Can't Open Project Files

Sep 2, 2009

There was an error about VB 2008 not being able to open vb files, i fixed that by re-installing but now when i try and make a project or open one i get this error:Warning1Extensibility DTE object unavailable.00

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Can't Open Files In VB Project

Nov 6, 2009

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Professional Edition, and I have a large windows forms project I have been working on. My computer froze up and I had to reboot. After reboot I opened my project, all the files loaded although I got a message telling me that the document load was skipped because of the way the project opened the last time. I am able to debug and run the program so the app is ok. but when I double click on a form to open it nothing happens. Even if i right click it and select "View Designer" or "View Code" nothing happens. No errors just nothing. I was able to open other projects with no problem but not this one, and this project is the only one that matters.

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VS 2010 : Open Project From Files?

Mar 23, 2012

I just started using visual basics 2010 and spent a few hours making a project. I saved my project and was given three files. X.vb,
X.Designer.vb and X (a .net managed resource file) (X is the name of the project) How do I open up the project again so I can continue editing it.

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VS 2005 Open Project Tries To Download Tmp Files And Cannot See My Forms

Jun 18, 2009

I am having trouble openning my projects in vs2005. What happens when i open one is that i get several windows downloading files from the Appdatalocal emp folder. It says "do you want to open or save this file?. the file name is several random charactors with the tmp extension. do not suggest a virus. The tmp files in question are vs 2005 generated files. they contain html data indicating a problem on the form. If i close all the forms in the tabbed code area, and rebuild the project, then all is well. If i don't build the project, then when i open a form up onto the code area, i get a new download message. Anyone ever heard of this? I suspect IE8 but cannot recall if this all started when i installed IE8 or not.

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In-project Components Fail If Project Is Opened With In-project Component Used On Initially Open Form?

Dec 20, 2010

Public Class ExtendedDateTimePicker Inherits DateTimePicker

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VS 2008 - Timer - Project A References Project B So Can Open A Large Form In Project B

May 5, 2010

For reasons that are beyond my control, I have three Projects. Projects A and B reference project C. Project A references project B so that it can open a large form in project B. I now need to open that large form from project C, but VB won't allow me to add a reference from C to B because that would create a circular dependency. I found a way around it, though. I created a Timer in A, and when I opened C from A, I passed in that timer. When the user performs a certain action, I enable the Timer from A, and this causes C to open B for me.

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Close Project And Open Another In Multi-Project Solutions?

Apr 11, 2012

I am developing a Multi-Project solution (A, B) in Visual Studio 2008.

I need to run a second project from the start up one and then the first project should be closed.

The matter is that I want to Exit the A.exe and kill the process and the dll that are depending on it. And then Run the B.exe.

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Open A Project Using A Command Button From Another Project?

Mar 27, 2012

I have a number of independent visual basic applications. Now I want to develop a window that will have command buttons to open each of the applications. How do I write the code in these buttons?

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VS2010 .NET And Windows 7 Access Denied On Writing To Or Creating Files In Project Files Folder?

May 22, 2012

Ok I know this question has been asked to death but I still have not seen a good answer. I have created an application in VS2010 using VB.NET. In my application I have an error log that is an XML file located in the Public gstLocalErrorLogLocation As String = Application.StartupPath & "ErrorLog"that gets written to in the event of an error so I can trouble shoot application easier. My application also downloads files from our FTP site and puts the files in Public gstLocalDownloadLocation As String = Application.StartupPath & "download"So I have files that get read and written to as well and created and deleted all in the Application.StartupPath which is either "c:Program Files(Application Directory)(Some Directory)(Some File)" or "c:Program Files (x86)(Application Directory)(Some Directory)(Some File)" depending on 32bit or 64bit Windows 7.

After creating the setup I install it on my test machine that have both Windows 7 32bit and 64bit.Everything in the application works great till I have to write to, delete or creat a file in those directories above. I know it is an access issue and the UAC. This will get installed on numerous systems so the options I have seen to change file or folder permission on the computers manually is not an option.What has to happen is after I install the application it just works like when you install it on XP. Some post have suggested that you us a user with administrator privilages or group which is all fine and dandy but the user I have used to test the application has all of that.

So what I am asking is how do you create an application with VS2010 in VB.NET that after creating a setup package and installing on Windows 7 will just work with out "Access to the path c:Program Files(Application Directory)(Some Directory)(Some File) is denied." If I have to install this on 100 Windows 7 computers it has to be a concreate no manually doing anything just install and work like when we installed on XP.

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Open Another Project From Within An Existing Project?

Jul 25, 2011

If there already is a thread for this, then appologies.I have a VB project which displays a message to the User and has a button they can click on to continiue.What i would like is for when the user clicks this continue button another VB app opens up All straight forward so far.The problem is that in the second app id like to open, i have a few different tab pages and id like to be able to open the second app on a specific tab page (Which is not the default when the app opens). Is this possible?

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How To Open Multiple Files Using "open With" Command Line Arguments

May 15, 2012

I have an application that can read certain types of files, and I have it working so that if you do "open with" from windows, it automatically starts the application and opens the selected file.

Unfortnately, I cannot get it to work for more than one file.

System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() contrains the following:
System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(0) = name and path to the .exe
System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(1) = name and path to the first file selected to be opened

System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Length is 2 when the user tries to open 1 file, which makes sense since the first argument is the .exe itself and the 2nd is the path to the file, but it does not increase to 3 if the user tries to open 2 files... meaning that System.Environment.GetCommandLineArgs(2) is never populated Here is some sample code that shows the problem: It will recognize no files or 1 file being opened, but if you try to open multiple it will only show the first.


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Can Not Open Project

Jul 11, 2009

When i open new project a error message show [code]...

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Can't Open A Project ?

Oct 4, 2009

This is the code.


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Open VB Project Again?

Dec 5, 2010

have put a ton of effort into my new project, and I have saved the coding and designer part. I never did publish it, and when I came back to open it later to work on it, I can't seem to get to the screen that allows you to move items, and edit the looks of the project. I have to files that say RSEB.Designer.vb and RSEB.Vb - So how do I open the screen that allows me to edit the **** project?

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After Compiling A Project Can't Open The .EXE?

Aug 20, 2010

when i compile the project and run it get the error Project Project has encountered a problem and needs to close. If you were in the middle of somthing, the information you were working on might be lost[ Close ]

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Can Open A Project In A New Window

Mar 20, 2012

I'm running Visual Studio 2008. Often, when I'm in one project, I want to open another project that is related in some way, either to fix a bug that affects both or implement a feature that will benefit both.If I'm currently editing project A, how can I open project B in a new window?

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IDE :: 2010 Cannot Open A New Project

Mar 22, 2010

Having just downloaded the Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate Beta, I decided to put together a little application I coded under 2008 VB.Net.when I click on "New Project", select new Windows Form Application project and try to open it, I get the following error dialog box & msg:"Unable to cast COM object of type'System.__ComObject' to interface type 'Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor.Implementation. IVsGlobalUndoCapableUndoManager'. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID'{305E8709-55B7-4732-B872-1C073AB58047}' failed due to the following error: No such interface supported (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80004002 (E_NOINTERFACE))."

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IDE :: Avoid Open A Project Twice?

Dec 1, 2009

it happened to me a lot - i double click a solution file and open it - change it and find out that its openned twice on my computer. IN VB6 - you could not open the same vbp twice - how can I do that in 2005/2008

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IDE :: Cannot Open The Vs03 Project

Jul 26, 2011

I have a VS 03 solution which I am trying to open but it gives following error:- System could read example.vb.System could not find the path specified.

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Open And Convert VBP (vb6) Project To .net?

Feb 1, 2012

Which version of Visual studio Do I need to try to pen and conert an old VB6 project (vbp) to a .net ?

My I use Visual Studio 2008 ? (di I need an earlier version?)

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Open Certain Form In A Project?

Mar 28, 2010

I have made a small program with a few forms that do not run in order 1,2,3

The login form is form 2.

how do I make sure that the login screen opens 1st?

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Programmatically Open VB Project

Mar 17, 2009

I have a form-based application that is still in the testing phase. As a convenience while the project is in test phase, I would like to be able to open its VB project by clicking a button on the form, instead of navigating to the directory and open the project by double-clicking its icon. (I'm lazy ) I've added a button to the form. What code should I use to open the project?

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Unable To Open Project

Apr 19, 2008

I'm running windows vista. I get the upgrade for sp1 via windos auto updates. I then it adminstration by right clicking on the shortcut. I open up visual basic, I can't open my projects.I can click on the link, do it via file. None of the files will load up or open.

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VS 2008 : Can't Open New Project

Jul 21, 2010

I have Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Professional.I can't open new project.I am clicking File-->New Project then selecting "Windows Forms Application" and name it. I am clicking OK and nothing happend. Just return to the openning screen.

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VS 2008 Cannot Open Project

Jun 8, 2010

on my desktop computer, i first installed VS 2005.. after few weeks i installed VS 2008.. i created a project on VS 2008..on my laptop, i installed VS 2008.i transferred the project from my desktop to my laptop but i can't open it.. one of my clasm8s said told me that even if i created it on VS 2008 on my desktop, it still uses framework 3.0 because VS 2005 was the first installed.. is he correct? what should i do?

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.net Project And Apllication Do Not Open Form?

Aug 21, 2011

do not know if what has previously been faced with this problem but I can not open my project and Windows Forms.Here's what it's written when I try to open the Visual Basic 2008 application.

Unable to read the project file links like mediafire.vbproj and after that throws the table next project package load failure: (So I tried to reinstall anything anyway.And even tried to create a Setup Wizard program is not open.And one more thing I do not like what I do not know how to create a program installer wizard so that the program is open without any Visual Basic program in 2008 and hidden codes.Is it possible to do this? If so how to do that ?

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Block Ability To Open Same Project Twice?

Mar 5, 2009

I would like to block the ability to open the same project twice.Like in VB6... you could not open the same vbp again.

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Open A Form From A Different Project Using A Button?

Jun 5, 2010

i have several projects and one main project.i want to open a form from a different project using a command button in the main form of the main project.i am using Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express.the language i am using is VB.NET?

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Open A Form Which Is In A Folder (within Same Project)?

Oct 25, 2010

In my project i have created few folders to better structure my forms.. my problem is how can i call up (open) a form in a different folder.

eg. Form1 is located in main directory, how to open form2 which is located in a folder called Folder2 (within same project)

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Project Open-source If Use .NET Languages?

Sep 22, 2009

I know VB.NET and i want to develop a program. Which i think later will be open-source if i fail to keep updating it. My question is : Is it possible to build open-source project by using .NET languages ? Or do i have to build open-source projects only using open source languages like Java,Ruby, Python etc ? ( I mean is there any restriction from microsoft on building open-source projects using their langauge and tools ?)

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