Choosing A Combo Box Events?

Jun 21, 2010

choosing a combo box event for placing this code. I have tried with ostfocus,leave,mousefocuschanged,displaymemberchanged like this but nothing works and Lable26(Default I set Visible:false ) is visible even after I select an Item.

If combotype.SelectedIndex = -1 Then
Label26.Visible = True
Label26.ForeColor = Color.Red


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Choosing Decimal Places From Combo Box?

Jun 21, 2010

I am making a simple unit converter, and wanted the user to specify the number of decimal places to be displayed for the results.

The user selects which conversion they want to perform from another combo box, and I have a select case to decide the calculation needed. Eg.

Select Case cboUnitType.SelectedIndex
Case 0 'grams to ounces
lcUnit2 = lcUnit1 * CSng(0.00220462262)


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Combobox - Choosing A Custom Default Combo Box Value

Apr 14, 2010

I got a combobox which is filled with values from datasource. By default the first value is chosen which is fine but I need to display "Choose country" as the default combobox text. The user then can choose from the drop down list.


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Detecting Key Combo Events In App?

Mar 22, 2011

I am having problems while detecting key combo events in my app.

For example, I have Alt+M set to bring up the menu bar like one does in. Windows 7. But I noticed if u press control+alt+M it still calls the menu bar. I also noticed that if focus is on a webbrowser control, none of the combos work. I have keypreview set to true by the way. The webbrowser control is really a custom class that inherrits the standard webbrowser control. Reason for the custom control is because it uses the tab control tag property. I found it in a post somewhere can remember where. I'll post the link to the info in an hour.

Also I noticed during testing of Alt+SOME KEY that when I was holding Alt before I pressed the SOME KEY that it was calling up the code for showing/hiding the menu bar. (I originally used just Alt for the menu)

1) how to better control key combos

2) why does custom browser control "ignore" the keypreview being set to true?

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Pass Combo Control Between Events?

Jun 4, 2009

I'm using VS2008,, and winforms. I've got 3 comboboxes on the same form who are all bound to the same data. If an item is added in one, I want the change reflected in the other two. I'm trying to create one sub to handle the adding of an item for all three combos. I found that the "sender" object appears to contain the control name. The Sub I created is not working quite right because after the item is added, the combo list display repeats itself. So instead of "Item1, Item2, Item3" after adding "Item3", I get "Item1", "Item2", "Item1", "Item2", "Item3". This coding works fine if I were to copy it to the Key_Down event for each combo and reference it directly (for example, use cboSpecialty1.Items.[code]...

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Choosing A Row In ListView?

Nov 17, 2010

how to get different backcolors and how to change them using ListView.ItemCheck.

I am using ListView in a self written control (basically to improve padding). In some deployments, CheckBoxes is set to true and I use a RaiseEvent to return the Index of the row selected using an ListView_SelectedIndexChanged event.

In other deployments, I am using the control with the CheckBoxes set to false. But clicking on a row does not fire the ListView_SelectedIndexChanged event to be able to use RaiseEvent to return the Index of the row chosen. I have tried using a MouseUp event to capture the mouse Y coordinate. But conversion of that coordinate to an Index position is both inconsistent and inaccurate with my primative code of

return = (point.Y - / some constant

I have used ItemHeight on a ListBox in a similar situation but ListView does not have an ItemHeight property.

how I can capture the Index of a row clicked in a ListView without checkboxes?

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Choosing Between 4 Integers?

Feb 18, 2010

I would like to know if there is a command to make a program choose between certain integers. For example, I would like my program to make a random choice between the numbers 12, 118,224 and 300.

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Choosing Language In .Net?

Aug 4, 2009

In previous I have great experience on Vb 6.0 And Now I am getting train on Vb.Net. But some well adviser saying you should study C# instead of Vb.Net. In this case I don't know which language I should study.

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Choosing 2 Listbox At Same Time

May 14, 2009

What I wanna do is really simple, I just want to select 2 Listboxed by clicking one..For example .. if I select the 1st item of listbox1, it should select automaticly the 1st item of listbox2 if I select the 3rd item of listbox1, it should select 3rd item of listbox2, and so on, is this possible?

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Choosing A Printer With Printdialog?

Mar 5, 2012

I am using Printdialog control in VB 10 but I am not able to choose de printer. Even choosing a specific printer in the Printdialog, it always prints in the default printer of the computer.

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Choosing Between VS Dataset And Own SqlCeCommand?

Jan 8, 2012

I am trying to figure what is the best way of using SQL in my app in the manner of run time.I need to select data from my database let say 60 times a day maybe more I can use the dataset and its adapters or use the SqlCeCommand to build my own Q What do you recommend?

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C# - Choosing Which IP The HTTP Request Is Using When Having Multiple IPs (.NET)?

Apr 1, 2011

I am writing a .NET program which will run on a computer with several IP addresses. The program makes HTTP requests to given web addresses. I want to choose which IP address I use (so I can determine which IP address will appear on the log of the other server).

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C# - Choosing X Elements From Set Of N (Number Combination)

Jan 27, 2011

I have 9 numbers 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9. I want different combinations of 5 numbers out of 9 numbers (no repeat of same numbers in a row). E.g. 1,2,3,4,5 - correct, 1,1,2,3,4 - wrong

I want no duplication either

Any formula which works for 8 or 9 or 10 or n numbers. I know there is 126 ways C(9,5)=(9!)/(4!.5!)=...=126 ways. I need the code to generate unique set numbers

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Can't Delete Directory After Choosing SaveFileDialog

Jul 21, 2010

It is may be not so important, but very interesting to know why when in programm use SaveFileDialog.ShowDialog() I can't delete selected path?

don't help even: SaveFileDialog.Dispose()

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Choosing A Random Word From A List

Mar 21, 2009

I am making a program to enter random phrases and words into an object on a web browser. I am not sure how to make the program choose a random phrase or word though.Basically I need to have a list of 100 or more words and phrases inside a program, and for the program to choose one when called upon.

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Choosing Access Mdb File When Not Found

Dec 12, 2009

I'm working with a connection to a Access db. I noticed that when the mdb file is not found in the location it should be, an exception OleDbException is thrown. I would like to create some kind of form where the user specify the new position of the Access mdb file to continue to work. Then, it would be useful to save the new location as well I suppose. But, where do I have to handle that exception?

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Choosing Connectionstring In Application At Startup?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a VB.NET application with a connection to an SQL Server 2003. On the server there are two databases, MyDatabase and MyDatabase_Test. What I would like to do is to show a dialog when the program starts that let's the user choose which database to use. My idea is to create a new form as the starup form that sets this property and then launches the main form.Currently the connectionstring is specified in the application config file. Best would be if I can specify two different connection strings in that file to choose from, but for now it is also acceptable with other solutions like hardcoding the two connectionstrings into the startup form.EDIT: In the dataset.xsd file there seems to be the relevant part

<Connection AppSettingsObjectName="MySettings" AppSettingsPropertyName="MyDatabase_ConnectionString" ConnectionStringObject="" I


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Choosing File To Show In Textbox?

Jun 27, 2011

I have a listbox with file names in them, I want to be able to view the contents of those files by using a textbox on the side

Code I tried below:

Dim data As String
data = My.Computer.FileSystem.ReadAllText(ListBox1.SelectedItem)
TextBox1.Text = data

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Navigate Between Webpages By Choosing Value In SelectBox

Feb 7, 2011

I have an app with a webbrowser, and I want to navigate from one webpage to another by selecting and submitting a value in a selectbox on the page. How do I do this? The selectbox on the website has a bunch of strings (my program knows which string to choose), and I want it to automatically submit the correct value.

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VS 2008 - Choosing Between Multiple Comboboxes?

Nov 17, 2010

I have a program issue I am trying to work on. I have multiple comboboxes(12 total) on a form.I am attempting to update some settings from what ever the user selects from the combo boxes. I am trying to keep the code as small as possible, so I thought about having all the comboboxes have similar names only different by a number being changed at the end. (ex: cbo_1, cbo_2, cbo_3, etc...)And using a For next loop to advance through each combobox and update the settings as the for next loop advances.(This might be a stupid way of doing it, but its the first idea that came to mind.)


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Jquery - .NET Serialization And Weekcalendar - Undefined

Oct 13, 2011

I have been trying to implement the jQuery weekcalendar using .net. What I can't seem to figure out is why weekcalendar states is undefined after I make an ajax call to a webmethod I created which returns JSON. Below is the relevant code:


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Make Keybord Events And Mouse Events for Learning?

Aug 2, 2009

I want to make Keybord events and mouse events for learning and educational Purpose.

1. In Form any object like A "picture box" move by Arrow keys .

2. Picture Box Contain many Picture i want change Picture With next and Previos By Arrow keys.

3. I contain Voice of alphabet in Mp3.When i Press any button in textbox then its work.

4. Mouse Pointer Change My Own.

5. I click any Object or any thing By mouse its noice clicking sound like Tik Tik Tik.... Question No 3 is very hard to do . but not im possible

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.net - Choosing The Fonts For Windows Forms Application?

Jul 8, 2009

I'm trying to design a windows form application. By default, .NET had put Tahome 8,25 on toolbar and Microsoft SansSerif 8,25 on everything else. To improve general look and feel of the forms I'd like to change them.

Which font family should I use as a default? And what size should they be?

Classic data input form (label + textbox, label + combobox...)
Data grid

Is there any recommended way?

Application is a classic business app, you can think of it as an accounting type.

View 2 Replies - Control Dynamically Appear (after Choosing A Dropdown Option)?

Mar 4, 2010

So say I have a dropdown control, and after the user uses the drop down, I want a checkbox and label to appear, AJAX style, without a full postback.

How can I implement something like this? Examples of code (or links to them) would be great.

I played around with this some using updatepanels but I can't get it working right...

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Cannot Clear ComboBoxes When Choosing Between RadioButton Options

May 21, 2010

I have 7 radioButton options that allows the user to select which "Group" of guitar tuning they want. For example "General" and Dropped" Tuning". When the user selects rbGeneral a comboboxTuning gets items.add ("Standard") and others added to it. The same goes for when the user selects "Dropped": the comboboxTuning gets filled withe different terms. The problem is....I cannot figure out how to clear out the combobox.items (text) when switching between "Group" radio buttons. So, the comboboxTuning just keeps filling up.

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Choosing An Array Based On User Input

Dec 8, 2009

I have 10 constant arrays of data that can be used throughout the program.[code]I also have an array that needs to be populated randomly depending on user input.array_user(8)If the user selects 3 for instance...I need the data in array_user to be populated by the data in array03.I know I can do that with if/then statements...but I'm sure there is a much simpler way to do it.

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Choosing The Right Control For Developing Windows Application

Dec 24, 2009

I am looking for a contol either listbox or listview to support my requirements. Basically how my application looks is:


Having said these things. I used to program in VC++6, VB6. But using those version now seems not realistic now as I lost touch. But if I have to use the latest 2008 versions, for which I do not have any experience seems scary. So, If you are reading this , and you have got some experience in these fields or using controls that support my requirement, can you please let me know which programming language or IDE and Control should I use to develop this application. PS: the image is made using mspaint and does not represent actual program.

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Class - Internationalization In .Net : Choosing The Right Structure Type?

Jan 22, 2010

I'm about to start translating my application, and I don't want to use the default methods provided by Visual Studio to do so. I need my application to be very light, and it nearly doubles it size to use the resources option.Therefore, I'm planning to use some thing like a class, of which I would have one instance per language. Since I don't want to distribute language files as separate files (I'd rather have them hard-coded), I would like to find an easy way to check if every field of the class is initialized. I was thinking of something like an Interface, where I would do something like this:

Public Interface Language
Dim HelloMsg As String
Dim GoodbyeMsg As String
End Interface


It's obviously not the right way to do it (although I could use properties instead of vars), but I was wondering whether the was a way to have the compiler check that everything is translated and warn about it if not.

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Display The Full Name Of The String While Choosing A Short Name ?

Nov 3, 2011

In my project I need to use a 190 very long strings with different number of characters (4-60).I want to mark them in a short form with the numbers 001, 002, 003 ... 190. Is there an easy way to display the full name of the string when I choose a short name ? Of course, I do not want to write 190 times "if - end if" and also I would like to avoid a complicated database. Onenew Visual Studio 2010

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Randomly Choose Between The Two Phrases Not Keeping On Choosing The Same One?

Dec 21, 2010

i wanna make a program for my little brother, that allows u to input a name then to display a msgbox with pres coded phrases such as "your a good boy" or "your a bad boy". my problem is how do i tell vb to randomly choose between the two phrases, not keeping on choosing the same one?

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