Check If Two Fields Match?

May 11, 2012

I have a textbox and a rich textbox, all I want to do is if the field in textbox1 matches any field in richtextbox1 then display a label.

Normally I would try

If Textbox1.text = Richtextbox1.text then
label1.text "Field match"

however this wont work as there are many fields in richtextbox1?

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Validating Login Fields - Check The Username And Password Fields

Jan 14, 2012

My intent is to have the code - on a event - check the Username and Password fields and return an error depending on which is wrong. Or if both are wrong, return a different error message. I've set the username as parts and the password as parts (still learning how to use external authentication). [Code]

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Selecting Rows Where Both Fields Don't Match Records In Second Table?

Apr 1, 2009

Assuming this schema:
Table1 (Col1 int, Col2 str, Col3 str, ...)
Table2 (Col1 int, Col2 str, Col3 str, ...)


I need to select all records from Table2 where there are NO records in Table1 having matches of both Col2 & Col3. For instance, Table 2 records where Table1.Col2 <> Table2.Col2 AND Table1.Col3 <> Table2.Col3.

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C# - MS Word Office Automation - Filling Text Form Fields And Check Box Form Fields And Mail Merge

Sep 3, 2009

experience on how to create an engine using C# (VB.NET is okay too) that is generic enough to handle most cases of MS Word text fields I need to fill with data I'm getting from a database? In short, I'm about to embark on this little Office automation excursion and I'm hoping a little bit of feedback here.

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IDE :: Dual Check Program(check Duplication In Form By Comparing From Access Database Table Fields)?

Apr 9, 2010

Details: I want to compare these above two table1 and 2 . The unmatched records should be save in a new table .


1 Should take input the table and fields we want to match each other.

2 Then after searching or reading the record from table and selected fields save the unmatch records in a new table

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Check If Textboxes Match?

Nov 3, 2010

if i have 12 textboxes and i want to make sure none of them contain matching text (and no i don't trust the user to do this :P ) how would i go about this?

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Check To See If Images Match

May 19, 2010

im making a tile slide game and im stuck . im trying to find out if the images are in the right place. how would i check to see if the images are in there respective picture-boxes?

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Check Strings In Php While Match With Each Listview Item?

Apr 9, 2012

I want to know how I can check the string 'enabled' in my php page for each paragraph while being matching with each listview items that i have extract the strings from my php page?

Here's for an example: i check the string 'enabled' in paragraph one and if it does have it then tick the checkbox on the listview item 1 otherwise untick.

i check the string 'enabled' in paragraph two and if it does have it then tick the checkbox on the listview item 2 otherwise untick.

i check the string 'enabled' in paragraph three and if it does have it then tick the checkbox on the listview item 3 otherwise untick.[code]...

View 1 Replies - Loop For Each Day In The Current Month And Check Rows For A Match?

Dec 12, 2011

How can I write a loop to run for each day in the current month and then check to see if the Dataset has a record that matches one of those days and take an action?

For Day As Integer = 1 To DaysInTheMonth
For Each row In MyRows
If row.Date.Day = Day Then[code]....

This generates too many rows in the table I have it building. Basically, every day gets as many rows as there are that contain data.I'm building a HTML table that gets mapped into a chart using jquery so I need a for everyday of the month.

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Regular Expression To Match Dates In Dd/mm/yy Format And Check For Valid Values

Jun 9, 2010

Does anyone have a regurlar expression available which only accepts dates in the format dd/mm/yy but also has strict checking to make sure that the date is valid, including leap year support?

I am coding in and am struggling to work this one out.

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Check If Second And Third Fields Are Numerical?

Mar 30, 2012

So i have a text in my textbox something like this: [code] Let say that text is divided in 3 fields. Name, Age, Salary. Each field is separated by "*"How do i check if there is no empty field using VbNullString?And how do i check if the second and the third fields are numerical?End the execution if the fields are not correct with a message

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VS 2010 Check First If Fields Exists In WebBrowser?

Mar 12, 2011

I want to do a web navigation program with autofill forms.(for semi-automatic directory submition). This is one example but because the directory's are diferent I need to check first if fields exists, and I dont know how?

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("Title").InnerText = Form2.titlu.Text
End Sub

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Submit Page Check Fields Name Being Submitted / Examine Response

Nov 5, 2011

I need to get data from a web application. I dont have access to database or the source of the app(.net).The web app works like this -- enter values in fields, click submit button, and the data associated with these fields are returned in a modal popup. I need to do the same programatically, without actually opening the browser.I need to know the name of the fields that need to be posted, and the URL. And then store the response.

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VS 2005 Match Characters Of Combination Using RegEx.match?

May 29, 2010

Am trying to match characters or combination of the characters i specify in any order they appears

Regex.IsMatch(teststring "[nuls]")

what i want matched is either any single character, or combination of any of them in any oder. this means that it should not match any character not specified in the pattern.

For example

it should match

n,u,l,s,nu,un,lun, sl etc


ny, nx so etc or any other

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Refactoring A Module Into A Class: Changing Shared Fields To Instance Fields

Nov 14, 2011

I'm currently refactoring an old Visual Basic DLL (VB.Net), which stores all of its data in one module called Globaldefinitions as public fields. There are about 200 fields, referenced thousands of times all around the code:

Public Module Globaldefinitons
Public a As Short
Public zz10 As Double


I need to change the module into a class with non-shared fields. This means, each and every of these thousands of references needs to reference the instance of that class:

globalDefinitionsInstance.a = 5

How do I go about this efficiently?

Regular expressions operating on the source fall flat. Refactoring tools like Re-Sharper or CodeRush don't seem to offer this functionality. Visual Studio 2010 cannot do it automatically either.

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Can The Initialization Order Of Class Fields In .NET Be Influenced By References To Other Fields

Jun 19, 2011

Class Foo
ReadOnly name As String
Public Sub New(name As String, dependentUpon As Foo) = name


The output of New Bar() is:

Dependent created. Dependent upon nothing.
Independent created. Dependent upon nothing.

It seems fields are initialized in the same order as they appear in the source code, which (a) leads to an unexpected result, and (b) seems a little puzzling, given that one is normally not permitted to read from uninitialized variables in .NET, yet that seems to be working fine above.I would've expected VB.NET to be smart enough to initialize referenced fields first, and only then those that reference it; i.e. I'd have liked to see this output instead:

Independent created. Dependent upon nothing.
Dependent created. Dependent upon Independent.

how to get VB.NET to behave like that instead, without simply having to swap the declaration order of dependent and independent inside class Bar?

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Create Word Form Fields With Memo Fields From Access?

May 27, 2012

I'm trying to create a table in Word using data from a table in Access. There are four fields in the access table that I need. 3 fields are text which I can populate the Word without any issues. However the fourth field is a memo with >255 characters.I'm struggling to come up with the proper code to allow me to populate the Word field with the memo data that has more than 255 characters. The code I have so far is listed below. But when it hits the memo field, it crashes on the line I marked with **. I know it's not text, but I've tried many different field types, but nothing has worked so far.[code]...

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Gridview Combine Autogenerated Fields And Template Fields

Aug 17, 2010

I have several sqldatasources for my gridview. All of the columns are autogenerated. However they all have some consistent fields and I'd like to make those fields template fields so I can modify the edit template for them such as adding a drop down menu. Is this possible?

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Database - Compare Two Fields In An SQL SELECT Statement To Then Select Other Fields Based On This Result?

Apr 8, 2012

I have a table which contains a list of products for a company. They input data about how much stock they have and also the level at which they want to be reminded that they need to order new stock.


I want to list all the true results in a form which the user is then able to navigate through. What would be the best way to go about doing this?

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Combining Multiple Table Data With Different Fields Into A Single Table With All The Fields?

Feb 13, 2012

how to execute this SQL Statement

Given Tables T_Data, T_AllDesc, T_System1, T_System2
Given Fields:
T_Data= f_id, f_Desc, f_CreationDate, f_CreationTime, f_System1, f_System2


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What Is The Match For A And N

Mar 15, 2010

I am trying to create the below matrix in my so during processing I can get the match scores for the alphabets, for example: What is the match for A and N?, I will look into my inbuilt matrix and return -2 Similarly, What is the match for P and L?, I will look into my inbuilt matrix and return -3 how to go about it, I was trying to use nested dictionary like this:

Dim myNestedDictionary As New Dictionary(Of String, Dictionary(Of String, Integer))()
Dim lTempDict As New Dictionary(Of String, Integer)
lTempDict.Add("A", 4)
myNestedDictionary.Add("A", lTempDict)

The other way could be is to read the Matrix from a text based file and then fill the two dimensional array.

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Do Until Match Instead Of EndOfStream

Mar 2, 2010

I have the following code
TestArray(0) = "<RD><PS:CL><JL:Jump,""(.*?)"">"
TestArray(1) = "<RD><PS:CL><JL:Jump,""(.*?)"">(B)(.*)"
TestArray(2) = "<RD><PS:CL><JL:Jump,""(.*?)"">(C)(.*)"

Do Until xRead.EndOfStream
'do stuff here here with test array(i)
'do stuff here here with test array(i)
'do stuff here here with test array(i)
'do stuff here here with test array(i)
i = i+1
I would like it so that instead of "Do Until xRead.EndOfStream" I would like to read the file line by line until a match is found, then add +1 to i and repeat.

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Match 2 Different Strings Together?

Sep 11, 2010

My app retrieves "Place names" and their "Addresses" from a website.

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.net - Get A String From A Regex Match?

Aug 1, 2011

I have :


I think I have explained my problem properly..

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.net - Get The First Match From Text Using Regex?

Dec 13, 2011

I have a RegEx I am using in and i can get all the matches of the text but i want to get the first match of the text, this is what i am using.


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.net - Replace In Regex Match?

Mar 26, 2012

I'm using the following Code to find phone numbers in HTML and make them "clickable":

Regex.Replace(pDisp.Document.Body.innerHTML, "([0-9+ ]{3,6}[s]{1,1}[0123456789 -/]{4,15})", "<a href=http://DIAL/$1>$1</a>")

There appears an issue if the numbers contain white spaces, for example:

089 12233 455

This will be replaced with:

<a href=http://DIAL/089 12233 455>089 12233 455</a>

Is there a way to get

<a href=http://DIAL/08912233455>089 12233 455</a>


View 3 Replies Mvc - Getting A Count Of Rows That Match In Mvc 3 Using EF

Oct 24, 2011

I have a mvc 3 app that uses EF. In one function I need to get a count of rows that match a statement. I thought I could just do it like this:

Dim _ClassCount As Integer = _CurrRegistrants.Where(Function(c) c.tues_class = _CurrCourse.course_ref).Count

But that stays at 0 even when there are 40 records that match the criteria.. I think I have the right idea I just need to change the syntax a little..

Dim _CurrRegistrants As List(Of reg_classes) = db.reg_classes.ToList
For Each Course In _courses.Where(Function(a) a.course_day = "Tuesday")
Dim _CurrCourse As cours = Course


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C# Regex To Match The Word With Dot?

Apr 17, 2011

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is an English-language pangram, alphabet! that is, a phrase that contains all of the letters of the alphabet. It has been used to test typewriters alphabet. and computer keyboards, and in other applications involving all of the letters in the English alphabet.I need to get the "alphabet." word in regex. In the above text there are 3 instances. It should not include "alphabet!". I just tried regex with

MatchCollection match = Regex.Matches(entireText, "alphabet.");

but this returns 4 instances including "alphabet!". How to omit this and get only "alphabet."

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Get A REGEX Pattern To Match?

Mar 17, 2011

validating a 9-digit number.

CANNOT BE -----------


I had just managed to get the first piece done -- "^(??!0+|1+|2+|3+|4+))d{9}$"

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Get Regex.Match Strings?

Dec 18, 2009

I would like you to help me out with the strings, which I find it difficulty to get from the html class. The first string I uses as pattern1 string, which it connected to the server to get the showtitle string from the html class, it is working fine. I couldn't be able to get the string on the second paragraph from the html class with pattern2 string, as the text goes on the blank. I need to get the string from the html class. The third pattern string, I am trying to get the string at the end of the html class so I got the blank text.


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