Check If Lines In Text File Repeat?

Sep 11, 2010

I'm trying to make a small program that will check if the lines repeat.

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Remove Lines That Repeat In A Text File For Program?

Jun 30, 2009

How would you program it in VB 08:

What i have here in my text file is[code]...

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VS 2010 Check If Txt File Lines Contains Certain Text

Jul 1, 2011

I have a text file with user names in them on separate lines. I want to check to see if any of the lines doesn't match the exact text im checking for. It doesn't matter what line the text is on, as long as it is in there. If it's not, alert me. Previously i tried .contains() but obviously if a user name is "hello" and another's is "helloworld" it will match both of them.So basically i need to read all the lines in the txt file and if none of them lines contains the specific text im looking for then alert me. [code]

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Check Lines In A Text File With Rows In Database?

Mar 19, 2012

I have a text file with some call records in it. Each call record states a line in that text file. And what I want to do is that parsing to database with a 100% success rate. Due to sometimes the SQL connection might get buggy or stop or w/e so it came to my mind that I should make some function or maybe a stored procedure to check whether the requested/selected or whole lines in that text file have been successfully added or not to the database. Let's assume I have 10 lines in a text file called "log.txt" like:

call line 1
call line 2
call line 3
call line 4


And assuming that the SQL connection to the database got stuck somehow(buggy) and it stopped inserting those lines to their respectively columns. Let's say it parsed lines from 1-6 and it stopped there, that's where I need the app to tell me that it stopped and continue inserting immediately where it stopped at to the end from 6-10th line. What am I supposed to do? The smoothest way so that the processor doesn't get overwhelmed (in case there are like hundreds of thousands lines). And should it be written in SQL as a stored procedure or written as a function from VB side.Toolkit : Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate - VB.Net language & Microsoft SQL Management Studio 2005 - SQL Database.

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VS 2010 Repeat Loop/Code Check For Text,URL Etc?

Feb 22, 2012

I am waiting for a confirmation email to arrive within the web browser I am using I do not need to click any buttons to open this mail I just need some help figuring out how I can check whether it has arrived or not I already have the code to find the link and navigate to it (I had to navigate rather then invoke due to it trying to open in a new window outside of web browser and out of my control)

How can I keep checking for my specified element and when found carry out the rest of my code or is there another way I should be doing this the code I am using to find the verification link and navigate to it is as follows


I really am desperate for help on this one I have been reading about loops but cannot seem to find any example which I can use and change to my needs I have done so well in learning up until now and I have really hit a brick wall for something which seems so simple

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.net - Textbox - Delete 3 Lines, Skip 1, Repeat?

Oct 22, 2009

I have a textbox that reads like so:

Line 1
Line 2
Line 3


How can I use VB to loop through the textbox, deleting Lines 1, 2, and 3, skipping the fourth, and repeat? Or, rather, record every fourth line into a new textarea?

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Get A Bunch Of Lines From A Text File (they Will Be Filenames Eventually) Which Are Split By New Lines And Puts Each One Into An Array?

Jun 22, 2010

I have written a simple script to get a bunch of lines from a text file (they will be filenames eventually) which are split by new lines and puts each one into an array..

Dim ary() As String
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("C:MenuFiles.txt") Then


The only thing I can do for now is either use the substring function to remove the first character from all array values after 0 but I don't like that because it's messy and what if the split "works" as I want it to one one of the lines and knocks of the first character when I don't want it to.

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Read Lines From Text File 1 And Delete Those Lines From Text File 2?

Sep 15, 2009

I have a text file containing lines of data (File 1). I need to delete all the lines in another text file (File 2), which are found in file 1.So I could read file 2 line by line. And then once the line has been read, read file 1 line by line to search for a match. But that's going to be painfully slow.Or I could read file 2 into memory. And then read file 1 line by line and REPLACE the lines in file 2 with nothing, therefore deleting them. File 2 could be 100 mb, so I'm not sure about reading it all into memory.

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File I/O And Registry :: Read One Text File And Put Lines In Different Text Boxes?

May 12, 2009

i have 5 textboxes in a form. I have a streamwriter that writes all of their text to on text file like this:

Dim xfile As String = Application.StartupPath & "/Set.txt"
If File.Exists(xfile) = True Then
Dim writex As StreamWriter = New StreamWriter(xfile)


I was wondering how to get the text under the each number and place it in the corresponding textbox.

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Basic Mastermind Game - Don't Want Any Colors To Repeat - Values Still Repeat Sometimes

Feb 17, 2011

I'm trying to make a mastermind game program with visual basic. I started of creating the combination maker for the start of the game. Hoever, in my version i don't want any colors to repeat. I used the random function independently to get numbers from 1 to 6. Each number has a corresponding color. The problem, the values still repeat sometimes.

Here's my code for that part:

a = Fix(Rnd * 6) + 1
txtA = a

If a = 1 Then


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VS 2005 Read A Text File / Pick Specfic Lines And Save As Different File

Oct 7, 2009

I a very large text document, I need to read some lines and at the end of each line, insert a text from the header of each page to he preceding lines.I have the following code the reads the file and displays it on a list box.Public Class Dialogs..[code]

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File I/O And Registry :: Deleting Lines In A Sequential Text File?

Mar 22, 2009

I know that Deleting a specific line in a sequential text file is impossible but instead copy the needed lines and not copying the unneeded ones to an output file .. killing the old one and renaming the new one with the same.. I can't make this step...

That is my record file

Input #1, CustomerName, CustomerHomeAddress, CustomerBussAddress, CustomerTel1, CustomerMob1, CustomerID, DateRent, CarRegPin

"Josek Sam","68 West Land Street","149 Union of States","4524563","45635463","JOSKSAM1",#2009-03-02#,"MILANCGLZ2008"
"Josef Malm","142 Unions Street","64 Hamersters Street","452504","42542054","JOSFMALM2",#2009-03-06#,"MILANCGLZ2008"
"Dave Green","131 Oxford Street","96 BlueBane Route","452542452","43254345","DAVGRN3",#2009-03-07#,"MILANCGLZ2008"

I made a form that when you put your CustomerID in Text3 Box.. it access the records and make some calculations. now.. The customer will return the car.. Then his data should be deleted.. I want to know how to make that when I enter the CustomerID and press on the Command button .. It copies the other lines to a new output folder and doesn't copy these ... So it appears to be deleted using this way..

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Import Different Lines Of Text From A Text File?

May 22, 2010

how to import different lines of text from a text file in the same directory to different textboxes ?e.g. line one in text file to textbox1.text ect.

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Align The Lines Of Text File?

Jul 28, 2009

I have a lines like this in my text file

17.0 28 Black (2 07.00 56.0) [1 17.79 60.3] 52611 -39725 188611 35775
17.0 28 Black (2 17.00 75.0) [1 17.79 60.3] 24111 30275 188611 35775
17.0 28 Black (2 09.00 61.0) [1 17.79 58.3] 45111 -25725 191611 35775
17.0 28 Black (2 16.00 70.0) [1 17.79 58.3] 31611 23275 191611 35775


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Changing Lines In A Text File?

Feb 17, 2010

Is there a way to specify where in an open file a program is supposed to look (like specifying the current line)?

I'm using FileOpen(1, path, OpenMode.Input)

to open the file, but i need to jump from place to place in it

Here's what i'm trying to accomplish:

I'm trying to navigate round in a file containing questions for a quiz game, but am having no luck.

The general form is like this



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Count The Lines In A Text File?

May 10, 2012

Below is what I've been using. While it does work, my program locks up when trying to count a rather large file, say 10,000 or more lines. Smaller files run in no time. Is there a better or should I say faster way to count the lines in a text file?


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Displaying Last 12 Lines Of Text File?

Apr 9, 2010

I have the following code that displays the last line of my text file:
Private Sub btnCurrent_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCurrent.Click
Dim path As String = "C:Documents and SettingsTwiLiteDesktopWindows Programming - Laura Malave/MadEaters SolutionMadEatersSurvey.txt"
Dim readText() As String = File.ReadAllLines(path)
Dim s As String
For Each s In readText
lblResults.Text = s
End Sub
How I can display the last 12 lines of code instead of just the last line.

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How To Sort Lines In Text File

Jul 14, 2009

I have lines like this:

10.0 28 Black (2 01.00 15.0) [1 06.81 58.3] 114111 -81725 191654 -41066
10.0 28 Black (2 01.00 15.0) [1 06.81 58.3] 114111 -81725 191654 -41066
11.0 28 Black (2 06.00 01.0) [T375 ] 135111 -46725 188611 35775
11.0 28 Black (2 01.00 18.0) [2 15.21 26.3] 109611 -81725 97147 17718
11.0 28 Black (2 01.00 12.0) [2 15.21 26.3] 118611 -81725 97147 17718
11.0 28 Black (2 01.00 49.0) (2 13.00 11.0) 63111 -81725 120111 2275
12.0 28 Black (2 07.61 19.0) [T377 ] 108111 -35472 191611 35775
13.0 28 Black (2 11.50 19.0) [T380 ] 108111 -8225 229111 14775
13.0 28 Black (2 10.50 19.0) [1 14.79 33.3] 108111 -15225 229111 14775
13.0 28 Black (2 09.50 19.0) [T378 ] 108111 -22225 229111 7275
13.0 28 Black (2 01.00 10.0) [1 12.77 44.7] 121611 -81725 212079 659

I want to arrange this lines according to the number in [Txxxx] from small to big then write all the line which not contain[Txxx] at the below of sorted lines. How to do this? is that possible?

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Number Of Lines In Text File?

Sep 4, 2011

Is there a way to see how many lines are in a text file? This also includes blank lines. I have seen a lot of code in this forum before related to my question, but they stop if there is a blank line. I want it to be so that if there are like 10 blank lines

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Read Certain Lines From Text File

Mar 24, 2011

I have this code now doing and that is creating my chart from data off a text file. The final task I need to be able to do, to complete my program is have a way to select how many days of data to populate my chats with via a Text Box input. I am thinking I will need to read the complete text file first to count how many lines are in it, then what ever is put in the text box it will take that many lines of data from the text file and populate the chart. For this to work correctly it would have to read the lines of the file back wards.(last line of file would be the first line..) e.g. textbox1.text = "7" then the chart would show only the last 7 lines of my data.

I was looking up examples of Counting the lines in the file, I think I am close here...
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim txt As TextStream
Set txt = fso.OpenTextFile(ReadChart, ForReading)
Textbox2.text & txt.Line & " line(s)."
[Code] .....

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Read Certain Lines In A Text File?

May 1, 2009

I want to make a program that reads the line of a file, and puts it into a text box, then reads the second line in that file, putting it in another text box... Say i only have a file with two lines, how can i do this?I have written a code, but it only works for the first line. Is there a preset function in Visual Basic that will allow me to read a certain line?

Imports System.IO.StreamReader
Dim AllText As String = vbNull, Lineoftext As String = vbNull
Dim Open_File As New OpenFileDialog ' Dim Open_File as a Open File Dialog


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Read Every N Lines From Text File?

Feb 25, 2011

How can I read every eight lines of a text file, store it in arrays to load into a datagrid?

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Read The Text File And Take Only Lines From 1 To 20

Oct 12, 2009

I need to read the text file and take only lline from 1 to 20 and writ it in another text file. Is that possible to do, How can we do this?

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Reading Lines In A Text File?

Dec 1, 2008

I am trying to read a specific line from a text file and for some reason when I set my variable loopCounter = 1 To 5 it jumps all the way down to the word "Marty" in my text file but if I just change loopCounter = 0 To 5 it jumps to where it should be which is the letter "M" right after "25". I'm trying to get it to read "25". as this is an assignment for a VB class I'm taking. My text file is at the bottom.

Do While readFile.Peek > -1
For loopCounter = 1 To 5


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Remove Lines From Text File?

Jul 22, 2009

I have lines like this in my text file

10.0 28 Black (2 01.00 15.0) [1 06.81 58.3] 114111 -81725 191654 -41066
10.0 28 Black (2 01.00 15.0) [1 06.81 58.3] 114111 -81725 191654 -41066
11.0 28 Black (2 06.00 01.0) [T375 ] 135111 -46725 188611 35775


I want to remove all the line which contain [Txxxxx..] and place it in another file. i want to be do like cut and past. Is that possible. Can we remove lines in text files?

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Removing Lines From A Text File?

May 29, 2012

I am in the process of developing a helper application that will combine two text files into one, remove the extra blank lines, do some calculations and spit out a new and improved text file.

My question is: at the beginning of each file is a header row that starts with a "01". How does one go about removing all of the other "01" rows but leave the first header line?

So far, I have succeeded at removing all of the "01" lines, which isn't what I want but hey, I got it to work

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Reversing Lines In A Text File?

Feb 13, 2011

Text file


Want to turn them into e,d,c,b,a

What's the most efficient way to do so? stack? Queue? List?

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Sort The Lines In Text File?

Jul 14, 2009

I have lines like this:

Quote10.0 28 Black (2 01.00 15.0) [1 06.81 58.3] 114111 -81725 191654 -41066
10.0 28 Black (2 01.00 15.0) [1 06.81 58.3] 114111 -81725 191654 -41066
11.0 28 Black (2 06.00 01.0) [T375 ] 135111 -46725 188611 35775
11.0 28 Black (2 01.00 18.0) [2 15.21 26.3] 109611 -81725 97147 17718


I want to arrange this lines according to the number in [Txxxx] from small to big then write all the line which not contain[Txxx] at the below of sorted lines?

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Summing Lines In A Text File?

Mar 11, 2010

I am reading a textfile and extracting information from each line. For example string1 and string2. I am then writing these string to a datatable. However, sometimes there will be repeats in string1 and string2. If there are repeated lines I would like to be able to delete the repeating line and add a counter to find the total number of repeating lines. so if a string repeates 3 times I would like there to be a column with a 3 displayed next to the line in my datatable.

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Text File Ignore Lines

May 3, 2011

How to read from text file that have a line with string A and ignore lines with string B.

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