Crash Due To Missing Standard Fonts

Oct 9, 2009

Our automatic crash-report system has started sending in more and more reports of this kind of crash[code]...

I was under the impression that Arial is supposed to be available everywhere on Windows, and, when a Font cannot be found windows would revert to another font+style that does exist.

What is the correct way to handle this? My app needs to define a number of standard fonts for different display elements. So far I've hardcoded Arial, Courier New, Comic Sans Serif and Times New Roman and I've been getting crash report for all of them.

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Missing Components Causing Crash

May 31, 2009

I am running into problems with my compiled .exe on other machines. On some computers it works, on others it doesn't (all using Windows XP with the .NET framework installed). When I run the .exe on some computers it crashes right away and hits the 'Send error report' dialog. On others it runs just fine. I'm pretty sure this has to do with missing components, but how can I fix it so it works for all computers? How do I find out which components are missing?

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Can't Capture Message Of Standard Output (Stdout) And Standard Error

Dec 15, 2011

I build program to launch application(launch application can as local profile or can as network credentials) using Advapi32 "Create Process WithLogonW".but I got the problem, I can't capture message of standard output(Stdout) and Standard Error(stderr).could everyone help me how to capture message and the code?

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Add Standard Button To Toolstrip / Make Toolstripbutton As Standard?

May 27, 2009

I usually use standard button and do the settings like causevalidation etc if required.

i decided to use toolstrip and inserted some buttons but end up that it doesn't do the validation for control and also doesn't call leave event of textbox control.

so my question is, anyway to use regular button functionality for toolstripbutton or there is a way to add regular button on toolstrip.

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Get The Standard BackColor Of A Standard TabPage?

Mar 11, 2009

I am trying to add a TabPage containing a UserControl to a TabControl at runtime, because the number of TabPages to add are determined at runtime.

The UserControl (objDataInfo) is just two Textboxes, two labels and two Radiobuttons, nothing too exciting...

The TextBoxes have their Anchor properties set to Left, Up, Right so they scale with the width of the usercontrol.

The TabPages are added in the constructor of the form, which takes the number of tabpages to create (n) as an argument:
Dim cList As List(Of objDataInfo)
Public Sub New(ByVal n As Integer)


So... How can I get the standard BackColor of a standard TabPage?

(I tried leaving out the usercontrol all-together, but the TabPage still has a gray background...)

View 9 Replies

IDE :: Differences Standard - Professional - Team Suite - Team Foundation Server Standard & Team Foundation Server WorkGroup Edition

Jul 15, 2009

1) Can anyone post a link or tell me the differences between these versions of VISUAL STUDIO please? >>

Standard, Professional, Team Suite, Team Foundation Server Standard & Team Foundation Server WorkGroup Edition

2) I imagine Team Foundation Server WorkGroup Edition is the most expensive and therefore has the most functionality?

3) Are there any others I have not mentioned?

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Add Fonts To A Stringtable?

Mar 18, 2009

I have looked everywhere on the web, is there vb code that allows you to add fonts to a stringtable?

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Embedded A Few Fonts In My App

Oct 22, 2009

I have embedded a few fonts in my app but using these fonts is a problem ,i followed a guide with source code but it doesnt explain how to use them .guide here [URL]

code below:

Private Declare Auto Function AddFontMemResourceEx Lib "Gdi32.dll" _
(ByVal pbFont As IntPtr, ByVal cbFont As Integer , _
ByVal pdv As Integer , ByRef pcFonts As Integer ) As IntPtr


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Fonts In The Combobox?

Apr 3, 2012

How do I populate a combobox with all the fonts and when we select the fonts the richtextbox font is the one selected

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ListView Fonts Look Different According To O.S?

May 3, 2012

I made a program at VS2008 on Windows Seven. but when i run it on Windows XP looks different.Looks on SevenLooks on XPThis ListView put only 11 lines, both have 11 lines

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Crash Course In LINQ To SQL

Feb 26, 2010

Still trying to become familiar with SQL, and very comfortable with VB.NET. Trying to develop an application for a user to pass a value into a stored procedure.

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Download Exe Causes IE Crash?

May 12, 2010

I have written a very small windows console application that got uploaded to an internal company portal. Basically this thing only looks for a registry key and if it doesn't find it, then it creates it. After that it populates a String value and exits. My issue is that when I provide this tool to our L2 support group they put it on an intranet portal.

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How To Debug A WPF .NET App Crash

Dec 5, 2011

I have a long running (kiosk display application) WPF vb.NET App which is crashing after about 15 hours.

I've tested it twice, it's crashed almost at the exact same time.

I have no idea where to start.

View 1 Replies - ISstyle Available Not Working With Fonts

Oct 24, 2011

I have two drop down lists(DropFont,DropFontSize) and a textbox(txtSample) one for font name and the other for font size and now if I select the font name from the drop down list the text in the text box should change with the desired font name and size.But when I change some fonts it gives me error stating that the font dosen't support "Regular".

So I have been trying to modify as shown below but now it gives me error that font property is read-only.

Here is my code:

' Compose the font style.
Dim font_style As FontStyle = FontStyle.Regular


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Bold/Italic W/different Fonts?

Dec 7, 2009

When I try and bold two different fonts at the same time, it won't work. Is there any way I can do this like it works in a Font Dialog? Here's my code:

If RichTextBox1.SelectionFont.Bold = True Then


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Change Fonts In Listview?

Apr 22, 2009

Currently i have a listview control set up with 4 column headers.

how to code it so that the text input into the listview changes font size and color in just 1 of the headers?[code]...

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Change Fonts In StatusStripLabel?

Oct 17, 2010

I use the following code to change the parameters in my StatuStripLabel

Dim ItemImage As System.Drawing.Image = iImage
Dim item = New ToolStripStatusLabel(sText, ItemImage)
item.BorderSides = ToolStripStatusLabelBorderSides.All


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Changing Fonts When Saving?

Feb 25, 2010

Is it possable to create a save document and control its font type?

im trying to create a .txt file, but when i/someone else opens it comes up in another font type like Arial.

So my textbox is in say Arial font but when i save and recall it, it comes up as say webdings.


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ComboBox Showing Fonts ?

May 12, 2012

I want to make a wordpad i want to put a combobox with all the fonts the user have but i google it and didn't found anything (maybe i wrote a bad keyword)

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Embed Fonts For Use In A VB Project?

Mar 6, 2012

I am trying to embed a font using the following code that I found from this site, however as I'm trying to build, I keep running into an error 'DIGITALDREAMNARROW' is not a member of 'Resources'..

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Module CustomFont
Private _pfc As PrivateFontCollection = Nothing


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Embeding Fonts Into .NET Application?

Apr 11, 2011

I followed instructions (on [URL]) and tried their sample code but it doesn't work. No errors or anything, but it just DOESN'T work? This code is totally foreign to me, where do I put the name of my font (imagine_font.ttf)?

Private Declare Auto Function AddFontMemResourceEx Lib "Gdi32.dll" _
(ByVal pbFont As IntPtr, ByVal cbFont As Integer, _
ByVal pdv As Integer, ByRef pcFonts As Integer) As IntPtr


View 19 Replies

Form Fonts And Size ?

Jun 22, 2010

I am struggling with this issue, which is probably something simple. How do you change the font style and font size while a VB application is running? I want to to be able to choose a different font and size based on choices from the ToolStripComboBoxe(s).

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Format Text With Different Fonts?

Feb 27, 2011

I was just adding some neat features to my program, and now I realize that they've caused problems with my formatting features. In my program, you can bold, underline, italicize, and strikethrough the text you select. You can also change the color and font of the text. After adding in the ability to change the font of the selected text, I noticed that there was a problem when you tried highlighting the entire word, with some characters in the word having different fonts, and then formatting (bolding, underlining, etc.) the text. The error I get is[code]...

Notice how the "Ma" is in the Comic Sans MS font and that the "th" is in the Arial font. If I were to highlight this word on my program and try bolding it, the error would pop up.

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How To Get Kerning Values For Fonts

Sep 9, 2010

I am trying to manually adjust character spacing between letters when drawing text with GDI. I am doing this by drawing each letter at a time. The problem is that you lose all the font kerning when you do this. How to get kerning data for fonts? Presumably you would send it the letter pair you want to get the offset for. Then when I draw each letter at a time I can subtract the offset for each letter pair.

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Install Fonts In Website?

Jun 9, 2011

install fonts in my website.

can i put fontfile in my server and use in webpage.

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Installing New Fonts On Machine Using .NET?

Jul 12, 2011

I have a Windows Form and I need to Install some fonts from a remote Folder to the Client which ran the application.

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Use Marathi Fonts In VB 2008?

Mar 31, 2010

How to use marathi fonts in 2008.

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VS 2005 Using Custom Fonts?

Jun 24, 2009

How do you use custom fonts in your application? I need to have it in a Font object. I have a TrueType font file. How do I import it?

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Way To Use Non-True Type Fonts

Jul 29, 2011

Please Correct me if I have posted this in the wrong forum, I have a relatively simple question, I'm looking for a way to use Non-True type fonts in Visual basic. Specifically in a Forms app, and I'm looking to use said fonts in a Non-User Input object. (Label) If it helps, I'm looking to use Some Adobe Fonts such as Myraid Pro.

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Application Crash On Exit?

Aug 5, 2011

I have recently implemented to following code on a good deal of my forms.

Public Overrides Function InitializeLifetimeService() As Object
Return Nothing
End Function

It has worked great to solve some of my odd application hangs when the application has been running > 1 week.However, when the user closes the program I now get an Application Crash to stop this? how to put it back to "normal" with a global variable?

Public Overrides Function InitializeLifetimeService() As Object
if readytoExit then
' Return... not nothing?[code]......

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