Compiled File Resources?
Jun 15, 2009
For the last two days or so, I've been trying to get a program to compile another program that will extract a series of files and run them in a given order, like a self extracting zip archive.The program compiles fine and compiles sub programs, but I am unable to go about correctly embedding the resources.The output program shows the large amount of data ( ~12mb from the file I've been embedding to test ), and there are no compile errors.However, I cannot get it to access the resources correctly. It will either result in a compile error about the resource image not being valid / containing any resources, or a friendly "System.Resources.MissingManifestResourceException" being thrown.
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Feb 21, 2011
I've a requirement to have PreCompiled webpages and Non-PreCompiled webpages under same application. For example below is my structure:
/Test1 (PreCompiled)
/Test2 (NonPreCompiled)
/Test3 (PreCompiled)
I would like these to have their separate "Bin" folders too if possible at all (I tried using "Probing" but I guess that's not allowed for web apps and defaults to "Bin" folder). If not that then definitely some ability for these to work together under one app/virtual directory because I'm not allowed to create another at any cost :(
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Jul 4, 2012
I just tried debugging my game using the green play button, what ever thats called, and upon telling the debugger to break on a few lines, each time it actually hit that respective line, I got an error from vs2010 telling me that the source files were different than they were when the program was compiled...and every time that I USED to change the files, and then debug the program, vs2010 would automatically rebuild the files...
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Sep 4, 2009
I recently made a small exe program that connects to an Access database.Now it runs fine on most computers, but the one it HAS to run good on has some pretty harsh restrictions set on it's network.The problem is an OLEdb connection is refused because the file is not trusted on the Network, and I don't know how to give it the access it needs.I've tried running an install with it, and that will give it access, but only on the local computer and not on the network drives.I've tried placing the database in the network drive and accessing it with the install there, but there is a problem in that the local drives are wiped at logout.I've tried giving it trust access through Administrator Tools, but it always throws an error when I try it.
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Jul 27, 2011
config files, or dll.config for a class library project (dll). Does the dll have to be compiled for the changes in the config file to take affect?The problem I've noticed is that I add a reference to another solution to my dll, and it still has a connection string that points to the test database, even though I've updated it in the config file.
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Apr 30, 2010
Ok i know your all denying knowledge of VB6 here but it still exists and people are still stuck with it for now! Plus youre a brainy bunch so i hope you can help, it is more .Net related anyway i think.Ok ive inherited an old VB6 app that needs to access a VB.Net dll and im having issues with it!Ive compiled the DLL and made sure all the Com boxes are ticked so ive now got a .DLL and a .TLB file.
Now when i load up the VB6 app and go to add a reference to the TLB file it makes the reference ok but when i run the app i get a "xxxxx.dll cannot be loaded" error when it hits code trying to use it.What ive tried is running Regasm against the DLL with the regfile option to generate a registry file that i can load onto my machine but it still gives that error.
im not sure exactly how to get a .Net dll into vb6 tbh so im just fumbling my way with it. What i think has happened is a previous version of the DLL was registered on the machine, has since been deleted but the system is still trying to use the earlier one, reference pointers still around?
So my questions are 1. how can i clean the machine out , apart from formatting it!, so i can register the new DLL properly and cleanly on it. 2. What exactly is the right way to get a .Net component into an old VB6 app? I was assuming it was by using the TLB and making a reference to that, it wont let me add a reference stright to the DLL itself.
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Mar 30, 2011
In my code I reference certain excel files by listing the paths and names within my code. I've herd that if I put my excel files in bin/debug/ then I no longer need the path and can simply refer to them by name. This has not worked out well for me. how I can add a file to my project reference it by name in the code and have it compiled with my program so that other's (without that paticular path) can use my program. I have also added them as an "Item" and have their properties referenced as an "Embedded Resource", but still no luck. Maybe i'm just calling them wrong? Below is my code....
Dim file1 As String = "C:
Dim hdrftr As Object
View 22 Replies
Aug 15, 2009
I used Crystal Report in my project, does client need to install Crystal Report to use my app?
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Feb 8, 2011
Trying to integrate the google closure compiler in a batch job of mine and having difficulty getting it to work.Using command prompt I can enter the following command and get my scripts compiled. (The command is a self explanatory example)
java -jar "compiler.jar" --js_output_file="myOutput.min.js" --js="input1.js" --js="input2.js"
I have tried to replicate this using the System.Diagnostics.Process object but thus far have failed.I have tried
Dim command As String = BuildCommand(CompilationScripts, Me._Output)
Dim process As New Process
process.Start("compiler.jar", command)
And I have tried
Dim command As String = BuildCommand(CompilationScripts, Me._Output)
Dim process As New Process
process.StartInfo.Arguments = command
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Apr 8, 2009
I use DocTools to Create a Compiled HTML Help File. I want to link to a specific topic in the help file from my program, but the filenames of the html files are generated randomly.
Is there any way to open a CHM to a specific topic by name?
I created a wrapper for DocTools, so I could have the command line piped to a text box and then I could obtain the Topics from there and save them in an INI file that I read when I call the help, but I don't know how to pipe the command line to a textbox.
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Sep 15, 2011
The reason I ask is that I want to print, at run-time, a file in the application's resources, like this:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim printProcess As New Process
printProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "C:UsersGeoffrey van WykDocumentsCountdown_Timer_Help.rtf"
' printProcess.StartInfo.FileName = My.Resources.Countdown_Timer_Help
printProcess.StartInfo.Verb = "Print"
End Sub
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Oct 21, 2009
I want to know if it's possible to move a file from the file system into my applications resources.And if so, how?
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Jan 23, 2010
The reason I ask is that I want to print, at run-time, a file in the application's resources, like this:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim printProcess As New Process
printProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True
When I use "C:UsersGeoffrey van WykDocumentsCountdown_Timer_Help.rtf" as the argument of FileName, it works. But when I use My.Resources.Countdown_Timer_Help, it says it cannot find the file.
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Feb 28, 2009
i'm unable to debug my project that i made. i save it and everything, but it just won't playit says Warning 1 Could not find type 'WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.Resources, Time table'. Please make sure that the assembly that contains this type is referenced. If this type is a part of your development project, make sure that the project has been successfully built. C:SchoolIPTTime table, using 2 loopsTime table, using 2 loopsForm1.Designer.vb 123 0 now when i open it up and try to debug it , it comes up with an error, i even try referencing it but it does nothing ,
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May 12, 2009
ok im tryin to run an embedded .exe in my app but i seem to be having a issue with my code can someone have a look
Private Sub ButtonX1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ButtonX1.Click
Dim size As Long = My.Resources.Myprogram.Length - 1
my error is ' Read ' is not a member of 'system Array'. i have change the program name to Myprogram i have added myprogram.exe and then the 'exe' is not a member of 'system array'
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Apr 10, 2010
dose any one know how to add a file say file = C:mypicpic.jpg to my.Resources at run time sometime like my.Resources.add(file)
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Dec 20, 2009
I was wondering how to use file from resource when I have something like this:
Shell("cmd.exe /k echo [filefromresource])
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Jul 2, 2009
I have a PDF which i want to open when user clicks a buttonI know how to open a file from drive location but how to open PDF from my.resources so that it can be deployed with the application
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Jan 2, 2008
how to use Resources file in like VB 6.0
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Nov 15, 2011
I have an encrypted program in my resources in a project I'm working on and I need to access that file like this. Dim fs As New FileStream(filepath, FileMode.Open)
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Oct 12, 2010
How can I put in the resource files are copied to a PC?
I use Visual Basic 2010 (. NET Framework 4)
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Feb 25, 2012
I want to copy my Startup.wav file from the programs resources, but i don't know how to do it.I have tried: system.IO.File.Copy(My.resources.Startup, "C:windowsmediaStartup.wav", true) But it doesn't work. I've spent some time searching the web, but found no usefull awnsers to my problem. Maybe i'm not searching for the right things..
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Sep 20, 2010
how to open a file from the Resources in i added it i just want to run it (word doc)
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Oct 8, 2009
i want to insert a file into the resources where can i find the recourcesI like....
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Feb 25, 2009
I am going to be making a program where you can click on the buttons to download a file to the desktop. I will be having .swf files inside the resources and I need them to be downloaded onto the desktop by clicking a button. Dose anyone know the code, I looked on Google but then it just started going downhill.
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Oct 16, 2009
I need to some how integrate 2 .exe files, and 1 batch file into my project. I don't like them sitting out in the open, and this will look neater. What I mean is, when I run a command like, "Shell("cmd.exe /C Ping " & TextBox1.Lines(26))", and I have a .exe named ping in the program directory, it will open that console executable, and then to ping etc. I want to somehow pack the .exe and batch with the program.
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Jan 8, 2008
i need the code for playing a mp3 file what is in the resources. i don't have a clue of where to start. i've tried so many times but i always get an error.
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Jun 11, 2011
How would I save a file to the application resources? Like I would be able to save text files using the GUI and then when I re-open the application I'd be able to access them again.
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Jan 26, 2009
I have found that i can add some resources as images and i could use them using i want to know how can i use the same way to save something to a text file in the resources and then load the saved text.
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Mar 11, 2010
You know when you insert an image into BASIC it makes a new folder called "Resources" and puts the picture in it? Well, I want a file in it so I can access it. PictureBox3.ImageLocation = "C:UsersKenneth RheeDesktopCIBProfiles" + TextBox3.Text + "" + TextBox4.Text + "" + TextBox6.Text + "" + TextBox3.Text + "" + TextBox4.Text + "" + TextBox6.Text + ".jpg"
So basically I want to know the file path of the "resources" folder so even if another person downloads it, they can access the files. I think the file path is something like WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.Resources.icon_cadsoft_eagle because that's what the ImageLocation said in a PictureBox.
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