Change Rotation Of A PDF Document?

May 3, 2012

I am first time working on PDF documents.I was searching on Rotation of a PDF page. I got some code samples regarding rotations by 90,180,270,360 degrees.

But my problem is that if there is a very small rotation required of the order of few degrees .. Is there any way that we can specify an angle using a slider bar or use the mouse to click and rotate the PDF page...

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Excel - Code In VBA And Recording A Macro - Input A Values For The X Axis Rotation And The Y Axis Rotation

Sep 16, 2009

I am having some major problems with the code in VBA and recording a macro didn't get me anywhere nor is the VBA help file. I have to have it so that I can input a values for the x axis rotation and the y axis rotation so that my 3d surface graph will rotate whatever values I input, the 3d surface graph will rotate those degrees. I also have to have a method for having the default rotation. I was also wondering how to put scroll bars for the x and y rotation. The only other thing I am having trouble with is having an input to check box for right angle axes. So far I have two cells for entering the x rotation value and the y rotation value. I also already have my 3d surface graph.

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Change Text Between Tags In HTML Document?

Jun 23, 2012

Basically I was wondering if anybody knows how to make Visual Basic change automatically what is in

<span id="total_quantity">1</span>

change what is between > and < (for example a digit or text).

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Change Version Of Word Document Programmatically?

Dec 2, 2010

I am dynamically generating a word file, and clicking the link opens the file save dialog and it says the document is a: Microsoft Word 97 - 2003 Document.What would I need to do to programmatically generate a 2007, 2010 word document.

Code behind:

Public Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
'build the content for the dynamic Word document
'in HTML alongwith some Office specific style properties.


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VS 2008 Change Some Hyperlinks In A Word Document

Jun 10, 2011

I am currently trying to, using VB Express 2008, change some hyperlinks in a word document. The words which are associated to this hyperlinks also have bookmarks which I use to access them easily. The error I'm recieving says "Range is not a by reference property." [code] The error is produced by that last line. The full code is actually longer and it also runs through a process with Excel where it determines de variables used.

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Change The Font To Bold If The Box Is Checked To Make It Stand Out In The Document

Dec 9, 2010

I have a form that has 35 checkboxes. I would like to change the font to bold if the box is checked to make it stand out in the document.

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Axis Of Rotation In Vb?

Jan 29, 2011

I have created some 3d models(VB) for display in a WPF 3d Viewport and would like to rotate them. I would like to rotate them about an axis of rotation defined by a line through two 3d points. All the examples seem to rotate about one of X Y or Z axes and are not helpful for a more general approach. The angle of rotation is easily found. My maths is a bit rusty now so is there a function that would calculate the axis easily ?

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Bitmap Rotation Using GDI+

Dec 26, 2009

explain how Graphics.RotateTransform is working?


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Archiving System (Document Viewer) Change The Component Or Upgrade The Software?

Jun 7, 2012

Good day, i have an application which can upload and preview image files, e-presentations, word duments, excel files and pdf files. On my program i used Web Browser Control and I'm planning to change the component or upgrade the software. Aside from Web Browser Control, what else can I use to preview those file types? By the way, i am using visual basic 2003( 2003) with this application.

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Programatically Change Page Orientation Within A Word Document (from Section Forward)?

Jan 6, 2011

I am struggling with changing the Page Orientation of a WORD document I am creating programatically using VB.NET 2005.I need to change the orientation from Portrait to Landscape after the first page of the WORD document is created.I create a WORD document (2007) successfully and then begin to populate the WORD document with report information (taken from reading a text file and writing some if it to the WORD document)...I am using COM Microsoft WORD 12.0 Object Library....After the first page, the document needs to be changed from a PORTRAIT orientation to LANDSCAPE orientation.Since my application is generating several WORD documents from this one text file, it needs to be done programatically.provide assistance with small example of (writing text to break...change orientation to landscape)?

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3D Object Rotation In 2008?

May 19, 2009

I'm developing a sun shading analysis tool, and part of the analysis involves rotating a house (modelled as a cube consisting of 8 points) by the solar azimuth and solar altitude angles. The reason for this is to determine if the wall in question is facing the sun, and if so I run a shading analysis using a scanline algorithm to determine the percentage of wall plane that is in shade from a tree in the yard (this is modeled using overlapping 2D polygons). The purpose of the rotation and tilt of the object is so that the wall plane is directly perpendicular to the sun, so that the analysis can be done in 2D as opposed to 3D.

I first rotate each point of the house (which is stored in an array) through the azimuth, and then tilt it up through the solar altitude angle. I have set up my 3D coordinate system using the standard right-hand rule for orientation of the x,y,z axes. I'm using a basic rotation matrix as follows:For the azimuth, I am rotating around the z-axis, so I am using the following matrix transformation.
[x',y'] = [x*cos(azimuth) - y*sin(azimuth) , x*sin(azimuth) + y cos(azimuth)]For the altitude, I am rotating the object about the x-axis to tilt it up. I use the initial z-coordinate and the transformed y'-coordinate for the altitude tilt calculation.Each point, when completely rotated and tilted, will have a distinct set of coordinates: [x', y'', z'].Individually, the rotation and tilt work fine. But when I try to do them consecutively, I run into problems.

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Does Not Keep Track Of The Actual Rotation

Apr 1, 2011

I have a screen full of puzzle peices they are all rotated at different angles (90,180,270). is there a way to track the peices rotation? I was thinking of using a 2d array to store there rotation. however, I am using this code to rotate the peices:


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Get The Center Point Of A Rotation?

Jan 24, 2010

i'm developing a simple 2d animation program. my task is to get the center point of a rotation, for example: at the frame 0 there is a rectangle at x,y coordinates and with 0° of rotation at the frame 10 there is the same rectangle, translated and rotated what is the center point around which the rotation occurred? This is not really a question about programming, i know, rather than a problem of geometry.

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Rotate Image Like 3d Rotation?

May 12, 2012

how to rotate image like 3d rotation?

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C++ - Direction Of Shortest Rotation Between Two Vectors

Jun 13, 2012

my question is regarding working out the direction of the smallest angle between two vectors in 2D. I am making a game in C++ where one of the obstacles is a heat seeking missile launcher. I have it working by calculating the vector between the target and bullet, normalising the vector and then multiplying it by its speed. However, I am now coming back to this class to make it better. Instead of instantly locking onto the player I want it to only do so only when the bullets vector is within a certain angle (the angle between the bullets vector and the vector bulletloc->target). Otherwise I want it to slowly pan towards the target by a degrees thus giving the player enough space to avoid it. I have done all this (in a project so i could simplify the problem, work it out then re write in in C++). However the bullet always rotates clockwise towards the target even if the quickest route would be counter clockwise. So the problem is working out the direction to apply the rotation in so the smallest angle is covered. Here is my code so you can try and see what I am describing:

Function Rotate(ByVal a As Double, ByVal tp As Point, ByVal cp As Point, ByVal cv As Point)
'params a = angle, tp = target point, cp = current point, cv = current vector of bullet'


I had was to work out the bearing of the two vectors and if the difference is greater than 180 degrees, rotate clockwise otherwise rotate counter clockwise

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DirectX.Direct3D Rotation And Textures?

Mar 12, 2011

SI like doing random things like 3D objects inside a windows form. With that said, I'm creating an application that will, eventually, write the code for me, after I do it myself visually.If you run the app it will make some more sense I guess.Now, to rotate the cubes, I'm using

.Transform.World = Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(CSng(CubeRx(1) / 10), CSng(-CubeRy(1) / 10), CSng(CubeRz(1) / 10))

now I do not want the world to rotate, just my individual cubes.Here's an example of me referring to my cube in action

If howmanycubes >= 1 Then
' vb2 = New VertexBuffer(GetType(CustomVertex.PositionNormalColored), 36, d, Usage.Dynamic And Usage.WriteOnly, CustomVertex.PositionColored.Format, Pool.Default)


how to apply textures to the cube.instructions:When running the program, type in values on right side and click create cube.before you click create cube again, those same text boxes will adjust your current cube.Then when you click create new, it places another cube ontop of your current cube, so you'll need to give it new values.Not much validation is going on so some bad values will cause crashes.

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Get Text Field Rotation With ITextSharp?

Jun 4, 2009

What I need to do is query an iTextSharp AcroField to check if it is rotated, and if so capture the value of the rotation.So If I have the following field:

Dim af As iTextSharp.text.pdf.AcroFields = stamper.AcroFields
Dim afi As iTextSharp.text.pdf.AcroFields.Item
afi = af.GetFieldItem("fieldName")

What do I need to do to get the rotation (in degrees) of that specific field?

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Custom User Control Graphics Rotation?

May 31, 2010

I'm trying to build a dial control as a custom user control in VB.NET. I'm using far I have managed to rotate image using graphics.rotatetransform . however, this rotate everything. Now I have a Bitmap for the dial which should stay stable and another Bitmap for the needle which I need to far i've tried this:

Dim gL As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmpLongNeedle)
gL.TranslateTransform(bmpLongNeedle.Width / 2, bmpLongNeedle.Height * 0.74)

As I understand it, the image of the needle should be rotated at angle "angleLongNeedle" although i'm placing the rotated image at 0,0. However, the result is that the Needle doesn't get drawn on the control.

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Extract Transform And Rotation Matrices From Homography?

Sep 12, 2011

I have 2 consecutive images from a camera and I want to estimate the change in camera pose:

I calculate the optical flow:

Const MAXFEATURES As Integer = 100
imgA = New Image(Of [Structure].Bgr, Byte)("pic1.bmp")
imgB = New Image(Of [Structure].Bgr, Byte)("pic2.bmp")
grayA = imgA.Convert(Of Gray, Byte)()


How do I calculate the new position and lookat?

If I'm doing this all wrong or if there's a better method,

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Find Shift And Rotation Between Same Two Images Using Programming Languages C++ Or C#?

Sep 1, 2009

How to find shift and rotation between same two images using programming languages or C++ or C#?

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Applying Both A Rotation And Color Adjustment To A GDI DeviceContext Causes The Colours To Be Reset?

Sep 1, 2011

I am using API calls to transform a Bitmap object. I have various physical transformations (rotation, flipping, scaling, displacement) as well as some colour adjustments (inversion, brightness and contrast)Everything works fine except for when I use the rotation or shear transformations in combination with the colour adjustment. In that case the colours revert to the original image.The interesting thing about this problem is that it seems to be dependent on the off-diagonal factors (eM12 and eM21 below) in the XForm matrix. For example, here is the rotation matrix:

Public Sub RotateClockwise(Radians As Single)
With XFormMatrix
.eM11 = Cos(Radians)[code]....

is there some way I can use both SetWorldTransform and SetColorAdjustment when using non-zero values for the off-diagonal factors in my XForm transformation?

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Game Programming :: Screen Rotation Handling With Compact Framework

Oct 4, 2008

I am developing a game in compact framework. In Mobile Devices there is a button that Rotates the screen by 90 degrees so you can hold the mobile device the way that suits you. The problem is that i want to handle that in my game, so if i see that the screen has rotated the game will pause.


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2008 What Is The Shortest Method That The System Will Search For The Document Without Placing The Document Address

Feb 25, 2012

i am using VB. net 2008. I am having a hard time using this code: ("L:SWPPPSWPPPBookMerge.doc") what is the shortest method that the system will search for the document without placing the document address.

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Truncation Of Document Name In Main Window Title When Opening A Word Document Under Server 2008?

Sep 22, 2011

We are opening a Word document from our Visual Basic 2010 application using the Word object. When we run our application under Windows Server 2008 the document name is truncated in the main window title for the document. This is not the case when we run our application under Windows XP. Is there a way to prevent this truncation under Windows Server 2008?Mary Leathem

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 use XPS Document Writer To Create A Word Or Adobe Document?

Feb 6, 2010

Where can I find information on how to use XPS Document Writer to create a Word or Adobe document?I can print my VB2008 print document to a file, but how do i convert this file to Word?

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Axwebbrowser.document Can Not Cast To Mshtml.document

Jun 3, 2011

I just begin learn VB .net. I met a problem which axwebbrowser.document can not cast to mshtml.document. My webbrowser is loaded a PDF screen from some web site. My purpose is to get the content from PDF page.

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Write The Document Properties In An Excel Document?

Jun 7, 2010

how to write the document properties in an Excel document? (ie. author, title, comments, etc.)

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VS 2010 Way To Control Mouse Wheel Rotation With A Simple API / Without To Hook Mouse?

May 24, 2012

The GetAsyncKeyState Api does'nt recognizes the mouse wheel rotation, I see.Is there way to control the mouse wheel rotation (always, not only when the pointer is over a form of mine) with a simple API, without to Hook the mouse?

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VS 2010 Object Rotation And Move Object With Arrow Keys?

Feb 8, 2011

I want to learn how to rotate an object by direction and speed and also how to move an object using the arrow keys?

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Game Programming :: Game Movement By Rotation Direction?

May 14, 2012

basically i'm trying to move the Player by rotation.I have a perfect rotation system that works with a custom picturebox control that supports rotation that i have.

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