BindingSource.Find Part Of The String?

Sep 7, 2010

i am trying to locate the id of a field using the binding source, if i type the full id, it is locating it successfully no problem, but that is not what i want, i want to type 3 digits of the end of the id and be able to still locate that record. i triedusing wildcards with it "%" with no success any suggestions?

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Find Part Of A String Within A String?

Feb 11, 2011

I am trying to find the best way to extract parts of a string within a string. Take the following line:


How can I say extract just "16" for the height field?

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Bindingsource Find Using A Wildcard?

Feb 5, 2009

I'm trying to use the bindingsource.find method to match a datarow column with a user entered text. I know that using BindingSource1.find("columnName", searchString) will work when the user enters the exact string. What I would like to know is how to find a row that is close to the string using a wildcard search... a good example I guess is:dim searchString as string = textbox1.text 'lets say the user enter "se"dim index as integer = myBindingSource.find("columnName", searchString) 'I would like to find the firs record that starts with "se"I can achieve the idea using the bindingsource.filter method but this will interfere with other parts of my application if the bindingsource is changed.

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Bindingsource.find With Two Key Fields?

Oct 29, 2009

In my application, I have a single table. Two of the fields in the table are COUNTY and CATNUM. Both are string.

I want to perform a FIND on both fields. I have no problem doing the search on CATNUM alone IF I set a FILTER first. Due to the size of the table, it takes a few seconds to set the filter. Once the filter is set, .FIND works quickly.

The customer has the option of setting a filter to work on one COUNTRY at a time. If they choose to do so, no problem.

If they don't have a filter set and they are using the entire table, then when the customer wants to search for a COUNTRY & CATNUM, I present a list of COUNTRIES in the table and a textbox for them to input the CATNUM.

Now I have the COUNRTY and CATNUM - how do I do the FIND? I already know that I can FILTER the table by COUNTRY then do the find but as I said before, it takes too long for the filter to be set (in my mind anyway!).

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Find Data In Bindingsource?

Aug 4, 2011

I've created a bindingsource like this[code]...

the data. However, I neeed to retrieve user ID and Pwd for a given server from bdsServers. So far I was not able to do this. Googled like crazy

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BindingSource.Find (Multiple Columns)

Oct 1, 2006

I have a bindingsource that is connected to a table where tho fields determine uniqueness. During a refresh I would like to return to the row that the user was on when he clicked the refresh button. BindingSource.find only supports one column in so far as i have been able to infer. So how doi do it. Altering the table is out of the question. Besides searching on multiple fields is a common event. Like for example first and lastname or perhaps company and journal number.

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Bindingsource.find Without An Exact Match?

Dec 13, 2011

Private Sub btnRPSearch_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnRPSearch.Click
Dim currentRecord As String = RprAuthNumTextBox.Text


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VS 2010 BindingSource Find Not Working?

Dec 25, 2011

So I got this DB and I have these values

Hash | Value
abcd | "test"
efgh | "test2"

I want to search my db for the value abcd, so I wrote this Private Sub Button1_Click_2(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click MessageBox.Show(Me.Table_0BindingSource.Find("Hash", "abcd"))
End Sub

but I keep getting -1 even if there is no data that matches what I want to search.

How can I do a search using Data Sources?

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.net - Find Whether A Filtered BindingSource Contains An Item From The Underlying DataSet?

Apr 25, 2012

I've got a databound query in my application which is querying the "Customers" table in our database.I've created this directly from the ComboBox's datasource creator in the Design view.Various bits of code created in the designer include:

Me.CustomerBindingSource.DataSource = Me.CustomerDataSet
Me.ComboBox_Customers.DataSource = Me.CustomerBindingSource

What I've done in the first stage of developing this feature is to show my users a ComboBox showing a specific subset of the customer list by applying a filter to the BindingSource.

Me.CustomerBindingSource.Filter = "someColumn = 3"

What I want to do on a second pass is to allow the users to type a specific bit of information into a textbox and check whether it appears in Me.CustomerDataSet like so:

Dim x As IEnumerable(Of CustomerDataSet.customerRow) = From cust In Me.CustomerDataSet.customer Where cust.custno.Trim = "test"
If x.Count <> 0 Then

At this point, I have a customerRow object. I want to check whether this customerRow object appears in the list presented to users in Me.ComboBox_Customers via the filtered Me.CustomerBindingSource. Me.CustomerBindingSource does not (directly) contain customerRow objects, it contains Object objects.How do I find out whether Me.CustomerBindingSource contains the customerRow object at whatever lower level?Also Once I've determined that Me.CustomerBindingSource contains the item, how do I select that entry in the ComboBox?

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How To Use BindingSource.Find Method Alongwith .Net Object Class

Mar 7, 2011

I want to search particular item in Binding Source for which i use BindingSource.Find() method, but it throws an exception "This operation requires an IBindingList". My binding source is bind to a .net class object.. I searched over the internet, but could not find the clear solution to achieve this task. The sample class code is given below:

Imports System.ComponentModel
Public Class Department
Private _code As Long


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Implement The .Find Method When Binding A BindingSource To LINQ (IEnumerable) Result?

Mar 15, 2008

I'm binding a DataGridView to a BindingSource to a LINQ IEnumerable, I found that the BindingSource.Find method throws an exception because .Find isn't implemented in IEnumerable (and the BindingSource just passes the call to it's DataSource). I need to use BindingSource.Find to select/highlight a particular row in the DataGridView.

Is there a feasable way to extend my DataContext to support this behavior w/o breaking anything else? I expected to find the code out there already, but I've searched exaustively with no luck.Without it, I cannot "move" the BindingSource using .Position and that's a pretty common use of the BindingSource I think.

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Find Content Part Of Textfile?

Apr 4, 2011

i need to extract a part of a given textfile, which is located between a start character pattern and a end character pattern, e.g.:

this is my textfile
and this i want to extract


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Find Only Part Of The Key Value In A Dictionary Object?

Apr 5, 2012

There a dictionary object that gets loaded with the following key values:


In most situations, life is good and all the individual key values are needed/unique. But in certain situations, the keys with letters behind them (ie...189a, 189b, 189c) all mean the same thing (ie...189). So I need a way to see if a key value exists (like the containskey method) for only the first part of the key and then return true.

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Find The Points Of A Part Of Image?

Jul 7, 2009

It is possible to find the points of a part of image example, do I have a photography of a castle where there is a flag, manage to find where is the flag positioned to runtime?

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VS 2010 Find A Part Of Window?

Jan 6, 2011

Dim MainHwnd As IntPtr = FindWindow(Nothing, "NameOFtheSoftware - Trial Version (0 days)")
'MenuClick(MainHwnd, CType(2, IntPtr), CType(0, IntPtr))

I am using the name of the window to do the clickingaction, But the software is a trialversion and changes the days amount. So how to make it that it doesnt need to find the whole windowname, but just a part of it.For Example: NameOFtheSoftware

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VS 2008 : Could Not Find A Part Of The Path 'C:empMyTest.txt'

Aug 9, 2010

File create error, not sure why?

Private Sub createStream()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim s As String


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ASP.NET Find DropDown Value Inside Repeater Control Part II?

May 31, 2009

I want to find the values from a number of dropdown and textbox controls inside a repeater control.

db.ConnectionString = SystemConnString
Dim selectedAdTitle As String = ""[code].....

AdTitle and AdFullName dont seem to be bringing across the values. There is no error so they have found the control ok. Below is the ASPX file code.

<asp:Repeater ID="myRepeater" runat="server">
<asp:DropDownList ID="AdTitle" runat="server">[code]......

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Error Uploading File - Could Not Find A Part Of The Path?

Oct 14, 2009

I am having trouble uploading any file to the path in the error message below. Does anyone have any idea what the problem is. I did some research on this and most sites say that the permissions need Read/Write access for the user. I tried this and I still receiver the error. Here is the error:

For example Error saving file education_calendar.pdf System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path "d:inetpubaophaUploads". at System.IO.__Error.Here is my code for the click event. I am not sure what is happening here:

Private Sub cmdUpload_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdUpload.Click
If IsPostBack Then
Dim MyFileColl As HttpFileCollection = Request.Files
Dim MyPostedMember As HttpPostedFile = MyFileColl.Get("File1")


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Error Uploading File - Could Not Find Part Of Path

Oct 14, 2009

I am having trouble uploading any file to the path in the error message below. Does anyone have any idea what the problem is. I did some research on this and most sites say that the permissions need Read/Write access for the user. I tried this and I still receiver the error.

Here is the error:
For example Error saving file education_calendar.pdf System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException: Could not find a part of the path "d:\inetpub\aopha\Uploads\". at System.IO.__Error.

Here is my code for the click event. I am not sure what is happening here:
Private Sub cmdUpload_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdUpload.Click
If IsPostBack Then
Dim MyFileColl As HttpFileCollection = Request.Files
Dim MyPostedMember As HttpPostedFile = MyFileColl.Get("File1")
[Code] ......

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Regex To Find Alphanumeric Match With Day Part Of Datetime?

Jan 5, 2012

I have to match string like "DAY1","DAY2","DAY3"....."DAY31" with regex in I tried something like this - ^?DAY(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])$ but it did not work.

The pattern should have succesfull match if the source string is either DAY1 or DAY2 or DAY3 to DAY31 like so.

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VS 2008 : Strings Acting Up - Could Not Find A Part Of The Path

Jun 27, 2010

i have the following code

Dim url1 As String
url1 = "" & GWP_NodeList.Item(i).SelectSingleNode("icon").Attributes("data").InnerText
Dim webClient As New System.Net.WebClient
Dim bytes() As Byte = webClient.DownloadData(Url)


I get this error:

Could not find a part of the path 'D:UsersGlenn RuysschaertDocumentsVisual Studio'.

How on earth did it all of a sudden add the startuppath to my url?

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Error - Could Not Find A Part Of The Path 'C:emp\%appdata%my_appconfighive.machine.xml'

Jan 13, 2011

I have an xml file I parse to get a path to some other xml files that I then want to parse and read values from. I am fine to get the path from the first xml document and fine to parse the subsequent documents.Where I am struggling is implementing the path. It is being stored using system level variables like:


When I try open the file like this:


It tries to start in the application working directory - assume c:emp So the error message I get is:

Could not find a part of the path 'C:emp\%appdata%my_appconfighive.machine.xml'.

Is there a way I can use this pathing structure in my VB code or determine the actual fully qualified path programatically?

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Part Of As String From A String Using Regular Expressions

Apr 17, 2012

I have a string of 5 characters out of which the first two characters should be in some list and next three should be in some other list.How could i validate them with regular expressions? [code]My Strings are going to be: VBBEG, CSBEG, etc.My regular expression should find that the input string first two characters could be either VB, CS, HT and the rest should also be like that.

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Add "whole" Part Of A Number To "decimal" Part And Store In String Buf?

Sep 14, 2011

One number is represented with four hex values.First two hex parts are my "whole number" part, third and fouth hex numbers are my "decimal" part. I just wanted to store my complete number (whole and decimal) in an excel table.My problem is following when I am storing whole part and decimal part of my number separately, then it works fine am getting f.e. 3017 and 0,9445123 in my excel table, but when I am concatenate them, then I am getting following expression in my excel table f.e. 30,179,445,123 but I want 3017,9445123.

rx_str_buf(str_cnt) = CStr(Convert.ToInt64((Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 7)) & Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 8))), 16) +
(Convert.ToInt64((Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 9)) & Hex(rx_str_buf(Factor + 10))), 16) / 65536))


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Datagridview - Bindingsource Filter Cast Date To String

Dec 8, 2010

I'm using the filter method of Binding source in to filter results in a DataGridView based on the text in a search box. However, the idea of this search, is that it shows a row if any of the cells contain the text. So my filter string ends up looking like this:


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Cut Part Of A String Out And Insert It Into Another String?

Dec 10, 2011

I need to retrieve an html page and then isolate part of the code. First, I have a large bit of html. I need to find this:


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How To Detect A Part Of A String From A String

Jul 6, 2009

How do i detect a part of a string from a string? For example: i want to check if the part of the string "mummy" exists in a string:"Mummy loves Daddy and loves me too"

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Get Certain Part Of String

Jul 12, 2009

how do I get a bit of a string? Here is an example:

I have a string:

Hello, my name is James, and I was born on 10.5.1990

How can I get the last part of the string (10.5.1990)

note that the last part could vary in length and could be any other date (but in that format)

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How To Cut Part Of String

Jun 15, 2012

How to cut part from this string...",,s,"... where i know position by this: Result is always between "." (left side of result) and "+" (right side).I know number of "." from left side and number of "+" from right side, to delimit resulting string.Problem is right side, cause i need to count "+" from end.

from left side: begining is at 4th "."
( this is easy ), result is =


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Displaying Part Of A String?

Sep 7, 2009

I would like to display only part of string. I am able to do that as long as my string is constant, how the string is not constant. How would display only the last part of my string. The string will actually be displayed by using a browse button and selecting a file.


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