Controlling Integers Entered In Input Box

Jan 29, 2011

I'm trying to create a program that will let the user input any number in the first input box then a second input box will pop out asking the user for the time interval of that job. If the time interval is lesser it will come first to listbox3. The loop of how many times the user will ask depends on the inputted number of the user in textbox1

Example input and output.
3 loops.
Enter any number for job 1: 2
Enter time arrival for job 1: 8

Enter any number for job 2: 3
Enter time arrival for job 2: 4

Enter any number for job 3: 1
Enter time arrival for job 3: 6




As you can see Listbox1 orders the number base on the first number that the user inputted in the first inputbox. Listbox2 orders the number base on the first number that the user inputted in the second inputbox. Listbox3 orders the number base on the time interval that the user inputted in 2nd inputbox, the lowest number must be the first in Listbox3. How can I use array to order the numbers?

Private Sub StartButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles StartButton.Click
Dim finish As Integer = TextBox1.Text
Dim A As Integer
[Code] ....

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Application That Will Display Positive Integers / Negative Integers And Zero Entered In A InputBox

Mar 20, 2010

I tried coding for an application that will display the positive integers, negative integers and zero entered in a inputBox. for some reason it keeps crashing is my code. paging all visual basic professionals. [code]

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Application Displaying Sum Of All Integers Entered By User

Jun 21, 2010

I Create an application that when a user enters a positive integer value in a input box(the default number is 10) when the OK button is clicked, the application should display a message box with the sum of all the integers form 1 through the value entered by the user. If the user enters a negative value, the application should display an error message. I believe I have to use a loop condition but I have no idea what to do.

EX: User enters 10 in the input box once OK button is pressed a message box pops up and says "The sum of the numbers 1 through 10 is 55". Use the following test data to determine if the application is calculating properly
5 15
10 55
20 210
100 5050

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Controlling The Input In A Textbox?

Oct 12, 2010

A requirement my thesis panelists ask of me is that I should be able to control the text input in a textbox. For example, in a textbox that's for inputting student numbers, it should only accept numbers and the dash character (-

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VS 2008 Controlling Dynamic Input Fields - Webbrowser - .Net Forms?

Apr 9, 2011

I have VS 2008 and am working in VB.Net forms.I have a webbrowser control where I am trying to control input fields that are dynamically created. If a text field has proper handles such as id and name tags there aren't any problems.

For example, I am trying to work with twitter for posts. I know twitter has an API but I want to work with many similar systems and want to avoid the API as its case specific and I want to scale things within the VB.Net form. The login fields for twitter are easily handled, however the posting field once your logged in is just a text area with a class. There is a tagname but I have been unable to post using the tagname element.Any examples of posting to twitter without the API ?

web1.Document.GetElementById ... ?
web1.Document.GetElementsByTagName ... ?

I've done extensive searching but can find nothing to make it happen. DOM inspectors havn't revealed much about the field.

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Changing Labels As Users Input Integers

Feb 26, 2011

I'm making a project that judges contestants. I have 3 labels at the bottom of my form that will keep a running total of the top 3 contestants, and change as the contestants score higher or lower. I'm not sure if I should use a loop or if statement, or where to begin at all.[code]

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Display All Even And Odd Integers Between 2 User Input Numbers?

Mar 23, 2009

using loop the program is supposed to accept 2 user inputed integers and display all even numbers between the two in one label and all odd numbers between in another label.

Private Sub displayButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles displayButton.Click
' displays the odd and even numbers between two integers
Dim intNum1 As Integer


I'm not exactly sure what this code is doing. When I put 1 in the first number and 10 in the second number, the odd label only shows 9 and the even label only shows 10. Another example is when I put 2 and 15, the odd label comes out as 15 and the even label is 14. I'm very new to VB and programming in general and have just started getting into loops and don't fully understand what the counter is or how the loop is supposed to work. I guess I'm having 2 problems. One is that I don't know how to make the program find the right numbers(my logic is off? or how I set up the loop isn't right?) and the other is the labels are showing only 1 number each instead of all the numbers in between on their own line.

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Show If The User Has Entered A Valid Input?

May 24, 2010

I created a usercontrol which has a Textbox and a Label. Setting the (boolean) textvalidity property we can toggle the icons on the label to show if the user has entered a valid input.

Sub New()
' This call is required by the Windows Form Designer.


The problem is... when the control is used... the constructor initializes it to true (According to my code) so the icon is already displayed.

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Validate Input Only Allow Each Number To Be Entered In Once (no Repetition)

Feb 25, 2009

how to validate 4 textboxes so that only numbers 1 to 4 can be entered but no number can be repeated.i already have code but it only validates some of the boxes and allows numbers to be repeated in other

Public Class frmGrid
Private Grid() As Short
Private Const intDimension As Short = 3


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Clear The Form's Text Boxes So That New Input Can Be Entered?

Nov 17, 2005

I have a reset button created in my VB form, but don't know how to code it so that it will accomplish what I want. I want it to clear the form's text boxes so that new input can be entered. I could just code an end statement but this closes the form, and I want to keep it open to continue working with it.

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Check VB, Console Application, User Input To Make Sure They Entered A Valid Number?

Feb 2, 2012

Vb is not my language of choice , but I have to do this for school and I'm not having a very easy time with VB's documentation.I'm just creating a very simple console application that accepts user input: degrees in Celsius, and converts it into Fahrenheit. I want to make sure that if the user just hits enter without entering the degrees in Celsius, then an if else statement will catch and write to enter Celsius again.Here's what I've tried:


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DataGridView Input Validation - Certain Column On Datagridview Should Accept Integers Only, Otherwise, It Will Return A Messagebox

Jun 5, 2011

Some codes here on how could I validate my datagridview? I mean, a certain column on my datagridview should accept integers only, otherwise, it will return a messagebox. Kindly include on which event it should be posted.

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User To Input Numbers From An Inputbox And It Displays The Total Numbers Entered?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a program that allows a user to input numbers from an inputbox and it displays the Total numbers entered, the sum of the numbers entered, and the average of the numbers entered. What I can not seem to find it how to have it display the largest number entered. The code I have so far is,


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Add Data In Data Grid Without Replacing First Entered Input

Jun 2, 2011

i have a problem with the sales transaction. i need to show all the product purchase and i need to show it on the data grid but everytime i input a product it keeps on replacing the data i entered. need code for adding data in the rows of data grid.

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Array Of Integers Comparing Integers?

Feb 2, 2012

Basically I have and array of integers that vary in size. I need to compare each number to each other number and display which number is repeated. For example:

Dim ints() As Integer = {1,2,2,5,4,6}

The number that shows up more than once is 2.

How can I run through the array and compare each integer with the numbers in the array. I tried a for loop but it didn't return the value I was looking for.

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Implement A Search For The Calendar So A Date Can Be Entered Into A Text Box Which Intern Moves The Calender To Show The Date Entered?

Oct 4, 2011

I am creating a Calender application using the monthly calender control.I am trying to implement a search for the calendar so a date can be entered into a text box which intern moves the calender to show the date entered. I have been try to figure this out with no luck, is it even possible to do?

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C# - Controlling Cmd.exe From Winforms

Nov 5, 2010

Question: I want to control cmd.exe from winforms. I DO NOT mean every command in a single process, with startupinfo, and then stop. I mean for example start the (My) SQL or GDB command prompt, send command, receive answer, send next command, receive next answer, stop SQL command prompt exit process. Basically I want to write a GUI on top of any console application.


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Controlling A Download?

Jan 3, 2010

Ok, so I've been doing some looking around lately, trying to figure out how I can get maximum control over a download. So I can control things like:Download speedWhere to start the transaction(Byte Offset, like in a Stream?)Where to end the transaction (Byte Offset, like in a Stream?)

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Controlling One Player With Other In VB?

Mar 9, 2010

if i have two media players in form1 and form2 can i control the media player in form2 with media player in that if i pause media player in form1...the media player in form2 should get passed and if i scrub the seek bar in player1 the seek bar in player in form2 should move along with can i do that.......means how to play single video in both players at once...

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Controlling The Min Max Buttons?

Jan 23, 2009

I want to have a min and a max functionality to my app. When the user clicks the minimize button I want the form to go to taskbar which is easily done.

However the user clicks on the maximize button i want the form to go to a specific size (470,999) to be exact.

Private Sub app_Resize(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Resize
If Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized Then


but it maximizes to the screen size. how to control the maximize screen button? I don't want to change the formborder style setting from sizeable because I like the way it looks like this. I just want to get the min max buttons to go to sizes that I want them to go to.

another thing is there a way to save the size of the app that the user has it set to before they send it to taskbar then when the user brings it off the taskbar is there a way to bring it back to that size?

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Controlling The TabControl?

Nov 4, 2009

I was working with TabControl on a form.I wish to restrict the selection of the tabs on the form...For example, The user will start with the 0 index Tab selected by default.As he selects an option from that tab pane n confirms his selection, The next tab gets selected. I could develop a code for this like this tabcontrol1.selectedindex = 1 'Or 2 or 3 according to the need But Now I find that at runtime I can switch back to some other previous tabs or some forward tabs.... Which I do not want. I simply want the tabs to be activate in a flow...

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.net - Controlling 3rd Party Program?

Jun 12, 2010

my program launches a 3rd party program with a few switches to update itself.Once these updates are complete I need to manually click save from the applications menu. This can be done via the keyboard (Alt Gr + M then Alt Gr + S)

The application will take several seconds to load at which point the application will open maximised and the save option will be enabled.

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Controlling - Resize Already Open App?

Dec 16, 2010

if i already have the vb app. open and i double click it again, is there a way i can control the one that is already open? for instance... could i resize the app. already open?

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Controlling A PowerPoint Presentation

Aug 28, 2009

I am using Visual Basic Express Edition 2008 and Office 2007

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Controlling A Webbrowser Via Code?

May 14, 2010

I thought this would be easy, and I'm sure it is... but I'm not getting the response I want.

Here's the code..


What I'm trying to do is load a URL and grab the text from it.The text on the file I'm using is simply a 1, that's all. However, when the messagebox shows, it's empty. I've tried using as the URL and got the same response, so that means it's somewhere in my code here.

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Controlling An External Application

Aug 15, 2009

I am currently working on making a macro in visual basic that will control an external application. I need to know how I can click the menu options in this program. Here is the code I have so far, which makes the application window active.[code]

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Controlling Button On Form?

Jun 21, 2010

i have an external board controlling various things on the board is a button which i would like when pressed activates code within a button on my vb form i have tried but that only well selects the button on my form rather than activate the code this code is in a timer which scans all 5 pushbuttons on my hardware

[ If ReadDigitalChannel(2) = True Then
End If ]

this is the code that the button on my form runs

[ If table1 = False Then
Button1.Text = "Off"
table1 = True
d1 = TimeOfDay


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Controlling Client From Server

Apr 30, 2011

i have created 2 app one as server and one as clinet i need to be able controling the clinet from server ex: 2 media player clinet/server i must be able to stop,play,mute song from server i will put the code server :


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Controlling DataGridView With ComboBox?

Apr 1, 2011

I feel like this is simply but I can get a straight answer anywhere. I basically have a database hooked up to my program and what I'm wanting to do is have the database query "thedate" and only display the rows that much that selection.

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Controlling Multiple Downloads

Nov 30, 2011

When I use My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile this will sometimes start downloading two copies of the file simultaneously. I wonder if there is a code to check whether there are more than one file being download at a moment, and if there is a code to cancel some of the downloads.

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