Connecting Remote Pc Desktop?

Jul 7, 2010

I want to create a software for remote computer Desktop connection(we can see and operate remote computer in our computer display), can any one give Windows itself has a long procedure to do that(Remote Desktop Web connection), sometime it develops security issue, other options are 3rd party. I want to create it on my own.

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Open Excel On Local Desktop Using Remote Desktop Application ?

Jun 11, 2012

We have a Windows Forms VB.NET application running on Windows Server 2008. Users access this app using Remote desktop.The app displays information in Excel, but Excel opens on the server.Is there a way for the .NET app to launch Excel on the users local desktop?

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Remote Desktop - Make An Application Of Remote Management For Images

Aug 5, 2010

I want to do a small application that made the broadcast of images from a PC. The idea is to make an application of remote management but without the management part, only with the viewing of images. Anyone know any code already done or any API that helps in the project?

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Connecting Database From Ppc To Desktop?

Feb 17, 2010

I have a database(.sdf file) in ppc folder - Storage CardProgram FilesEmpEmployee.sdf. I want to connect this file with sql express 2005. I use this code

Dim Con as new sqlconnection
Con = New SqlConnection("Data Source= CardProgram FilesEmpEmployee.sdf;Password = 12345;Integrated Security=SSPI")


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Connecting MS SQL Centralized DB With .NET Desktop Application Over?

May 17, 2009

I want to run a VB.NET desktop application with Centralized MS SQL DB server over internet at more than 72 outlets.The application should be able to run with the local MS SQL database if the internet connection fails. Once the internet connection resumes the local database should do the incremental updates on the centralized server and go live with it.

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Connecting To A Remote Form?

Jan 17, 2009

I've been using several search terms, but couldn't find the answer. Maybe it is there and I havent looked good enough. I have a small program to which people can login to. All login info is stored in a simple html page. I manually add the info to that page.

I want to make a 2nd program, that is able to see who is currently logged in into the program. If I click Refresh, I want to let a list fill with all the Usernames currently logged in.

I don't have a clue where to start. I'm guessing making a remote connection between two IP adresses, but if the client programs dont know the IP to connect to, and the host program doesnt know the IP's belonging to the Usernames, Im lost.

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Connecting To Remote Mysql

May 30, 2010


I have some hosting from [URL] so I set up a mysql db there. the actual db info is:

db name: db298669245
username: dbo298669245


The error is get is: "Unable to connect to any of the specified MySQL hosts."

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Connecting To Remote PC Or Server

Feb 2, 2010

I want to understand the concept of connecting to a remote PC or server. I'm working on an app that will connect to a remote server. Read a value from a registry key and then display the results in a text box. It will also connect and search for a specific log file on a server. I understand how to read the files. I'm just not sure how to connect to a machine remotely if I have valid credentials. There seems to be sever ways to accomplish this. I want the most efficient way using vb2008.

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Connecting To Remote Server?

Apr 17, 2010

I'm been learning about connection strina I have been able to succesfully connect to a sql database stored locally on my Pc.The next logical step would be to connect to a database stored on a remote server. My question is does anyone of a sql database ( or any other type of database ) which can be openly accessed by the general public. Does anyone know if a web hosting service would allow me to remotely connect to a sql database ? Could I for instance upload my database onto a web hosting service and try connect to a remote database that way

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Connecting To Remote Sql Server

Feb 25, 2010

i am having alot of trouble finding the source code to establish a connection to a remote sql server ( at my university) for vb. All i have is the IP adress and the username and password to the database. I tried coding it with a sqlconnection, sqlreader and a command to execute the statement with no luck.

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Connecting To The Remote Database Using VB6?

Jun 27, 2009

provide with necessary code for connecting the remote database.. the remote database is in access. i am facing problem at defining the connection string. And i am using ado control for connecting the database.

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Connecting Barcode Reader In Desktop Application?

Apr 5, 2010

What are the steps that I have to follow while i connect the barcode reader in my desktop application.

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Connecting To Remote Computer And UnauthorizedAccessException

Oct 21, 2011

I am making a client/server project where the server can send a String variable to client but for now i'm starting with a simpler code. I was able to code a bit but now i'm having a problem with this UnauthorizedAccessException. It seems that I am not authenticated but i was able to put the admin username and its password. This is my problem.. Here's my code...


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Connecting To Remote MySQL Server?

Jun 23, 2011

I have developed a frontend app using VB 2010 which is to connect to a remote MySQL server. My server has an internal IP address of and an internal IP address of

When I use the internal IP in my connection string and connect over LAN, the whole thing works fine. But when i changed the IP to the external address and tried to connect to the server over the internet, I get an error something like 'Failed to connect to MySQL server for user 'user'@'localhost', [using Password=NO]. This means that for some reason, it is not connecting to the server at all.

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Connecting To Remote Mysql Using Wampserver?

Feb 7, 2012

I have some hosting from wampserver so I set up a mysql db there. the actual db info is:

hostname: ip address db name: root username: version: MySQL5.0

pw: CODE
conStr = "Server=ip address;Database=dbname;User Id=root;Password=;"

or there is another way to connect pc1(server) and pc2(client) using wampserver?

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Error In Connecting In A Remote Database

Jul 12, 2011

good mornign here again =D having a problem with connecting to a remote database via adhoc we are using a windows 7 ultimate 32bit OS platform =D

here is the connection message im encountering

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.)

i have already enable the the Remote Connection enabling the both TCP/IP and name Pipes and its server authentication of our both msSQL server 2005 is SQL SERVER AND WINDOWS AUTHENTICATION MODE

and also i put a check in Allow Remote Connections to this Server...both our laptops...

but still encountering the problem... the default gateway of our adhoc is

sample code how i connect to the database

Imports System
Imports System.Data
Imports System.Data.SqlClient


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VS 2008 - Connecting To Remote SQL Server?

Aug 19, 2010

My.Settings.ConnectString = "Data Source=,3306;
Network Library=DBMSSOCN;
Initial Catalog=Authorities;
User ID=AppUser;

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Remote Desktop Client?

Oct 17, 2011

Both I and a Friend are working on a Visual Basic Remote Desktop Client, we've got as far as laying it out the way we want it but are unsure of how to code the program. Can anyone shed some light upon what we could use to make our program generate an ID which another user can enter at their site to connect to the computer?

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VS 2008 Remote Desktop .net(RMI)?

Aug 6, 2010

Myself Sandeep Francis I am working with a project tat can monitor the remote pc without knowing the user who uses that pc, the project module goes as below


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Connecting To A Remote SQL Server Via (Internet) IP Address

Feb 10, 2010

i need to know what will it take for me to access, insert, update and delete data to a database on a remote SQL Server. I already made some configurations to the SQL Server 2005 that I want to access by following the steps coming from this link -> [URL]. But somehow I am still getting an error. My primary concern is "What connection string should I use on my client VB.NET application to connect to the remote SQL Server?" Since I will be connecting to the SQL Server via Internet and not by LAN, I am wondering which IP Address and Port am i going to put on the 'connection string'? How can i get my 'TRUE' Ip address? Or is there any other way to go through with this? It will be very helpful if you could share your insights and knowledge. Here's my sample connection string:


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Difficulty Connecting To Remote MS Access Database On LAN?

Jun 6, 2011

I am currently developing in Visual Studio 2008 (Visual Basic) and I have no problem reading, editing, saving, etc. to a 2007 Access database that is stored locally using the following code:

Dim NotifyDS As New DataSet()
Dim NotifyCon As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
NotifyCon.ConnectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=|DataDirectory|DataSettings.accdb"

Ultimately I am going to be installing this program in my office on multiple computers, but would only like to have one "server" program where the database is installed. All of the other computers will have access to this one database over the LAN. For some reason I am unable to access this remote database file over my LAN. I have tried all sorts of things (including a username and password for the server computer),


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How To Create An Easy Application For Connecting To Remote PC And Run

Nov 1, 2009

I need to create a application that will allow me to connect to remote computers and find out the os like w2k or xp so i can run the right scripts for that able to input add an ip or computer name and pass it all scripts like bat, vba and psexec.

I would like to be able to put all util files and scripts in a single dir and have the selected from 2 or 3 differant dropboxs ie... bat's in one droplist and vba's in an other dropbox ect...

have preselected buttons to perform basic function:

1. who is logged on
2. what OS and service pack info
3. connect with netmeeting or remote desk top
4. run a remote command on remote desktop IE.. open with my user account a CMD, Control Panel, Explorer, Explore Network Connections.

have the app ping the pc first to verify connectivity, then execute the script or bat.

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.NET Applications Hangs On Remote Desktop?

Aug 13, 2009

I have a problem with a large application that consists of windows forms mainly, but some WPF windows and controls (we also use DevExpress controls v9.1). The problem is that the application sometimes hangs when it runs in a remote desktop session, and that session gets locked due to inactivity, and the user comes back and unlocks the session. The hang seems very similar to the hangs you get when accessing GUI controls from a none GUI thread, but I'm pretty sure that's not what causes the problem. (We had a lot of those problems earlier, and have fixed all multithreading problems we were able to find. And the hangs now never occures when the application runs outside the remote desktop environment.)

I've done a lot of research on the problem but I've still not found a clear point to what causes the problem. However, I think there might be a problem related to some combination of remote desktop and .NET framework. The reason for this is posts like this:


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Best Way To Implement A Remote Desktop Viewer

Sep 23, 2010

I want to be able to view the desktop in almost-realtime from a computer on my lan (its part of my business) As this is a business situation teamviewer is not free, but id rather like to make my own server and client anyway - will be fun! I need to know the best way of sending the desktop fast to the second computer. I know of several ways to do this: take image of screen be it jpeg/bmp or whatever and send it as many times a second as i can (too slow) take an image of the screen and compare it with the previous image and send the bytes that have changed. take multiple images of the screen compare with previous images and send through the bytes that have changed.

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C# - Detecting Remote Desktop Connection?

Jun 10, 2009

Is there anyway, in a program, to detect if a program is being run from inside a remote desktop session or if the program is being run normal in .NET 2.0? What I'm trying to do is, I create a timeclock application which will clock a person in and out and keep track. But this particular person, I suspect, is remoting into their computer at work, from home, and clocking in and out.

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Controlling Windows Remote Desktop?

Mar 8, 2010

I am trying to overcome a problem I am having with remote desktop.Basically I have 2 machines running in different locations. I use remote desktop to access one of them (the "Remote Machine") from the other.("My PC")The "Remote Machine" is performing automated tasks that require the screen to be active, not the user login screen.

When I do so the Remote Machine logs off and presents the normal windows login screen.When I am finished reviewing the remote machine I log off and then I need to log back into the "remote" machine. It has no monitior but I can log in by pressing the enter key which sends a keypress to log into the user account( there is only one). In fact I do this the other way around. I press the enter key on the "Remote Machine" and this logs the user back in - terminating the remote session on "MyPC".

The problem is I have to physically go to the Remote Machine to press this enter key.This is a hassle - One solution is to remotely re-boot the remote pc but the lead time involved is too great.I am unable to fix this problem by tweaking setting or registry hacks so I guess the solution must be to cause the remote user to log back in programatically.I am an experienced VB user but I have never worked outside the windows environment. Ideally I would like to programmtically send a keystroke "{enter}" to the login screen but this doesn't work.

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How To Bring Up Something Like A Remote Desktop Window

May 19, 2011

How to bring up something like a remote desktop window? Is it like a com service or is there a control which I an include in my form?

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How To Check Remote Desktop Connectivity

Apr 2, 2011

How do I check the connectivity to Remote Desktop through Visual Basic (if possible). I would like to run a program checking if servers is up running normally. In some cases servers will respond to ping, without being able to connect to RDP. It would be great to a program being able to detect loss of RDP-connectivity almost as soon as any problems appear.

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How To Send Keys To Remote Desktop

Oct 27, 2009

How do I use the sendkeys command to send keys to a remote desktop. I tried using send keys with a delay set by a timer and then simply to put my mouse cursor on a notepad in the remote desktop but it didn't work.

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Open Remote Desktop And Login Using VB?

Oct 17, 2009

I created an application that opens certain Microsoft Windows built in functions depending on what button you use. I have Text Fields setup for certain things like IP/URL, Username, Password, Port, Service. Depending on what function you want it pulls data from these fields.

When someone clicks on Remote Desktop I would like it to pull from the IP/URL, Username and Passwords fields. Right now it pulls only from the IP/URL field. How can I have it populate the Remote Desktop login, pulling the data from my Username and Password fields?

I have found a Login DLL that someone wrote and also found a Remote Desktop DLL but I do not know how to tie these into my program. I somewhat know the process of using a DLL in a VB project but I don't know how to tie these in.

FYI, I would like to be able to make my application a single executable instead of having multiple files that are installed by an Setup program.

Another feature of my program is being able to stop and start a service. I can use Taskkill and have it pull the username and password just because Taskkill has this built in with switches. This is ok for ending tasks but when I try to use SC to start the tasks, it only works locally because the remote server has a different username and password. SC does not have a switch for username and password.

Also another FYI, I do not want to use a 3rd party software that may not be on the remote computer/server. i.e. PSKill, PSExec, VNC or another program..... unless these can be imported into my single executable program and not have to be on the computer. As I mentioned, I do not like having to rely on 3rd party applications.

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