ComboBox Error: "Cannot Bind To The New Value Member - Parameter Name: Value"

Jul 18, 2009

I have a class with two properties:


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Combobox Error:'Cannot Bind To The New Value Member. Parameter Name: Value'

Jun 30, 2011

I actually have three combobox bind to diffrent table. and I got such the error in my title. Bellow are my codes:

myCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT (FirstName +' '+ LastName) AS FullName FROM tblVisitor", myConnection)
myAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(myCommand)


Through this code, i got only the first comboboxthat display the query result, but the other two do not, and display the message 'Cannot bind to the new value member. Parameter name: value'.

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Error : Cannot Bind To The New Member. Parameter Name:value

Jul 4, 2011

I used the select disctinct statement with 2 fields from my sql database table. Here is my code.

myCommand = New SqlCommand("SELECT DISTINCT Author FROM tblBook UNION SELECT DISTINCT BookCode FROM tblBook",myConnection)
myAdapter = New SqlDataAdapter(myCommand)
myAdapter.Fill(myDataSet, "tblBook")
cboAuthor.DataSource = myDataSet.Tables(0)
cboAuthor.DisplayMember = "Author"
cboAuthor.DisplayValue = "BookCode"

and it generates error : cannot bind to the new member. Parameter name:value.

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Error : Cannot Bind To The New Value Member - Parameter Name: Value

May 28, 2009

I'm getting the above error with the following Query I'm using to populate a combo box. I can't seem to figure it out.... CallerID is the Primary Key (Integer)

Private Sub LoadCallSource()
Dim sql As String
sql = "SELECT [CallerID], [CallSource] FROM [Call Source] "
' Order By [CallSource] ASC"


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Error : Cannot Bind To The Property Or Column 'xyz' On The DataSource.Parameter Name: DataMember

Feb 5, 2011

I'm currently using a combo box in to select one of many alternatives. From 5 alternatives only 1 works, when i click on any other it gives me the following error:"Cannot bind to the property or column 'xyz' on the DataSource.Parameter name: dataMember" Why is this error caused?

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Error: This Causes Two Bindings In The Collection To Bind To The Same Property - Parameter Name: Binding

Aug 15, 2010

error in binding

Dadapter = New SqlDataAdapter(dat, conn)
bs.DataSource = Me.Table
DgvTire.DataSource = bs
txtserial.DataBindings.Add("text", Table, "serialn")

error: This causes two bindings in the collection to bind to the same property. Parameter name: binding

what should i do with this error?

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Following Error Msg From Vs2008 When Try To Bind Dropdownlist Control To Select Query With Parameter

Nov 8, 2010

i am trying to bind a dropDownList control to a select query that has a parameter.the query itself runs fine on sqlserver database when the paramter is replaced with an actual datetime variable.the basic query is: SELECT DISTINCT DeliveryZone FROM dbo.tblComplaints WHERE (DeliveryZone IS NOT NULL)AND (DeliveryZone NOT IN ('**', '??', 'EE', 'T', 'M'))[code]

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ComboBox / ListBox Additem - Error 'additem' Is Not A Member Of 'System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox'

Feb 10, 2009

I am using .net 2008. I have placed a ComboBox on the form and I do not have an additem.


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Placing Value Member Of A Combobox In The Display Member Of Another Combobox

Jan 14, 2012

I have been battling with this problem for months with virtually no success. I am using Visual Studio 2008 Professional. The database is Microsoft SQL 2005.

I have two combo boxes - both bound to database tables. These are: Combo box 1 is for "VAT" and is bound to the VAT table. This table has 3 columns configured as shown below:


The commented out code was my pathetic attempt to put the Value member of one combo box into the display of the other. This obviously does not work and my web browser, when using Google, is full of purple headers showing the sites that I have visited looking for an answer.

When I have this working, I want to use the feature in a datagridview which may make a difference to how the problem is approached.

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ComboBox / Binding / Display Member & Value Member

Aug 31, 2011

I know I have done this before and as I remember it should be really easy. But for some strange reason I can't do it now and I am about to jump off the building.I will make it simple:Two tables, one is just a list of products and their code.The other table: "details" has a field named product. I want to store only the code there.In the second table's entry form, I am putting a combobox. This combo box should display the list of products, their names, but depending on which one is selected, the code is what is passed to the table "details". Currently If I set the display member to product and the value member to code it still pases the product to the binded data source.

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Cannot Bind To New Display Member

Sep 12, 2011

I have an app which hangs in production periodically more frequently on some PC's than others. While trying to resolve this I have started to analyse the application using WIndows native debuggers, such as ntsd,which appear to throw up a large number of clr exceptions (first chance). While alot of these are handled in my code some appear to be related to issues with Windows binding. For example the exception' Cannot bind to the new display member' appear to occur when I assign a BO to the datasource of a bindingSource control while if I directly set the datasource of a UI control, which would have referred to the bindingSource, the message disappears.In all cases I would have the displaymember and valuemember set for my list controls before updating the bindingsource control's datasource.

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Bind A ComboBox, To Show ID1 Through ID5 In The Combobox When My Form Loads

Sep 28, 2011

I have a table in my database with 5 columns (ID1 to ID5) and just one row. I'm trying to bind a comboBox, to show ID1 through ID5 in the combobox when my form loads. I have a dataset and tableAdapter's made for this already. I just want to know how to bind a combobox to those ID values.

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Data Bind To A Property That Contains Parameter In Silverlight?

Apr 14, 2010

In silverlight, can you bind to a property that contains parameter? For example, the following doesnt seem to work. Am I missing something or is this not possible?

private System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string> ValuesField = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, string>();


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Pass A Parameter Vs Using Shared Member?

Jun 30, 2011

Just asking for personal preferences, pros,cons on the following situation. I have a class(classA) that has some shared members in it. I have a procedure in a form that needs to execute a function in a separate class(classB). This function requires some of the shared member values from classA. I can either pass these values as parameters from the form to classB, or in classB I can just access them directly by referencing classA. As a general rule I've tended to try to use parameters to pass all the information a function needs but it starts to seem a little unwieldly when passing several parameters to multiple procedures.

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Cannot Bind To The Property Or Column 'xyz' On The DataSource.Parameter Name: DataMember

Jun 4, 2011

I'm currently using a combo box to select one of many alternatives. From 5 alternatives only 1 works, when i click on any other it gives me the following error:"Cannot bind to the property or column 'xyz' on the DataSource.Parameter name: dataMember" Why is this error caused? What are the possible solutions to this error?

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C# - Cannot Bind To The Property Or Column Site On The DataSource.{10}Parameter Name: DataMember

Sep 18, 2010

When I try to use the following line of code:

cboSite.DataBindings.Add("Text", _dtSite.Select("Site <> 'ALL'"), "Site")

I get the following exception:

EXCEPTION : Cannot bind to the property or column Site on the DataSource.{10}Parameter name: dataMember

details I am connecting to an Access database and using .net 3.5 and writing the code in VB. In this database I have a table named Sites with a column named Site and when I try to use the line of code above I get the exception noted. I was under the impression that I could explicitly name the column that I need to use in my control (combo box).

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.net - A Parameter Is Missing [ Parameter Ordinal = 1 ] Error In Pocket PC Application

Apr 21, 2011

Following code doesnt work and raise error "A parameter is missing. [ Parameter ordinal = 1 ]".What s wrong with it?I am developing pocket pc application in vs 2008 and sqlce 3.5 sp1.


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Access Of Shared Member, Constant Member, Enum Member Or Nested Type Through An Instance; Qualifying Expression Will Not Be Evaluated

Jun 2, 2011

how do I overcome it? I have created a class and compiled into .dll This code


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Bind Combobox To A New Query?

Dec 2, 2009

I have a combobox on a form. It works but I want to filter it with a constant value. I don't want to change the query in the dataset because that would affect other programs. So I click on the little arrow on the combobox in the form design view and then click on Add Query and make my new query which I preview and it's okay. The problem is I can't find any way to make the combobox reference the new query. In the properties for the combobox the Data Source is just the binding source. How do I specify a specific query?

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Bind Combobox To Sql Database?

Mar 15, 2012

I have here a combobx1 that has a value of Mr.A and Mr.B. want that if i choose from my combobox1 the selected value will go to my sql database.

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Bind Combobox To Value In Textbox?

Mar 15, 2012

how do i change the display member of a ComboBox after i have entered a code in a textbox that it represent the combobox value?example

Code: 02-001 Combobox: Provider X

if i change the code the provider combobox must change and if i change the provider combobox the code should change!..

if e.keychar = chr(13) Then
combobox.valuemember = textbox.text
combobox.displaymember = me.stockdataset.selectprovider(@textbox.text)
end if

this code change the combo box display member but if I change the comobox by clicking it the code on the textbox doesnt change, to its corresponding code...the combo box is bound to the provider tables....

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Bind To A ComboBox In A DataTemplate?

May 14, 2010

I have a listbox that is bound to an observable collection of Audio (custom class).The Audio class has two properties, DisplayText (string) and a property called TarpIds (Observable Collection of Integer).I need to allow the user to change the TarpID in the combo box for each list item displayed and catch the selection change.I created a DataTemplate that styles the DisplayText property from the Audio object and adds a ComboBox to display the available TarpIDs for this audio (These are dynamic and unique to each Audio).The DisplayText works great, but I can not get the TarpIDs to display in the ComboBox.FYI I set the ItemSource at run time that binds the ListUploadAudio to the Observable Collection of Audio.[code]

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Cannot Re-Bind Databound ComboBox

Dec 27, 2010

I have cascading data-bound combo boxes, however, if the second of the two boxes does not have the value, I am trying to change the data source of the original process to the default selection.

However I am getting errors no matter what I try to do to get the combo box to clear.

cboSubSystem.SelectedIndex = -1
cboSubSystem.DataSource = Nothing
Call cboSubSystem.Items.Clear()


Currently: "Items collection cannot be modified when the DataSource property is set." at the Items.Clear If I try to remove the clear, I get "Cannot bind to the new value member. Parameter name: value" at the valuemember set

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Combobox Do Not Re-bind To New File?

Oct 22, 2011

I hae a program that opens and reads a textfile database and have several comboboxes with a string of items and the selectedindex is returedn from database

Me.subj_pool_txt.DataBindings.Add("SelectedIndex", Me.BindingSource7, Form10.pool_txt.Text)
Upon opening a new file I run this code to clear exisitng databindings and reset text

For Each ctrl As Control In Me.GroupBox1.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then
CType(ctrl, TextBox).DataBindings.Clear()[code]....

My problem is my combobox do not re-bind to new file.They bind fine upon initial instance however

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Wpf - Bind An ObservableCollection To A ComboBox?

May 10, 2012

How do I get even basic binding to work between a ComboBox and an ObservableCollection? I can't get anything but error messages.


Class MainWindow
Dim Units As New ObservableCollection(Of String)
Private Sub Window_Loaded(sender As System.Object, e As


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Access Of Shared Member - Constant Member - Enum Member Or Nested Type Through An Insta

Aug 13, 2009

In Visual Studio 2008, if I do this:


Does anyone here know how to get the above to work WITHOUT warnings being generated?

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Warning 1: Access Of Shared Member, Constant Member, Enum Member Or Nested Type Through An Instance; Qualifying Expression Will Not Be Evaluated

May 31, 2010

In the following code i get a warning at line 59:Warning 1: Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated.and.. At line 78 I get this Warning:

Warning 2 Property 'SelectedCustomer' doesn't return a value on all code paths. A null reference exception could occur at run time when the result is used.

The program compiles and runs well, but i cant' undesrtand the reason for these warnings. Any Idea ?

1: Public Class Form1
3: 'Form level members
4: Private objCustomers As New ArrayList


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Get Value Member Of Combobox?

Dec 28, 2009

Let's say I bound a combobox to a datatable. How can I get the valuemember of the currently selected item in the combobox (for example, when I have to save the data, I need to get the valuemember - PatronTypePK - of the currently selected item in cmbPatronType)? And can anyone check if I made the code correctly or if there are any programming practice errors/inconsistencies? I wanted to fetch two tables into a single dataset (Patron, PatronType). Do I have to make a datatable for each, or can I simply use the dataadapter?[code]...

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.net - Fail To Bind Accdb To Combobox In Wpf?

Oct 8, 2011

I have binded the accdb to combobox but it can not bind the data currently, it can only bind the first character of first record of the table for example, if the records are:

the combobox will display


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Bind A WPF Combobox And Get Selecteditem To A Richtextbox?

Apr 22, 2010

I am using a dataset on the server, in this dataset I have a datatable that calls a stored procedure and returns column names from three tables. I call this stored procedure using a web service.i manage to show all the column names in my combobox but when I want to click a button and insert selected column name into a richtextbox I get System.Data.DataRowView in the textbox instead.

My code:

'the combobox
'if I don't have this textblock all the values are shown vertical instead of the normal horizontal lines
'the stored procedure


how to get the selected text in the combobox to the richtextbox?

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