Concurrency Violation With IDE Generated Objects

Jun 12, 2009

I am trying to make a simple demo of a DataGridView bound to a database table. I want to add a row, delete a row, and save the table. I used the IDE to do just about everything. It created the BindingSource when I set the datasource of the DataGridView to a table of a DataSource I added to the project.

Now the only code looks like this:
Public Class Form1
Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellContentClick
End Sub
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
[Code] .....

I set the AutoIncrementStep to 1 in my Key field in the dataset (the .xsd). I left the Key field visible in the DataGridView and it seems to be adding the correct Key when a row is added. However, I still occasionally get the "concurrency violation" error if I just mess around with these 3 buttons. Any idea why/how to prevent that?

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Concurrency Violation: UpdateCommand?

Jan 28, 2011

My users are getting this error when trying to update the database:

"Concurrency violation: UpdateCommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records"

All the users are doing is clicking a button which updates a record.No two users are updating the same record or even within the same column. They could be updating within the same row but still not the same record.It seems to be happening when the program is open for a little while and they come back and try to update the database through the program. I have read a little bit about this error but none seem to lead to a clear solution.It seems like the database connection is timing out due to inactivity?Here is my update command:

Private Sub btnComplete_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnComplete.Click
Me.txtComplete.Text = Date.Today[code].....

View 13 Replies

VS 2010 Concurrency Violation

Dec 15, 2011

I'm having an issue with a concurrency violation when I save my data(only on one form). All other data forms are working fine. This form has a lot of code, so to isolate the problem I added a new form to the project and dragged the table from my datasource, in detail, to the form. this is the only code in the form,


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DataGridView Update/Concurrency Violation?

Mar 17, 2009

get around the following problem please?I have an Access database which can be accessed by more than one instance of my application (which is) a Form with a DataGridView on it.I populate the DGV with

Form1.Validate()Form1.CHECKLISTBindingSource.EndEdit()Form1.CHECKLISTTableAdapter.Update(Form1.chkDataSet.CHECKLIST) The Access Database can then be updated via the DGV by a button click (which runs the code above (to copy across the latest copy of the DB) and then runs the code below to copy your changes to the DB)

Form1.DataGridView4.DataSource = Form1.CHECKLISTBindingSource

The Access table is basicaly a 'Time' Column and a 'Name' Column.


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Getting Concurrency Violation UpdateCommand Affected?

Aug 24, 2011

I'm trying to update a Access database. I'm new to this and I've reviewed an Ado tutorial early today. I'm trying to apply what is taught but I'm getting an error message and I can't seem to get passed it.

In my code I have an Add, Update, and Delete process. The Add and Delete processes work just fine. It is only when I go to update the database that I get the following message."Concurrency violation: the UpdateCommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records."


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VS 2010 Concurrency Violation In Dataset

Oct 26, 2010

When my project starts, it first checks for the existence of certain rows in the database. During testing, I often delete these rows, as they get kind of messed up over time due to all the odd tests I am running. For that reason, if when the project starts, if the records are not there, the program first creates them.The records are pretty static over the lifetime of the project, so they are held in a dataset for ready access from various parts of the program. Therefore, if the records are not in the database, the records are added to the dataset, and the dataset is updated back to the database. This works without any issues.However, one of the easiest actions to take will cause one of these records to change two fields, and a new record will be added. Those are all the changes that are caused by this action. Those changes are then updated to the database...or so I hoped, but when I try that I get an exception stating:[code]I have looked at the datatable that is being updated, and there are, as I expect, two records being changed. One of the records is the new one that is being added, while the second record is the record that was changed. I have noted that the change is, in fact, different from what is in the database, so this really IS an update.

However, I also noted that if I then stop the program and start it again, all is well. This indicated to me that it was actually the routine that created the records that was causing the trouble. Therefore, to test this out, I tried a totally horrible solution. I altered the method that writes to the new records to the database so that after it wrote each record, it would clear the whole dataset and fill it all again. That's obviously a terrible thing to do, but it works. If I write each record, throw out the dataset and re-create it, then I don't get any exceptions when I later try to modify it.This makes no sense to me. What am I doing in that first method that could be putting the Dataset into a state where it fails on any further modifications? I should add that the code that actually pushes the changes to the dataset down to the DB is the same for both methods. In fact, the database is updated in an UpdateDB method that is called from that first method (which creates the initial records if they are missing), as well as being called by the other methods that alter the dataset. I have also confirmed that ANY alterations I want, whether they add, remove, or just alter records, works fine. It is only that one method that creates the initial records that is causing me trouble. Moreover, it is not the actual update of the DB that is doing it, since that same method works fine ever after. Further testing has showed that the issue is row by row. As each initial row is added, it can't be modified by any other code until the dataset has been re-read from the DB. url...

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Concurrency Violation On .update Statement - Error?

Jun 5, 2011

A concurrency violation error? It happens on this statement:


It thinks I'm using a key value of 1 when the actual value is really 1218. I'm using a command builder. The attachments show the value of the key value and the value of the update text values. By the way, I can insert data but not update it.

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Concurrency Violation Updating A SQL Database With A Dataadapter?

Nov 20, 2009

I'm having some trouble updating changes I made to a datatable via a dataadapter. I am getting "Concurrency violation: the UpdateCommand affected 0 of 10 rows"

'Get data
Dim Docs_DistributedTable As New DataTable("Docs_Distributed")
Dim sql = "SELECT DISTINCT CompanyID, SortKey, OutputFileID, SequenceNo, DeliveredDate,


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Concurrency Violation: The DeleteCommand Affected 0 Of The Expected 1?

Feb 14, 2008

This code used to work but for some reason it doesn't anymore. I get the error "Concurrency violation: the DeleteCommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records." I checked to see if the values were in the db and they were, by the way I'm using Access 03. I commented out the try/catch block and got the error when trying to update the ds.


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Concurrency Violation: The Updatecommand Affected 0 Of The Expected 1

Feb 16, 2011

im using a sqldataadapter, dataset and bindingsource to connect to a table. i retrieve all records from the database and i change the data on a field then update changes to database. when i try to change back to original value i get a Concurrency violation error (concurrency violation: The updatecommand affected 0 of the expected 1). this is the

Dim slqCmdBuilder As New SqlCommandBuilder(sqlAdapter)


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Concurrency Violation The DeleteCommand Affected 0 Of The Expected 1 Records?

May 15, 2012

When I run the following code I get the error "Concurrency violation: the DeleteCommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records.", I know that this happens when the data is changed in between pulling it from the database and sending it back but, the database is not being edited.

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Concurrency Violation The UpdateCommand Affected 0 Of The Expected 1 Records?

Dec 3, 2009

None of the "answers" that I have been able to find, address the problem. I am using oledb to read and update a MS Access DB in an ASP.NET application.I read the member dataset and fill it using the data adapter.I modify the row of data in the dataset.I then use the data adapter to update the row and get the error shown in the subject.

I am an experienced developer using on sql server windows application via the data adapter, so am familiar with how this should work.

I have searched everywhere and am hoping that someone here at Microsoft might have the answer.

View 7 Replies

Concurrency Violation: The UpdateCommand Affected 0 Of The Expected 1 Records?

Mar 9, 2007

I keep getting the above error when trying to update a record from a SQL Server DB TableWhat exactly does this Error Message mean?

View 3 Replies

Include Logic In Application To Handle Concurrency Violation?

Nov 5, 2008

the problem here happends every time i tried to change a record that's been allready saved.Private Sub PropuestasBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles PropuestasBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


View 8 Replies

VS 2008 Corrupt Access Table Causing A Concurrency Violation?

Oct 1, 2011

I have a single user app that I wrote and have been using for more than a year that uses an Access 2003 database. Today, out of the blue, I started getting a DB concurrency violation whenever I tried to update one particular table in the database. After trying to troubleshoot what the problem might be, I just deleted that table and recreated it and the problem went away.

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VS 2010 : Concurrency Violation: The DeleteCommand Affected 0 Of The Expected 1 Records

Mar 31, 2011

i have this delete code

My search

Public Sub mnamesearchdata()
'search data
Dim blnfound As Boolean
blnfound = False


My Database In case. Having weird issues also were my database will be wiped out. Having 0 record.


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VS 2008 Master/detail:Concurrency Violation:pdatecommand Affected 0 Of The Expected 1 Records

May 8, 2009

My client recently got this error but I can't reproduce it on my pc. Any Idea what the problem could be. I have a master/detail scenario. So I have a grandparent/parent relationship, so when I select a product from my product combobox it displays the relevant results from the Result_Header table in my first datagridview.

Then I have a parent/child relationship so that when I select a result_header item from my first datagridview it displays the child records from the Result_detail table. If i'm adding a new Result_Header and then click save, I search for existing tests for the chosen product and insert them as new datarows into the Result_detail table. then I can update the child rows and click the second save button and it saves what I edit. Quite complicated.

Dim data As DataSet
Private dbpath As String = My.Settings.dbpath
Private con As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" _
& "Data Source=" & dbpath & ";Persist Security Info=False;")


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Error : "Concurrency Violation: The UpdateCommand Affected 0 Of The Expected 1 Records"

Jul 27, 2009

I am working on a program whereby insert, update and delete of database is required, i have been able to do so successfully but the above error occurs when i tried to insert a new row of data into the database and tried to edit it and update it to the database. The database platform i used is SQL server 2005 and i am using datagridview to display my data, my primary key is "s/n" which is an auto number, however, whenever after i insert data into the database, the newly added row has the "s/n" column blank shown in the datagridview and after i edited that row and tried to update it, the error occurs.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions


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VB - Modify Textboxes And Objects Generated In Code?

Feb 23, 2012

I've written a for loop to generate several new text boxes and numericUpDowns when the application is run.

The text boxes / numericUpDowns are generated with a 2-dimensional array. My question is: How do I handle when the text boxes / numericUpDowns are modified?

If you would like the code, just request it and I'll add it here.

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Place Dynamically Generated Objects In An Array (or Collection)?

Apr 11, 2011

I created a custom class for a custom object. I instantiate like so[code]...

Now, I have two problems. First, right now this is just overwriting the same object properties, again, and again. I need to somehow dynamically name the object. Then, I need to place these objects in an array so I can iterate through them...

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Getting A Concurrency Error?

Apr 9, 2010

The way I'm doing this is performing multiple reads on different tables to extract data. In this case I'm reading 2 different MS Access 2003 tables. I then dump the data into a "Row" variable that I have Publicly defined for each Class (each Access table is defined as a Class containing all the fields, Add, Change, Delete, and Select functions).For example, my first read extracts all the fields from the "tblClients" table and loads them into the form fields via the "clientROW" object. My second read extracts all the records from the "tblClientAddr" table associated with the selected Client and loads them into their form fields respectfully via the "addressROW" object.

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ADO.NET Concurrency Single User

Jan 16, 2009

I've got a problem with my latest project, I get concurrency error but I'm the only one working on the database.It's an sql server 2005 express database, and i'm making a remote connection. I have a related database or how do I say it, it's with relations. But the strange thing is that I can update the first table but the 2nd one not. Well here is my code, don't really know how to explain it better but I get an error when updating my orderinformation table but when only changing values in orders that table updates perfectly. [code]

View 3 Replies - Violation Of PRIMARY KEY Constraint 'PK?

May 20, 2010

i am trying to write a code in which i need to perform a update but on primary keys how do i achieve it
i have written the following code: kindly look at it let me know where m wrong


View 2 Replies - Violation Of PRIMARY KEY Constraint 'PK_?

Apr 6, 2010

i am trying to write a code in which i need to perform a update but on primary keys how do i achieve iti have written the following code:

Protected Sub rgKMSLoc_UpdateCommand(ByVal source As Object, ByVal e As Telerik.Web.UI.GridCommandEventArgs) Handles rgKMSLoc.UpdateCommand


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Violation Of PrimaryKey Error?

Mar 24, 2012

I have a procedure that is building a PrimaryKey based on values input from a CSV File. There are 4 fields that make up this PK. My code is below.


For some reason when it takes the "IF" branch, it gives me the "Violation of PrimaryKey" Error. When I debug the 4 key values, the record does exist in the DB Table. Not sure why it's taking this path. I think I'm not testing the "row" object correctly.

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.net - Call A Function In A C DLL From VB: Access Violation?

Mar 1, 2012

I'm trying to call a Dll function which looks like this (in the C/C++ Dll):declspec(dllexport) void execute(char** ReturnMsg, char* serverAddress, char* commandLine)

The VB 'wrapper' function looks like:

<DllImport("TPClient.dll", EntryPoint:="execute", CallingConvention:=CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet:=CharSet.Auto, ExactSpelling:=True)> _
Public Shared Sub tg_execute(<Out()> <MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)> ByRef returnString As System.Text.StringBuilder, _


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.net - Optimistic Concurrency And Improving Solutions?

Mar 19, 2011

In our database we have gigantic tables (it was initially built 20 years ago). We are on the process of developing it.

Some tables contain rowversion and optimistic concurrency. We were wondering if there is a way to just correspond rowversion to the modification of some specific columns, but not all of them. In Normal Case, T-SQL which is generated then would be huge.

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.net - Why Isn't The Try/catch Catching The Access Violation

Apr 25, 2012

I put a try/catch block around a bit of code that occasionaly throws an expected exception, but rather than catching it and displaying the message box, it stops the debugger and alerts me that the exception is unhandled.How do I handle this exception so my code doesn't stop when the exception occurs?

Friend myDevInfo As New devInfo
''' <summary>
''' Closes the device handle obtained with CreateFile and frees resources.


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ADO.NET Related Table Concurrency Error?

Jan 28, 2009

I get an error when updating a related table, the main table can be updated but the related gives me a concurrency error but I don't know why. Btw I'm the only one using the program and it's connecting to sql server 2005 express.Inserting works like a charm.My piece of code, I hope you get it. The concurrency error is given on Me._objtblOrderinformatieA.Update(Me.objdtsOrders.orderInformatie)

If MessageBox.Show("Bent u zeker dat u deze record wilt wijzigen?", "Orderbeheer", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) = 6 Then


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Concurrency - Calculate Or Update The Registry With ID

Jan 21, 2011

We got an old system here in .NET 4.0 using an Oracle DB. At some point, some calculus are made and the system "locks" that register in the table using the following command: "SELECT [the registry that will be update by the calculus] FOR UPDATE NOWAIT". So if anyone tries to calculate or update the registry with that ID it won't work. After calculating, the system connects to the DB again and then "releases" the registry by simply executing a Rollback command.

Theoretically, this is correct for the system(although I don't like it). Anyway, here is the thing: if something is being calculated(and these calculous take like 5 minutes to finish) and in the middle of the calculous I close the browser, the registry will still be "locked", only being unlocked when IIS restarts(actually I dunno if it's released first, I forced IIS restart 'cause it was taking too long). [Code]

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