all executed members in order of execution ..

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Get Results From GenerateNumbers Outputted To The Main Program To Be Used In Other Functions/procedures?

Dec 10, 2011

I'm having trouble getting this program to work.. I just cant figure out how to get results from GenerateNumbers outputted to the main program to be used in other functions/procedures.I tried

Dim Result1 As String = ThreeResults(0)
Dim Result2 As String = ThreeResults(1)
Dim Result3 As String = ThreeResults(2)

but for some reason it sets the value of each ThreeResults(x) to " "[code]......

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Where To Look In A VB Backend To Find Parameters That Match Stored Procedures

Apr 8, 2009

I am building a module that uses gridview and formview to display data in a grid, using VB as my backend, developing in VS2008. When I try to implement the module, I receive an error about matching parameters.From what I have read, this error kicks back due to a discrepancy between the VB and the SQL stored procedures.My query should be totally okay, but I don't know where exactly I should be looking in my visual basic...I have five separate VB files; the view.vb file, edit.vb, settings.vb, the controller.vb, and info.vb.I had thought that my best bet might be the controller file, but I can seem to find anything that might be missing.

Error report to follow:
Parameter count does not match Parameter Value count. ---> System.ArgumentException: Parameter count does not match Parameter Value count. at


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Use Stored Procedures With Parameters To Retrieve Data And Display It In A Report Viewer?

Sep 20, 2010

how i can use stored procedures with parameters to retrieve data and display it in a report viewer in VB 2005.

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Get Functions Name And Their Parameters?

Dec 13, 2010

We know some functions in dll files and can use them but if we haw a dll file and dont know functions names. is there a way to get the functions name and their parameters

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Add Description To Functions And Function Parameters?

Apr 19, 2011

I'm writing a VB.NET function with a ton of overloads. I've seen that most .NET functions have parameter descriptions in IntelliSense. For example, when typing in String.Compare(, IntelliSense says Compares two specified System.String objects and returns... you get the idea. This description changes and you click through different overloaded versions of the same functions. When you start typing in something for a parameter, it describes the parameter you're currently inputting as well. Example: strA: The first string to compare..

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How Are Parameters Passed To Functions By Default

May 22, 2012

[code]Is j passed as value ByVal or by reference ByRef?Or does it depends of the data type? What if I have a complex object passed as the value?

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Arguments / Parameters And Variables Inside Shared Functions

May 19, 2011

Well I am a new to VB.NET, converting a legacy system to .NET world. Recently I have been reviewing the already existing code since I joined the project quite late in the team. I find that there are many shared functions (not shared class) inside many classes. I doubt this may create some problem if two requests ( i.e two different HTTP request to the same method as it's a WCF application, of course exposed methods are not shared but internally called methods are shared) comes to the same shared method and both the calls to the method may have different method parameters/arguments, overwriting each other's arguments. In short, if shared method has a list of arguments which is going to be processed, is there any chance of inconsistencies in the light of multiple access to the shared method via two http requests.

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Pass Parameters Of LINQ DataTables Through Functions And Subs?

Oct 30, 2011

How do I pass parameters of LINQ DataTables through Functions and Subs

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VS 2008 Subs/Functions Intellisense Listing Values To Parameters Upon Using It

May 30, 2010

I'm almost sure that I've seen this somewhere, but I can't find it anymore. Or maybe I'm imagining it, which would'nt be strange either.

When creating a sub or function and adding parameters used when calling it.

-Is it possible to list the parameters that I can enter when using it somewhere in my code?


Public Sub MessageMain(ByVal Message As String, ByVal MessageType As String (List of possible values for MessageType)) Same for example as when you have boolean values in a sub/function. As soon as you use that somewhere in your code intellisense will present you with True/False to select.

I'd like the same for parameters in subs or functions I create and calling them from somewhere in my code. Saves me the trouble of remembering which options are available for those parameters.

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Excel - Retaining Array Values Between Procedures

Feb 17, 2012

How do I effectively declare a Global Array which I can access the values of that array from any procedure? I have a Userform from which I will call various sub procedures depending on the actions performed on the useform. I have one procedure (Procedure1) where I have set up a multidimensional array and input values to it. I have another procedure (Prodedure2) where I want to access the values in the array - I DO NOT want to pass the array values directly from Procedure1 to Procedure2.

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Pass And Access The Array Variable In Stored Procedures?

Jun 10, 2011

How can i pass and access the array variable in Stored Procedures

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Vb6 Declaring Functions - Error - "optional Parameters Must Specify A Default Value"

Oct 19, 2011

I just got upgraded from VB6.0 to VB2010. I'm trying to move some of my program functions over and I'm getting an error on the ones where I use optional... Public Function GetFolder(ByRef FTT As String, Optional InitFile As String)

I get the error at the end of the line, after the close par...the error is "optional parameters must specify a default value".

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VS 2008 : Have A Class Where The Functions Of The Same Name Are Both Instance Functions And Shared Functions?

Dec 6, 2010

What I am trying to do is have a class where the functions of the same name are both instance functions and shared functions.

Public Shared Function Get...(byval xx as xx)


Public Function Get...

The Public Function uses a Property xx created in the constructor, whereas the Shared Function has the parameters (byval xx as xx).

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Enumerations To Array Of (Type) Functions

Apr 11, 2010

I usually always use enummerations as a pass ID of some type with a calculated value using the n^2 notation to calculate the return values. It's easy to derive with squareroots what values are derived from a sum; but most of the time I use the Identifier String to denote a combo box drop down list view. I think this is fairly routine for most developers; since in all my coding or rework I have seen it used commonly by other developers also.

Anyway, I wanted to do some sort of comparisson array of strings to fill the combobox using the *.Items.AddRange() function and it requires an array pass (this typically shrinks the code down considerably) and if you want to mix and match arrays in segments it's easier. So here is the code; for doing so I am assuming that other developers use an "AddToArray" type function like me; if not you have to write the function or just replace the code with the actual adding to array.

''' <summary>
''' Convert an enummeration to an array.
''' </summary>
''' <param name="ConvertTo">Convert to return type.</param>


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Datarow Array Functions Like Sort, Average, Find

May 26, 2009

I was working on some code in VB.NET 2008 and somehow got a bunch of new functions to pop up in intellisense on a datarow array. I saw find, findfirst, sort, average, and lots more. They had an icon next to them in intellisense when I saw them. Then I went and changed some of the code and now I can't get them to come back. I have used 2005 and 2003 for a long time, but still pretty new to 2008.

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Convert Method Parameters Into Array?

Apr 17, 2011

Is there a Visual Basic.NET method that can convert method parameters into an array?[code]...

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Function To Return The Parameters As Array?

May 20, 2010

Dim oList as new Hashtable
How can I create a a function to return my objects like the above one.


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How To Send Parameters Array In Function

Jul 17, 2010

i am using XML as database, so updating or inserting diffrent XML's currently i am manage a seprate class for seprate XML file, this process consuming my lot of time, i want to create a genrelize class. currently according to the XML need i am sending two, three, four or five parameter in my function.

now i want to send array of the parameter to my function, so becoz of this thing i could mange all of my functions via a single class...

i am sending u the example what currently i use now...

Public Function Update(ByVal Item_ID As Long, ByVal ProductName As String, ByVal Price As Long, ByVal Path As String) As Long


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Passing Parameters To Array Of Sqlparameters?

Sep 19, 2009

I have this code

Public Function ExecuteDataReaderSP( _
ByVal storedProcedureName As String, _
ByVal ParamArray arrParam() As SqlParameter) As SqlDataReader[code]....

I try various ways to pass the parameters, every time it return a different error.How is the correct way to pass those parameters?

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Sorting Array Of Structure Using Different Parameters

Jun 3, 2010

I made an Array of Structure as given below. Now I want to sort them using different parameters.
"Array.Sort(ArratName)" or "Array.Reverse(ArrayName)" didn't work as I expected.

CheckNumber As
[Code] .....

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Declare Many Parameters Are Array Type In Function?

Dec 10, 2009

Public Function manyarrays(ByVal ParamArray ints() As Integer,ByVal strs() As String) End Function But it is error . How can i fix it ?

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Passing An Array Of Strings To A Webservice As Parameters?

Jul 26, 2011

I have created a webservice in VB.NET

method will return object Values (in an array of String)for all objects (in an array og String)",


Error 1 Value of type '1-dimensional array of String' cannot be converted to 'TestUse_SEdkVistaWebService.JF_WebService.ArrayOfString'

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Calling A Function Passing Array Content As Parameters?

Oct 27, 2009

I'm program to handle ftp multiple file transfers. What I had in mind was to create an array for each type of file I need to process. There are 8 file types each needs to be transferred to a unique host.

Dim arrA() As String = {"*a*.dat", "/destpath1/", "host1", "id", "pass"}


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Excel Maths Functions And Calls To All DLL Functions Documentation?

Jan 29, 2007

1) Is it possible to access the Excel mathematical functions without actually opening Excel?

I was thinking of through a DLL WinAPI call or maybe a delegate function or smaller program?

2) Does anyone know of a MS link or area that gives instruction on "how to" use every function of every Windows DLL at all?

Or for all those that Microsoft have chosen to document online at least.

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C# - Search For Names In The Database That Matches Whole Parameters Or Any Part Of Parameters

May 13, 2011

I'm writing a query to select all records that has any part of parameter. I have one table called Employees. Some people have name like this: John David Clark If the parameter is


I should be able to get result back as long as there's a match in the parameters. If I use Function Contains (q.FirstName & " " & q.LastName).Contains(employeeName), I will not get any result back if employeeName is "John Clark" Function Contains looks only for next words from left to right. It doesn't match a single word at a time. So that's why I used this in the Linq to SQL:


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