Create Windows Service In 2005?

Mar 29, 2010

Is there a any code to create the windows service in 2005 that you can pass on. I am actually trying to make a Windows service which will query SQL as well as Oracle database using procedures. This service will keep running until it is manually shutdown. This is my first windows Service I am writing in

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[VS 2005] Service Control Manager Privileges - Communicate With A Windows Service On A Remote Machine On The Network

Jul 23, 2009

I am trying to communicate with a Windows service on a remote machine on the network but i keep getting an exception saying the following: "System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot open Service Control Manager on computer 'machine001'. This operation might require other priviledges. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Access is denied.


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VS 2008 Create Windows Service Using Windows Form Common Control?

May 3, 2012

It is possible to create windows service using windows form control in give me the url or links. The windows forms control such as, Timer control, list-box, notify-icon control etc.

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Create Windows Service Using Windows Form Controls In Program?

May 3, 2012

It is possible to create windows service using windows form control in yes then please give me the url or links.

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Create Windows Service Using Windows Form Controls?

May 3, 2012

It is possible to create windows service using windows form control in The windows forms control such as, Timer control, list-box, notify-icon control etc.

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.Net 3.5 - What Does A Windows Service Do And How To Create One

Jul 9, 2011

What does a Windows service do? And how to create one?

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Create A Windows Service?

Oct 15, 2010

I'm using VS 2005 and Im trying to create a Windows Service that monitors our Sharepoint Search Service.Problem is, I've never written a Windows Service application. My guess is that I need to loop thru all the services, find the "Sharepoint Search Service", and and then right the code once I've identified it. I have no idea what object I need to loop thru. I tried using the System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase object but that doesn't fly.

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Use To Create A Windows Service?

Dec 6, 2010

Is there a template in vs2008 I can use to create a windows service? Or do you just write code in a regular command line project?

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VS 2005 How To Run Any Application From Within A Windows Service??

May 19, 2009

I am using Vb 2005 to develope a windows service, i have completed a long flow,but at the end i am having a little problem.When i use process.start("abc.exe"), it didnt show me But when i have a little more analysis of the problem i noticed that its running in background by making windows service as its parten process, So it means process runs but as a service how i can show that application on desktop?

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VS 2005 Install Windows Service?

May 19, 2009

I will be googling this but in case I don't find it easily, here is my question - how do you install a windows service that you've developed on your own PC to a server? Is there an option to produce the package (I thought it was an msi file) which you can run on the server?

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VS 2005 Windows Service Can't Stop From .net

May 20, 2010

I'm creating a program to stop a particular windows service.This windows service was also written by me.The service will watch a folder and cut and paste the file to another location.The service was running OK.And I have another (TESTING) console application which will try to stop this service only. (I'm doing testing!)However, the app failed to stop the service.

Here is the code i use to stop the service.

' AutoMover is my windows service name.Dim controller As New ServiceController("AutoMover")controller.Stop()controller.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped)controller.Start()

The debug line stop at WaitForStatus because the service didn't stop.Here is the Stop function from my windows service

Protected Overrides Sub OnStop() GC.Collect()End Sub

After a few seconds (may be 1 minutes or 2), there is an error message box pop up from window and said the following error msg.' Auto Move is my service Display Name.Could not stop the Auto Move service on Local Computer.Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.If I click Stop from Services.msc, it stop successfully. Strange!!

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VS 2005 Windows Service Can't Stop?

Dec 25, 2009

I'm creating a program to stop a particular windows service.This windows service was also written by me.The service will watch a folder and cut and paste the file to another ocation.The service was running OK.And I have another (TESTING) console application which will try to stop this service only. (I'm doing testing!)

' AutoMover is my windows service name.Dim controller As New ServiceController("AutoMover")controller.Stop()controller.WaitForStatus(ServiceControllerSta


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Create SetuppProject For Windows Service?

Apr 20, 2009

create setuppProject for windows service i am using this service as a remoting server?

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Create Windows Service Using SHDocVw.dll In .net?

May 10, 2012

I have tried to create windows service using SHDocVw.dll in, but it generates error The error is could not load SHDocVw.dll into windows service.How to fix this issue?

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Create Windows Service Using SHDocVw.dll?

May 10, 2012

I have tried to create windows service using SHDocVw.dll in, but it generates error The error is could not load SHDocVw.dll into windows service.

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VS 2005 Communicating With A Windows Service Remotely?

Jul 27, 2009

I have created a windows service that monitors power events on the host machine. The next step that i wanted to do was to send custom messages to the service. To do this i have created a windows application and added a service controller control to it (drugged it from the toolbox). Initially i tried to send messages to my machine which worked fine (both the service controller and the service were running on the same machine)

Dim scSL As New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController("MyFirstService", ".")

but when i tried to send a message to a remote machine on the network

Dim scSL As New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController("MyFirstService", "machine001")
scSL.ExecuteCommand(128) i got the following error:

"System.InvalidOperationException: Cannot open Service Control Manager on computer 'machine001'. This operation might require other priviledges. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Access is denied.

Anyone knows what priviledges i need to set on the machine that has the service controller? Alternatively can anyone recommend a solution to this issue?

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Create A Setup Project For The Windows Service?

Sep 29, 2010

Now that I've got this service that runs really great on my 32-bit development machine when I use InstallUtil.exe to install it, I'm ready to take it to the next level and generate something that I can use to install it on my 64-bit production server. I've never done this before, so I'm looking for detailed, step-by-step instructions on how to "publish" this Windows Service that I've written, or make it such that I can take some kind of file (or set of files) and install my service on another machine. I'm looking for a way to do this using Visual Studio 2010. I think the processes are different than in previous versions of Visual Studio.

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Create Classes In Windows Service Project?

Nov 12, 2009

i create a class library or use already created class library in my windows service project. I have 1 dll file then how can i use that file in my project.?Logic is my Greatest Asset !

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Create Setup Program For A Windows Service In Other?

Apr 8, 2009

I created a new Windows Service and a stand alone set up program for it. To the solution I added a set up program project and included both programs as outlined in [url]... However, when I run the Setup program, I do not see the my new service in the services window after the set up program completes. Is there additional work that needs to be done to have the program install the windows service correctly or do I need to include the [url]... program and a batch file to get it installed?

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Sql - Create A Windows Service To Read Sql Table?

Oct 31, 2011

I am trying to create a windows service using to read sql table every 3 hours and get all the new data created within the past 3 hours. I know how to create a windows service, but the challenge is how to get the newest data created within the past 3 hours from the database.

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VS 2008 Create Windows Service Using SHDocVw.dll In .net?

May 10, 2012

I have tried to create windows service using SHDocVw.dll in, but it generates error

The error is could not load SHDocVw.dll into windows service.

How to fix this issue? if you have any solution then, give me the links or urls.

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VS 2005 Find Files In A Server In A Windows Service?

Mar 26, 2009

I use to create a Windows Service . its job is to connect a server ( for exemple \ named P: and collect files .but the problem is the result of mapping the server ( Dir P: = "" ) return nothing i don't find my files !!!Do i have to use the ftp in windows service ?? because when i use a windows form apllication there is no problems and I find all the files

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Create A Windows Service That Listens To A Port For Data?

Sep 17, 2009

I'm experiencing a weird problem. I need to create a Windows service that listens to a port for data. The data is comma separated, so I need to split it up and just write a few of the separated values to a file. This is a brief summary of my code:-

Do While True

tcpClient = tcpListener.AcceptTcpClient()
networkStream = tcpClient.GetStream()
Dim bytes(tcpClient.ReceiveBufferSize) As Byte


Now the above code works fine. But suppose I just want to write only (2) to file i.e 2 of the comma separated values, problems arise. This is what happens:-

If I include both lines (1) and (2), output file = lines (1) and (2)
If I include only line (1) and comment out (2), output file = line (1)
If I include only line (2) and comment out (1), output file = BLANK ???

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Using Windows Service To Create,Update,Delete CSV File Using C#?

Sep 11, 2011

I am creating a windows service to save current username and logon time in a CSV file. But when I install the service, the file is just created, not details are written to it, and that file is set to read-only mode. what is the problem in my code?

My code:
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text


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Create A Windows Service In Studio 2008 Standard (No Template)?

Dec 7, 2009

I want to create a Windows Service using VB.Net, but in VS2008 Standard, you don't seem to get the "Windows Service" template I've used before.

What's the best way of creating such a service, without resorting to using the C++ template?

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.net - WCF Service Hosted In A Managed Windows Service Connect Using A WCF Service Application

Jul 14, 2011

i have a Windows service that is hosting a WCF service through net.tcp and this is working great. I have also created a WCF service application. I am trying to add the net.tcp service reference to the service application. Then I add it to the GAC that goes ok but if I try to RegAsm the WCF service application to allow it to be called from Server.CreateObject I get the error:

Warning: Type library exporter encountered a type that derives from a
generic class and is not marked as
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]. Class interfaces cannot be
exposed for such types. Consider marking the type with
[ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] and exposing an explicit
interface as the default interface to COM using the
ComDefaultInterface attribute.

It does not work. I have tried to call it through a class library but this does not work either as the end point is not set correctly.

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Have A Dotnet Windows Service Which Monitor Other Services And Upon Stop Of Any Service?

Sep 18, 2009

Is it possible to have a dotnet windows service which monitor other services and upon stop of any service, the monitoring service would be able to start the stopped service.

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Use Windows Search Service Instead Of The Old Indexing Service To Index Files?

Jul 7, 2009

In the past I had the indexing service installed on a Windows Server 2003 and used it to index files for my website. I did this by executing an OleDbCommand with a query and a connection string.How do I accomplish the same thing with the new "Windows Search Service" (Windows Server 2008) by using VB.NET? Does this work the same way so that I only need to change the Provider name which has been "MSIDXS.1" up to now? Case true, what is the new Provider name?

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Windows Service: Multiple Instances Of The Same Service Class?

May 3, 2011

When you create a Windows Service, you create a list of the services you want to start. The default is this:

ServicesToRun = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase() {New Service}

Can you have multiple instances of the same Service class (that bind to different addresses or ports), like this?

ServicesToRun = New System.ServiceProcess.ServiceBase() {New Service("Option1"), New Service("Option2")}

Or will that cause problems? Should we use two different classes instead?

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[2005] Create A Windows Application - File For App.config?

Jan 12, 2009

If I create a windows application. Where is the file for app.config? Can I modify it?

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