Convert Method Parameters Into Array?

Apr 17, 2011

Is there a Visual Basic.NET method that can convert method parameters into an array?[code]...

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.NET Outputting Method Parameters?

Feb 19, 2011

I am trying to print (to a text file) the fragmentation information give by Win32_Volume class using the DefragAnalysis method and have come up with the following VB.NET code:

Dim objReader As StreamWriter
objReader = New StreamWriter(FolderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath + "FragInfo" + "_" + CreationDate + ".txt")
Dim colItemsFragInfo As New ManagementObjectSearcher("rootCIMV2", "Select * from Win32_Volume where DriveType = 3")


You do not need to defragment this volume.However executing this in Visual Studio returns the below:

Volume size: MB
Cluster size: MB

You do not need to defragment this volume.The point here is though it does NOT work under Windows Server 2008 R2, but does work under Windows Server 2003 (when executed in Visual Studio), WMI Code will work regardless of platform.

NB: i have played with the "Console.WriteLine" and changed it to "Debug.WriteLine" to output value to immediate window.

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Call A Method Which Has Two Parameters Using Thread?

Jun 8, 2009

I am trying to call a method which has two parameters using thread. How can I do this? If I pass parameter to my thread.start() method, it is giving error.

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Get The Values Of The Parameters Of A Calling Method?

Oct 19, 2011

I am writing a alternative to GDI, and rigth now i am working at a logging function. The idea is that while you use the class to draw, it will write a logg of what you have done, which can be used to draw it back later. In that way i would be able to store a drawing with weary little disk usage.


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How Parameters Can Be Passed To Method Using Threading

Aug 20, 2009

How would I go about passing parameters to a method? I would want to do the following:
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
ReceivingUdpClient = New System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient(6767)
Dim receiveBytes As [Byte]() = ReceivingUdpClient.Receive(RemoteIpEndPoint)
Dim ThreadReceive As New System.Threading.Thread(AddressOf receiveMessages(receiveBytes))
End Sub
Private Sub receiveMessages(ByVal receiveBytes As Byte())
End Sub

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Use Interfaces As Method Parameters In C# Or Program?

Feb 1, 2012

How to pass a object that is initialized from a derived class to a method that has Interface as the parameter?[code]...

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Use Shell Method On A File With Parameters?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm trying to use the Shell method however I'm having trouble because I want to open the file a specific way.

For example,

Shell("C:x.exe" -window)

However this gives an error.

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C# - Use A Method Instead Of Lambda Expression With Extra Parameters?

Jan 27, 2012

I have an inline lambda expression that I would like to use throughout my application. I just can't seem to find a reference on how to do this with more parameters than the element being tested. Here is a quick example of what I currently have.

Private Sub Test()
Dim List As New List(Of String) From {"Joe", "Ken", "Bob", "John"}
Dim Search As String = "*Jo*"


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Create A Method With Unknown Number Of Parameters?

Jun 5, 2012

Is there a way to create a method with unknown number of parameters? And if it this the case: How is it possible to get access to them within this method? Do they have to be from the same type?

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Method Parameters Have Incorrect Values When Using RowTest

Apr 6, 2010

I have the following test method (VB.NET)
<RowTest()> _
<Row(1, 2, 3)> _
Public Sub AddMultipleNumbers(ByVal number1 As Integer, ByVal number2 As Integer, ByVal result As Integer)
Dim dvbc As VbClass = New VbClass()
Dim actual As Integer = dvbc.Add(number1, number2)
Assert.That(actual, [Is].SameAs(result))
End Sub
My problem is that when the test runs, using TestDriven.Net, the three method parameters are 0 and not the values I am expecting. I have referenced the NUnit.Framework (v. anf the NUnitExtension.RowTest (v.

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Optional Parameters Versus Method Overloads?

Oct 6, 2009

I was familiar with the optional parameters in vb 6 and it made sense given the capabilities of the language but why the heck does VB.Net support optional parameters when there is method overloading? Which one should I use and is there a difference? If there is a difference when should I use each one?

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Send Parameters To Method From JavaScript Code?

Sep 3, 2009

I have method and i call it from JS code i can't send parameter to this method and here is sample:[code]

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Use Class To Store The Parameters BEFORE Call A Method

Jan 5, 2012

A friend in work suggested the use on classe to store the parameters BEFORE call a method. He's said this is called "Abstract Class". My "know how" of VB.NET is small... so, I want to know of you what mode is the best way: Call a function/sub like that:


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.net - 'ObjectDataSource1' Could Not Find A Non-generic Method 'getCOMDLs' That Has Parameters:

Sep 27, 2010

Getting this error message and I am not able to figure out why. Here is my code:

<asp:TextBox ID="searchParam" Width="250px" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><asp:button ID="btnSearch" runat="server" Text="Search" />
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" SelectMethod="getCOMDLs" TypeName="NewEmployee">


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How To Use Late Binding To Invoke Method With ByRef Parameters

May 22, 2009

I have a COM component that I want to call using late-binding from VB.NET (using Primary Interop Assembly - PIA method). My IDL signature for the COM method looks like:
HRESULT Send([in]BSTR bstrRequestData,
[out]VARIANT *pvbstrResponseData,
[out]VARIANT *pvnExtCompCode,
[out,retval]int *pnCompletionCode);

So 2 'ByRef' parameters in VB.NET lingo, and a return value. I attempt to invoke this method like so:
Dim parameters(2) As Object
parameters(0) = "data"
parameters(1) = New Object()
parameters(2) = New Object()
Dim p As New ParameterModifier(3)
[Code] .....
This fails spectactularly with an exception: {"Invalid callee. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80020010 (DISP_E_BADCALLEE))"}

I assume this means I'm doing something wrong in my parameterMods array. Because if I comment out setting any value of the ParameterMods array to 'True' - it works. It of course doesnt update the parameters that are [out] parameters and so it's not working as intended. Is there something else to consider since the method also has a return value? The MSDN example pretty much does exactly what I am doing, with the exception that example did not have a return value.

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C# - List All Invocations And Hardcoded String Parameters Of A Method From A .Net Assembly?

Nov 24, 2010

For example, assume that in my assembly, in Namespace A, Class B, there is an instance method with the following signature: void Test(string someString, int someOtherParm, string someOtherString ); This method is called multiple times, from multiple places in the assembly. I would like to be able build a list of all invocations of this method and the value of the someString/someOtherString (assuming they are hardcoded). In other words, I like to extract a list of calls like the example one below, if they happen in the assembly somewhere: Test("some text", 8, "some other text");

View 1 Replies - Convert SQL (Pseudocode) To Dymanic LINQ Query From List<Custom> Parameters?

Apr 5, 2012

GOAL: Bind nested ListViews to LINQ generated iQueryable of anonymous type. I want to use LINQ because you can use GroupBy and bind the nested ListView to the 'it' keyword.

SETUP: I have groups of sets of conditions. Each set of conditions is stored in the BillingCodes table. Each group of BillingCodes is stored in the BillingGroups table.

I have a custom object that stores the ID, Name, and NumCodes for each BillingGroup that the user has chosen.I have a collection of these objects called GroupsList that has a list of the groups that the user has chosen.

Problem 1: I can iterate through GroupsList and grab all the IDs. How do I translate the SQL 'WHERE ID IN(a string of comma delineated IDs)' for LINQ to SQL? Is that the best way to do that?

Problem 2: Once I have the list of BillingGroups I need to iterate through each group. For each group, I need to iterate through the BillingCodes. For each BillingCode I need to generate a WHERE clause that has all of the conditions in the BillingCode. I propose something like so:

for each BillingGroup in BillingGroups
for each BillingCode in BillingGroup.BillingCodes
where1 = "..."

Problem 3: Here's the part where I don't have a clue. I need to dynamically create a query in LINQ to SQL. Keep in mind that I don't know how many groups there'll be or how many codes are in each group.

There are 2 tables:



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Array Parameters In Functions/procedures?

Feb 1, 2011

I do need to write a procedure that carries an array as a parameter- The array can be an array of many types (Dates, Double, Strings etc)- The number of elements in the array is unknownExample:Private Sub MyArrayRoutine(MyFirstPatameter as string, MyArray as array of Object()

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Function To Return The Parameters As Array?

May 20, 2010

Dim oList as new Hashtable
How can I create a a function to return my objects like the above one.


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How To Send Parameters Array In Function

Jul 17, 2010

i am using XML as database, so updating or inserting diffrent XML's currently i am manage a seprate class for seprate XML file, this process consuming my lot of time, i want to create a genrelize class. currently according to the XML need i am sending two, three, four or five parameter in my function.

now i want to send array of the parameter to my function, so becoz of this thing i could mange all of my functions via a single class...

i am sending u the example what currently i use now...

Public Function Update(ByVal Item_ID As Long, ByVal ProductName As String, ByVal Price As Long, ByVal Path As String) As Long


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Passing Parameters To Array Of Sqlparameters?

Sep 19, 2009

I have this code

Public Function ExecuteDataReaderSP( _
ByVal storedProcedureName As String, _
ByVal ParamArray arrParam() As SqlParameter) As SqlDataReader[code]....

I try various ways to pass the parameters, every time it return a different error.How is the correct way to pass those parameters?

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Sorting Array Of Structure Using Different Parameters

Jun 3, 2010

I made an Array of Structure as given below. Now I want to sort them using different parameters.
"Array.Sort(ArratName)" or "Array.Reverse(ArrayName)" didn't work as I expected.

CheckNumber As
[Code] .....

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Convert C# Class's Byte Array Values Into Integer Array?

Jun 22, 2010

A c# class's single dimension byte array contains socket level instrument sensor data as per:

public static byte[] frameData

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2 Dimentional Array - Convert To An UNLIMITED Range Array?

Apr 30, 2012

How i can convert this array to an UNLIMITED range array?


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Declare Many Parameters Are Array Type In Function?

Dec 10, 2009

Public Function manyarrays(ByVal ParamArray ints() As Integer,ByVal strs() As String) End Function But it is error . How can i fix it ?

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Passing An Array Of Strings To A Webservice As Parameters?

Jul 26, 2011

I have created a webservice in VB.NET

method will return object Values (in an array of String)for all objects (in an array og String)",


Error 1 Value of type '1-dimensional array of String' cannot be converted to 'TestUse_SEdkVistaWebService.JF_WebService.ArrayOfString'

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Convert A Method In C# To VB?

Mar 5, 2009

I am trying to convert a method in C# to VB, but am finding it impossible.the C# code is


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Calling A Function Passing Array Content As Parameters?

Oct 27, 2009

I'm program to handle ftp multiple file transfers. What I had in mind was to create an array for each type of file I need to process. There are 8 file types each needs to be transferred to a unique host.

Dim arrA() As String = {"*a*.dat", "/destpath1/", "host1", "id", "pass"}


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Convert .NET Encryption Method To PHP?

Dec 2, 2011

I desperately need this VB.NET code converted to PHP.This is the Instructions I received:To test your encryption, encrypt the following word with these keys and check if you get the same result:

Text to encrypt: MyPassword
Salt key: *&^%$#@!
PBE Key: FWV70700[code].....

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Convert Anonymous Method To .NET?

Mar 20, 2012

I have the following in C#: public static void StartAnimation(UIElement animatableElement, DependencyProperty dependencyProperty, double toValue, double animationDurationSeconds, EventHandler completedEvent)


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