Catch The CrLf Characters?

Jun 4, 2011

I have a situation where data in a field contains CrLf characters. Code has been in place for a couple of years and many records have been affected.Should I add code to catch the CrLf characters at the field level?Should I add code to catch and possibly correct the data before it is uploaded to SQL?Should I modify the upload to catch CrLf characters and possibly correct the data in the upload procedure?Whichever approach is more appropriate, how do I identify CrLf characters and then correct it.

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Remove All Special Characters(except - And /) From A String Including All Cr,lf,crlf, Other Illegal Characters?

Sep 13, 2010

i have been trying to remove special characters. i am not able to remove many crlf in middile of the string.

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Catch CrLF In A Transaction File?

Jun 4, 2011

I am working with existing VB.NET code for a Windows Application that uses StreamWriter and Serializer to output an XML document of transaction data. Code below. Private TransactionFile As ProjectSchema.TransactionFile

Dim Serializer As New Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(GetType(ProjectSchema.TransactionFile))
Dim Writer As TextWriter


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Replace Tab And CrLF Characters?

Aug 28, 2010

I have a multi line text box that accepts Enter and tab as input, but this data needs to be saved without these characters. When the user loads this data, the text should be displayed as it was originally entered.In PHP, there is a function to replace line breaks and tab characters with and , and with \. I need a similar function here.

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VS 2010 RichTextBox & CrLf Characters

Mar 2, 2012

If I set the Text property of a RTB to a string that has CrLf's in it, it seems the RTB reduces the CrLf's to a single character & screws up the positioning to set the SelectionStart property.So, for example, if I know the position of a character in the original string & I set the Selection Start value to that position, the selection highlighting will be off by 1 character if the start position is preceded by a CrLf & off by 2 characters if preceded by 2 CrLf's, etc.So how can I determine the correct position to specify my SelectionStart value?

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Error - Catch Cannot Catch Type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Exception'

Mar 25, 2011

I have a program in VB.Net that receives mails from Outlook, extracts attachments and inserts the attachments into a table through a query. I would like to put the query/queries in a Try/Catch block, but cannot do so as Outlook exceptions cannot be caught, and it gives me an error, and unless I put a very specific exception, I cannot catch it. Is there a workaround?


Catch ex As Exception
End Try

Exception is underlined and when I hover on it, it says: "Catch cannot catch type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Exception' because it is not in 'System.Exception' or a class that inherits from 'System.Exception'". This is affecting all my other code which I'd like to put into a Try/Catch block.

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Restructure Try / Catch To Eliminate Error On Myreader.close Command In Catch Part?

Jun 19, 2012

The following code causes a "Warning" that Variable is used before value assigned.How do I restructure this Try/catch to eliminate error on the myreader.close command in the Catch part? Code appears to work fine but I dont like Warnings. [code]

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Button_click Event Will Not Stop Execute After Error Catch Using Try - Catch Statement

Apr 1, 2011

i have problem when i click a ADD button, there is one null value in the textbox .. so the try catch statemnt is to catch that null value error but after that the catch is success but the button click never stop excute the statemnt till the end of the button event.

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Nested Try...Catches - If An Exception Occurs In The 2nd Sub's Try...Catch, Which Catch Gets Excecuted?

Mar 4, 2009

I have this scenario: in a Sub I have a Try...Catch statement.Within that Try..Catch I call another sub.In that 2nd sub is also a Try...Catch.(see below for example).Now if an exception occurs in the 2nd sub's Try...Catch, which Catch gets excecuted? The 2nd one, the 1st one or both?

Private Sub sub1()
Try stuff[code].....

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If Throw An Exception From Within A Catch, Does The Finally (from The Catch) Still Execute

Jun 2, 2009

If I throw an exception from within a catch, does the finally (from the catch) still execute? i.e.

..some code with an exception in it...
catch ex as Exception
throw new SpecialException("blah blah" & ex.Message, ex)


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Catch Log4net Exceptions / Use Try / Catch Approach

Jan 23, 2012

I need to catch log4net exceptions (its own exceptions not app exceptions logged by it). I wish there's a way of doing it this way: [code] I have this code implemented and there's no errors in compilation but i force log4net to have an error (pointing to a non existing database in the config file) and nothing is threw.I've tried the listener aproach: [code] and it's writing the errors to log4net.txt, the forced ones i mean.This last aproach has a couple of drawbacks: it won't append every error to the file, if the error is the same it doesn't write it, i can't get the listener to write every error to that file, only one (I don't know how to fully configure the trace listener, it might be that). Thus it won't append the date and hour to every line wich is a necesity for me. Finally i can't give structure to it (xml). Even if the listener work i need to use the try/catch aproach, since i'm using ExceptionHandling from Enterprise library to log the errors in my app.

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IDE :: CRLF In Immediate Window?

Aug 28, 2009

If I paste code snippets, or debug.print text with CrLF line ends, to the Immediate Window they line ends are ignored and the text appears as one long string. This is very annoying behaviour on the Immediate Windows part. How do persuade the Immediate Window to honor line ends?

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Replace CRLF To LF?

Mar 25, 2011

I m trying to read a text file, make some changes and write to another file.[code]...

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.net - Remove CRLF In The Last Line?

Apr 21, 2011

How to remove the last crlf code below?

Dim fh As StreamReader
Dim temp as string
Dim temp1 as string


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Finding CRLF From A String?

Dec 9, 2010

I have a window app written in VB 2008. I would like to find the first occurance of CRLF from a string.

I tried the following codes and none of them is working.

str="Things found wrong: Cover on left side of engine leaking.
Starter mounting gasket leaking.
Left hoist cylinder leaking.


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How To Replace CRLF With A Space?

Jun 2, 2011

How can I parse out undesireable characters from a collection of data?I am working with existing VB.NET code for a Windows Application that uses StreamWriter and Serializer to output an XML document of transaction data. Code below.

Private TransactionFile As ProjectSchema.TransactionFile
Dim Serializer As New Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(GetType (ProjectSchema.TransactionFile))
Dim Writer As TextWriter
Dim FilePath As String
Writer = New StreamWriter(FilePath)


Because TransactionFile cannot be converted to String I get a "Conversion from type 'Transaction' to type 'String' is not valid" message.Bottom Line = How can I replace CRLF with a space when it shows up in TransactionFile data?

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Split A String By Crlf?

Apr 29, 2011

how to proper split a string by crlf below is the code:

Dim str As String = "Hello" & vbCrLf & "World"
Dim parts As String() = str.Split(ControlChars.CrLf.ToCharArray)
For Each part As String In parts


I want to get rid the blank space in between the two.

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Way To Assign CRLF Hotkey To Button?

Jun 2, 2009

what is best way to assign CRLF hotkey to button? In delphi it can be set to default one, but how its done in VB ?

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Error 68 'Catch' Cannot Catch Type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Exception' Because It Is Not 'System.Exception'

Feb 12, 2010

I am using VB.NET 2005 to create a Windows forms application. I have a procedure named SendMail that creates an instance of Outlook.Application, to send an email from my application. I found the code on this forum, I think.The procedure works fine, but I can't use error handling with it.I call the procedure from a button click event. I put the procedure call in a try/catch block, and the application won't build, with the following error.

Error 68 'Catch' cannot catch type 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Exception' because it is not 'System.Exception' or a class that inherits from 'System.Exception'. C:datadevdmtiQTSQTSv7_1_20100212wQTSQTSReportsCriteria
pt_frmReportViewer.vb 43 21 QTS

Here is the code:

Sub SendMail(ByVal sFile As String)
' Create an Outlook application.
Dim oApp As Outlook._Application


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CrLf In An Xml File But Rendered As One Line In The Textbox?

Aug 9, 2010

I output a text field with CrLf to an xml file and the textbox shows everything in just one line in the win app.

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Perform A VB(CrLf) Split In Windows Forms?

Jan 13, 2011

I need to split the Filepath in my Windoes Forms pplication in order to get the correct part of 'Import Project' file. I think I need to use the split(vbCrLf) control to do this but am having problems coding it. I have included my code(so far) and have underlined the area where I am confused. the code?


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C# - MailMessage.Body Loses CrLf With Encoding.UTF8

Feb 24, 2011

I had an interesting bug today when sending plain text emails from our system. We format messages like this: -1st something happened blab bla. -2nd something else happened blab blab blaa bla. Today we had an email that looked like this: -1st something happened blab bla. -2nd something else happened blab blab blaa bla $1000.00 -3rd Something happened. So above, we see that we lost the CrLf but only on the message that didn't have a period and ended in 0. I went through the code and found the CrLf is intack up until we send the email. I tracked the code down below, I am guessing it applies to C# as well:


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Bug Using String.format() - Automatically Add Crlf After Char Position 1025?

Jul 6, 2011

I've found this strange behaviour, I'n using vS2010 sp1 on a x64 machine in a class library project (VB) with FM4.0, there is added automatically an crlf to the concatenated string using string.format() funtion, you can reproduce this using the following lines of code:


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Catch' Cannot Catch Type 'Object' Because It Is Not 'System.Exception' Or A Class That Inherits From 'System.Exception'

Aug 10, 2010

I'm getting 'Catch' cannot catch type 'Object' because it is not 'System.Exception' or a class that inherits from 'System.Exception'. and 'Expression detected' Code underlined in blue: Catch obj1 As Object When (?)

Private Sub OpenJAMem()
Dim num3 As Integer


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Regex - .NET: Manipulating TextBox Input: Dash Every 5 Characters And Removing Special Characters?

Dec 21, 2011

Essentially I am trying to replicate the Windows 7 (In-Windows) activation key TextBox form. The Form where it will auto capitalize letters, remove or deny all non alphanumeric characters except dashes every 5 characters that will be auto-input.I assume this can be done with a fairly complicated replacement Regular Expression but I cannot seem to create one to fit the needs.

This is an Example of what I have right now, but it creates an infinite loop as it removes all characters including dashes, than adds a dash, which changes the text and removes the dash again.


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'Catch' Cannot Catch Type 'exception' Because It Is Not 'System.Exception'?

Apr 16, 2012

I have a project converted from Visual Studio 2005 to Visual Studio 2010. It compiles and runs.

When I prune "unused references's from this project as listed by Visual Studio, the project fails to compile with the subject error message.

In particular one of the "unused refererences" is to "Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll". The IDE does not allow me to add back this particular reference.

What do I need to add back as a referenceto get this items?

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Try/Catch - "Don't Catch Exceptions That You're Not Willing To Deal With"

Apr 20, 2010

A few weeks back in reply to a thread, I said then that it's sometimes worse to use a Try/Catch when there's nothing in the Catch!There are exceptions to that I'm sure, but too often the Try/Catch is used with a blank Catch that makes even the developer scratch their heads when the program crashes because they have nothing to go on (by their own doing).DevExpress (and I'm a big fan of their stuff) has a little three minute video that encapsulates that concept well and I thought that you all might enjoy watching it:[URL]

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Inputting A String Of Keyboard Characters And Outputting The Characters In Reverse?

Aug 3, 2009

I need to create a console program that allows you to enter a string, of which is then outputted in reverse.

Input: Diewas
Output: saweiD

Apparently I need to find out about strings and will also need to use a loop.

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Error When Getting A Substring Of X Characters Out Of A Parent String Of Less Than X Characters?

Feb 23, 2011

Not sure if too many people know this, but the following line will cause an error:

GroupName.Substring(0, 3) = "jt_"

....if the length of GroupName is less than 3 characters. I always thought it would simply return whatever characters in GroupName, but no, it errors. I must be thinking of the old VB6 days.So, I now have to change the code to:

If (GroupName.Length > 2) Then
If (GroupName.Substring(0, 3) = "jt_") Then

Note that the two comparisons need to be on separate lines. If they are on the same line, such as:

If (GroupName.Length > 2) and (GroupName.Substring(0, 3) = "jt_") Then then the code will still fail as the length command is executed at the same time as the substring command- which will cause the error when the GroupName length is less than 3.Just thought that those of us not aware of this should be!

dp.SyntaxHighlighter.ClipboardSwf = '/dp.SyntaxHighlighter/Scripts/clipboard.swf'

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Replacing Characters In Textbox (including Special Characters)

Aug 5, 2011

I have two textboxes. I type in one of them and the text gets copied in real time into another textbox. There is one catch. I need to replace specific character with something else.

If I enter a quote " in textbox1, it has to be replaced with " in textbox2.

I started with something like the below code, but obviously this does not work (tried different stuff - this is for demonstration only). In the example below 'a' represents " , and 'b' represents "

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyUp(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyUp
TextBox2.Text = TextBox1.Text


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