Cancel Button Not Redirecting To Separate Page

Apr 30, 2011

I have an ASP.NET form with a cancel button that is supposed to, after confirmation from the user, redirect them to another page. I'm using javascript for this. It works fine in a simple HTML page, but apparently something is interfering with it on the .aspx page. The popup message works perfectly, but clicking "Okay" does not take you to another page. I have tested the if statement and it is working correctly, the only thing it won't do is leave the current page. [code]...

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ADVERTISEMENT - Pass Cancel Or Update Button Click From Popup Back To Parent Page?

Apr 25, 2012

I have a popup aspx page that receives data from a parent page gridview Edit click. There is a great deal of parsing of data from parent page to pop up as the data is being translated in pop up, then sent back to parent page to be reassembled in the original text block before update.

When the popup passes the data back or is canceled, the parent page gridview is still in Edit mode.I would like to pass the Cancel or Update button click from the popup to the parent page gridview so it can complete the update or cancel event without asking the user to click the corresponding command button link from the gridview edit mode, to Update or Cancel.

UPDATE: There is also a jquery UIBlocker on the Parent page to prevent the user from returning to the page until the PopUp page processing has been completed. Below is the critical code:

function parentFunc(a) {
// Unblocks on return from popup page.


Had a problem with preventing the popup from reloading. So there is an if condition in the load event. A dynamic number of controls are built on the popup as literals. So the Page Init event and Page Load event fire on non Postback to rebuild the controls.

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Cancel Validating In A DataGridView When A User Clicks The Cancel Button?

May 18, 2006

I validate a DataGridView with the CellValidating-eventhandler.That works fine. However, I want to avoid validating when the user presses the Cancel button. In the sequence validation occurs before the event CancelButton.Clicked.

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Page Is Not Redirecting?

Apr 9, 2012

I'm having a problem with redirectionThe Copy() method below is called from a javascript button in a grid with ajax and it works fine. It redirects to the Create action of the controller.

<AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)> _
Sub Copy(ByVal noDemande As Integer)
Response.Redirect("/DemandeDeMontage/Create/" & noDemande)


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Page Not Redirecting Even Though It Does Not Error Out?

Mar 3, 2009

I have this function that utilizes jQuery's post feature to send an ajax request to my logout handler, which destroys the session (set by and redirects to the login page:

<script type="text/javascript">
function doLogout() {


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Redirecting To A Specified Page In A Gridview In

Feb 5, 2010

In my application I have a gridview in which details of containers are stored and displyed.There are many containers in this gridview, say more than 150 containers. I have implemented paging for this gridview as it contains many record. But its difficult for the user to go to every page and search one particular container. So i want a serach option for this.What I need is to enter a containernumber in a textbox and when I click a button, it should redirect to that particular page in the gridview where that particular containernumber exists.

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Sending Array - Redirecting Page To Next DataSet

Jan 29, 2010

I'm using javascript to send a array to my code behind so it can be saved. And also to redirecting the page to the next dataset.
function ChangeMonth(utcDate){
window.location = "./transport.aspx?date=" + utcDate;
This works perfectly when there's an alert in between, the saving and the redirect. If I delete the alert it just redirects without saving.

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C# - Redirecting To The Previously Browsed Web Page After Session Expires?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm developing web site using In my web site after login i set session for the logged user for my web site need. and on each page i checked whether that session is null or having value and depending on the value i redirected to the login page.My issue is that after login i want to redirect to the previously browsed web page and i done it by using following way-code on the particular page for checking session value-

if (Session["EmployeeID"] != null)


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Error While Redirecting To Another Page-Confirm Form Resubmission

Mar 16, 2009

I have a page named a.aspx and clicking on the submit button i redirected to b.aspx with one parameter named fileid.

On clicking on back button from b.aspx i have to go to a.aspx.But now on clicking back button, i got one error as follows[code]....

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Redirecting To Login Page If User Enters Root Path?

Jun 17, 2011

I've got a web app, and its start page is http:\<myServer> myApp>webformslogin.aspx

I'd rather they didn't have to enter this whole address. Is there a simple way to redirect my users to this page if they just enter the root i.e. http:\<myServer><myApp> ?

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Jquery - ASP.NET Button Not Redirecting On IE

Feb 17, 2011

Currently I have a button which on client click, runs a jquerry function that changes the text on a (hidden to the user) label, and then clicks a second (also hidden to the user) button. This second button then runs an ASP.NET function whose last command is to redirect to a second page. The reason I needed to do this, is because I store the value of the label (which is dynamically assigned according to a database) into a session variable BEFORE redirecting to the second page.

This method works perfectly on Chrome and Firefox. Nevertheless, it doesn't seem to be redirecting in IE. It does, however, store the session variable (i.e. the sub routine that handles the hidden button's click event IS called).

Edit: I've tried clicking the hidden button myself, and it works fine, so it is definitely something with the postback from the first button interfering with the subroutine called from the second one.

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Create Button That Can Rapidly Submit Form Repeatly / Until Second Button Named Cancel Is Pressed

Feb 7, 2010

I just want a program compiled in Visual Basic 2008. which can just submit a form of only one field. the form is already uploaded to the server but i don't want to go to that url every time to do so.What I want here, just to open application and fill that field and submit. Is this possible in visual basic 2008?Also let me know how to create a button that can rapidly submit the form repeatly untill the second button named cancel is pressed.
field name of that form is "msisdn" and the action on submit button is post method and url in target is url...

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Page Not Loading E.cancel = True?

Mar 22, 2012

Why would this not work? I get the new window to open yet it does not load. When I right click to veiw source it is empty.It will load without this in IE. The Address looks normal[URL]..Private Sub WebBrowser2_NewWindow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser2.NewWindow


View 3 Replies - Get Several Different "displays" In A Single Page, Rather Than Separate Different Views In Their Own Page?

Jul 3, 2009

When and why would it be a good choice to keep the view of two different sets of information on the same page, and just change what's visible depending on different parameters?For example, an application I'm working on has three levels of users: Admin, Director and Project Manager. We have a Managers.aspx page which follows this flow of control:

If user is admin, load gridview list of directors with several simple CRUD-like properties. This includes a link for each director that, when clicked, will load a new gridview with several properties of all of the Project Managers belonging to the selected director.If user is director, load straight to the list of Project Managers that belong to this director, in the exact fashion as described in the second half of the "if user is admin" clause".This is all done on one Managers.aspx page. Why? What advantage does this hold? When else might this type of situation arise? Personally, this seems like a job for two separate pages. One listing the directors, and another listing the Project Managers.

View 2 Replies - Redirecting Admin To Admin Page And User To User's Page?

Nov 9, 2011

i'm having some problem over here. When user enter their id,it will show up the main page and its for user but when admin enter their id,it will enter the user's main page and i have to click admin site on the top hyperlink and it automatically logout and once i enter back admin passwrd and then only it redirect to admin to make it like once user enter their passwrd it redirect to user page and once admin enter admin password in the login it redirect to admin ?I have 3 roles over here which are admin,staff and user. Hereby i'll provide you my aspx code and also my vb code which is running behind the program.p

<asp:Login ID="Login1" runat="server" BackColor="#009933" BorderColor="Red"
BorderPadding="4" BorderStyle="Ridge" BorderWidth="1px" Font-Names="Verdana"


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Add A Cancel Button To A Message Box?

May 19, 2009

How do I add a cancel button to a message box? I really need to know this because it is kinda stupid that i have a message box saying "Are you sure you want to clear everything?" and have no cancel button. Also what code do i need to make a program key where it is made so that I give a key and it works with that specific program another one will be made with a different key. I have no code for that because i have no clue where to begin (3 day trial code so it is locked would be nice to) The other problem I have is makeing the program open new windows so if i click trial then it will run for 3 days then done and with code making it run forever without the pop up again so how do I do all that?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button5_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click
End Sub


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Add An Cancel Button To Inputbox?

Mar 19, 2010

Heres my code so far:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Cancel Button Sometimes Not Working

Mar 20, 2010

When I use form properties (Cancel button)it's work but most time this properties will not work properly. How do I this...any another method to close the form on Esc. button...

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How To Catch OK Or Cancel Button

Jan 25, 2010

Is there a way to get the even when a user presses an OK button or cancel button? In the Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK only assignes a value for the OK or Cancel. However how do I get the actual value pressed by the user. In other words how do I know whether the user presses the OK or Cancel button?

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Button Cancel Not Show In Messagebox

Feb 17, 2012

When i run this project, only messagebox button ok appear, but button cancel do not show. i'm using visual basic express edition 2008. and this is my codding.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[code]...

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Cancel A For Loop By Pressing A Button?

Dec 29, 2008

If you click on the backup button in my program, it starts to copy files from source to destination using a For loop.I can't cancel this For loop and I can't click on anything else in the window, because it won't respond untill the for loop completes.How can I let the program check if the Cancel button is pressed during the For loop and if pressed exit the loop?[code]...

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Cancel Button Some Time Not Working?

Sep 21, 2011

Cancel Button Some time not working

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Create Cancel Button For A Form?

Aug 4, 2011

How do i create a cancel button for a form where i have a detail layout of my databse. if i have inserted data and the want to cancel everything i have inserted or reset my form to it open state.

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Create Message Box With 2 Button Ok And Cancel?

Aug 10, 2011

how to create message box with 2 button ok and cancel ok for exit aplication cancel to stay in aplication when i clic Exit Command_button i creat in that aplicaton form

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Enable The Cancel Button Of The Form?

Feb 27, 2010

how to enable the cancel button of the form?

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Hide Cancel Button In A Inputbox?

Oct 8, 2009

Is there a way to hide the cancel button in a inputbox

or is there way that you can change the action from the cancel button the standaard action is "" and i want him to do "player 1"

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C# - Separating Multi-Page Tiffs Into Separate Pages?

Jan 20, 2012

Currently I am using .NET to break apart multi-page tiffs into separate jpeg/pngs. The process on its own is perfectly fine. But after few weeks, I notice one big flaw in the page sizes. Each page I separate is the same (width/height NOT FILE SIZE) as the whole TIFF document combined. When the TIFF is displayed,this creates a massive black spot on the right/bottom of the image. This is a very big flaw as I can't determine the physical dimensions of each page as I am separating them. If I know ahead of time, I can at least write up some kind of cropping mechanism.

System.IO.Stream s =
new System.IO.MemoryStream(imageData);
System.Drawing.Image i =[code]......

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.NET Inputbox - How To Identify When The Cancel Button Is Pressed

May 27, 2010

I have a simple windows application that pops up an input box for users to enter in a date to do searches.

How do I identify if the user clicked on the Cancel button, or merely pressed OK without entering any data as both appear to return the same value? I have found some examples of handling this in VB 6 but none of them really function in the .NET world.

Ideally I would like to know how to handle the empty OK and the Cancel seperately, but I would be totally ok with just a good way to handle the cancel.

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Capture Response From Cancel Or Ok Button In Two Different Applications?

Feb 26, 2009

With my Application ( I am trying to scan Excel files some of which have ActiveX Components.

When running my Application, I am getting a pup-up window in Windows Vista Environment with Office-2007 having button OK and Cancel button to proceed.

But my problem is the scanning is not proceeding even after I keep on pressing the OK button. Now I want to continue with my application while pressing the Cancel button; i.e. just to skip the file. Is it possible to capture the response from the cancel button? (As this is a message box from another application, i.e. either from Vista or Office-2007, I'm not sure).

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Forms :: Cancel Button 'Esc" Not Working

Sep 12, 2011

I have a login form (startup form) with OK/Cancel button, and each set on the form as Accept/Cancel button - works fine.

After login my main form loads, it has keypreview on. This main form opens a new form (after user clicks a client search button) with an OK/Cancel set up the same as the login form.

On this search form, the Enter key works (it calls the OKbutton click just fine), but the Esc key does not.

The cancelbutton property if set to the cancel button, and this form does not use keypreview.

The form has focus, I clicked it to be sure, but in any case the enter key works.

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