Choosing 2 Listbox At Same Time

May 14, 2009

What I wanna do is really simple, I just want to select 2 Listboxed by clicking one..For example .. if I select the 1st item of listbox1, it should select automaticly the 1st item of listbox2 if I select the 3rd item of listbox1, it should select 3rd item of listbox2, and so on, is this possible?

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Sort Time In Listbox ?

Apr 27, 2011

Is everyone know how to sort time in listbox I've done the code for time to show on the listbox

Every time the user enter the laptime is different

I need to sort time like


Here is my code:


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Listbox Interrogation A Line At A Time?

Jul 12, 2011

I have got quite a messy text file and put it in a list box so I can extract certain information from it. I need to interrogate it a line at a time and ask things like, 'what number comes after this word' and 'ignore this line if it says this' . Is this possible using the list box loop method (which I have only heard of never used) and does anyone have any examples of code? I'm on the latest VB Express.

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Removing Items From ListBox 1 At A Time

Aug 22, 2010

I want to remove items from a listbox 1 at a time. I have two timers set up to remove the two types of items that are put into the list box. When there is a "Player 1 killed Button 1" following a "Player 1 killed Button 2" or vise-versa they get removed at the same time. Is there any way to prevent this?

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim XP As Integer
[Code] .....

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Choosing A Row In ListView?

Nov 17, 2010

how to get different backcolors and how to change them using ListView.ItemCheck.

I am using ListView in a self written control (basically to improve padding). In some deployments, CheckBoxes is set to true and I use a RaiseEvent to return the Index of the row selected using an ListView_SelectedIndexChanged event.

In other deployments, I am using the control with the CheckBoxes set to false. But clicking on a row does not fire the ListView_SelectedIndexChanged event to be able to use RaiseEvent to return the Index of the row chosen. I have tried using a MouseUp event to capture the mouse Y coordinate. But conversion of that coordinate to an Index position is both inconsistent and inaccurate with my primative code of

return = (point.Y - / some constant

I have used ItemHeight on a ListBox in a similar situation but ListView does not have an ItemHeight property.

how I can capture the Index of a row clicked in a ListView without checkboxes?

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Choosing Between 4 Integers?

Feb 18, 2010

I would like to know if there is a command to make a program choose between certain integers. For example, I would like my program to make a random choice between the numbers 12, 118,224 and 300.

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Choosing Language In .Net?

Aug 4, 2009

In previous I have great experience on Vb 6.0 And Now I am getting train on Vb.Net. But some well adviser saying you should study C# instead of Vb.Net. In this case I don't know which language I should study.

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Get Filename, Filesize And Created Time In A Listbox?

Sep 14, 2009

I have a listbox that reads a certain folder and lists all the files in the folder in the listbox! This works great! but i also want to list the file size and created time of the files on the same row.Here is my code.

Dim di As New IO.DirectoryInfo("C: est")
ListBox1.DataSource = (di.GetFiles)

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Timer In ListBox - Date And Time Display Only Once?

Jun 12, 2011

I have a problem regarding timer in the listbox. It suppose the time and date have to appear once only but it appear a non stop in listbox when run.

Here is the code:
Private Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick
End Sub
Also I want to know the code for 'day', like monday, tuesday and etc.

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VS 2008 For Each In ListBox - Setting Time Interval?

Apr 22, 2012

I have this code in one button:
For Each x In ListBox1.Items
Label1.Text = "Status: Loading IMDB page..."
Dim str As String = x
Dim MOVIESNAME = str.Substring(str.IndexOf(""c) + 8)
[Code] .....

Is there an option to set a time interval between each check? Because it will load the page (it's not google, it's my personal website with some information needed) and it need to be fully loaded till it gets the information then it would do another check for another listbox1 item. Like.. maybe 5 to 10 seconds is enough..
Dim strCDRack() As String
Dim cdList As String
'Dim i As Integer
cdList = WebBrowser1.DocumentText.ToString
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 Select Same Index At Both Listbox At The Same Time

Sep 5, 2010

i want to select same index at both listbox at the same time this is the code i got but it dosn't work if i select index 0 in listbox word


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[2008] Adding Time Consecutively In Listbox

Mar 13, 2009

have another problem trying to solve again I am trying to add a line into a listbox in this format time item (10), so, e.g. 4:00 Item1(10) So when the next item is added into the listbox and so on, it will look something like this

4:00 Item1 (10)
4:10 Item2 (15)
4:25 Item3 (20)

The time is a Date, and the minutes to add on is extracted with regex. I was able to add the items like above with hardcoding but ain't successful when i try to do it in a shorter way.


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.net's ListBox Data(large) Takes Too Much Time To Show Up?

Jun 24, 2012

I ran into a problem where the listbox is taking awfully long time to show up. This is not the same in java(It took very very less time - one second max). So, is there any remedy to this??, any other form control??, or some other way?? imports System.Threading imports System.Windows.Forms


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Forms :: Adding ListBox To A New TabPage During Run-time, Control Does Not Appear?

Feb 4, 2010

I have a tabgroup with 2 tabs. During runtime, I wish to add new ones. Though I can get the tabs added, I cannot seem to add the ListBox that is supposed to go with it.
In the code below, I added '*' to indicate a line I added to try and fix the problem, but (obviously) don't work.

Dim newTab As New TabPage("Group " + g.userLabel.ToString())
newTab.Name = "Tab" + g.userLabel.ToString


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Forms :: ListBox To Show Events In Real-Time?

Apr 4, 2009

I have designed a window application that: check the contents of a folder for specific files (HTML)move files to a 'working' diretoryparse each file with webbrowser control to extract datacall webservice to collect additional data

The main form has a large ListBox that displays event messages. What I want is for the application to display the messages as they happen. What seems to be happening is that the application will do everything and then display all of the event messages at once at the very end. pointers on how to write code that will add event messages to the ListBox as they happen?

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Choosing A Combo Box Events?

Jun 21, 2010

choosing a combo box event for placing this code. I have tried with ostfocus,leave,mousefocuschanged,displaymemberchanged like this but nothing works and Lable26(Default I set Visible:false ) is visible even after I select an Item.

If combotype.SelectedIndex = -1 Then
Label26.Visible = True
Label26.ForeColor = Color.Red


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Choosing A Printer With Printdialog?

Mar 5, 2012

I am using Printdialog control in VB 10 but I am not able to choose de printer. Even choosing a specific printer in the Printdialog, it always prints in the default printer of the computer.

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Choosing Between VS Dataset And Own SqlCeCommand?

Jan 8, 2012

I am trying to figure what is the best way of using SQL in my app in the manner of run time.I need to select data from my database let say 60 times a day maybe more I can use the dataset and its adapters or use the SqlCeCommand to build my own Q What do you recommend?

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Change Selected Listbox Items Format To Bold At Run Time?

Feb 24, 2009

Is it possible to change the text format of a ListBox selected item at run time?

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C# - Choosing Which IP The HTTP Request Is Using When Having Multiple IPs (.NET)?

Apr 1, 2011

I am writing a .NET program which will run on a computer with several IP addresses. The program makes HTTP requests to given web addresses. I want to choose which IP address I use (so I can determine which IP address will appear on the log of the other server).

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C# - Choosing X Elements From Set Of N (Number Combination)

Jan 27, 2011

I have 9 numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. I want different combinations of 5 numbers out of 9 numbers (no repeat of same numbers in a row). E.g. 1,2,3,4,5 - correct, 1,1,2,3,4 - wrong

I want no duplication either

Any formula which works for 8 or 9 or 10 or n numbers. I know there is 126 ways C(9,5)=(9!)/(4!.5!)=...=126 ways. I need the code to generate unique set numbers

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Can't Delete Directory After Choosing SaveFileDialog

Jul 21, 2010

It is may be not so important, but very interesting to know why when in programm use SaveFileDialog.ShowDialog() I can't delete selected path?

don't help even: SaveFileDialog.Dispose()

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Choosing A Random Word From A List

Mar 21, 2009

I am making a program to enter random phrases and words into an object on a web browser. I am not sure how to make the program choose a random phrase or word though.Basically I need to have a list of 100 or more words and phrases inside a program, and for the program to choose one when called upon.

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Choosing Access Mdb File When Not Found

Dec 12, 2009

I'm working with a connection to a Access db. I noticed that when the mdb file is not found in the location it should be, an exception OleDbException is thrown. I would like to create some kind of form where the user specify the new position of the Access mdb file to continue to work. Then, it would be useful to save the new location as well I suppose. But, where do I have to handle that exception?

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Choosing Connectionstring In Application At Startup?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a VB.NET application with a connection to an SQL Server 2003. On the server there are two databases, MyDatabase and MyDatabase_Test. What I would like to do is to show a dialog when the program starts that let's the user choose which database to use. My idea is to create a new form as the starup form that sets this property and then launches the main form.Currently the connectionstring is specified in the application config file. Best would be if I can specify two different connection strings in that file to choose from, but for now it is also acceptable with other solutions like hardcoding the two connectionstrings into the startup form.EDIT: In the dataset.xsd file there seems to be the relevant part

<Connection AppSettingsObjectName="MySettings" AppSettingsPropertyName="MyDatabase_ConnectionString" ConnectionStringObject="" I


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Choosing Decimal Places From Combo Box?

Jun 21, 2010

I am making a simple unit converter, and wanted the user to specify the number of decimal places to be displayed for the results.

The user selects which conversion they want to perform from another combo box, and I have a select case to decide the calculation needed. Eg.

Select Case cboUnitType.SelectedIndex
Case 0 'grams to ounces
lcUnit2 = lcUnit1 * CSng(0.00220462262)


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Choosing File To Show In Textbox?

Jun 27, 2011

I have a listbox with file names in them, I want to be able to view the contents of those files by using a textbox on the side

Code I tried below:

Dim data As String
data = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(ListBox1.SelectedItem)
TextBox1.Text = data

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Navigate Between Webpages By Choosing Value In SelectBox

Feb 7, 2011

I have an app with a webbrowser, and I want to navigate from one webpage to another by selecting and submitting a value in a selectbox on the page. How do I do this? The selectbox on the website has a bunch of strings (my program knows which string to choose), and I want it to automatically submit the correct value.

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VS 2008 - Choosing Between Multiple Comboboxes?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a program issue I am trying to work on. I have multiple comboboxes(12 total) on a form.I am attempting to update some settings from what ever the user selects from the combo boxes. I am trying to keep the code as small as possible, so I thought about having all the comboboxes have similar names only different by a number being changed at the end. (ex: cbo_1, cbo_2, cbo_3, etc...)And using a For next loop to advance through each combobox and update the settings as the for next loop advances.(This might be a stupid way of doing it, but its the first idea that came to mind.)


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.net - Choosing The Fonts For Windows Forms Application?

Jul 8, 2009

I'm trying to design a windows form application. By default, .NET had put Tahome 8,25 on toolbar and Microsoft SansSerif 8,25 on everything else. To improve general look and feel of the forms I'd like to change them.

Which font family should I use as a default? And what size should they be?

Classic data input form (label + textbox, label + combobox...)
Data grid

Is there any recommended way?

Application is a classic business app, you can think of it as an accounting type.

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