C# - Safe Way Of Detecting File Access Permissions?

Jun 9, 2011

Below is the part code I currently use to write to a file,
Using sWriter As New IO.StreamWriter("C:Tmp.txt", False)
sWriter.Write(m_Buffer.ToString) : sWriter.Flush()
End Using
Return True
Catch ex As IOException
End Try

But some time this results in error
Access to the path 'C:Tmp.txt' is denied

My question is, Is there a safe way of detecting File access permissions, without handling exceptions, I mean if I can some how check before opening a file for any filehandle opened for it.

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File Access Permissions On Deployment

Nov 23, 2010

My software uses a Microsoft Access .mdb file and text files for data storage. The program works great when debugging but when I install the program with Windows installer, the program gives as exception message that access is denied to read the mdb and the text files. What should I do?

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Use Safe File Handles To Access Alternate Data Streams?

Dec 15, 2009

I have written a simple module to access NTFS Alternate Data Streams (ADS), which looks like this:

Imports System.IO
Module Module_ADS ' Alternate Data Streams
Private Const GENERIC_ALL As Int32 = &H10000000


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How To Change File Permissions, Error: File Access Denied

Apr 17, 2012

I am using net 2010 net framework 2 & w7 In windows explorer I want to move or rename a file but I get a windows message with a heading "File Access Denied" you need administrator permission to do this In my vb code I want to move the same file but get an error, the security on the file is "Read & execute" and "Read" How do I detect this before the code for moving & also set the permissions so I can move it with vb code.

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File Permissions - Can't Access Documents Folder From .net In Windows 7?

Jan 17, 2011

I've been struggling with this problem in VB.net for a while: whenever I try to access the My Documents, My video's or simular in Windows 7, I get an access denied error. The program that uses this code is a file-backup application, so it's important it can access everything. The app has admin rights, using this line:requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />

To confirm, I also get a nice UAC popup when starting.The app accesses the files twice. Once to calculate the file size, and once to actually copy the files. Here is the file-size calculation code (that I found online:) Function GetFolderSize(ByVal DirPath As String, ByVal includeSubFolders As Boolean) As Long


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Target My Access Database In A Safe Way?

Aug 15, 2011

How can I point or target my access database in a safe way?

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Implementing The Access Permissions?

Dec 29, 2009

I am exploring ways of implementing access control permissions in a VB 2008 Windows Application.This is an application for a non-profit where users would log in and depending on their group membership (ie. warehouse, accounting, etc.) some forms would be available while others are not. (eg Warehouse cannot view donor info) Additionally some groups can view information but not alter (add, delete, edit) information.groups who are denied permissions would not be able to open certain windows forms. The question is what is an efficient method of creating this permission structure and how would it be implemented in the application?

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Permissions System - How To Get Access Of Internal GUID

Aug 6, 2011

I am building a permissions system in vb.net against the normal Windows Server file system. Have not decided on the best method, but is there a way to get access to some kind of internal GUID that Windows might store for a folder. If I just store the path for security, then it quickly becomes very hard to update a database storing path information to get security information. If a folder had some kind of internal GUID structure that would be great. Is this available?

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VS Was Unable To Determine Code Access Security (CAS) Permissions

May 2, 2009

This program is a small ADOX database with a single data entry Form. Originally written in VB 2005, it was copied into the VB 2008 Project folder. Opening the file in the IDE, it went through the Conversion process, nevertheless, because of the following error detailed below, the program will not accept any changes.

Error List: Warning 1 Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store. AppointmentsMissed (<the project's name) Under Security in the project's Properties Window these suggestions are made: Visual Studio was unable to determine the Code Access Security (CAS) permissions that are applicable to your project. The most likely cause is that your project references a strongly-named assembly that defines custom permissions, but that is not properly installed in the global assembly cache (GAC).

To correct this, try the following: 1. Ensure that any custom permissions defining assemblies referenced by your project have been properly installed to the GAC. If any of these assemblies have been rebuilt or have had their version numbers modified, you must install the new assemblies in the GAC. 2. Restart Visual Studio.

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File I/O And Registry :: Safe A String Or Byte-array To File In Utf8 Format?

Sep 4, 2008

trying to find a decent answer for my question; I do have a utf8 file which I (down)load, manipulate and wanting to save back again.The result always is that the file I produce is not in utf8 format;

Dim fs2 As New FileStream("c: est.dat", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)
Dim w As New BinaryWriter(fs2, Encoding.UTF8)


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File I/O And Registry :: Safe & Secure Way To Perform File Transfering Between Computers?

Feb 5, 2009

My application runs on a "server" machine and provides files (10megs - 100megs each) to 8 other computers. Currently this is done using a standard shared folder on all 8 computers and the server simply copies the file to \ComputerNameSharedFolder - and everything is great.However, due to new policies we need to remove all shared folders, so using a simple \ComputerNameSharedFolder is no longer feasible. Therefore I need to find a way for my application to be able to share these files in a safe, secure, and compliant way.There has been talk of using sFTP which would require each system to have an sFTP server running at all times (controlled by the application somehow), or also SSL was talked about as it can be integrated into the application easily, etc...

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When Double Click On Safe File Name It Will Open File Specified In Path In Second Column

Feb 21, 2010

Well im making a program that will Add the Safe File Name of the File opened in the Open File Dialog to the first column of the listview and the File name and path to the second. What i want it so when i double click on the Safe file name it will open the file specified in the path in the second column.i already got the add file to it.

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Error With Detecting Duplicates In Access DB?

Aug 21, 2009

Error with Detecting Duplicates in Access DB?


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Detecting Different User Access Types In Vista?

Dec 18, 2010

Within the application, I need to have two levels of access: Standard User and Power User,for example.These two levels can have the same access level within Windows.It is not my intention to elevate to administratoWhat is needed, is a way to have two different groups of users.ne group will be able to run the application while a second group has access to additional features within the application but not within the windows environment
It is my hope that there will be two user account types: 1) Standard User and 2) some other user type such as Power User or something else that will distinguish it from Standard User

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Windows Xp - Get Full Permissions To Modify Boot.ini File And A Registry Value And To Delete A File

Jun 13, 2010

i am working on an application called logonscreenchangerxp i made my program and when i run it on xp virtualmachine i get errors the program is made using vb 2008 and using .net framework 2.0 i am not able to get full permissions to modify boot.ini file and a regisrty value and to delete a file

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Safe Way To Check That A File Isn't Still Uploading?

Mar 15, 2011

Is it safe to use something like this to ensure that a directory isn't currently being written to? [code]I'm processing images which can be up to 10MB so my main concern is that I'm not sure whether the LastWriteTime property (which presumably references the filesystem 'last modified' meta data) is updated when the first, last or every byte of a file is written to disk.Files will generally be uploaded via IIS7 FTP to an NTFS Filesystem on a Windows 2008 server. If it's filesystem-dependant though it would be good to also know which filsystems update when. I'd hoped that this could be used to simplify the programme by ensuring that the whole directory was processed at once. In the end I decided to rethink that since the workarounds are messier and less reliable than the one I was trying to avoid!

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File I/O And Registry :: Change File Permissions As Another User?

Oct 14, 2008

On an xp system using VB 2008 exprees, I'm trying to write code which will change a file's permisions when run from a non admin account. To do this I need to now how to run the code as an administrator. I've got the code to change permissions working, I just don't know how to run it with an administrator's credentials. The code is:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security.AccessControl
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)


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File Permissions In VB2008?

Jan 15, 2009

I'm trying to put together a simple "file search" app that lets the user specify where to look, what type of files to look for, what the minimum file size is, etc. (I know...sounds kinda like capabilities that already exist in Windows!). I'm running into "access" issues, even with directories that I wouldn't think I should have any trouble accessing.I'm doing something like this:

Dim f As New FileIOPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted)
f.AllLocalFiles = FileIOPermissionAccess.Read


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Applying File Permissions From .NET Code

Mar 11, 2010

I have an application that is writing a comma separated values file. How would I go about altering the permissions of that file from .NET - for example to give read-only permissions to a particular active directory group?

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File I/O And Registry - Set Program Permissions

Jul 6, 2010

I'm am developing a program for my computer and as I am using Windows 7 i have to execute it as admin every time I open my program. My IT teacher said I could set my program's permissions to 1, doing this the program would have admin privileges. But the thing is I don't know how to do it.

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Modifying Database Permissions - This File Is In Use

Sep 9, 2010

I'm trying to access a database (SQL Server 2008 express) using Visual Basic 2010 Express. First I got a permission error that was solved modifying the Database permissions. Now I get a new error message "This file is in use. Enter a new name .." I already have changed the Autoclose propertie to true, and also tried detaching the Database.

I'm using Windows Vista Home Premium, my string:
Data Source=.SQLEXPRESS;AttachDbFilename="C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL10_50.MSSQL10MSSQLDATAemplo1.mdf";
Integrated Security=True;
Connect Timeout=30;
User Instance=True

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Read NT File & Folder Permissions?

Feb 11, 2011

I would like to read the NT Security (Read, Write, List, Inherited, blah blah blah) permissions from a file. I already have some code, and can get the names and SIDs, but cant seem to figure out the actual access bits.


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Reading NT File & Folder Permissions

Feb 13, 2011

I would like to read the NT Security (Read, Write, List, Inherited, blah blah blah) permissions from a file. I already have some code, and can get the names and SIDs, but can�t seem to figure out the actual access bits. I have found how to SET them, but not read.

Here is what I have so far:

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security


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Setting Permissions On File For UserGroup?

Apr 19, 2012

I want to grant read access to a file in a server folder for the group servernameusers. This code works fine to set it for a specific user account, [URL], but I want everyone (all users) to get the right to read the file.

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VS 2008 - Changing The File Permissions?

Mar 22, 2011

I've added an FTP client to a batch publishing program that I wrote about a year ago. The batch program "publishes" CAD files from "Pro/E" to "eDrawings". Upon publishing, some of "eDrawings" files are automatically uploaded to an external server via the newly written FTP client.The publisher and FTP client are working great.I'd like to add functionality that automatically changes the permissions on the files I'm uploading to our unix server (RHEL5). When I do this via SSH, I simply utilize a chmod command (i.e. chmod 0755 file.htm).I'm using VB.Net's DirectCast in my FTP Client.Is it possible to change the permissions on the files I'm uploading via FTP once they're on the server as part of the file uploading process?

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File Permissions (can't Delete, Can't Build, Can't Copy)?

May 21, 2012

Ever since I upgraded to Windows 7 Professional I've had constant build problems with VS 2008. I can't use the Hosting Process (not that I normally do) because at build I'll be notified VS could not copy a support file (the hosting exe). In addition, every time I build I'm told my previous exe is in use by another process and cannot be accessed. My only recourse is to manually delete the file. That works a few dozen times but eventually Windows stops letting me delete it and tells me that I require permission from an Administrator to make changes to the file (I'm the administrator,

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VB File Permissions - Cannot Get The Group / User Remove

Jun 13, 2011

I'm writing and application that creates a home folder for a given user. I can set the permissions fine, but on some of the folders I need to remove a specific group/user, "Everyone" would be an example for one of the folders. I can make it so that they are denied from all the permissions on the folder, but I can't actually get the group/user remove.

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VS 2008 Replacing Original File And Permissions?

Aug 25, 2010

I've got two programs, one is the main and the other is the updater. So far iv'e got it so that the main program checks for an update by comparing its version number with the latest one that's stored as a text file on the server. If there's a newer one, the update program is started and the main one closed. The update program will then use a web browser component to navigate to the download link and download the new version. The only problem I'm having at the moment is, How can I get the new downloaded version to replace the current one in Program Files? and will this cause permission problems?

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VS 2010 Cannot Connect To .mdf File (Lack Of Permissions)?

Dec 14, 2010

Just tried to create a new Data Source in VB 2010, apparently I don't have permission to connect to the 'Login.mdf' file I recently created in SQL 2008. Does anyone here have any knowledge of how to surpass this problem? I'm the Administrator of my PC and have full permissions and UAC is turned off so that shouldn't be the problem either

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Change File Permissions Dynamically By Creating A Interface For It?

Nov 11, 2010

how do i change the file permissions dynamically by creating a interface for it..?i am using vb.net..so pls tell me how to go abt with the coding..

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