Console Application / MsgBox While Looping Without Interrupting Loop

Jul 19, 2009

Im working on a console application, and i need my application to open message boxes without stopping/interupting/pausing the loop. I have been trying to make it open another application which spawns the messageboxes, but then every message box comsumes ~4MB RAM which becomes a problem when to many gets opened.

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Possible To Have A Msgbox Without A Button On It In A Console Application

May 25, 2011

Is it possible to have a Msgbox without a button on it in a console application. I would like to have a msgbox pop up and then disappear when the task has been completed. Or could I send the msgboxresult to some form of window that would just disappear when the file has been written? [code]

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Userinput While Looping In Console App?

Jul 8, 2009

Is there any way to make my console app request inputs while the app is looping, and without the loop pauses? To explain this a little closer.. I made a server in a console application, and i want to be able to write commands in in the server console without pausing the listening loop.

I used this link to make the server, so the server is pretty similar.[URL]...

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Double Rounded To 1 When Using MsgBox(d) And Console.WriteLine(d)

Sep 16, 2011

Why vb prints out 1??? when d is a double aproximation to 1? shoudnt be 0.99999 or something similar? what if I really need the float value? and how could I print it?


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Looping A Code In Windows Form Or Console Aplication

Jul 15, 2009

Well I'm working on a kind of GameGuard for my private server. Ok so, I want to loop a code, I dunno if I should use Console or Windows Form Application...I dont know how to explain but I'll try doing my best to make this understandable. Ok so I want to make something that will loop this code until the console itself is closed. This code below would simply kill the windows name "Cheat Engine" program if its opened.[code]But If I use a console application, How can I make this code loop every 5 second or so? What would I need to add in this simple code to make it loop every 5 seconds and until the console is closed?

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DB/Reporting :: Msgbox In For Loop

Nov 3, 2010

How can i prevent alot of msgboxs from showing but only once and move to the next row etc. to show data. [code]my code just checks each row and compair the date and if the date is greater than it will popup with a Msgbox but it shows multple of the same thing. How come and how can i only show one popup per row.

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Loop Only Runs With Msgbox?

Jun 13, 2012

I have what might just be the most retarded problem ever...the thing is, I have this loop, and it runs just fine(except for the boringness it is to run it) if I use Msgbox("whatever") after some of its lines. But it won't run otherwise...I guess it has to do with the time my local server takes to awnser, but I tried System.Threading.Thread.Sleep() up to 10000 and nothing worked...even tough it did on msgbox's which I went trough faster than those.I am building a very basic local program to test my website for vulnerabilities,a s you can probably figure by the code.Also, how can I clean Webbrowser1 cookie's?


Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:\Users\Myname\Desktop\list.txt"
Dim TextLine As String


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Loop Only Works If Place A Msgbox?

Mar 8, 2012

At the moment my problem is when the function is called If I run it without line 3' MsgBox("bfdbfbniu") the x & y aren't being returned, however when I put a msgbox they are? I don't understand why it would work with a textbox, in comparison to without one. I honestly think the msgbox() should have no effect;

'If CPU is second
If count4win = 1 Then


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Small Error With If Loop And Msgbox

Aug 12, 2010

Small error with if loop and msgbox

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VS 2010 Loop Only Runs With Msgbox?

Jun 13, 2012

I have what might just be the most retarded problem ever...the thing is, I have this loop, and it runs just fine(except for the boringness it is to run it) if I use Msgbox("whatever") after some of its lines. But it won't run otherwise...I guess it has to do with the time my local server takes to awnser, but I tried System.Threading.Thread.Sleep() up to 10000 and nothing worked...even tough it did on msgbox's which I went trough faster than those. I am building a very basic local program to test my website for vulnerabilities,a s you can probably figure by the code.

Also, how can I clean Webbrowser1 cookie's?

Here is the code

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Number Looping Using For Loop?

May 17, 2012

I am trying to loop number into something like this.



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Looping Through Different Textboxes With One Loop Code

Jun 1, 2010

i know there are no "control arrays" in i do come from vb6, and im trying my way now within, so please be gentel...

if someone could please post a simple code to do the following, it would be great:

i have 3 textboxes called txtBet1, txtBet2 and txtBet3.

i have another 3 texboxes called txtResult1, txtResult2, txtResult3.

so i want to have one loop code, to get the value in txtBet1, calculate somethings, and put it into txtResult1.text.

i know it's basic, but i tried using this sample here as a reference, but its not really understandable for me, because its not really choosing the exact control i want to address...

this is from Microsoft website - a comparison between vb6 and

"' Visual Basic 6.0
Private Sub ClearText()
For i = 0 To Text1().UBound


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VS 2005 Loop Doesn't Keep Looping?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm making a rock paper scissors program and once I set the current_scene variable to 1, the MainLoop() sub doesn't keep looping, but the sub doesn't exit either. (Form1.vb is the most important file.)

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C# - .Net Console Application That Doesn't Bring Up A Console?

Jun 1, 2009

I have a console application I'm using to run scheduled jobs through windows scheduler. All the communication to/from the application is in email, event logging, database logs. Is there any way I can suppress the console window from coming up?

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For Loop Hanged When Large Looping Process?

Jun 8, 2011

I have a for loop like

For eacj obj as PsObject in psoObjCollection
For i =0 to 25


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Loop/design - Looping Through A Database With Pdf Locations

Sep 14, 2011

I am looping through a database with pdf locations. The application is button click event driven. The problem I am having is that I display a pdf. If the user clicks on the button then the pdf information is inserted into a database and the loop should be taking me to the next pdf. However, this loop does not seem to give what I need. What ends up happening is the first pdf gets displayed twice. I think mainly because I display the first pdf onload, but when I click the button it agrees and grabs the first item from the database. And it ends up falling behind because its restarting the query and I cant quite figure out how to get the button to catch the first displayed pdf, or skip it entirely since I am using a welcome pdf. So on the welcome pdf that is supposed to be displayed initially the user clicks agree and it agrees to the welcome pdf instead of just skipping it. I am not quite sure how to just move past the pdf.

public sub onload()
display the welcome pdf
end sub


Now if I run the code without the loop it works fine. I just end up having to run the app however many pdfs I have in my database.

query data
display data
insert data

To display pdfs I imported the com control for adobe so pdfs get displayed like this:

axacropdf1.src = my.mysettings.default.readpath & pdflocation

pdflocation is passed from a query fill.

I think I have an underlying design issue which probably precedes the loop.

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Console Application Without Showing Console

Aug 8, 2010

I am currently working on an application, where I am using a console application, that will set up the application prior to the main form is run. This is no problem I've got that all working perfectly, the only problem I have is that the console is showing while the application is running, I was wondering whether anyone knows any way in which I would be able to hide the console before it gets shown to the user.

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Showing Console In Console Application?

Dec 15, 2011

How do I get the console from closing immediatley upon opening in a Console Application program? I have all of the code written but when I run the program it pops up the console window and then immediatley exits so I am unable to read what is in the window to see if my program is operating correctly. This is the first time I've ever used a console window so I don't know where in the code I would need to put "whatever it is" I might need to put to keep the window open until closed by the user.

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VS 2010 Console Application Without A Console?

Aug 23, 2009

It sounds confusing but it's not really. What I need is basically a way to emulate the console style text, without using a console. What I'm really doing is trying to do a matrix effect on my form background, by drawing symbols and moving them, alternating their colors (see this video for what I mean).

Is there a way to do this effectively with a timer and a draw event, with the timer calling the draw event and changing the intervals?

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Forms :: Pausing A Running While Loop And Wait For Certain Button Until The Looping Resumes?

May 17, 2010

I'd like to make a simple program where my form consists of a textbox and a button. Here's the ide in a nutshell:in form1_load I invoke the sub:

private Sub LoopingLesson()
dim i as integer=1
while true


what I want is when i hits certain value, like let's just say i is divisible by 365, then the 'while' looping will stop, and a message box saying "target reached" appear. then after I click button1, the looping will resume until it reaches the next number divisible by 365, and so on.

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Password Console VB (loop)?

Mar 14, 2012

So the user enters a password to get into the system, i am just using VB code, no importing anything else. This is what i have so far, i got it so when a key is pressed it adds it to the variable and then displays an asterisc, just wondering how i would get it to remove the last character entered and the asterisc when the backspace is pressed Do Until count = 3 Or password = pass 'so the loop only goes around 3 times

count = count + 1 'this adds one on so the loop knows when it is 3
Console.Write(vbTab & vbTab & "Enter Password : ")
info = Console.ReadKey(True) 'takes the key and puts it to the info variable


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Interrupting A Sub With A Click Event?

Mar 28, 2010

I have a VB windows application that times durations of an event. The time durations are handled in Do loops that check the system clock. On my main form I have an exit button. The click event ends the program. However, once the do loop for the timer is entered the click event does not work. What is the best way to check for the click event of the exit button within the do loop to end the time subroutine?

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Console App - Loop Through Excel Worksheet

May 22, 2009

I have a bunch of Excel files, each file with multiple worksheets (aka, tabs). I want to loop thru each file, and within each file, loop thru its worksheets and do some stuff. I've included Microsoft.Office.Interop in my code and I am able to do Excel operations but I am not sure how you loop thru the multiple worksheets within a workbook.

Here is what I have so far.
Imports System
Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
'The command take one argument.
'It is used to locate the current source directory where the Excel files are saved.
'The command will open each file and loop thru the tabs in the file.
[Code] ......

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How To Make Deliberately Interrupting Execution

Mar 7, 2010

I've built a custom BreadCrumb control so I can navigate my own folder system in my VB.NET/ADO.NET app. However now I've gone from theory to practice I'm finding navigation SLOW ! It's because every time I click on a folder node it goes away and executes a mass of code to display the folder contents on my UI.

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VB 2008 - Console Beginner 2D Array (Infinite Loop)

Aug 2, 2011

I am trying to create a program that the user enters the number of enrollments for 5 different campuses during two semesters. I just got started and here is what I have so far but when I run the program it is stuck in an infinite loop and will not go to the next function. I am not sure how to end the loop. Here is what I have so far:

Module Module1
Dim SIZE As Integer = 5
Dim campus() As String = {"Decatur Day", "Decatur Evening", "Huntsville Day", "Huntsville Evening", "Distance Learning"}
Dim semester() As String = {"Fall 2010 semester", "Spring 2011 semester"}
[Code] .....

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Re-direct Output From A Console Application To A Textbox In A Windows Forms Application?

Sep 14, 2010

I am trying to use the System.Diagnostics.Process class.I have the following Windows Forms application. It consists of 1 Button and 1 TextBox. The only code is for the button click event as follows.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim myProcess As New Process()


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Take A Printscreen At Application When A Msgbox?

Feb 9, 2009

i want to take a printscreen at my application when a msgbox it's in foreground..When the programs get into a catch block, i display a msgbox with the error to the user, and the user must click yes or no to send the info to the database..BUt to send the info to the database i need to take a printscreen to the error message with all info of what the user was doing in my program...

If i use a different thread to show the messagebox i only get the image of the messagebox, if i use the same thread i can't take the picture (if i can i don't know how).So i need some help to take a picture to the messagebox with my program in background and then wait for user response to the messagebox.

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Convert A VB2008 Console Application To Windows Forms Application

Feb 7, 2010

I have a fully functional multi-threaded VB2008 console application that I need to convert to a windows forms application. I am doing this to add additional functionality at a later time. How would I go about doing this?

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Forms :: Transfer Console Application To Window Form Application

Dec 22, 2011

modify console application below to window form application for me.I've tried by myself for million times, but i couldn't console application.rar?

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Display MsgBox But Continue Application?

Apr 13, 2012

I have this For Next Loop with a Delay that runs but it stops running till I hit OK on the MsgBox. what is the best way to do a task x times with x delay but not wait for MsgBox. [code]...

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