Call Of Duty 2 Application For Screenshot?

Feb 2, 2012

I do an application for taking screenshots during the game (CoD2) - DirectX game, currently I have made ​​the program but it does not take screenshot of game!How to take screenshots of the DirectX game?

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Game Programming :: Call Of Duty 2 Screenshot?

Feb 1, 2012

I do an application for taking screenshots during the game (CoD2), currently I have made ​​the program but it does not take screenshot of games!

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Calculate VAT + Declare Air Cargo Duty/shipping Duty?

Feb 27, 2012

I'm currently self-studying Visual Basic 2010 and I'm doing this piece where I have to convert pounds, shillings and pence into UK currency in one form, then in the next form, I have to select from two different types of import duty, add said import duty to the converted amount along with VAT before getting the final amount.

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Hide Application From A Screenshot?

Oct 2, 2011

Is there a method to hide your application from screenshots without the use of ".hide" or minimize or opacity basically not touching the application at all but not including it in the screenshot? For instance in GDI when you g.CopyfromScreen the mouse is not included and you would have to go through a way drawing the mouse onto the graphic can something like this be achieved with application?

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Memory Leak In .NET Screenshot Application?

Oct 6, 2009

screenshot application I am developing that has a memory leak somewhere. The main code is as follows:

Class Form1
Dim strPath As String = "C:windows empscreenshot.jpg"
Private Sub Main()


The application runs from the system tray and a clickevent handler for the notifyicon control calls the Main() sub. The code calls OutlookEmail() which creates a new outlook mail object. The problem is that each time the notifyicon in the system tray is clicked the memory in use jumps up incrementally - about 3mb each time.

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VS 2010 Take Screenshot Of External Application?

Apr 8, 2011

I need to take screenshot of another (third party) application window and save it in a folder.

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VS 2008 - Prevent Application From Taking Screenshot?

Aug 26, 2010

Any way to prevent my application from taking screen shot. I am using this method
If Clipboard.ContainsImage = True Then Clipboard.Clear()
If this is correct? And also what about screen capture application they take the screen shot without using clipboard what is logic behind it and if there is any way to resolve it?

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VS 2008 - Application - Take Screenshot, Save It, Upload It VIA FTP, Do It Every 2 Minutes

Mar 28, 2010

Im creating an application that will take a screenshot of the desktop. Save the photo, Then upload it via FTP, And do it every 2 minutes. I know how you all like to say how i can do it, But can someone provide a code since.

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Currency Converter/Import Duty Calculator Doesn't Work?

Mar 11, 2012

how to do programs in Visual Basic 2010 (It's a Currency Converter/Import Duty Calculator) and I've come across a few problems which are listed below.Basically the project is like this:I'm trying to create a program which converts Hadean pounds, shillings and pence into British Pounds and Pence before it transfers to a form which calculates Import Duty and VAT, after which it gives the final price.So far, I've created a program which is made up of 2 forms and a Splash Screen. The information listed below is for those who want to know more about what I'm trying to do.Once the Hadean price has been converted to Sterling additional import duties and VAT must be added to the Sterling price. Thus control will pass to a 2<sup style="text-indent:0cm;">nd</sup> form where importation duty is added. Depending on the method of importation the followig duty should be added to the Sterling price:

<o:p> </o:p>Air Cargo Import Duty: 16.5% of Sterling price


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Application Does Not Return From Call To System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents?

Aug 2, 2011

I have a windows forms application written in VB.NET which scrapes information from serveral web pages (who doesn't right)? Anyway, I am having problem with one particular site where partway through the page navigation my application hangs. When I press pause (or break) in the debugger, it stops on a call to System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents.

Resuming execution shows that it really is stuck on this line (it does not reach the next line of code). It also hangs about the same point each time I run it (at least its consistent). Since System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents yields to other threads on the same processor and then resumes execution of the current thread, I think the problem is that some other thread is not behaving well (not returning from some event handling code). I thought Windows 7 was pre-emptive, which makes me
doubt that theory but I really don't know.


The program scrapes somewhere between 12 and 14 pages before it gets stuck on the call to DoEvents. Does anyone have a clue why this would happen? Why would any call to DoEvents hang?

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Call External Windows Application Form From Application?

Aug 17, 2011

I Have one Windows Application in which i have one MDI Form (Say App1). And I too have another Windows Application in which I have a Child Form (Say App2). So now i want to Call App2 from App1 .. And want to Display App2 form As MDIChild in App1 MDI Form . I am Able to open the Form of App2 , But how to set It As App1' Child .

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Skype4COM - Make A Skype Application Using VB - Application That I Call You?

Aug 27, 2010

I'm going to make a Skype application using Visual Basic, I use them "Skype4COM.

Below is a link on the page somewhere in the middle Skype4COM. It is the DLL that I use.

But my question is, how can I in my application that I call you? Not that you're on the phone but if someone phoned you before you've pressed record.

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Use Shell To Have Application Call An External Application But Its Not Working - Error: ''

Jun 3, 2011

I'm trying to use the Shell to have my application call an external application but its not working...I don't understand why. I get the following error: '' is a namespace and cannot be used as an expression!

Heres my code....any ideas what I'm doing wrong. Its got to be a simple...stupid error.

Private Sub mnuUpgrade_Click(ByVal Ctrl As Microsoft.Expression.Web.Interop.Legacy.CommandBarButton, ByRef CancelDefault As Boolean) Handles mnuUpgrade.Click


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VB2010 - Call Application.Run() In Application Without A Form - "Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object

Nov 12, 2009

My problem is when i try to call Application.Run() in a application without a form i get "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." when i run it outside VS. but if ran in debug or release mode it works just fine. i may just be forgetting to setup application right, but ive done it before in this same manor and it worked fine.

Sub main() 'this runs first.
AddHandler Application.ApplicationExit, AddressOf ExitEventHandler
dbg_f("handle added")


Commented out init_timer and init_ready, and now it causes the same error for the myName line. there seems to be something wrong with class Application. btw theres seems to be something wrong with the forum code formatting.

View 4 Replies

Call / Use A VB6 Dll In Application?

Apr 11, 2009

How do I call/use a VB6 dll in VB.NET application? Welcome to the All-In-One Code Framework! If you have any feedback

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Call A .NET Created DLL In VB6 Application?

Oct 12, 2010

I need to call a VB.NET DLL in VB6 application

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Call Vb6 Exe File On Application?

Dec 17, 2010

I want to call vb6 exe file on application that I am currently working on. The VB6 Application has the login screen and I don't want it to be displayed as the start-up screen. As soon as I call the VB6 appl the program must activate the enter key, so that I cannot put the login credentials manually.

So How do I make my program press the ENTER key?

This is my code for calling the vb6 application </Process.Start("C:\Importing.exe")>

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Console Application Sub Call?

Nov 28, 2010

When I call a different sub from the main sub in my console application, I have to type in the word twice for it to go to the sub. But I have noticed that it only does that when I have it to be recognized at the second instance (I think I used that right). What I mean by that is this.

Sub Main()
if console.readline = "Test1"
call _Exit_()


If I type Test1, it will call the _Exit_ no problem. But if I call _New_, I have to type it in twice.

I also tried putting them both into if statements instead of elseif.

I have also change the order of the calls, this is where it get interesting to me. If I were to change the call from "Test1" to _New_ ()(So, instead of calling _Exit_(), it will call _New_()) If I do this, then the _New_() will work no problem
and I don't have to type it in twice, but I do for the _Exit_() now.

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.net - Call Public Function In Another Application?

Oct 15, 2009

If I have a Windows Application WinApp that has a public function pubFun, how can I call it from a different windows application --> WinApp.pubFun() ?

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.net - Dynamic Call To A Database From Web Application?

May 16, 2012

I am looking to make a database call based on user input. The line I am using is:general_read.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM general WHERE Business_Name = '" & business_name & "';"

business_name is dynamically loaded from:Protected Sub btnLoad_Click(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnLoad.Click business_name = txtName.Text


The error that is being shown is: Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.I'm assuming it has something to do with the variable not being set before the database call is made, but I'm not entirely sure.

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.net - How To Call A Function Written In VB From C# Application

Feb 17, 2012

I have a function written in vb Public Function abc (ByVal x as Integer, ByVal y as String) As String

End Function

I want to call this function on click of a button in C# applcation.

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Application Hangs On Call To Doevents?

Dec 22, 2010

I am re-posing this question because the prior post has gotten really full of side issues so I fear the main problems has been lost.I have a windows forms application written in VB.NET which scrapes information from serveral web pages? I am having problem with one particular site where partway through the page navigation my application hangs. When I press pause (or break) in the debugger, it stops on a call to System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents.

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Application To Transfer Voice Call On LAN

Jun 16, 2011

How to make an application in VB .net that can transfer voice call on (LAN). Just like the capabilities of "Skype" or "Yahoo messenger". Or it is much better if you have it for online using ASP .net.

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C# - Call .NET 4.0 WPF Class Library From 2.0 Application

Apr 8, 2011

I have an application written in .NET 4.0 that i compile into a DLL file. I want to be able to use this DLL file in a Windows Forms .NET 2.0 application. I don't need the application to really interact much, except just passing a couple string values to the 4.0 DLL. The DLL is pretty much a bunch of Windows which i converted to UserControls and i just need to be able to reference them to display the UserControls from the 2.0 application without having to use a different exe and having to package them separately.

What is the best way to do this? Because when i try to add the reference to the DLL to the 2.0 application, it gives me and error saying the DLL is built in a newer version of .NET so i can't do it that way. Is this where a COM object would come in?

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Call .Net Services From Existing VB Application?

Aug 27, 2010

How to call the .net windows service from VB application

I have only the executable for VB application. Through the exe , I am able to view the .Net service, but it does not allow to install the .net services.

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Call Desktop Application From 2 Shortcuts?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a desktop application which reads files from a specified folder, then deposits the files to a folder in a third party document management system based on criteria that the user provides.

is it possible to somehow provide different parameters to the code, depending on which shortcut of the application the user clicked on to start it up?

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Call Win Application From Windows Service?

Apr 18, 2006

Can somebody tell me the steps to follow so that i can call my windows application (.exe) file from my windows service in C# (.Net 2003

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Put Application In Focus Before Call SendKeys

Feb 8, 2010

I am using SendKeys.Send("{HOME}") in a MaskedTextBox to bring the cursor to the beginning of the textbox when the text is empty. When I try to close the project the application freezes if it doesn't have focus. How do I put this application in focus before I call SendKeys? [Code]

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(WCF) --> CMD File --> 3rd Party App - Method - Which Call From Another Application

May 24, 2011

I have a self-hosted WCF service (VB) residing on a server. This service has a method, which I call from another application, that is supposed to kick off a .cmd file which calls a 3rd party program.

My WCF has used both the old Shell() command and the Process() object. Both can call the .cmd file (located on the server's local drive). The .cmd file looks like this:


Now I know the .cmd file (saved as Letter.cmd) is firing because when I check the txt file after testing my app, the before/after statements have been written. However, the 3rd party application does not start.

Now the weird part -- if I double click the cmd file from explorer, the test statements are written to the text file AND the 3rd party application kicks off. Runs great.

I've double-checked the application and corresponding files to make sure NETWORK_SERVICE has permissions and my service is running under that account.

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Call A Function Connected Through The Implementing Application?

Aug 31, 2010

I've decided to make my own simple scripting language parser. I've created about 50% of it and it works great! I need to implement "functions". What ever program uses my parser needs to be able to connect functions to my parser for customization. I've implemented "Lua", a scripting language, in a application of mine. To connect functions to the Lua Parser it used reflections.I need to be able to (by only knowing the name of the function and its structure) call a function connected through the implementing application.

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