Avoiding Loading Of Form When Experimenting With Debug.Write?

Jun 17, 2011

loading of form when I experiment with Debug.Write code?I deleted the form,placed code in a standard module before running the program but am getting an error message.With the form existing I get what I want but I just don't need to wait for the form to load and then to click cancel to close it.Is it not possible to have just a standard module in a VB 2010 Express project? If not can't I place the code in form1.vb but stop it from loading every time I test something?

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Avoiding Updating A Form From A Thread?

Sep 8, 2009

I've seen a good bit written on avoiding updating a form from a thread.However,I was wondering if that was a problem if the thread exists in an object that programatically builds the form?Thus the form and associated logic exist within the same "thread space." Seems on the face of it like it would work since everything in the form should be in a single dispatch queue.

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Output Window Is Not Displaying Messages Sent By Debug.Write()?

Feb 26, 2011

I am using Visual Studio 2010 Professional in trial mode... and suddenly the Output window won't show my Debug.Write() stuff. It had been showing it for the past month.I have been using the 2010 version for 30 days (after upgrading from Visual Studio 2003) in trial mode. I just renewed the trial for the extra 60 days, and the "About Visual Studio" window says I still have 59 days left.

I have verified that the application is running properly, without errors. When I purposely generate an error, the Output Window properly shows the error and the stack trace I've already checked my Build>Configuration... it's in "Debug" mode, not "Release". The Debug.Write() text is not going to the Immediate window, either.One other point, I tried running the same application in the Visual Studio 2010 Express Edition, and it complained that it could not debug the specified code, though it did properly build it so that it would run in the build. Could Visual Studio 2010 Express have modified something in my project files to disable the debugging output?

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C# - Why Does The 0x00 Character Make System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine Not Write A New Line

Jul 29, 2011

Dim hex = "41"
Dim text As New System.Text.StringBuilder
For i As Integer = 0 To hex.Length - 2 Step 2
text.Append(Chr(Convert.ToByte(hex.Substring(i, 2), 16)))


but yet this fails.. (the output isn't itself in a new line) what's the explanation for that?From what I know, doesn't System.Diagnostics.Debug.Writeline does something which looks like this:


so regardless of my input it should always have a newline char even if there is a terminating 00 char in my input?

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Loading The Reports Fom Reports Folder Instead Of Debug?

Apr 28, 2011

i am developing an application in vb.net having crystal reportsi have stored all my reports in a folder called report in my applicationbut initally when i executed i got a error msg like the report doesnot exixts in debug folderso i copied all the reports from report folder to debug folder & its workingany changes that i mke in report folder needs to be copied into the debug folder alsois it possible that the reports be executed from reports folder only & not from debug folder as everytime i need to make changes in the debug folderhow can i chnage the path to reports folder

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Get Form Click Or Form Control Mouse Events To Fire DURING Form LOADing

Aug 26, 2011

Im Using VB 2008. I have MsgBox() statements in all Mouse & Form Click events to TEST & NOTHING FIRES during Form Load when I click on Form or Button Controls !!! The Form Load event contains code for Displaying the Label.Text control many times with changes in the Text to simmulate annimation.


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Write Some Messages To A Text File Using Debug.writeline("Message")

Mar 16, 2012

I am trying to write some messages to a text file using debug.writeline("Message"). Here is the code.

Dim Tr As TextWriterTraceListener
Tr = New TextWriterTraceListener(System.IO.File.CreateText("Output1.txt"))
'Tr = New TextWriterTraceListener(System.Console.Out)
Debug.WriteLine("Test Message")

I see the output1.txt file being created but nothing being written in the file.

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Don't Set "Save All Changes" Before Building If Experimenting

Aug 20, 2010

If experimenting with your project, note that (by default?) all changes are saved and not discarded when you close the project! Set the "Before building" Option to "Don't save any changes" to avoid this.

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There Is A Debug In Log In Form

Jul 27, 2011

below the str which rs.Open(str, conn, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenDynamic, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockOptimistic) there is a debug on it,.please what should i do? [code]

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.net - VB 2010 Express: Debug.WriteLine Optimized Away Completely In Debug Version?

Aug 31, 2011

Simple question that does not seem to be covered: If I use a lot of Debug.WriteLine statements in my code, will they be completely absent in my production version?

I mean: Is the compiler smart enough to not emit any code for those calls? Or would I have to surround them by #if DEBUG..#end if directives?

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Forms :: Cannot Debug With Webbrowser On A Different Form?

May 29, 2011

I have an application that loads a website into a webbrowser control that is on another form (Form2). Unfortunately, during debugging, the contents of the webbrowser does not show. The remainder of my program depends on the information obtained from the loaded website but since it does not show

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IDE :: VS Debug Puts Form Into Read Only

Jul 17, 2009

In this particular project (i.e. not in general) at some point something changed. I am in debug mode and start the debugger (F5). My code pages are now tagged as 'Read Only' and when the debugger stops at a break point I cannot make any changes. When I stop the debugger, the Read Only lock is removed again. I do not know what I can have done to start this situation (i.e. this project behaved OK until now), and I cannot find a way to stop this happening. This happens in one particular project only. The other projects behave correctly. I checked the Debug setup, and compared whatever I can with the other projects, but cannot make this go away. How can I fix this?

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C# - Output Debug And Trace Messages To Form

Oct 1, 2010

In my case, I'd like to output to a ListView or TextBox or for that matter, any control which can accept text. For this purpose, I'd like to have a general purpose Trace/Debug listener which I can hook to in order to process the messages (convert to a ListViewItem or something) before outputting it. Is there any way I can achieve this or do I have to build my own Trace Listener? If it's worth noting, I run VS2010 ultimate & VS2008 professional. Solution should be in preferably be in VB.NET but C# is okay.

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VS 2008 - Controls Put Inside Form But Don't Appear When Debug

Jul 8, 2009

I have a problem. Controls is put inside form but don't appear when debug? I don't know what happened but. I put a Checkbox control and a button control named Button 3 on the my existing form. But when I debug the application. The Checkbox and Button 3 controls did not appear in the form? I try to put a message box which will be activate when Button 3 is clicked. I put a breakpoint there and I got this message. Breakpoint cannot be hit?

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Error Occurred In Debug After Changed Form Icon

Aug 18, 2011

After I've changed a form icon, I got an error in debug, i.e. 'System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException' occurred in mscorlib.dll...

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VS 2010 Command Prompt/Debug In VB Form (With Pictures)?

Feb 13, 2012

Someone made a program with this box in it and acts like a integrated command prompt, what is this?

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Prevent Painting Of .NET Form While Form Is Loading?

Jun 14, 2010

Is there a way to turn off all visual updates to a .NET form while I am manipulating it? When my program first loads, for example, I set the tab control to the tab that was last open. The user can see the program switching tabs.

I have looked into SuspendLayout and ResumeLayout, but either I don't understand what they are doing, or I am not using them correctly, because they don't seem to have any effect. Someone told me that there used to be a way to turn off paint events in VB 6. Does this still exist in .NET?

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VS 2008 : Loading Form Upon Closing Another Form?

Aug 29, 2011

I have 2 forms. When a user clicks something on form1, form2 pops up. After user is done with form2 and closes it (where the dataset is updated), I want form1 to "reload" the dataset to reflect changes made in form2.

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Display Progress Similar To Debug.writeline On Windows Form?

Sep 28, 2011

I have a procedure that loops through the directories/subdirectories on a file server and sets the permissions. Procedure is called on a button click of a form.

I need to display on the form which directory is being processed. Similar to if we use the Debug.writeline which writes to the output in Visual Studio. I tried using a ListBox but it only displays the last one and only displays the last one once processing is done. I want to be able to display each directory name as it is being processed.

Psuedo code as follows:

For each dir in L drive

'display in ListBox dir name

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Rebuild To Get The Designer Updated On Debug, With Custom Controls In Form?

Aug 10, 2011

At the moment, I'm writing tons of custom control, which all fits my needs. But the thing is, each time I Debug the project, it doesn't update the form designer at all, not even the code. My solution to this is to Rebuild the project, which can take time. This is very frustrating.

I'm using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate to compile.

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Avoiding ListView Duplicates

Jan 19, 2009

Im adding listviewitems and want to avoid duplication. Now currently, I have resorted to looping through the listview and comparing each items text property against what Im adding. But for a big table this is very slow. The ListView has a .Contains Method but this does not seem to do what I would have assumed; for example [code]Is there a way of doing this so I dont have to loop through all the items?

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Avoiding Multiple IF Statements?

Sep 14, 2010

I have the following code block. I'm tired of typing the same IF statement to check if the string has any lenght before assignning them to the class properties of Employee.

Is there any better to accomplish this?
Dim title = txtTitle.Text.Trim
Dim firstName = txtFirstName.Text.Trim


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Generic DAL Avoiding Reflection?

Oct 13, 2010

I'm working on a new DAL for my latest project. As the performance is essential I'm avoiding late binding/reflection as much as possible. One central part is the DAL function for populating Business Objects.One class is called in order to connect to the database with the given SQL (stored procedures can't be used in this environment) and the given Business Object or List is populated. As different Business Object types will be populated by the same function I made an Interface that all of the Business Objects implements with the Sub called "Fill". The question is - will reflection be used in this scenario? My thought was as I'm "describing" the objects trought the interface the compiler doesn't need to use Reflection.


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Avoiding 'Microsoft Excel' Prompt

Feb 15, 2012

I'm writing the following bits of code for a SaveFile Dialog box in Visual Basic 2010.NET. The code works well as the XLSX file is created and opens in Microsoft Excel. However, the problem that I am having is that if the program overwrites a file, the user is getting two prompts. One prompt is from the program's own SaveFile dialog confirming the choice. The other is from Microsoft Excel asking you the same. It's as if the program is running in the background.[code]

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Avoiding Creation Of SQL Queries In DataSet

Sep 26, 2011

I want to avoid the creation of SQL queries inside the dataset. Here's the screenshot:

Dim search_by_dateofcanvass = sqlcomm.CommandText = "SELECT [#], Material_Name, Brand, Unit, Discount, Supplier, Category, Date_of_Canvass, City, ListPrice, Material_Description, NetPrice, Area FROM CanvassTable WHERE (Date_of_Canvass = " & DTPcanvass.Text & ")"
Me.CanvasstableTableAdapter.search_by_dateofcanvass(Me.FinalDatabaseDataSet.CanvassTable, datepick)

By the way that query can be use to search for date.

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Avoiding Double Data In Datagridview?

Sep 16, 2011

If dr("iname").ToString = DataGridView1.item(0).cells.item(0).valueThen Then
MsgBox("Similar items are not allowed.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical)
Exit Sub
End If

I need to avoid displaying similar data from my mysql database table iname to the gridview, but I can't identify the right syntax/code for that?

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Avoiding Duplicate Values In Database?

Jun 21, 2010

I want to insert number for City_Id and City_name , i wrote a query for auto generate number for City_Id,working fine but in the city name i want to avoid inserting duplicate value like if Mumbai is a City ihave already saved then system should not allow that name again. neither in small or in capital or mixed letter.

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Avoiding Namespace Declaration In Each File?

Sep 25, 2009

One feature of C# compiler is that namespace declaration by default follows the folder name structure in the project. By e.g. you have MyProject1MyDrawing and inside you create a class MyPoint the namespace for MyPoint will be MyProject1.MyDrawing

In VB I cant see any namespace declaration(apparently it implicitly 'inherits' the project(MyProject1) namespace). If I create a MyPoint and MyLine clases in the MyDrawing folder I need to surround each of created classes with "Namespace MyProject1.MyDrawing"..."End Namespace".

Is it possible to automatically name the namespaces like in C# by the folder name?

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Avoiding Referential Integrity While Updating

Jul 4, 2009

I have an MS Access database and an MS Visual Basic 2008 front end.I get this error when trying to update a record that has related records:The record cannot be deleted or changed because table 'X' includes related records.I only want to update one field in the row in the 'parent' table which is not the primary key field of either record but the 'Update' command seems to want to rewrite the whole datarow. Rewriting the whole row causes the error (as this updates the primary key). If I switch off refrential integrity checking in the underlying database this solves the problem except that I want to maintain referential integrity so its not really a solution. I have tried beginEdit and EndEdit with no success - same error.Is there a way to update just one field in a row and write that back to the database?

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Avoiding The Video Source Window?

May 17, 2012

I need the Logitech HD Webcam C310 to be preselected.When the Main Form opens the Webcam must be running allready, withoute having to select it from the Video Source Window.

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