Better Method For Changing The Background Of All The Button?

Nov 19, 2011

I made a code that will change the background button when the mouse cursor over it, the user press and release it ,and it work great.The code below is a part of the code I made, which will change the background of the button when click by user.

Method to use:

Sub butclick(ByVal butname)
'code reset of button background start
Main.bestassi_bluebut_about.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.buttonbg


But I had to reset all of the background of the button first, the picture below explain why I need to do like this:


So is there any better code for this? Because my method seen a bit silly. Is there any code that can change the background of all the button in one time?

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Changing Background Image Of A Button

May 29, 2011

Although my code compiles, it does not result in a change of the background picture of button1 here is my current code. Is it possible that my condition contains some error? or is the command itself wrong? [code]

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Changing Background Color Of A Button By Coding

Jul 22, 2011

I have a win app written in Visual Studio 2008 and it uses the original back color from the form designer: Backcolor = control. The background color is slightly different when I use the following code


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Changing Background Windows XP

Apr 8, 2010

I am making a desktop wallpaper manager but i can't get it to work on Windows XP.[code]It works on Vista and 7, but when i try on XP it just removes the current background and replaces it with a blue color?

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Changing The Background Picture?

Oct 23, 2011

Im just changing the background picture, and it is acting really stupid.Here is the troublesome

CharacterSprite.BackgroundImage = ShootinGuys.My.Resources.Resources.char_standing_r)The bold underlined character (the ")") is giving me the error:Error1End of statement expected.C:Users***documentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsShootinGuysShootinGuysForm1.vb12101ShootinGuys

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BackGround Image Changing While Debugging?

May 7, 2011

How can I get my vb program to switch the background image to several pictures automatically using a timer?

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Changing Background Image During Runtime?

Dec 9, 2010

i have a program i've made a while, and one of the users wants to be able to load his own images to the background instead of the plain grey that is there now. i've searched and searched, and basically can get this working

BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile("C:UsersMeFileName.png")

i just slapped that onto a button just to get it to work as i was experimenting. but that only works for a file of that name, on my computer, in that folder. what i'm looking to do is get it so a user can browse his own directories for images and upload them as the background on the form. and be able to save the settings as well. but so far i have only seen different ways to load preset images that you can load. if it's even possible? i'd assume that you'd use the openfiledialog command, but i'm not that well versed in vb as of yet.

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Changing Background Of Computer With Program?

Dec 12, 2009

i was wondering if it is possible to changed the background of the actual computer desktop. i've searched, but all i can find is how to change the background of the form.

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Changing Background Image By Shaking The Form

Apr 24, 2011

is there a way to change the background image of a form by just shaking the form? i'm using vb 2010.

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Changing Mousedown Event Background Image?

Feb 26, 2011

i am trying to create an application like a media player....Say i got an option which changes the background image of the form,like skin or something!now i want to change the mouse events when that background image is active on the form... lemme give u an example of a code...

Private Sub FireToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FireToolStripMenuItem.Click
Me.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.Fire
TrackBar1.BackColor = Color.Yellow
End Sub

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.net - Changing Background Color Of RectangleShape In VB Power Pack 3 With C#?

Feb 6, 2011

I've installed Visual Basic Power Pack 3 in Visual Studio 2008 SP1. I wanna change the background color of RectangleShape in a C# WinForm !!! I changed FillColor property and BackColor property to Black but nothing happened and RectangleShape's background color didn't changed.

How can I change the background color of RectangleShape ?

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Edit Custom Control Property - Background Not Changing

Nov 15, 2010

I have created several simply custom controls and I used them in my app. Now, I changed the background color in a custom control class, because I wanted an other color for this type of control. But in my app, the background of this controls didn't change. Why? I assume, I don't need to place again this controls on each forms to get the new background color, or do I? If yes, this is very stupid in my opinion.

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VS 2008 Changing Tab Control Background Color For Dummies?

Apr 4, 2009

I've been following you for some time, and many of the things you've done have helped me a lot, but this time I got stuck and need the help of an expert.I'll explain my case:I'm developing an assistance programme for an online game, and being this the 10th version I release, I wanted to do something special for the users, so I decided to make the programme based on tabs and give it the aspect of a new skin of the game that will be released soon.

As you may have guessed from the Title, I want to change the gray that is arround the flat buttons and on all the border of the tabcontrol, which is docked to the form. Here is a picture of the programme.To colour the tab buttons I used the following

Private Sub TabControl1_DrawItem(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DrawItemEventArgs) Handles TabControl.DrawItem


The problem is that I don't understand how to apply the "A Completely OwnerDraw TabControl" to my project, my knowledge isn't so far yet. Is there any way I can achieve the same results using something simplier? Or if not, could someone explain to me how to apply it without making any mistakes?

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Dynamically Changing A Table Cell Background Color In Aspx?

Oct 25, 2010

I have the following table row on my .aspx page.

Initial Requirements:

<td valign="bottom" id="ReqStatus" runat="server" style="background-color: Gray">
<%#ReqStatus(CType(CType(Container.DataItem, System.Data.DataRowView).Row, DataSet1.DataTable1Row))%>


I can change the color of the return value based on conditional statements but cannot figure out the correct syntax to change the table cell back ground. My attempt is commented out.

How do I correctly declare the table cell? Findcontrol must not be the correct way.

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VS 2010 Function For Changing Picturebox Background Image With String?

Mar 1, 2012

What I have done is named a bunch of picture boxes "Q," "W," "E," etc. (the whole alphabet) and named picture that correspond to these picture boxes ("Q.png," "W.png," and so on) and added them to my resources.

For example, the following code would give the picture box named "Q" it's corresponding image "Q.png":

Q.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.Q

Of course, it's kind of a pain in the backside to copy and paste this code and change all the Q's to W's and so on, so I was hoping to create a function to do the job for me:

Private Sub Form1_Load(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'So that I can run the letter as a string through the function,


Hopefully I've provided enough detail so that it is obvious what I'm trying to do.

Obviously, the code I tried above (the second block) doesn't work - it gives a syntax error. I need to change/write to make this function functional.

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Make Glossy Button - Change Button Background On Mouseover?

Sep 5, 2010

How to make glossy button in Vb.Net?


how change button background on mouseover?

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Background Color For Method Graphic.DrawString()?

Nov 8, 2011

Use VS 2010, VB.NET, .NET Framework 4, Windows 7

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Access A 3rd Party Application In The Background With The SendMessage Method?

Jul 27, 2009

I want to access a 3rd Party application in the background with the SendMessage method. It just needs to send a "space" to the software to trigger an action. It is important that this is done in the background because its a periodic event (ca. every 10 seconds), and it should be possible to simultaneously work on the same machine.

I tried to use the same approach which is shown in [URL]

The code I used is as follows:

Const WM_CHAR = &H102
Const BM_CLICK As Long = &HF5&
Private Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd


View 11 Replies

Put Method In Main Thread From Background Without Declaring Delegates?

Nov 23, 2009

put method in main thread from background without declaring delegates

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Possible For A Button To Have An Image In Background?

Aug 25, 2009

In 2008 express, is it possible me to specify an image that would be in the background of a command button?

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Set The Background Of Button At Runtime?

Feb 23, 2009

I have one button and one image list on my form. I need to set the background of button at runtime. But even at design time, when i give it through Imagelist, it blurs the image, and not showing it properly. If I assign that image as background image in design, without assigning the imagelist to button, it works fine. Here is the code for


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Changing A Button Image?

Feb 25, 2009

i've got buttons i'd like to highlight on mouseover. how does one change the image associated with a button?

i'd like to use the mouse enter and mouse leave events in order to change appearance of the button when the mouse is over it.

my environment: windows xp pro (sp3), visual studio 2008 pro, (sp1, sdk 1.1)

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Changing A Location Of A Button

Sep 26, 2009

I have been trying for about a hour to get this to work but I cant. Want to do is change the location of my button when I check my Checkbox I tried If CheckBox7.Checked = True Then Button3.Location = (100, 277) End If is this wrong? It seems like it should work but it doesn't.

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Changing Button Functions On The Fly?

May 11, 2012

I'm making a simple text game over the summer for something to do and was wondering if it's possible to change a buttons OnClick functions on the fly?

For example, if they enter a door I want to change the buttons OnClick to call a different subroutine instead of the one that's already predefined in the code.

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Changing Name Property Of A Button--Already In Use

Feb 3, 2011

I have a form which has ONLY three buttons. Somehow they got named Button5, Button6, and Button7.

When I try to rename them Button1, Button2 and Button3 to match code, I get a Dialog box which, if I look at Details, says the Button name is already in use.

Is there something I can do to enable the renaming?

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Disabling A Button Without Changing The Look?

Apr 7, 2010

I've used (buttonName).enabled = false to disable buttons when the user clicks on them but I don't like how the button becomes faded.

Is it possible to disable a button without changing the look of the button?

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Add Background Image To Button Dynamically

Jan 31, 2011

i am adding the button on runtime. how can i assign its background image? (no hard code for path) 2003

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Check Button Background Image?

Jul 19, 2010

Check in code, if a background image exists for a button.

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VS 2008 Get Button Depending On What The Background Is To Do Something?

Nov 16, 2009

Im currently trying to get button depending on what the background is to do something


if Button19.BackgroundImage = then

This doesnt work, but is there any other method of doing this?

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Changing Size Of Form Using Up / Down Button?

Jun 9, 2009

I have a problem with my program. I have a form with 2 buttons UP and DOWN. I use this buttons to change the size of the form. The first step works fine. If I press the down button I get MsgBox ("Go Down", vbYesNo,) if I press Yes the form resize from 300 to 600 and if I press no it stay 300. The problem is, if the form is already at 600 everytime I press the down button I get the MsgBox ("Go Down", vbYesNo,) if I press Yes it recycles it self the form goes to 300 and then back to 600 and if I press No it stays 600. What I want is if the form is already 600 and I press the down button it skips the MsgBox ("Go Down", vbYesNo,) and the form stay at 600.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub ButtonUp_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonUp.Click
Dim answer As String
If Val(TextBox1.Text) < 0 Then
answer = MsgBox("Go Up", vbYesNo, )
If answer = vbYes Then
For x = 300 To 600
[Code] .....

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