Can't Find PInvoke DLL "dbnetlib.dll"?

Apr 15, 2009

im using windows mobile 5.0 and im trying to make a application and when i try to connect it to the SQL server 2000 i encounter this error Can't Find PInvoke DLL "dbnetlib.dll"

sample code:


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DB/Reporting :: Can't Find PInvoke DLL 'SQLite.Interop.060.DLL'

Jan 19, 2009

I am running Visual Studio 2005 (I tried 2008 and got the same error) using SQLite for a device project. (Windows 6 Mobile)The identical code works perfectly for Windows, but when I execute

f.FileName = PathForDB
SQLconnect.ConnectionString = "Data Source=" & f.FileName & ";"

I get the above message. I have tried to "manually" load the DLL at the beginning of my code, but I still get the same message.

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PInvoke - .net 4 Vs 3.5 ?

Dec 16, 2010

I've an issue regarding p/invoke from managed to unmanaged code. See my original post at the MSDN forum (as brief summary is seen later in this post). Before I go on, I just want to explain a couple of things: I have a wrapper assembly in net 3.5 that does the actual interop to the unmanaged code. Then I have my console "host app" which uses the wrapper assembly. The solution I came up (I refer to my MSDN post) works when the host app is using .net 4, but it doesn't work when changing the host app to use .net 3.5. When changing, I get a AccessViolationException.

host app: 4.0, wrapper assembly: 3.5
-> works
host app: 3.5, wrapper assembly: 3.5 -> throws

Do anyone have a clue to why I get an AccessViolationException? Most importantly, how do I get it working with .net 3.5?

Brief summary on the MSDN post I refered to. I have this messy p/Invoke I need to solve. The C declaration looks like this:

long TBAPI TbeAndring (short,


Where PTB means that each argument is a struct pointer to an array of arbitrary length. The structs mostly contains strings, doubles, char and short. Anyway, I ended up with this DllImport statement:

<DllImport(NativeLibraryName, CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.StdCall, CharSet:=CharSet.Ansi, SetLastError:=True)>
Public Shared Function TbeAndring(ByVal sAntMoment As Short, _
ByVal sAntPU As Short, _


As you see some of the arguments are changed by the unmanaged code as well.

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C++ - Pinvoke Using Structs In Call

May 3, 2011

I'm really struggling with the following pinvoke call. I've tried numerous different ways of doing this but still no joy. The call runs through, but I get a 'Bad parameter' message back with suggests there is something wrong with the struct, since I've ran through a c++ example of this code and the parameters are all correct.


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Pinvoke - .NET - Calling Kernel32.DLL's Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection?

Oct 13, 2010

Looking at Microsoft's page on Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection, I see some C code. What if you want to call this function and it's revert from So far I have done this:

<Runtime.InteropServices.DllImport("KERNEL32.DLL", EntryPoint:="Wow64DisableWow64FsRedirection")> _
Public Shared Function DisableWow64Redirection() As Boolean
End Function

And I do likewise for the Revert brother function.This seems to work, as the shell command I call after actually finds its exe in system32, but I am not sure about the Revert, does it need a parameter? This Revert page seems to want me to take the output from disable and plug it into the revert call. Does that sound right? How do I change my DLLimport to take in a boolean and actually use it in the Kernal32.DLL function?

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VS 2010 PInvoke Stack Imbalance?

Aug 26, 2011

I have just upgraded(!) to VS2010, and opened my project from VS2008, which worked, and when i try to run i get a Pinvoke error due to stack imbalance. I am completely lost, on this error. What do i need to do to solve it. The error occurs at the If GetAsyncKeyState(8) Then part of the code below. It is detecting for a backspace being pressed. Private Declare Function GetAsyncKeyState Lib "user32" (ByVal vKey As Long) As Integer


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Change Pinvoke SHFileOperation Root Directory?

Aug 13, 2011

I want to delete, copy, move, and rename files using the actual Windows confirmation dialogs.I am using SHFileOperation. My problem is, that, when I want to move a folder with this path:

And I set the destination to:


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Enable 'ReaderMode' In .Net Control PInvoke DoReaderMode API

Jun 7, 2011

I want to enable the 'ReaderMode' for paning/scrolling my control in .Net. Closest thing I found was this Win API function .url....However, I'm not sure how to call this one, in the documentation it says, This function is not declared in any public header. To use it, you must access it as ordinal 383 from Comctl32.dll.I've never called a function that didn't have a name before, can anyone describe how to do this in VB.Net?

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Using PInvoke To Access Some Routines From A Third Party Library?

Sep 9, 2009

I'm using PInvoke to access some routines from a third party library, however i'm getting SEHExceptions when trying to use callbacks defined for one particular method. The callbacks are used to provide feedback from other unmanaged methods within the third party library, passing a string back to the calling application containing a status message.


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VS 2010 PInvoke Stack Imbalance Calling C++ DLL?

Aug 30, 2010

I've got a dll, written in C++ (which I have the source code for and have compiled it under VS2010)It has a function I want to call in VB

SHARED_FUNCTION int yasdiMasterInitialize(const char * iniFile,DWORD * pDriverNum );

I've declared it as follows:

<DllImport("yasdimaster.dll")> Public Function yasdiMasterInitialize(ByRef IniFile As String, ByRef DriverNum As UInt32) As Integer
End Function

as when I try and use it as follows I get a pInvoke error:

Console.WriteLine("Initialise:" & yasdiMasterInitialize("yasd.ini", Drivers))

From reading around this is something to do with the declaration but I don't know what to change as this is the first time I've tried calling a DLL.

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Call A Routine In Kernel Mode Besides Using Pinvoke Which Is Slow?

Mar 29, 2012

I have a problem listing directory information in a process I wrote to call directory listing of the $MFT routine.The gang has convinced me that the problem is that I'm not calling the routine in Kernel Mode.How does one call a routine in Kernel Mode besides using pinvoke which is slow...."MODERN PROGRAMMING is deficient in elementary ways BECAUSE of problems INTRODUCED by MODERN PROGRAMMING." Me?

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Error: A Call To PInvoke Function Has Unbalanced The Stack

Dec 15, 2010

i have an error when im using a function in dll. i declare this( "Private Declare Function SetChannel Lib "StreamReader.dll" (ByVal freq As Long, ByVal smyb As Long, ByVal pol As Long, ByVal fec As Long, ByVal lof1 As Long, ByVal lof2 As Long, ByVal lofsw As Long) As Boolean") [Code]

this is that error"A call to PInvoke function 'skynet!WindowsApplication1.Form1::SetChannel' has unbalanced the stack. This is likely because the managed PInvoke signature does not match the unmanaged target signature. Check that the calling convention and parameters of the PInvoke signature match the target unmanaged signature.".

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A Call To PInvoke Function 'WebCam!WindowsApplication1.WebCamMainForm::SendMessage' Has Unbalanced The Stack

Nov 6, 2010

I have created a webcam application in vb2010, when I run the app I get a run time error, please see below PInvokeStackImbalance was detected Message: A call to PInvoke function 'WebCam!WindowsApplication1.WebCamMainForm::SendMessage' has unbalanced the stack. This is likely because the managed PInvoke signature does not match the unmanaged target signature. Check that the calling convention and parameters of the PInvoke signature match the target unmanaged signature.

it is coming up on this block of code'This sub will open the preview window

Private Sub OpenPrewiewWindow()
Dim iHeight As Integer = WebCamPictureBox.Height
Dim iWidth As Integer = WebCamPictureBox.Width


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Error - Call To PInvoke Function 'WindowsApplication1!WindowsApplication1.Form1::GetCursorPos'

Aug 24, 2010

I'm getting the following error:A call to PInvoke function 'WindowsApplication1!WindowsApplication1.Form1::GetCursorPos' has unbalanced the stack. This is likely because the managed PInvoke signature does not match the unmanaged target signature. Check that the calling convention and parameters of the PInvoke signature match the target unmanaged signature.


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Load DLL Error - "This Is Likely Because The Managed PInvoke Signature Does Not Match"

Sep 7, 2009

i got error stated :"This is likely because the managed PInvoke signature does not match the unmanaged target signature. Check that the calling convention and parameters of the PInvoke signature match the target unmanaged signature."when i tried to run function from a dll file. I searched many forum but can't get a suitable solution. urgent help needed.

here is my

Public Declare Function CXCMD_LoadCard Lib "PCP02CT.DLL" (ByVal iSlot As Integer, ByVal iID As Integer, ByVal iDest As Long, ByVal bflip As Long, ByVal blmmed As Long) As Integer


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"PInvoke Restriction: Cannot Return Variants"

Jun 24, 2011

Public Structure WSADATA
Dim wversion As Integer
Dim wHighVersion As Integer


Code above give me this error

"PInvoke restriction: cannot return variants"

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GetAnsyKey Error "PInvoke Signature Does Not Match The Unmanaged Target Signature"

Jul 11, 2010

I was trying to use a GetAsyncKeyState code but each time I run the program an error occers where


'A call to PInvoke function 'WindowsApplication1!WindowsApplication1.Form1::GetAsyncKeyState' has unbalanced the stack. This is likely because the managed PInvoke signature does not match the unmanaged target signature. Check that the calling convention and parameters of the PInvoke signature match the target unmanaged signature.' The full code is in timer with (1) time interval


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Using Selection.Find In Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word To Find Tracked Changes In A Document?

Apr 15, 2009

I am currently using the code below within a VB.Net application to find specific text in a Word document. The text is surrounded by symbols represented by the character codes in the .Text statement. The code below is working fine. The issue now is that sometimes the desired text within a document has been marked for deletion and appears as tracked change within the document. I would like to find only the desired text that has NOT been marked for deletion. Does anyone know of a way to determine if the found text is a deletion?


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Find The Last Filled Column Row In A Sheet : Cells.find Gives Nullreferenceexception?

Nov 16, 2010

I have been trying to find the last filled column row in a sheet using this.

clast = xlapp.ActiveSheet.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=XlSearchOrder.xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=XlSearchDirection.xlPrevious).Column
rlast = xlapp.ActiveSheet.Cells.Find("*", SearchOrder:=XlSearchOrder.xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=XlSearchDirection.xlPrevious).Row

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VS 2008 Does FIND Always Find Within The FILTER Of A Binding Source

Jun 8, 2009

I've got a form - CMCConsole It pops up a dialog form for adding a new case.If the matter number in a textbox on that dialog form matches an existing cases matter number I would like to find it in the binding source of the CMCConsole form

Private Function CheckMatter(ByVal MtrNum As String) As Boolean
Dim cfIndex As Integer = CMCConsole.caseBS.Find("MatterNumber", MtrNum)
Dim cfIndex2 As Integer = CMCConsole.casefileBS.Find("MatterNumber", MtrNum)


But it appear the filter for the CASE we were just on that is set on the binding source is keeping the FIND from seeing other cases.

caseBS.Filter = "CaseId=" & e.Node.Tag.ToString

Do I have to clear the filter in order to find a matter number in some other case??

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VS 2008 Find Xml File And Display The Find Result?

Oct 24, 2010

how to search xml file and display the result in list box.then export a xml file to excel in the search result

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Create Find Next For Find Datagridview Record?

Apr 20, 2009

how can you create find & find next (using tooltip menu) create in for datagridview value.

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Use TypedDataTable.Rows.Find To Find Row Which Has Composite Key?

Jan 7, 2012

I have a TypedDataTable called CamerasDT which has a composite Primary Key of GroupId and CameraId. I want to use TypedDataTable.Rows.Find(key as object) to return a specific row by GroupId and CameraId. I don't seem to be able to find a way to send primary key to the find function.

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Find Function Does Not Find Last Occurrence

Dec 12, 2009

I have a rich text box with the following text in it:

word word

I am finding the endings of the word, that is, the string "rd". The following code finds the first occurance, but then fails to find the last occurance, and the variable "indexToText " changes to -1.After the first search, the debugger shows the startLocation at character position 4, so it is not past the second occurance but still will not find it.

indexToText = FrmMain.RichTextBoxPrintCtrl1.Find(searchValue, _
startLocation, eof, RichTextBoxFinds.None)

If I change the text to:

word word word

It then finds the first two occurrences and fails to find the last occurrence.No matter how many words I add, it always fails to find the last occurrence.

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Add Two Line One Line Is Find The Total Of Each Colums In The Last Row And To Find The Grandtotal?

May 1, 2011

I am suppose to only Find the total of each column in the last row. Find the grand total in the last cell (the bottom right corner)Ok i have tried to do the grandtotal but i am not getting what she wants done I have also tried to reverse the arrays but that was wrong to. I am only suppose to add two line one line is find the total of each colums in the last row and to find the grandtotal.

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim sum(5, 4) As Integer
Dim row, col As Integer


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Find Age From DOB?

Mar 19, 2011

Windows Form I have a textbox when I enter DOB in the textbox the Age should appear respectively .[code]...

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Find All IPs On A LAN?

Feb 28, 2007

I've been trying to get the IPs (or computer names) of the computers in the same network as the computer running the program.

I got as far as getting all the IPs of the servers in the network wich ended up in a dead end since its all the computers that i need and not the servers only.

My goal is to get acces to files on all the other computers, i guess a shared folder would do the work and just access it as a regular folder, but for that i need the computer name (wich i can get through his IP)

Basicly, I need to find the ips of all computers in the same network wich is not what i get right now...

Dim localIP() As System.Net.IPAddress = System.Net.Dns.GetHostAddresses(System.Net.Dns.GetHostName)
Dim strLocalIP As String = localIP(0).ToString


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How To Find IP

Feb 25, 2009

Yes I Was wounder How Would I use System.Net.Sockets To Find my IP And Then In A Separate code How Would I Make an IP changer What Im I making?: Im Making A Program That Tells You Your IP..and then There Will Be an Option To Change It If anyone no's about Computers I Want to No Y when I made An IP Thing in VB6 (using Winsock) That It Shows Me a Different [URL]..

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How To Find The Value Of Pi

Apr 25, 2010

How to find the value of Pi using VB or C? and i want to calculate the values until a millionth or more than that where in i can use the values of the obtained in another program. fir example in a encryption program.

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Find String Using C#?

Oct 12, 2011

I am trying find a string in below string. using url... How can I get Team Discussion word from it?

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