Calling A Sub Procedure From Withing Global.asax Page

May 21, 2009

I have a Sub procedure (say: my_sub() ) in one of my aspx.vb (say: mypage.aspx.vb) pages and I want to call this Sub inside the Session_End event in the Global.asax page.

Somthing like this:

Sub Session_End(ByVal sender
ByVal e


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Access The Page Object In Global.asax In The PreRequestHandlerExecute

May 31, 2010

I have a huge website (containing around 5000+) pages. There is a theme functionality in the website where user can choose different colors for their profile. Now i want to use the theme feature and put different CSS (for different colors) in the theme folder and in Global.asax i want check the user theme and render appropriate link element with the css. But my problem is, i am not able to access the Page element for adding the link in the page. Here is my code

Dim page As System.Web.UI.Page = TryCast(System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Handler,System.Web.UI.Page)
page.StyleSheetTheme = "Black"

But when i run this code I get a Null reference error.

P.s : My application is very huge so its not possible to have a master page or a base class and inherit it in every page.

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Show An Alert From Global.asax On A Page That's Experiencing A SQL Timeout?

Sep 17, 2009

In Global.asax, is there a way to handle SQL Timeouts elegantly, and display a message on the requesting page explaining the error? I know Global.asax has the Application_Error and Error events, but I'm not sure which (if any) I could use to accomplish this.

Related, can I access the page instance which raised the error that Global.asax is handling?

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Calling A Procedure In A Different Aspx Page?

Sep 9, 2011

In my project, I have two particular aspx pages (lets say PageA.aspx and PageB.aspx)

In the codebehind PageA.aspx.vb, I want to call "Sub GetDefaultValues()" which happens to be in PageB.aspx

Update:PageB.aspx has textbox controls that contain default values (which are being read in Sub GetDefaultValues). Those default values get populated into the textboxes of PageA.aspx (based on certain conditions)

Is there a way to do that?

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Add This Code To Global.asax?

Dec 14, 2010

I need to add the code below to my global.asax file. It begins with a Sub Application_BeginRequest . My global.asax already has a section that begins with Protected Sub Application_BeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) I'm assuming that I should not have two sections with Sub Application_BeginRequest I tried putting the core of the new code into my existing Sub Application_BeginRequest and it returns no errors but it when I try to view the website in VWDE 2010 it times out. Something is causing it to run or load slowly.

This is the code that I'm adding:

<script runat="server">
Sub Application_BeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim url = String.Empty


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Using IHttpModule Over Global.asax?

Mar 4, 2009

I've been given the thrilling task of re-writing our exception handling system. Whilst I will state that handling exceptions from an application-wide point of view isn't something we want, typically it's unavoidable when our team are understaffed for the sheer amount of work we need to push out the door, so please, no flaming the globalised solution to exception handling here

View 3 Replies - Rewrite URLS Using Global.asax

Apr 2, 2012

I'm trying to make some friendlyurls in my (.net 4) project and I'm trying to do it using something I read about global.asax and Application_Beginrequest but I can't get it to compile.


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Global.asax Code Not Firing?

Nov 9, 2008

i have a project with 1 main form, in form load i call 4 subs which call data from an api. I have added a splashscreen from the add form menu. The splashscreen displays first while the main form loads(calling api data)What i would to do is have a progress bar on the splashscreen with the progress of the mainform load.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
SplashScreen1.ProgressBar1.Value = 0


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Maintain PageViews In Global.asax (

Mar 25, 2010

I need a function in global.asax file which gets called only once when user enter a page url. application_beginrequest gets called 50-60 times in a single page( as to render a page several requests go to server.)

i though of a solution - I can write my fucntion in global.asax and call it on page load of other pages but in that solution I need to call it in every page. I would prefer something which is to be done only in global.asax

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.net - Accessing A Public Class From Global.asax?

Aug 5, 2011

I would love to implement the routing but i have a basic question.

In my Generic handler i have the following Global class

Public Class MyHandlerRouteHandler : Implements IRouteHandler
Public Function GetHttpHandler(requestContext As System.Web.Routing.RequestContext) As System.Web.IHttpHandler Implements


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Use Global.asax To Catch Missing PDFs?

Sep 16, 2010

I'm trying to use the Global.asax file in the root application of the website to catch requests for pdf files in the root that don't exist any more. I've configured iis to send pdf requests to The whole thing works perfectly on development. It also works on the live system with missing .aspx pages, but not .pdf. Instead an "Error Code 64: Host not available". I'm using the Global.asax file to avoid the web.config and child applications (1.1 & 2.0) inheriting settings.[code]...

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General Exception Handling Without Global.asax File?

Mar 21, 2012

I was wondering if there was a way to catch all unhandled exceptions in a visual studio project. My project does not have any files named global or global.asax so I was wondering if there was some other way to catch any and all unhandled exceptions? So far I've tried to put exception handling around specific blocks of code, but it doesn't have any effect.

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Try / Catch In Global.asax While Logging Errors To Db Needed?

Nov 3, 2010

So I handle all exceptions in my project within my Global.asax page. For example, on a random page I could have:[code]So my question is in the Application_Error method, do I need the try/catch block when trying to write to the database? I'm thinking I would in case something goes wrong with the connection, etc. - but is this really necessary? Also, what would I do in the catch block if there is an error? At that point I would be catching the error of logging an error which is confusing in its own right.

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.net - Show Alert Message Box From The Global.asax (on Application_Error Event)

Apr 12, 2010

Normally I just redirect to a custom error page in on the Application_Error event, but I have a specific error for which I'd like to display an alert message while the user is still on the page which triggers the error. How can I make this happen?

I'm open to a modalpopup or any other type of error message, I just want to ensure the user stays on the page where they encounter the error.

This is in reference to this thread: [URL]

Here is the code I'm currently using:

Sub Application_Error(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
'Code that runs when an unhandled error occurs


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.net - Try Catch Finally Blocks.. Do I Still Need Them When Handling Errors In The Global.asax

Jun 2, 2010

I am handling errors via my global.asax in this method:

Dim CurrentException As Exception
CurrentException = Server.GetLastError()
Dim LogFilePath As String = Server.MapPath("~/Error/" & DateTime.Now.ToString("") & ".txt")
Dim sw As System.IO.StreamWriter = New System.IO.StreamWriter(LogFilePath)


In my code I currently have no other error handling. Should I still insert try, catch, finally blocks?

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Routing - MapPageRoute In Global.asax - Cannot Convert String To Long

Jun 7, 2011

I am having an issue where the I am trying to use some Regular Expression in a constraint. The issue is it is evaluating the Regex as a string, and throwing an error. "Cannot convert String 'd+' to long".

New RouteValueDictionary(New With
{.Part = "d+"}))

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Terminate Calling Procedure From The Call Up Procedure?

Nov 29, 2011

Is there a way to terminate calling procedure from the callep up procedure? I tried 'Stop' from a called up procedure in an executable; it has gone stuck; I am not able to remove it(the form) from the screen!

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Making Variables In A Procedure Global?

Mar 15, 2012

I know the title seems pretty trivial but i have an issue and i can't seem to get round it, i have the following code within one sub procedure..

Dim X, Y As Integer
X = 32
Y = 285


View 2 Replies - Calling A Stored Procedure From .NET?

May 6, 2011

I am pretty new to VB and I am not sure why this is not working, basically I am trying to run a stored procedure from my web code. The sp runs just fine in SQL, I've tried it several times so I am sure that is not the problem. I don't want to return any results, I just want to see an "ok" statement if it runs and an error message if it doesn't. The code I am using for the lables (warnings and confirmation) is reused from earlier on the same page, the same goes for the validations (valUpload).


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Calling A Procedure Within Another Class?

Dec 12, 2011

I've created an add-in for outlook 2010.I have a ribbon that has a button on it. When you click that button, I want it to call a procedure in the ThisAddIn.vb.There are two files: ThisAddin.vb and Ribbon.vb.I've tried several things to no avail. I've also set all the procedures to public.

Call Testing123()

Call ThisAddIn.Testing123()


How do I properly call this procedure?

Imports Microsoft.Office.Tools.Ribbon
Public Class MyOutlookTab[code].....

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Calling An 'event' Procedure

Mar 5, 2012

Using the visual part of VB I can create 'event' procedures. eg. if I double click on a button on the form it will take me to the code window and insert a procedure as follows:


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Calling Another Form's Procedure?

Jun 29, 2009

The code below is what I have in one form. Login_prompt is the name of the other form.In this code snippet I am displaying another form that prompts the user for a username and password.I then want to open the website and auto populate the fields. The populating is not the problem.I cannot seem to call on the other form's sub procedure correctly.

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Calling Keydown From A Procedure?

May 20, 2010

I am trying to call the form_Keydown method from a procedure, CharacterJump()

Here is my

frmGame_KeyDown(Nothing, New KeyEventArgs(Keys.Right))

What I am trying to do is after the user moves the character with the right arrow key and presses the up button to jump while still holding the right arrow key, the character will continue on moving, but the code that I put only does one movement and does not keep going.

Edit: I think I know the reason why it is only doing it once; it is because the keydown procedure is being called and therefore only executed once. The question is, how do I make it so it goes to keydown and doesn't return?

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Calling Procedure In Another Form?

Jul 14, 2010

There are 2 forms open for the user in a school attendance program. The 1st. form is called FormBrowseClasses and the other form is called FormBrowseGrades. On the 2nd form is a procedure called PopulateTheDataGridWithData. That procedure loads data into a DataGrid.We would like to call PopulateTheDataGridWithData from within FormBrowseGrades so the data in the DataGrid will be refreshed.

We already tried:

' Refresh DataGrid data on FormBrowseClasses

but this only runs on a new instance of the form, not the currently open form. how to set this up correctly?

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Calling Procedure In Program

Apr 17, 2011

I have a program where I want to call a procedure. The program allows users to enter a salary in to a text box, and than displays it in a label. I have everthing going fine expect getting the main function, which would be displaying the salary. Here is the code i already have:


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Calling Stored Procedure In .net?

Dec 29, 2008

im trying to search a value with the help of stored procedure But it is not working

Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Public Class frmStoredProcedure
Dim cn As SqlConnection


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Calling Stored Procedure?

Mar 10, 2010

I am calling this sub and it doesn't execute. The stored procedure is fine.

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Calling Sub Procedure From Main?

Apr 26, 2010

Module Module1
Sub Main()

here i want to call a sub-procedure----- CALL_ME()

end sub

And i have a windows form application with

Public Class Form1
public sub CALL_ME()[code]....

what would be the syntax of calling i tried randomly syntaxes ; but not working

View 3 Replies - Calling A Shared Procedure From A Module?

Aug 6, 2011

I would love to use the following procedure to set the Title, keywords etc. of my pages, in a module.

Public Shared Sub SetTitle(ByVal Heading As String, ByVal Keywords As String())
Dim myMaster As Masterpage = DirectCast(Me.Master, Masterpage)
If Request.QueryString("lng") = "es" Then


The problem is that i get two errors.

At Me.Master i get the 'Me' is valid only within an instance method. error and at

If Request... i get the error

Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or shared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class.

So how do i fix these? I would like to have that procedure in a common place and not in every page.

View 1 Replies Mvc - Calling A Stored Procedure (MVC4)

Jan 14, 2012

(Using MVC4 VB EF4 MSSQL Razor)

I created a Stored Procedure in the MS SQL 2008 database. Then i've added that SP into the Entity Framework model (you do not see it after opening the .edmx file, i see the SP when i open the model browser). Next i did an "Add function import..." . I did [Get Column Information] and "Create new complex type".

So now i'd like to use that SP. And using ExecuteStoreQuery seems the way to go.

The best attemp so far is this:

Function Index() As ViewResult
Dim context As New MyEntities
Dim Result


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