Create An Intelligent Agent?

Feb 14, 2012

I am currently doing my Honours in Computer Science and taking Artificial Intelligence as a subject. As part of completing the subject I have to develop my own basic intelligent agent.

I have yet to rap my head around what I actually have to do for this project. I am not the most technically gifted programmer and I have no idea of what to do or where to start

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Make Intelligent Agent 2008?

Jun 9, 2009

How can i make Intelligent Agent vb 2008

you know if you are doing a game and will play to the computer.

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Create An Agent That Can Check Either The Document Submitted By User Is Relevent?

Feb 6, 2009

I'm new in multi agent system...I have been assigned to do a project by using agent.The problem is how to create an agent that can check either the document submitted by user is relevent to the topic have been set by the administrator

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.net - Intelligent Selection Algorithm?

Apr 29, 2009

I am using VB.NET and I am trying to come up with some algorithm or some pseudo-code, or some VB.NET code that will let me do the following (hopefully I can explain this well):I have 2 collection objects, Cob1 and Cob2. These collection objects store objects that implement an interface called ICob. ICob has 3 properties. A boolean IsSelected property, a property called Length, which returns a TimeSpan, and a Rating property, which is a short integer.

OK, now Cob1 has about 100 objects stored in the collection and Cob2 is an empty collection. What I want to do is select objects from Cob1 and copy them over to Cob2. I want the following rules obeyed when selecting the objects though:


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Using Background Intelligent Transfer (BITS)?

Feb 11, 2012

I'm trying to use MS BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer service) to upload files from many computers to a server, but the only useful example I read was in StackOverFlow, and here it is:


but frankly, I don't know how to handle the whole thing about BITS jobs management, and I could not find a complete example demonstrate how the management will be so

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Intelligent Combo Box With Type Ahead Capability?

Mar 29, 2012

I am writing a windows application in VB.Net.

My client wants an intelligent combo box with type ahead capability. For example let's I have a list of companies. I want to find my company "MetaPro". With the Microsoft combo box if you type in the first letter of the name it will bring up first one starting with that letter. For example I type in "M" it will bring up "Mass. Dept. of Ed.", I then type in "E" I get the first one starting with "E" maybe "E, G & G" where I want the first one starting with "ME".

Perhaps there is an open source solution to this or I could create a custom control. But I don't know how.

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PC Communications To Intelligent Instrument With 485 Serial Port

May 7, 2011

Now I'm doing a VB project about pc communications to a intelligent instrument with 485 serial port. I want to use API but I'm not good at it.

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Use BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer Service) In Program?

Aug 23, 2009

On the site below they tell me how I can use BITS (Background Intelligent Transfer System). The only problem is that the Microsoft.Msdn.Samples.BITS namespace doesn't exist in Visual Basic Express Edition. Does Anybody know how I can use bits using

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Set User Agent With ReadXml

Aug 29, 2011

I'm trying to set the user agent for a request with XmlRead. [code]

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Change The User Agent Of Webbrowser?

Mar 18, 2010

Change the user agent of my webbrowser?

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Change User Agent At Webclient?

Jan 29, 2012

everytime I do something it's always get changed back to nothing.

WebClient.Headers(HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent) = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; EasyBits GO v1.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; Tablet PC 2.0; InfoPath.3)"


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Change User Agent Of Webbrowser?

Feb 9, 2010

Change user agent of webbrowser?

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Convert Agent Based Programming To VB?

Jun 13, 2009

I am converting an agent based programming language into a VB format. The agent based programming creates different agents (people) that each one of them has a distinct attribute (ex: ____, age). So if I have 5 agents, then there maybe male/female and a number assigned to each person. I thought about create an array for each agent, but I don't know how many arrays I should have because the agent based programming creates random number of agents.

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Permanently Change User Agent

May 27, 2011

Im using the webbrowser control in my application, but i want to permanently change the user agent when im navigating to sites.

I have tried the extended use of the .Navigate function for the webbrowser, but when the user navigates the browser, or when im beeing redirected by the site it goes back to the vb user-agent info.

Alternatly: Is there any way to catch the postinfo and http headers when the webbrowser control navigates to a new url?

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VS 2010 How To Change User Agent

Sep 21, 2010

change user agent permenantly in my app? i currently use webbrowser control only to browse 1 site which needs to be on mobile skin to look decent in my app.the only way i can do this, is if i change user agent to mobile device like apple iphone (example)so i tried this:

WebBrowser.Navigate("", "_self", Nothing, "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko)


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VS 2008 - Setting User Agent With HTTPWebRequest

Apr 17, 2010

I am using GET and POST webrequests and am trying to set the User-Agent.

Public Sub getpost(ByVal URL As String, ByVal method As String, ByVal postdata As String)
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(URL)
If method = "POST" Then
request.Method = "POST"
Dim byteArray As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postdata)
[Code] .....

The above is what I tried to set the user-agent but it returns an error saying that I'm not properly setting it.

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BITS - Background Intelligent Transfer Service - Convert Each Class In The SharpBits.Base Folder

Apr 8, 2009

Has any one used BITs in VB.NET? If so, do you have code samples? I was looking at SharpBits but I have a VB project that I wanted to use BITS for. Is it possible to use it with my VB.NET program? (.NET 2.0) I was tempted to try to convert each class to VB.NET in the SharpBits.Base folder but figured I'd ask in case someone has headed down this route before.

In case you run across this question. What you can do is in the Sharpbits.Base folder (that you download from codeplex) there is a DLL you can reference in the Bin directory. You can add that into your references to access it. Marking Konrad as answer since he was kind enough to post.

I managed to get sharpbits working with some quick code which I pasted below for anyone who might stumble upon this question. Like I mentioned above add the DLL to your project.

Dim b As New SharpBits.Base.BitsManager
Dim mynewjob As SharpBits.Base.BitsJob = _
b.CreateJob("jobname", SharpBits.Base.JobType.Download)
mynewjob.AddFile("\", "")

You'll need to write some logic to check for the status of the job. Once it hits "Transferred" status you can then mark it as complete. This will write the file from a .bin to the file name you listed. Something that helped me was installing the Windows Support Tools (you can get it from a Windows 2003 Cd/DVD in the sup tools folder)and using Bitsadmin.exe to view the status of the job while debugging.

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Add User Agent Download String When Downloading A File

Apr 24, 2011

My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile _
("http://example/example.exe", _

I'm using this code to download a file can I add User Agent String so protocol analyzers could have info about this download with a custom string I make.

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DB/Reporting :: Scheduling With SQL 2005 Server Agent And SSIS?

Jun 2, 2008

I'm currently using SQL Server 2005 and I've created a business intelligence solution that has a "Package1" copying a table from a database to my local database. I tried executing this package/solution from my .Net IDE and it worked.

Later, I tried creating a job that will execute the package at the intervals of 1 hour per day using SQL Server Agent but when I get to the part where I select the type of job (under the "Job step property", I can't find the job type of "SQL Server Integration Services Package". I've been following this: tutorial but I can't execute my job probably because I'm using an incorrect job type.

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VS 2010 : Change The Headers (User-Agent, Etc) For Webbrowser Control?

Dec 25, 2011

How can I change the headers (User-Agent, etc) for my webbrowser control, not just for the first page that I browse too, but for all pages.

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Using Background Intelligent Transfer Service To Transfer Files To Server?

Mar 20, 2012

I will use the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) to transfer files from a client (laptop) to a shared folder on a server within our local network.The problem is a very slow network bandwith, if we transfer a file, the other clients canīt work, all requests to other clients (application) or viewing internet pages needs a long time.My idea is to use BITS in my tool to copy/transfer a file from client to server, also I hope to get more performance for the internet requests.

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Create A Windows Form Application Program That Can Create Games Something Like Gamemaker Or Klik?

Aug 4, 2010

Hello I want to create a windows form application program that can create games something like Gamemaker or Klik & Play (butt less advanced) with D&D "Drag and Drop" events and actions.

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Create A Program That Asks For Input Then Uses An Else Statement To Create A Handling Fee Balance

Nov 30, 2011

To create a program that asks for input then uses an else statement to create a handling fee balance.

Input: sales record - first name, last name, purchase amount, balance before purchase

Output: report - full name, old balance, purchase amount, handling fee, new balance

Definitions: handling fee is 5% of the old balance if the old balance is less than $1000.00 else it is 2% new balance = old balance + purchase + handling fee

Ask for and receive sales information
Calculate new balance
Print output report
End the program when a purchase amount of 9999.99 is entered

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VS 2008 Object Data - Create A Class And Create A Instance Of CarData?

Nov 28, 2010

I want to create a class is it where I can do...


How do I do this? Do i create a class and create a instance of CarData? but how do I add Color and Year etc to it?

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VS 2010 Create Workspace Where Can Drag And Drop Icons And Create Connection

Mar 3, 2012

I Want to develop a software like Yed.i just don know where to we can create a workspace where i can drag and drop icons and create connection etc etc.

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Create A Create A New Connection To Database And Produce A New Dataset For Form?

Apr 17, 2009

I have produced an application which works with datasets but I now wish to provide the user the ability to add and admend records within the database.But i wish to do this in a seperate form.My current dataset instanciates classes onLoad.Should i try passing the Dataset to the new form class? although I have the problem where by when i pass the dataset to the form class using code below i get this problem:[code]Should i just create a create a new connection to the database and produce a new dataset for this form? or is there a better way to do this?

View 2 Replies - Create Function To Create Thambnails Of Available Images In A Folder

Aug 28, 2009

I have create a CMS to upload all image to a folder using ed all my images to a folder using,

file.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("../images/") + advertID.ToString + "_" + i.ToString + fileExt)

Now, all images are saved and i forgot it create thumbnails. :(

I need to read all images at once and create thumbnails,

myimg = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(imgFileName)
myimg = myimg.GetThumbnailImage(154, 94, Nothing, IntPtr.Zero)
myimg.Save(Server.MapPath("../Content/") + "Thumb_" + imgFileName, myimg.RawFormat)

I need this to function fast. I don't seems to know how to read these image names one by one.

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How To Create Actual 'wizard' That Allows Users To Use It To Create Their Own Forms

Dec 1, 2010

I've designed my own encryption application in VB 2008 that has a free tools section where users can choose a particular wizard to use from the drop down. The javascript wizards display the code required to put in their own sites. I already created wizards that users can well, use.I see people have their own "contact form wizards" on their websites all the time. Where users can use the wizard and get the displayed code to copy and paste on their sites. But trying to locate source codes to these things is very aggravating on the web.So what I want to do is create my own "form wizard" like out of javascript, that allows the user to put in some information then get the displayed code to put in their own websites. I'm not looking for the generator such as the online form generators.But the javascript source code(s) for the generator itself.Then I could simply put a form generator inside of my VB-app, that will allow the user to use the wizard, then get the html code to paste in their own sites. Preferably not the PHP one because the php backend is very difficult to put in a VB app.I know that it can be done. For example copying a web pages source code then putting it inside a string, then calling that string from a button click that will open the javascript page in the webbrowser inside the VB app.

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VS 2010 Create A Program To Allow A Student To Create Their Own Schedule?

Nov 30, 2010

I have a project to do for one of my classes that i need help on. Its and extra credit so im left on my own. Project Create a program to allow a student to create there own schedule. what i am trying to do is create a checkedlistbox for the student to check classes they are taking, and need something else to pop up or to show in another box or listbox the classes they can take for the next quarter. I know it has to do with if then statements but i dont know how to write basically:"if (class is checked in checkedlistbox) then ( these are the classes you can take)".

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SQL Data Access: VB2008 / VB2010 - WinForms - Create A Datasourse And Drag / Drop Fields Or Tables On A Form To Create A Grid

Oct 22, 2010

I have used VB (versions 2 - 6) through many years; however, I am crash-course training myself into the VB2008 / VB2010 world kicking a screaming. I would like suggestions as to what SQL database access method should I focus more on in my learning process without making me feel that I'm a million years behind. I know I have WinForms where I can create a datasourse and drag / drop fields or tables on a form to create a grid (not really what I'm looking for).

My trouble isn't so much designing the form but in how I access the database. Theres XML, LINQ to SQL, ADO.NET, and many other methods. Not only do I need to grasp these methods quickly but I also need to know what type of projects I should create. What I mean is...I was thinking that I would design a WinForm app; however, I see that there are WPF apps and others to chose from. This is getting deep. I know it depends on the project that I'm working on. My plans are to write an app based off of either an SQL Express 2008 or SQL Server 2008 database. This first app will be standalone for now but may later become multi-user. I know I'm far behind on my learning curve coming from VB6. I have read a bit on VB2005 / 2008 / 2010. I own
both VB2008 and VB2010. I use VB2008 at work. I know ADO.NET is still alive but by what I read online, it's a dying method and is only kept for backward compatibility. XML and LINQ to SQL and other methods are all pretty new to me.

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