Converting DayOfWeek Enum To A String Representing The Day
Jan 30, 2010
I was wondering if there was a way to directly convert the integer DayOfWeek returns into a string representing the day like Monday, Tuesday etc.
Sample code:
This will return 6 (as of today). Is there a way to directly convert this into Saturday, for example? I don't really care what it really converts it into, but I want to do away with my Select Case:
Select Case Date.Today.DayOfWeek
Case 1
day = "Monday"
In app.config, I supply a cycle string value: "Monday", "Tuesday", ..., "Daily". From that value I wanted to assign a <Flags()> enum. Simply using DayOfWeek does not give me the ability to flag a process as a daily routine. Is there an available .Net class that does provide the day of week as a flag?
In the meantime, I devised the following:
<Flags()> _ Public Enum enumExportCycle As Integer Monday = DayOfWeek.Monday
[code]I am reading a database that holds time information in a string format, hh:mm. For some reason I am remembering a built-in function I used a long time ago to accomplish, but for the life of me I cannot remember how to do it. [code]
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it says Private Function createColourString(ByVal gb As GroupBox) As String '
I have a Generic.List(Of ImportedVehicle) - ImportedVehicle being a simple class as below.There is an enum property which is marked as public.When I serialize to XML using an XMLSerializer, the enum's value is just set to it's default value (which is NotAllocated) and doesn't actually represent the value that is set in code.[code]
Essentially, I didn't want to put the f in there, just wanted to do 01. The way this will be called is:
Select Case (nRecordType) Case "01" ... Case "02"[code].....
Because I'm not making an instance of it and not calling a constructor, there's no way to autopopulate a Dictionary.And I don't want to convert to integer so I'm not going to do an array. That is just in case eventually the value gets above 99 and the next value would be A0.I'm trying to think of easy future changes to this and backwards compatability.If you need more explanations, let me know.
Edit 2:This is what I've done now and I think it should work:
Public Class Part Private Shared columnCounts As Dictionary(Of String, Integer) = New Dictionary(Of String, Integer) Public Shared Function ValidateColumns(ByRef lstFiels As List(Of String)) As Boolean[code]....
I can't verify that it's going to do what I want to, but it doesn't give me an error when I build it so I'm crossing my fingers.
[code]On my form I have text box control bind to data from sql db where for GeneralLedgerType I have only string value taken from db like "0000010" or "0000020", and when I try to run application error appears "conversion string to integer failed" and I know that I have to parse string to enum, but not sure how .
I'm trying to declare an enumeration and one of the names I'd like to use for an item is not usable apparently. Where I am declaring 'STEP = 3', I get this error message in visual studio: "Statement cannot appear within an Enum body. End of statement expected." Is it possible to use STEP as an item name somehow? [Code]
I can't seem to get something that seems pretty simple to work. I have a dropdown that has options like 'Every Monday and Tuesday' which would have a value of '12' (1 for Monday and 2 for Tuesday). In vb I then have a variable (sd as Date). What I need to do is see if the DayOfWeek for the variable is in the dropdown selected value (sort of like 'dropdown.selectedvalue.indexof(sd.dayofweek)'). Indexof returns either Nothing or an integer correct? Below is the specific code
Dim dow As Integer = sd.DayOfWeek If (dropdown.SelectedValue.IndexOf(dow.ToString) = Nothing) Then
I am trying to figure out if the DayOfWeek Enumeration list can be sorted by using the integer value (ie Sunday = 0). Ultimately I want to take the DayOfWeek Enumeration list and population a dropdownlist with the days of the week from Sunday - Monday and I do not want to hard code the items in the HTML markup. Is this possible?
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Public Sub New() 'Opbygning af menuen mnuDisplayForm = New ToolStripMenuItem("Vis bnings tider")
Which is better, using a nullable enum or adding the value None=0 to your enum list?Using nullables requires more code, but I kind of like it since it forces me to think about the possibility. Otherwise I'm liable to forget about the None enum and fail to account for it being a special case.
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I have to write a program using 2 parallel arrays representing grade point and grades. The grade points range from 0 to 500, however, we are only to use the minimum points per each letter grade in " points " array. This is shown in the code below. You then enter a number from 1 to 500, representing the grade points, and in turn it spits out your letter grade.My problem is this. When I enter a number, say 200, I get a letter " D " grade instead of an " F " grade. It appears that every number range I enter gives me one letter grade less than what it is supposed to be. Also, any number 450 to 500, representing an " A " grade does not even register in my Grades Label.
i am converting a string to double?i would like to know in advanced whether it would case an error to convert a string to a double. for example if i try to convert "hello" to a double, it would give me an error. is there a way for me to know ahead of time whether converting something will cause an error?