Combo Box As Read Only?

Nov 1, 2010

1) I would like to know how do define combo box as read only.

2) How do i cancel the focus on buttens while i press the arrows on the keyboard?

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Combo Box Read Write MySQL?

Feb 25, 2009

for starters not sure if this is the right place for the post considering that it includes MySQL and VB, its here.I'm trying to load data from one table into a combo box as the data you can select, this i have been able to do "tbl_Wind" using "WindDirID" and "WindDir"

also, I am trying to select (if it exists) a value from "tbl_date" "WindDirID" to select a value from the existing data in the combo box loaded from "tbl_wind"and finally, I want to be able to change the value in the "tbl_Date" depending on if a value is selected in the combo box.when a new record is created in tbl_date it uses default values, so there is always something in the field.below is about how far i got, and its the only part that works (extracted and edited of course to exclude the other queries)


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Does Not Read File And Load It Into Combo Boxes

Apr 13, 2011

I was following some code presented by another developer and for some reason the program is not reading the txt file that I created with the csv data.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Imports System
Imports System.IO


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Read The List Of CDs And According To The Genre Selected In A Combo Box

Jan 8, 2012

I have a text file to read. Each line of the file represents a CD with the title, the year, the artist name, the genre.My program should read the list of CDs and according to the genre selected in a combo box, it should output the list of CDs of the genre selected to a multi line text box.The stream reader is reading the strings properly but it only outputs the results if I use message boxes.How do I tell VB to display the "right" CDs all at the same time in a multiline textbox?


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DB/Reporting :: Write A Data Layer Class To Read In Information And Populate Combo Boxes?

Feb 3, 2012

I'm trying to learn how to write a data layer class to read in information and populate combo boxes, etc.

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[2005] Make A DataGridView's Column A Combo ONLY In The "new Row" And A Read Only Textbox In All Other Rows?

Jan 21, 2009

Is there a way to make a DataGridView's column a combo ONLY in the "new row", and a read only textbox in all other rows? I want the user to be able to make a selection from the combo box, and when the row is finished and the "new row" moves down one, I want the column to become a textbox containing the what the user selected. My grid will be bound to a table witch contains a "category" column, that is drawn from a seccond table that i want the combo box bound to.

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Pick A Word In Combo Box A That Has Specific Words/phrases In Combo Box B Show?

Feb 24, 2009

i wanted to link options selected from Comb box A (general) to specific options in combo box B (specific). I want to pick a word in Combo box A that has specific words/phrases in Combo Box B show. But not all the words to show in the combo box B if they aren't associated with the Word picked in Combo Box A. Ex.When "Soda" is picked in A, only "Coke, Sprite, Fanta" should be visible in combo box b, not everything else.This is the code i used to make the boxes, but i don't know how to link them.

Private Sub MainForm_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
' fills the combo boxes with values


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Use A Databound Combo Box To Display One Field In The Drop Down And Another As The Combo Box Text On Roll Up?

Feb 21, 2012

How to use a databound combo box to display one field in the drop down, and another as the combo box text on roll up? Using VS 2005... For example, I have a datatable that has 2 fields. One called "ShortDesc" and one called "LongDesc". I want to be able to see the "LongDesc" column values in the drop down on the combo box. When I make a selection, I want the text in the combo box to read the corresponding "ShortDesc" value.


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Object Null Combo - Error When Try To Populate Some Combo Boxes With A Value

Nov 16, 2011

I am getting an error when i try to populate some combo boxes with a value, the combo box has values in and the right amount the code is getting the right number.

the error msg is "Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

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One Combo Box Fills Another And Hits The Second Combo Box's Lost Focus Event?

Jun 7, 2012

Combo box 2 is filled based on a selection made in combo box 1 and a listview is populated based on the selection made in combo box 2.When the LostFocus event completes in combo box 1, it hits the LostFocus event in Combo Box 2 but it shouldn't. How do I prevent this from happening or if I can't prevent it, how do I work around it? The following is the code used.

Private Sub cboCategory_LostFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboCategory.LostFocus


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Javascript - Change Values In Combo Box By Selection In First Combo Box?

Jan 12, 2012

I've got some code like the following. I want it so that when I chose an item in 'select 1' it changes the in the second combo box but I'm not sure of the best way to go about it. Does it have to be AJax or can it be done with just Javascript?

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


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Datagridview Combo Box - Set A Single Cell As A Combo Box?

Feb 13, 2009

is there a way to set a single cell as a combo box? it looks to me that you can only set the whole column.

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Forms :: Selected Item In Combo Box Will Not Appear In Another Combo Box?

May 27, 2011

how do i program by saying if a certain item is selected in a combo box then that item will not appear in a second combo box. i have this code for now but it does not work


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Programmatically Add Combo Box Items To A Combo Box In A Datagrid?

Mar 11, 2010

I know how to add the items during design time but how do you add the items through code. I want to fill the combo box in the datagrid with the results of an SQL query?

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Combo Box With Text File - Match A Selected Name To A Text File And Read From It

May 7, 2010

Ok so I have a combo box that lists a set of names. What I want to do is match a selected name to a text file and read from it. The text file contains the same name and has grades listed below:

Johnny Bravo

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Enable/Disable Combo Box From Another Combo Box?

Feb 7, 2011

I have a form with 8 combo boxes and would like to disble certain combo boxes, depending on what was selected in another combo box. The reason is so the user will not have a blank return on a query. The first form I created like this worked great, no issues. This form only allows one combo box (Number_of_Lightheads) to disable any others. Below is the code I have for this Form. why the other combo boxes will not disable the ones that are called out in the code?

Option Compare Database
Private Sub High_Def_AfterUpdate()
If Me.High_Def = Yes Then


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Selected Item In Combo Box Will Not Appear In Another Combo Box?

May 27, 2011

how do i program by saying if a certain item is selected in a combo box then that item will not appear in a second combo box i have this code for now but it does not work

j = 0
Do While j < cmbSession.Items.Count
If (j <> lesson) Then


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Invalid Attempt To Call Read When Reader Is Closed (While OleDbDataReader.Read)

Sep 1, 2009

There are already multiple threads about this, but i don't have the knowledge about the different SQL databases/methods to make heads or tales from it.I am using an OleDbDataCommand, an OleDbDataReader and the following code

Dim Query2 As OleDb.OleDbCommand
Dim RetVal2 As OleDb.OleDbDataReader
Query2 = New OleDb.OleDbCommand("Select [section], [title], [id] From " & DtSections & " Where [volume] = " & volu & " And [chapter] = " & chapter & "", AccessConn)


value)In order to evaluate an indexed property, the property must be qualified and the arguments must be explicitly supplied by the user. Type) Object?

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VS 2005 Read User Input Using Textbox But It Only Can Read Character And Numbers?

Jan 2, 2010

I know how to read user input using textbox but it only can read character and numbers. Is it possible that I want to read user input equation?


User type A+B
User put range of A and B.
1.25<A< 3.56
2.45<B< 9.87

I failed to read the equation using textbox. Is it there are other ways that can use to read equation input A+B?I am using VS2005 and VB.Net. I really new in this programming using VB.Net.

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Comm Port Read Hangs When Attempting To Read Data?

Apr 18, 2010

I;m attempting to write code to read several NMEA ports and format the data for archive. When I execute the following code:

Using Commportno As IO.Ports.SerialPort = _
Dim Incoming As String = Commportno.ReadLine()

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How To Read Numbers From A File Into A Variable To Be Be Used For A Function Then The Next Line To Be Read

Oct 24, 2009

I have created a program that saves the co-ordinates of the users mouse and saves it to a text file to be used as an auto clicker.

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Read Text File And Stop Then How To Continue At The Last Read Point

Dec 15, 2009

I'm using 1.1 to develop the program. I got text files that contain test result from a machine, like below.

T1 1.24535 2.56335 2.43253 1.24538 2.55619 4.35243
T2 1.42542 1.63728 3.57295 4.59275 1.57320 2.72057
T3 5.12857 2.45375 6.38593 2.58375 3.57259 3.57204

I need to check the test result with the data from database, to find out which test result is failed. If there is a fail test result, I will show an alert to the operator and stop the checking process. Until the operator close the alert, then the checking process will continue from the last read point.

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Get The Instance Name Into One Combo And The Databases On That Instance Into The Other Combo?

Feb 15, 2012

I have two combo boxes and I am currently using MicroSoft SQL Server to get the instance name into one combo and the databases on that instance into the other combo. I am wanting to switch to System.Data to get these values and I am able to get the instance through enumeration but am having trouble finding where to get the database name values assigned to that instance.Does anyone know the equivalent of SMO Server.databasename is in System.Data?

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C# - Open A Read Only File As Non Read Only And Save/overwrite?

Sep 21, 2011

I have a number of word documents I am converting. Everything is going great until I get a file that is read only. In this case I get a Save As prompt.

Is there any way to open the file in read/write format? I should have admin privileges so access isn't an issue.

I'm using to open the files. More specifically

doc = word.Documents.Open(path, Type.Missing, False, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing, Type.Missing)

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Read MemoryStream - Load Image Byte And Read It?

Feb 21, 2012

ok i have image that i bind info in it and i want to read the info now from file (FileStream) its workbut i want to do it not from file so i need to use MemoryStreamhere the example that work and how i do it now how i make it work with MemoryStream (with byte = My.Resources or PictureBox1.image)

Using FS As New IO.FileStream(image, IO.FileMode.Open)
FS.Seek(0, IO.SeekOrigin.End)
While Not FS.ReadByte = Asc("|")


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Read Data (read Only) From Excel Files?

May 27, 2011

I want to read data (read only) from excel files

I use this connection string

Con_BarCode = New ADODB.Connection
With Con_BarCode
.ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Excel Driver (*.xls, *.xlsx, *.xlsm,


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VS 2010 Text File Read From Read Until?

Oct 3, 2009

I'm trying to make a program that can read .mp3 data (Such as Artist, Album, Year, Track number, etc), but I need to be able to do two things that I have no clue how to do:

1. Read starting from a specified string (E.G, On one line it states: [code]

2. Read until a specified string (E.G, On the previously stated line,I need to read starting from what I said, up until.

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Read An XML Link And Storing It To Read?

Jul 20, 2009

Not sure if anyone has done this, but i'm making a game app and want to read a URL and store the info to read. The link outputs XML data, [url]...

Yes it is EVE If anyone could point me in the right direction to store the xml in vs2008 so i can start playing with it that would be awesome.

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Read BMP That Not Have Header Of BMP And Trying To Read It With BMP Constructor

Jan 27, 2012

I am trying to Read BMP that not Have the Header of BMP and Trying to Read it with BMP Constructor, File is used for interface in a game, File structure is:The File structure is like this (Offset in decimal): [code]

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Read XML File - Read The Data From ?

Feb 13, 2010

I have a fairly simple XML file that I just want to read the data from.

It has 3 levels, root, main section and items. There are no attributes. I want to go to the first main section by name, then read in all the items. The items all are named the same. I've seen this done before, so it should be ok. No writing will be done. Basically this is a static data file

File looks similar to the following:


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