Convert String Back Into XML?

Aug 3, 2010

I'm currently creating a web service that will allow the user to access a staff directory that is stored in an XML document format on a server. What I've managed to do so far is load my XML document into the server, convert the entire contents into a string and send it over SOAP to my client. The client successfully receives the entire content of the string. My problem however is that I'm finding it hard to find a technique that will allow me to convert my string back into an XML structure. I used a messagebox in the client to display the contents to make sure everything is received and all is well. Below is the code I'm using on the server side to convert the XML document to a string.[code]....

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Convert String Back To Enum

Apr 9, 2009

so converting an enum to a string is easy enough. But how can I convert the string back to an enum?So, I've got something like [code]

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Convert String To Integer Then Back?

Jun 17, 2009

This is my first time posting on the site, but I have found it very helpful in the past. I'm a self taught VB.NET developer and I have run across two questions.1) I'm working on a clients site to add a dynamic billing amount that is determined on what drop down list value is selected or what string gets input into the text box. I'm using nested case statements for this since it seemed a little easier, I'm also using two string arrays to hold my variables for use later on. Here is my question, since I am using strings for my variables do I need to convert them into integers to add them? I know the amp sign "&" is used for combining strings and whatnot, but does the plus sign "+" add the values together or combines them? I know if I convert the string to an integer then convert it back to a string that it will cause more processing to be done and I don't want that. What would be my best option in this case?

2) As for my second question, what's the best way to find an exact string? I have used InStr() before for small checks and it works just fine. But I was wondering if using str.Contains() is better suited for this task. From my understanding, InStr() looks for a relevance of the string you're looking for and str.Contains() looks a little more closely to better find what it is you're looking for. The reason I need to find an exact match is that if the user inputs 10 in the textbox, the code won't give them the price for 1. I have 4, 6, and 8 defined in the drop down list so I'm not worried about those. Would adding pound signs "#" around the string I'm looking for help narrow it down to only what I want?

As for the code, it's not completed. I just started it and began wondering on what was the best way of doing this. Private TUITION_COST As String() = {"900", "1800", "2700", "3600", "4500", "5400", "6300", "7200", "8100", "9000", "9900", "10800"}


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Convert .EXE File Into Byte And Back Again ?

Sep 2, 2010

Basically what I'm now trying to find out is simply how to convert an Executable file into byte or byte array as i've heard it called, and then back again. I had a friend used to do it with a program in VB6 a few years ago where he would convert the EXE into byte and store it in a sql database and then his boss would be able to retrieve it later on when he was out on business overseas and it seemed to work very well.I'd like to know how to do it in VB.NET, however after going through some sites using google search I have come up short.

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How To Convert Image To Bytearray, And Back

Apr 3, 2009

I wish to convert image 24bit RGB pictures to an RGB (or BGR) array of byte, and convert back array to RBG. I need speed, so I was suggested to use memorystreams, but have no idea where to start.

have this code:
Friend Shared Function RGBArrayToImage(ByRef RGBArray() As Byte, _
ByRef Rows As Integer, _


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Is There A Way To Convert The Solution Back To Work With VB 2005

Dec 30, 2009

I want to let a Visual Basic 2005 project be edited on Visual Studio 2010 Without Conversion is that possible?

if there is a way to convert the solution back to work with Visual basic 2005.

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Convert Binary Data Back Into Jpeg?

Mar 29, 2011

I'm currently working on a program that would take the binary data from my access database and convert it back into jpeg format so I can store the images in a folder. I'm really new to VB so right now I'm pretty much stumped.

Option Explicit On
Public Class Form1
Private cn As ADODB.Connection


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Regex - Regular Expression To Convert Ul To Textformat And Back, With A Different Attribute Value For First Tag ?

Apr 1, 2010

This is a related to a previous question I have asked here, see the link below for a brief description as to why I am trying to do this.Regular expression from font to span (size and colour) and back (VB.NET).Basically I need a regex replace function (or if this can be done in pure VB then that's fine) to convert all ul tags in a string to textindent tags, with a different attribute value for the first textindent tag.For example:

<li>This is some text</li>
<li>This is some more text</li>[code].....

Basically I want the first ul tag to have no indenting, but all nested ul tags to have an indent of 20.

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Convert Single Precision Floating Point Numbers To IEEE 754 Hex And Back?

Aug 12, 2009

Private Function SingleToIEEE754Hex(ByVal pValue As Single) As String


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Getting Arraylist Back To String?

Nov 11, 2011

i am try to get the items i add to an arraylist (DHHNoneSystemMerger) back to string but with the code i have below i get the out "System.Collections.ArrayList" instead of the items that i added. My Code:

Module WorkingWithTheFiles
Public DHHNoneSystemMerger As New ArrayList
Public DHHSystemMerger As New ArrayList


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Converting A String To Double And Back

Feb 24, 2012

I am storing a value (represented as a string originally) like this -2345678901234.12345678912 - in a double variable. After storing, it is represented in an exponential format (with an e). How do i convert this exponential representation to the original(string) representation?


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Converting An Array To A String And Back?

Oct 16, 2009

I'm trying to convert a large array to a string, and then back into the array again after sending it over a network connection. No problems with that, but to keep my string as small as possible, I want to convert each array element into a single byte. I know that each element is going to contain a number no bigger than 100, so there will be no problems keeping them all 1 byte long. Problem is, I can't find the correct conversion commands. I think I should use 'Chr' to convert them into a string, but I can't work out how to convert that back into a number at the other end.

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Converting Hex In A String Back To Bytes?

Jun 9, 2011

I've got the following simple code to convert Bytes to a Hex string :-

Shared Function BytesToHex(ByVal bytes() As Byte) As String
If bytes Is Nothing Then Return ""
Dim S As String = BitConverter.ToString(bytes)


The HexToBytes routine obviously can take a lot longer to complete than the BytesToHex routine and is noticeably slower when dealing with a lot of data. As I'm converting a lot of hex strings back to bytes, I wondered if there was a more efficient way of doing it without looping through the whole string as I am doing?

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Converting String Back To Hexadecimal Value?

Sep 1, 2010

I have a database that is giving me mac addresses as strings. What I need to do is to convert this string to a decimal value, increase it by 1 and convert it back to it's hexadecimal value. I'm familiar with c# but I have to do this in vbscript.

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Getting Text From Website Back As String

Oct 17, 2010

I am trying to get the webpage back as a string a used this in it own function. It comes back ip followed by <!--ipaddres (ipagine) --> I had the code done but my computer crashed and lost it all. If you get it as a string you can count the extra letters and and sub the extra ones then divided by 2 to get the half that will be the ip something like this:

*gethttp is the other function
function realIP as string
dim a as string
dim out as string
dim i as integer
[Code] .....

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Connection String And Back Ground Worker

Dec 3, 2008

I have an application that monitors a set of opc boolean tags.When a tag changes from false to true (triggered), the application is supposed to query the database for data recording during a specific time period.I had the app done or so i thought until i realized that the background worker that i dimension to do the query is not firing the runworker completed the start of the app, I create a new class for each trigger config in an xml file. Each trigger class has its own opc monitor and handle specific for that one boolean tag.If a tag changes to true a NEW instance of the query class is created.A new background worker instance is dimensioned to do the actual work.(this because there is a pre trigger query and a post trigger query which could be up to 24 hrs after the event has been "triggered" to true and the bg worker will wait until the required amount of time has completed before doing the post query).When the bg worker has completed, it should dispose of itself and all its managed resources.

The very first tag that changes to true will function as expected but when it is complete the RunWorkerCompleted will not fire. Everyone there after will operate as expected but not the very first one.I couldnt figure out why so I started commenting out some code.If I remove the line to create a new oracle connection, it works. [code]

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Converting An Empty String To A Date, And Then Back?

Jul 20, 2010

I'm trying to do some validation testing in VB.NET. If Entity.WeekEndDate.ToString = String.Empty Then ErrorList.Add(New cValidationError("id", "Incorrect Week End Date"))

Where WeekEndDate is of type Date. When I originally build the object, how can I insert a value into WeekEndDate that will generate an empty string(ie. "") when converted from a Date to a String?

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Converting Timespan String Back To Integer

Feb 2, 2012

Working on a personal project.Originally had the file loaded had the program read a number and had trouble converting that number of total seconds into a TimeSpan.Finally got it working with a simple code, after COUNTLESS tried of different code.[code]Now I'm stuck converting that Timespan (in the DD:HH:MM:SS format) back to a integer of total seconds.Tried a bunch of codes I could think of but it was time that I had a fresh idea from other people.

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Parsing String - How To Extract Info Back

Jul 16, 2009

I've built a string using the Format method:
Format("[{0}{1} {3}:{4}]", var1.ToString, var2.ToString, var3.ToString, var4.ToString)
var1 to var4 are long type. Is there a way to easily extract the information back (other then the String.Split method) ?
Like: MagicMethod("[{0}{1} {3}:{4}]", formatedString, var1, var2, var3, var4)?

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Convert A String Containing A Binary, Octal And Hex Number Into A Decimal String?

Jun 7, 2009

I'd like to convert a string which contains a decimal number into string that contains the binary value, the octal and the hexadecimal value of that decimal number.Afterwards I also like to convert a string containing a binary, octal and hexd. number into a decimal string.Basically I'm looking for the functions:


I'd not prefer to rewrite a function, I'm sure the framework must have these functions already.

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Base64 - Decrypt The String Returned Back From SagePay?

Jan 25, 2011

I have been having some problems trying to decrypt the string returned back from SagePay.I used their kit which included the encrypt and decrypt functions using base64 - sending the information to SagePay is not a problem but I am having a number of problems trying to descrypt the string.Here is the function I am using to descypt:

Private Function base64Decode(ByVal strEncoded As String) As String
Dim iRealLength As Integer
Dim strReturn As String
Dim iBy4 As Integer


I don't think the web server is trying to encode anything as there are no + symbols within the url string and I have just glanced over the two to compair they are the same.This returns a blank string whereas when I use the sections commented out in the first loop i get a really weired string back and when I use their simpleXor function it just returns complete nonsense.

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String Reading - Sends Back A Numerical Value For The Letter

May 2, 2010

i want to type in a name to a textbox like type in "Ben" to textbox1. Then i want to click a button and have correlating numbers, say 126 show up in the textbox2. Im using a function to do this, how would i write a function that takes the string in textbox1, goes through each letter and sends back a numerical value for the letter through the function. I know how to do this with text files with stream reader, but don't know how to do this with strings.

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Update Text From Xml Node And Save It Back Into String?

Mar 26, 2010

I have following code which is not working and giving Null Reference Exception.

Dim x As New XmlDocument
x.LoadXml("<HostTxnAmt>123C,</HostTxnAmt> ")
x.InnerText = "123"

I need to simply update text from xml node and save it back into string.

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VS 2008 - Converting Byte Array To String And Back?

Mar 4, 2012

I am looking for something that will convert a byte array to a string and back, anything in-build that does it as this method would:

To string:
Dim b = ByteArrSerialize(Obj, Compress, EncryptKey)
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
For Each item In b

To byte:
Dim b(0 To Len(TheString) - 1) As Byte
Dim bCount As Long = 0
For Each item In TheString
b(bCount) = Asc(item)
bCount += 1

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VS 2008 Byte Array To String And Back - Not Working?

Aug 17, 2010

I have found a lot of examples of this kind of thing on the web but cannot get one that works - basically i am serializing to a byte array and want to store it in a string i have tried all of the System.Text.** (ASCIIEncoding,UTF32Encoding,UTF7Encoding and UTF8Encoding) in the following way:


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VS 2010 Writing A String Back To A Datagridview Cell?

Nov 8, 2010

I've made a function to convert a number and fraction string eg. "22 7/8" to decimal. I've no problem pulling the data from the current row cell to pass through the function. Checked it via a temp textbox i put on the form. What i actuall want to do is pass it back to another cell on the current row. Tried a few things but having no luck. Here's the code of what works. The name of the cell i'm trying to pass the result back to is called "BaseDec".

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim fact As String


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Convert List Of String To A String Separated By A Delimiter

Apr 15, 2009

Whats the best way to convert a list(of string) to a string with the values seperated by ,

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Convert Null Terminated String To Normal String?

Dec 16, 2009

Is there any way to convert null terminated string to normal string.I mean I can easily make a program to find the location of vbnull but there has to be a built in function for that.

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Convert String Array Into A String Without Escaping Any Character?

Dec 24, 2011

I need to convert a string array into a very long string with following requirement:

can not using any character escaping can not using XML can not using single character as separator (e.g. comma or space as separator)

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Convert These Datatypes: Date To String And Integer To String?

Sep 1, 2010

how can i convert these datatypes: date to string and integer to string.Because it must be in a string datatype when I display it in a datetimepicker and textbox.

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