Cancelling Upload With WebClient?

Apr 4, 2012

Using the following VB.Net simple code to upload files in FTP, a call to WebClient.CancelAsync() doesn't actually cancel the upload.Does someone know why, and what can be done about this?

Private Sub UploadProgressChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Net.UploadProgressChangedEventArgs)
'TO-DO: Why is pbar empty?
ProgressBar1.Value = e.ProgressPercentage
Label1.Text = e.BytesSent & " bytes sent"
End Sub


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Using Webclient To Upload A File To A Server?

Mar 1, 2011

I am using the code below to upload a file to a server running windows IIS 5.1.

I am just testing on my own computer to see if this works ok. However, I keep getting the following error message:

The remote server returned an error (405) Method Not Allowed I am sure this is a IIS problem maybe something to so with permissions. However, I am configure the virtual directory to allow read, write, and directory browsing.

The config.xml file I am trying to upload is located in the same directory as the executable and does exist.

Private Sub upload_config_to_server()
Dim url As New Uri("http://localhost/softphone/config.xml")
Dim wc As New WebClient()


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Webclient Vs Ftpwebrequest - Upload A File To An Ftp Site

Jun 29, 2010

I need to upload a file to an ftp site. Can I use a simple webclient or do I need to use ftpwebrequest? What are the differences?

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POST Data And Upload File Using Webclient Or HttpWebRequest

Jul 24, 2009

I have the following HTML Form That I'm trying to automate:

<!-- The data encoding type, enctype, MUST be specified as below -->
<form enctype="multipart/form-data"


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Cancelling TableNewRow Event?

Jul 8, 2009

I have a typed dataset that has some required columns. I created a form called by TableNewRow to prompt the user and verify the required selections. If the user cancels the details form I can't seem to get rid of the row that was created, it's stuck there blank.

code excerpt:

Private Sub myDataTable_TableNewRow(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Data.DataTableNewRowEventArgs) Handles Me.TableNewRow
Dim f As New Form1


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Cancelling Row Change In A Data Grid?

Nov 11, 2009

Does anyone know how to cancel a row change in a data grid? What I want is to allow the user to modify a row in a grid. When they try to leave a row after changing it, then prompt them to save the changes before moving to the new row. So far, the rowleave event is working to prompt them to save or not. But I'd like to give them the option to cancel...which should leave them on the original row. The rowleave event, nor any other similar event, appears to have the abiity to cancel the move.

I thought about remembering the row number and just putting it back on that row...but it seems like there probably should be a better way to cancel the row change.

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Cancelling The ListView SelectedIndexChanged Event

Apr 13, 2004

I have a ListView that populates some fields whenever the user selects an item. However, if they change the data in the fields and then select a new item without saving, I want to display a message box that warns that their changes will be lost, and asks them to confirm whether to continue. Sounds simple.

Unfortunately, the ListView's SelectedIndexChanged event cannot be cancelled, and it's actually called for each change in the selection. So, for example, if item 1 is selected and the user then selects item 2, the event is called twice: once to remove the selection of item 1, and then to add the selection of item 2. If you go from having one item selected to having five (for example), the event fires to remove your original selection, and then again for each of your new selections - six hits in all.

Obviously, this makes it a bugger to determine when the event should be cancelled and reset back to the original. I obviously don't want my message box appearing six times....

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Form Submits Data To Database Instead Of Cancelling

Oct 2, 2011

I'm working on this form, and I got 1 text field I am using for validation. If the user doesn't put text inside the box and he clicks the save button it throws a messagebox saying that he didn't put text inside the box, but it still saves the data to the database anyways.

If txtUsername.Text = vbNullString Then
MsgBox("All Fields are Required!!")
Me.btnSave.Enabled = False


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Shell Program - Cancelling Background Worker

Nov 15, 2010

I have the following problem. I have a worker in VB .net (2010) which runs a shell-program. The shell program is a service and output stuff like:
Server initializing...
Server opening port...
more info...

I am able to 'catch' the output of the shell and add it to a textbox (using set text function). And I am able to Cancel the worker by clicking on a stopbutton, however when there is no more output by the shell I cannot stop the worker anymore. At least I suspect that's the case. I've tried checking for endofstream (commented section) but that doesn't work. I've also tried to same code with some test text in stead of 'clsProcess.StandardOutput.ReadLine' and that also works. So I came to the conclusion it must have something to do with clsProcess.StandardOutput.ReadLine being at the end?

clsProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = False
clsProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
clsProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = True
clsProcess.StartInfo.FileName = serverpath + config_executable
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Cancelling A Recursive Folder Copy

May 24, 2010

How best to cancel/kill a recursive folder copy? I am looping through a number of pathnames in a list box and then recursively copying all files and sub-folders to a backup location. Suppose the user wants to cancel for some reason. I have checked that I can detect a click on my "cancel" button in a timely manner (DoEvents sees to that) but how can I stop the recursive file copy without ending the program? [code]

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VS 2008 Cancelling Progress Background Worker?

May 5, 2009

I am using the code below to login to a softphone. However, the login progess is a long process as there are many things that have to be initialized and checks to be made, I have only put a few on here, as it would make the code to long to post.In the code below I am checking if the CancellationPending if the CancelAsync has been called in my cancel button click event, before doing each check. Is this correct? Also if the check fails I also call the CancelAsync and set the e.Cancel to true.

Private Sub bgwProcessLogin_DoWork(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DoWorkEventArgs)
' * Perform at test to see if the background worker has been


View 1 Replies - Cancelling The Keypress [Enter] Action On A Telerik RadGrid

Feb 7, 2012

I have a Telerik Radgrid containing all the valid usernames and passwords that can be used to unlock functionnalities on my web page. The password is encrypted, so you have to click the row to decrypt and show the actual password. All usernames and passwords can be changed by an admin When the admin presses [ENTER] to submit the new username/password combination (instead of pressing the submit button), the new combination is actually submitted (which is fine).


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Cancelling Button Click Event In Its Derived Class

Aug 29, 2011

I was working on a custom button, in which I had to capture the event of the button, and depending on the certain conditions, either I'll block the event or pass it on the form containing my custom button.[code]Now, I do not have any idea how to block the event and not allow it to pass if the users opts for "No" in the given example.

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ComboBox Problem - Combo Box Won't Drop Down After Cancelling Validation?

Feb 24, 2012

I've found some unexpected behaviour in my ComboBox, which I'm hoping someone can help me with. If focus is lost by pressing the Return key on a form which has AcceptButton set, then after handling the Validating event and cancelling the validation,the ComboBox will not drop down any more. When you click on the drop-down arrow, the list drops down momentarilly then goes away again To reproduce this, create a new VB.NET Windows Forms application. Drop a Combo Box and a Button onto the default form, then add the following code:[code]....

Run this application, click on the Combo Box, enter some random text (e.g. "asdf"), then press Return. After this, click on the drop-down arrow on the Combo Box.I'm using Visual Basic 2010 Express on Windows 7 Home Premium.

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Cancelling The Event That Triggered An Asynchorous Call After The Method Finishes?

Jun 15, 2009

In an event handler of a tab chaged of a tabcontrol, I call a method asynchrounously, like this:

Private Sub tabDetails_Deselecting(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TabControlCancelEventArgs) Handles tabDetails.Deselecting
' we pass pageindex so that we set the index back in case the validation fails


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Visual Basic - Upload Progress Bar For File Upload?

May 11, 2012

i have this code, how do i incorporate a progress bar into it? Private Sub btn_upload_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_upload.Click


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Using Uploadify Or JQuery File Upload For CSV Upload In ASP.NET

Oct 24, 2011

Rather than using a Handler(.ashx), is it possible to use a web service(.asmx) to upload?

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.net - Why Cancelling 6 WebRequest Using Task.Start Takes Longer That Thread.Start

Jul 24, 2011

I have custom asynchronous WebRequest class that I am testing to find out how fast the request will be cancelled and found some odd results, that starting 6 WebRequests with TPL and cancelling them right away takes 25 sec, but when I used just regular background threads it took only 5 sec.

Update: Running them without cancelling takes with Task.Start 9 sec and Thread.Start 3 sec accordingly.
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Threading


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Get The WebClient To Use Cookies?

May 13, 2010

I would like the WebClient to remember cookies.

I have searched and tried numerous overloads classes.

I want to login to a website via POST, then POST to another page and get its contents whilst still retaining my session.

Is this possible with without using WebBrowser control ?

I tried Chilkat.HTTP and it works, but I want to use .Net libraries.

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Set Time Out For WebClient?

Mar 5, 2011

I use

wb as webclient

Say 40 seconds have passed. I want wb to just give up. How to do so?

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Webclient Not Working?

Jul 12, 2010

well its werid it worked once but then it just randomly stop i do havenamespace

Imports System.IO


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Jun 20, 2012

as per usual i am a little confused. I know DownloadStringAsync runs on a threaded pool with a default min and max threads limit, but what confuses is how would i call DownloadStringAsync say for example ten times.Example.I have an array with 10 URLS. Surely i would not use a for each loop of the array index to pass the url address while each time calling DownloadStringAsync(New Uri("someArray(index)") surely we can pass say a range of items from the array and let DownloadStringAsync decide on the threaded pool how many to process each time?

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Differences Between HttpWebRequest And WebClient?

Jun 9, 2010

differences between HttpWebRequest and WebClient and why I should use either.

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Download Zip File From Web Using Webclient?

Nov 23, 2010

I am trying to use to download a zip from a website.I am using the following code .[code].....I am doing something wrong here.The zip file is getting downloaded but the size is not correct.How to know the size of the file I download and assign to my buffer .

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DownloadFileCompleted (Webclient) Called Twice?

Sep 21, 2011

I use webclient to download a file Async. Defined in the Globals.

Public WithEvents wbclient As New WebClient

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Downloading File Using WebClient?

Aug 15, 2011

I am trying to use WebClient to download a .zip file from my server. In debugging mode the code works perfectly, but when I deploy my software the file does not even begin to download.After my program checks to see if an update is available, it should download the .zip file from my web server via the following


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Error In Using WebClient.DownloadString In

Mar 4, 2012

I am using WebClient.DownloadString method in vb.netto convert page to string after that I send this string by email. by I got this error from the server The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error. Unfortunately, no more details about the error. what is the possible problem ? edit: error in the following line of code :


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Get Status Code From Webclient?

Aug 26, 2010

I am using webclient class to post some data to a web form. I would like to get the response status code of the form submission. So far I've found out how to get the status code if there is a exception[code]...

Is there some way to get the status code when there is no exceptions thrown?[url]...

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How To Retrieve A PDF Using WebBrowser Or WebClient

Nov 23, 2010

I am trying to automate the daily retrieving of a web file using .NET.The file is a PDF located at an address similar to: url...and these are the headers of HTTP request registered for debug using IE.[code]Can you please suggest me a way to get it and save it locally using WebClient, WebBrowser or other VB.NET (Framework 4.0) components?

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HTTP POST Using Webclient

Feb 3, 2010

I have donsome programmng in the past but am just getting back into it.I am trying to post to the following webpage. I need to fill in the "upfile" box and submit.[code]I keep getting 501 not implimented errors. I have asked my mate Google and cant find anything.

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