Calculating An Average Then Rounding To The Nearest Tenth?
Apr 1, 2011
I'm doing an assignment for class which is basically a simple program that takes 12 monthly temperatures and averages them. But I also need to round the average to the nearest tenth. I am not particularly good at programming or math and don't know how I would fit this into my code. I am Including My program thus far. I put in bold and italic where the calculation takes place.
Private Sub btnEmterTemperature_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEmterTemperature.Click
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Sep 8, 2009
I'm working on a function to return a exponential average and there are a lot of examples of exponential moving averages but they all start with a moving average that is just the mean as a lead in to calculating the continuing moving average. I needed just a exponential average of a value set. After Googling my Bing off I still haven't seen anything so here is my attempt at a basic exponential average. Is this correct? Are there any errors? I have seen some text about adding a smoothing value to change the curve of the exponential average but not how that would be implemented.
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Mar 23, 2012
I need code that would take the input from textbox "Txtkbb" and divide it in half then round to the nearest 25 and store it in value "KbbValue"
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Jul 9, 2010
How do I go about rounding up to the nearest (Unit 10) ie Codes Below
IfVal(TimeHalfFareTextBox.Text = $/£ 0.05)
Then roundup
to $/£ 0.10. Or it might be .....
View 6 Replies
Mar 26, 2012
I put comments on the average output since I kept getting error messages about that. My out keeps saying:
Maximum value: 33
Minimum value: 33
what am I doing wrong?
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
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Apr 20, 2010
I'm trying to round a double to the nearest 5th or 10th number. So far my code looks like this basically:
'Mathamatical equation For Cost to Mow
dbCost = (txtArea.Text / dubMetres) + intExclusions * 3 + (intIrregular / 2)
Dim dbRounded As Double
'Trying to round to nearest 5 or 10
View 2 Replies
Apr 28, 2011
I have a program that will round any numbers I give it regardless of the data type I set (I've tried double and decimal) before it saves into the DB. I'm using MS access for the DB and I've set the data types in access to Numeric Double, Numeric Decimal, and Currency and all with decimal places set to 4 -- all to no avail.
What I do know:
1) The textboxes on the form accept the number value as I enter it and after I hit save the value displayed is the same as the number that I entered. However, once I query the database again for that entry the value has been rounded up/down to the nearest integer (whole number). For example: I enter 1000.50 and hit save. I search for that same entry and the value is saved as 1000. If I enter 1000.51 and hit save then search for the entry it shows the value saved as 1001.
2) I can store the desired value directly into the DB by manually entering it. When I search for that entry from within the program it displays the correct amount. HOWEVER, if I try to change the amount and then hit save I get a concurrency violation.
I think that it may be a setting somewhere in the program that doesn't allow for decimal places but I've search everywhere and I cant find anything.
View 7 Replies
Aug 6, 2009
With the application i'm building i have to do some calculating, ive so far not had to do anything like this so i could use some pointers. Here's the simplist of calculation i have to do, if i could get some help pointing me in the right direction i could probabaly figure the rest out.
It would be Box1value * box2value / 144 = box3 But if box 3 returns a value of less than 2.5 it rounds up. The rounding function is very important to subsequent calculations i will have to make.
So the this simple form would work where the user inputs a number into box one and two and the calulation appears in box 3. Attached is a mockup of the form design.
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Feb 8, 2009
here is my problem. i have to enter two grades, each grade should be an integer between 0 and 100 inclusive. Calculate the average of the two grades. If the average is greater than or equal to 90, display "Grade is an A!". It goes down the line for "if average is _______, display " ______is a/n __!" I get the last part and I know how to figure an average...but i am not sure how to type it in code. He did an elseif example, but it wasn't with 2 numbers and didn't have to average anything. So I don't know how to write that there anywhere to look to find it? Here is what I have so far.............
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim grade, sum, average As Double
View 14 Replies
Jun 21, 2010
Using VB.NET write a program that can calculate the grade of a student based on his or her marks in five subjects as input according to the following rules:
Grade A: For average between 100 and 80 (inclusive)
Grade B: For average between 79 and 65 (inclusive)
Grade C: For average between 64 and 40 (inclusive)
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Oct 12, 2011
The idea of this program is to calculate and find total and average for 3 Students automatically. That is when the first data is entered and click on button the total and average of first student should be displayed in listbox. And we should be able to enter second data. Bu the problem is it is just printing the first average and total thrice.
Dim a As String
Dim tot, avg, N As Single
Dim I As Integer
For I = 1 To 3
tot = Val(TextBox2.Text) + Val(TextBox3.Text) + Val(TextBox4.Text) + Val(TextBox5.Text) + Val(TextBox6.Text)
[Code] .....
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Apr 10, 2012
need to make sure I got everything right for my Calculate Button in displaying the Total and Average.
Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Public Class Grades
My problem is mostly in the Calculate Button, what is CStr? I already used that because I set my Explicit On and that suggested it. Also when I debug I enter my 3 grades and click calculate, 0 is displayed in both my Total and Average Label box.For the Average, how would I display it to 2 decimal places?How would I set a parameter for the exam scores to be between 0-100?Would it be Try/Catch? And where would I place that coding?How do I convert my textboxes to integers?
View 7 Replies
Dec 10, 2009
Im having a problem getting my calculations to work. I need to find the average letters per word.
Private Sub btnCount_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCount.Click
'Determine word count and average letters / word in the sentence
View 2 Replies
Jun 28, 2011
I'm having a problem creating a function for calculating an average. I need to divide the sum of a column of integers by the number of rows in that column. These integers are generated by a datediff command and their values are assigned to textboxes in a report. The results can only be whole numbers, no decimal points.
I'm pretty new to this so if this is an obvious question please excuse my ignorance. If you need any more information to address my question please let me know.
View 4 Replies
Apr 17, 2010
How would I go about rounding up decimal numbers to the nearest 2 decimal places? For example $7.0000032 would be $7.01 In theory, VB would make it $7.00 but if it is > $7.00, I want it to reflect that to the nearest penny... so $3.0000001 would be $3.01
View 5 Replies
Feb 25, 2012
I am making this for a homework assignment and i need to calculate the average for values entered in textbox1 and place them in other textboxes. I dont understand how to do this with numbers all placed in the same spot. here is my code thus far:
Private Sub Label1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Label1.Click
End Sub
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Nov 6, 2010
OK, so I've been given an assignment due for Monday, which was to create a console program which allows the user to enter an unknown quantity of numbers, then have the Mean, Median and Mode averages displayed of said group of numbers.
So far I've managed to get the Mean and Median to work, for both odd and even quantities of variables. I am however stuck on getting it to calculate the modal average! I don't really know how to approach this, would a structure with two fields, variable and quantity of variable, work?
Below is the code, I haven't made it display discrete of continuous data yet, I'm leaving that for the end.
Module Module1
Sub Main()
'Declare Variables
I imagine this is quite elementary for most of you, I unfortunately received no replies what-so-ever to my last thread...
PS: Why isn't there an option for UK in the two letter country codes?
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Jun 17, 2009
I'm trying to calculate the rolling average in a crystal report. I have got 4 weeks in a month, and I have calculated the average for each week so long. Now I want to calculate a rolling average. eg:
For week1: rolling average = (week1Average)/1
For week2: rolling average = (week1Average + week2Average)/2
For week3: rolling average = (week1Average + week2Average + week3Average)/3
The problem with the code below is that, it is not looping through,therefore the rolling average for each week is the same as its average value wich is not correct.
Dim i, weekNum as number
Dim tot as double
weekNum =Distinctcount({ItemRating.WeekNo})
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May 14, 2012
I wrote the following generic LINQ extension for calculating weighted average in Visual Basic 2010:
Function WeightedAverage(Of T)(ByVal source As IEnumerable(Of T),
ByVal selectorValue As Func(Of T, Integer),
ByVal selectorWeight As Func(Of T, Integer)) As Double
Dim weightedValueSum As Double
Dim weightSum As Integer
[Code] .....
How can I call this function as an Aggregate function of another LINQ query? I tried it in the following way:
Dim q1 = From jd In oContext.JobDatas
Where jd.Year = 2011
Select jd
Dim q2 = Aggregate num In q1 Into WeightedAverage(num.AvSalary, num.NumPosHolder)
The Visual Basic 2010 editor is telling me that the second query (q2) of the following code is not valid statement. On the comma between the first an second argument it's saying: ")" required.
View 1 Replies
Jun 15, 2010
I want to include an average in a column where the average ignores zero values in a report cell where the column may have
I want 16, not 11 so (17 + 19 + 12 + 13 + 19) / 5 not (17 + 19 + 0 + 0 + 12 + 13 + 19) / 7 Something like this if it would work.
=SUM(Fields!fieldname.Value) / Count(iif(Fields!count_cycle_per_hour.Value >= 0,Fields!fieldname.Value,0))
Essentially just average everything in the column NOT a zero?
View 4 Replies
May 10, 2011
I'm in a computer science class, and we are writing simple programs using Visual Basic 2008. I am really inept when it comes to this, as I have never done it before. I need to write a program that: "Asks the user for 5 numbers and computes the average. It then displays the average with an appropriate message before the average."
I have been really close with this, but I can't get the numbers to add up, then divide by 5, and display a pop up message.
View 13 Replies
Jan 9, 2008
I have written a program to return the colour of a pixel from an image. The problem I have is I need to return the colour name. Of course not all colours returned will be one of the pre-defined colours (knowncolours), so my question is, is there a way to find the nearest knowncolour which matches the colour of the pixel?
I have looked at GetNearestColour but am confused by its function. It just seems to return the same colour as the parameter passed into it.
View 11 Replies
Jul 6, 2009
For example, how would I get the # "220" from the number "229". Or the number "300" from "309"? The only way I've found to do this is using string stuff, but I'm afraid of the overhead for strings?
View 15 Replies
Nov 15, 2011
getting a formula round off to the next highest .25.example:
I can't use the Round function because if I have 2.26 then it will round off to 2.25 which is unacceptable.I have been using the Ceiling function but it rounds it off to the nearest highest integer. Which can add an almost extra kg,lb to my formulas.
View 3 Replies
Jul 29, 2011
how can i always round a double up?
2.3 = 3
2.5 = 3
2.8 = 3
i always want to round up to the nearest whole number
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Oct 27, 2011
I use Mschart to produce charts. What I am trying to get is the nearest data point by where I click on the chart. The problem is that I can't find any connection between the HitTest values and the data point x/y values.Say, I clicked on the following point:
Dim result As HitTestResult = Chart.HitTest(e.X, e.Y)I have now values of X and Y where I clicked. How to associate it with the data point values?
What I want to achieve is to double-click on the chart which would find the nearest data point (x,y as integer) and knowing these values I would be able to recalculate other values based upon where the user needs it and double-clicks.
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May 4, 2009
i got a function that search for database data, is it possible that i make it search the nearest words or keywords? which mean if d name is TEST, n i key in TE then it will show those name wit TEST TESS TSST? [Code]
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May 24, 2011
[code]How can I validate that if 387 mod 2 <> 0 then it should display the nearest double. In this example, it should display 386 which is nearest to 387 and can be fully divide by 2.
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Jan 25, 2009
i'm building an image library and one of the things i want to do is compare the most common color in a given image to a set of established colors in rgb format the way i'll probably do this is create 3 arrays for the average r,g and b of each given image, and then compare them to my established values for r,g and b that i want to match to so if my first image has the average values of 255, 125 and 5 for r,g and b..what would be the best way to do a nearest match against my pre-established colors? (about 32 in total)
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Aug 20, 2010
I have read about Round() and MidpointRounding.ToEven but I still could not figure how to use it to achieve what I want. I have numbers (usually from 5 digit decimal) such 125.36 , 125.10, 125.99. I want to make the 2 decimal point rounded to the nearest 20. Means, the 2 decimal point should be either .00 or .20 or 0.40 or .60 or 0.80 only.
125.36 should be 125.40 : 125.10 should be 125.00, 125.99 should be 126.00
125.54 should be 125.60 and so on
Is there math function to make or I should parse the number as text and test the last 2 digit?
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