Cannot Upload Multiple File By HttpWebRequest

Mar 28, 2012

I'm having problems sending multiple files via HttpWebRequest. I tried various ways on the basis of the code below, but always manage to send only 1 file at a time.[code]...

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HttpWebRequest File Upload Not Working?

Jul 1, 2012

I'm using the following code to upload a file to web space that I own and and has all access rights, however for some reason even though it looks like it should work and there are no errors the file is never created on the server.

Dim wr As System.Net.HttpWebRequest
Dim ws As System.IO.Stream
Dim sw As System.IO.StreamWriter


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POST Data And Upload File Using Webclient Or HttpWebRequest

Jul 24, 2009

I have the following HTML Form That I'm trying to automate:

<!-- The data encoding type, enctype, MUST be specified as below -->
<form enctype="multipart/form-data"


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HTTPWebRequest Not Enough To Upload Larger Files?

May 27, 2011

Is it httpwebrequest / httpwebresponse not enough to upload larger files (2-3 GB)? I requested to all or c# uploader to share your opinion and alternative too.

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.net - Asp.Net Multiple File Upload?

Jun 1, 2012

I've set up an multiple file upload and it works but not in the way I would expect it to.On my page I've got 2 image uploaders like so <input type="file" id="gallery" class="multi" accept="jpg" runat="server" /> <input type="file" id="pic1" accept="jpg" runat="server" />My problem is when I upload it uses this code Dim hfc As HttpFileCollection = Request.Files To get all the files which were posted but I only want gallery images for this specific method.


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Ftp Upload Of Multiple Large Files Into One File?

May 9, 2011

I am trying to upload 2 large files to a ftp server by uploading as one file to a location. I have it working if the files are small but it crashes with large files.

For i As Integer = 0 To filelist.Count() - 1
Dim fRequest As FtpWebRequest = WebRequest.Create(ftpPath & "/Reports/" & filelist.Item(i))
fRequest.Credentials = New NetworkCredential(username, psswd)


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VS 2010 Multiple File Upload To PHP Script?

Jul 17, 2010

I have a client app written in 2010 which communicates with my auth server via php scripts. I had found and used code previously that uploaded a single file to my server. I'm now trying to convert the headers and code to make it upload multiple files in a single query. The first code block will be the original code by the original author (from a different site), and the second code block will be my current nonfunctional code.

I'm about 99.9% sure the problem is with the header which is being submitted to the server.

Dim filepath As String = IO.Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "filename.ext")
Dim url As String = ""
Dim boundary As String = IO.Path.GetRandomFileName


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Multiple File Upload With Input Areas Dynamically Generated

May 28, 2009

I want to create a form where the user can upload as many images as they like with the input areas being dynamically generated. I can't use Ajax for this I need to use ASP.NET controls and the images are being written to a database. Any ASP.NET control that can accomplish this? Here is my code for the dynamic form, its Javascript and its not passing the "PictureSmallLink" value back...and their in lies my problem.

<input id="PictureLinkSmall" name="PictureLinkSmall" type="file" runat="server" size="60" />
<input id="AddFile" type="button" value="Add file" onclick="addFileUploadBox()" />
<!--<p><asp:Button ID="btnSubmit" runat="server" Text="Upload Now" onclick="btnSubmit_Click" /></p>-->
<span id="Span1" runat="server" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function addFileUploadBox() {
[Code] .....

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Visual Basic - Upload Progress Bar For File Upload?

May 11, 2012

i have this code, how do i incorporate a progress bar into it? Private Sub btn_upload_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_upload.Click


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.net - Using An HttpWebRequest To Access Multiple Pages?

Apr 30, 2012

I'm trying to screenscrape a website that requires a POST login authentication. I can authenticate fine on my first request, but when I attempt to turn back around and hit the next page, I get a redirect back to the login page (basically it's saying I'm not logged in).


I notice two things... first, the ORA_WX_SESSION has its quotes stripped from it (even if I attempt to force them back in between response and request). Also the XYZCustomerServiceUserName and XYZ values are stripped. Other than that, the session information is identical between the two connection attempts.

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Getting Multiple SQL Reports With HttpWebRequest - 401 Unauthorized

Aug 22, 2011

I am trying to call multiple SQL Reporting Services Reports, get the .pdfs back, then append them together. I have no problems appending .pdfs, but I'm getting an error on the second report. Here's some example code:


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Post Multiple Files To A Web Form With Httpwebrequest?

Jul 3, 2010

I have a web form on a web page like this:



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Using Uploadify Or JQuery File Upload For CSV Upload In ASP.NET

Oct 24, 2011

Rather than using a Handler(.ashx), is it possible to use a web service(.asmx) to upload?

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Html - Httpwebrequest - Obtain Form Element Id's / Names During An Httpwebrequest?

Dec 28, 2011

What I would like to know is how to obtain form input elements during an httpwebrequest?


Is it possible to obtain these input elements during an httpwebrequest without having to view the html code?

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FTP Upload Of Multiple Files?

Dec 7, 2011

I am trying to upload all files in a folder using the FTP method below... I just can not figure out how to pass the list of files in the folder to the FTP method which works great for single files
UploadFile(filetoupload, uploadpath, My.Settings.User, My.Settings.Pass)
End Sub


with the aim of generating a list of files in the folder and then looping them though the ftp method, currently have a Error1Value of type '1-dimensional array of String' cannot be converted to 'String'. error based on above code

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Upload Multiple Files?

Apr 26, 2011

that will upload the favorites folder to a server so you can access your favorites even when your not on your own PC. My problem is that i am having trouble uploading multiple files, I know how to upload a single file via FTP but it seems like it would take way to long to go through every folder and every file would be pretty hard. I would like to use FTP

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Upload Multiple Files To FTP Server?

Jul 15, 2011

I am able to upload a single file and now how do I upload multiple files to FTP server :

Here is the code I am working with:

Private Sub uploadFile(ByVal FTPAddress As String, ByVal filePath As String, ByVal username As String, ByVal password As String)
'Create FTP request


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VS 2008 FTP Upload Multiple Files?

Feb 14, 2010

So i have some source code here what it does is uploads multiple files to ftp in this case files with .jpg extensions the problem im having is how to get the code so that i wont have to use an openfiledialog tool

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Dim i As Integer
Dim myStream As Stream = Nothing


Im using this code to upload alot of pics onto my ftp server and having to open each file and select all the pics just isnt working. If theres a way to simply grab all the .jpgs in the my pictures folder and upload them that would be a great help

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VS 2010 Multiple Files FTP Upload?

Sep 20, 2010

I just started playing with VB, so please excuse my ignorance. I've been trying to find an answer in existing threads, but all the stuff there is very confusing to me.I wonder if somebody could create a complete code for me and paste it in an answer to this post.

Basically, what I need is: In VS 2010 - Windows form.

1. Click a button.

2. Grab all files from specified folder on my computer (different extensions = html, txt, bat and some other).

3. Load all the files to specified folder on FTP server replacing existing files without prompt.

4. Display confirmation if succesful or error message. (a progress bar would be handy, but this isn't crucial).

The folder on my computer is always the same folder The folder on the ftp server is always the same folder[URL]..I need to specify username and password for the FTP server

This should all happen without any input from the user - simply click and message saying 'it is done' once all the files were uploaded.

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Way To Upload Multiple Files To FTP Using Code?

Feb 5, 2010

I am trying to create a program that can upload many files at a time to an FTP site. I don't want to use a dialog box. I want to be able to specify a certain requirement in my code (for ex. all files that begin with "abc_"). I was able to find a lot of code online for uploading a single file, but all the code that I found for mulitiple files were either very lengthy or done by bringing in a new library

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Upload Multiple XML Files To A Remote Server?

Aug 9, 2011

I'm trying to upload multiple XML files to a remote server but I am having problems. My code will upload 1 or 2 files then it will pause for a while then error out saying "The operation has timed out". Here is the code that does the uploading:

Private Sub SendFiles()
Dim ediServer As String = "ftpservername"
Dim useFile, ediFileName, ediFile As String


Should I be creating a new request object inside a loop for each file like I am?

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Download A File Using An HTTPWebRequest?

Nov 28, 2010

I want to download a file using an HTTPWebRequest. I found sample code, but it seems a bit outdated. What i have:

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text[code].....

It seems that WebRequestFactory doesn't exist. Is there a better way to do this? Or how can i fix it?

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Use HttpWebRequest To Download File?

Jul 13, 2010

Trying to download file in code. Current code:


Running this code and checking the response.ResponseUri indicates im being redirected back to the login page and not to the pdf file.For some reason its not authorising access what could I be missing as Im sending the user name and password in the uri?

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C# - Upload File Via FTP - Server Returned Error (550) File Is Unavailable, Cannot Find File?

Oct 31, 2009

I'm trying to upload a file via FTP from my local computer to an FTP server, which is also on my local computer at the moment. I've got this sub I'm calling:

Public Sub UploadFTPFile(ByVal ftpservername, ByVal fullfilepath, ByVal filename, ByVal username, ByVal password)Dim clsRequest As System.Net.FtpWebRequest = _
DirectCast(System.Net.WebRequest.Create("ftp://" & ftpservername & "/" & filename), System.Net.FtpWebRequest)
clsRequest.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(username, password)
clsRequest.Method = System.Net.WebRequestMethods.Ftp.UploadFile


I'm running an FTP Server using Golder FTP Server, which is freeware. I think it's setup correctly because connecting to the FTP Server using the exact same string as above using Windows Explorer works great.

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Httpwebrequest Using Ipaddress - Access The File Specified In The Url?

Jan 22, 2010

I am just getting started with web requests using vb 2008. I saw an interesting video and article on a universal file download application which i could use asis except for one thing the download address was specified as [URL]. If at the moment i didn't have a domain name but a static ip address could I use this instead. If so how would I access the file specified in the url?

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Download Output Of An Aspx File Using HttpWebRequest?

Apr 20, 2009

I'm trying to import data from our database into the Property Agent module for DotNetNuke. I can do every thing ok except for one issue.

Some units have their images stored as simple urls and those are no problem. The problem I'm having is some of our images are actually retrieved from an aspx page the outputs the image data and the browser displays that.[code]...

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Httpwebrequest - Open / Run A Webrequest From A Text File?

May 30, 2012

I have about 50 web requests that are saved on .txt files on my desktop. Is it possible to open and run each of those web request from a folder after my program has been compiled or do they have to be compiled before hand?

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VS 2008 Drag And Drop To Upload File - Find File Size

May 5, 2011

Alright here's my situation: I have a form. This is a very small form that can be moved with the mouse (formborderstyle=none). The transparencyKey is 0,0,1. The form back color is 0,0,1. There is a label on the form. I drag files to this label(its backcolor is black[0,0,0]). What I want is for the filesize to be checked. I already have the uploading to ftpcode, I just want to know if the file is above my limit I set. (250mb per file)


View 1 Replies - Integrate Ckeditor File Upload And File Browser Capability?

Dec 8, 2011

I am trying to integrate the ckeditors file browser and upload image tools, i have managed to set the ckeditor to allow you to click on the browse file button and upload tag but how do i use ASP.NET VB to open the file browser and make the upload image work?

I am using the .NET 3.6.0 version where they provided the DLLS

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How To Upload File To Web URL

Jul 30, 2011

I am writing a VB.Net app that has need to send a file to web script.
1. Dim uriString As New System.Uri("[URL]"+addNew_title.Text+"&price="+addNew_price.Text)
2. Dim myWebClient As New System.Net.WebClient()
3. Dim responseArray As Byte() = myWebClient.UploadFileAsync(uriString, OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
4. Dim response As String = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(responseArray)

There is a problem with URI that I give, it says "Expression does not produce a value" on line 3. where "uriString" used. When I used myWebClient.UploadFile(String,String) it freeze on sending, so I found out, that to continue code execution I have to use "UploadFileAsync", but it does not provide [String,String], but it requires [Uri,String].
Just for the record, I will put a screenshot of code: [URL]
What do I have to change, so code is valid, or if there is another way to upload this file?

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