Change User Agent At Webclient?

Jan 29, 2012

everytime I do something it's always get changed back to nothing.

WebClient.Headers(HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent) = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; EasyBits GO v1.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; Tablet PC 2.0; InfoPath.3)"


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Change The User Agent Of Webbrowser?

Mar 18, 2010

Change the user agent of my webbrowser?

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Change User Agent Of Webbrowser?

Feb 9, 2010

Change user agent of webbrowser?

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Permanently Change User Agent

May 27, 2011

Im using the webbrowser control in my application, but i want to permanently change the user agent when im navigating to sites.

I have tried the extended use of the .Navigate function for the webbrowser, but when the user navigates the browser, or when im beeing redirected by the site it goes back to the vb user-agent info.

Alternatly: Is there any way to catch the postinfo and http headers when the webbrowser control navigates to a new url?

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VS 2010 How To Change User Agent

Sep 21, 2010

change user agent permenantly in my app? i currently use webbrowser control only to browse 1 site which needs to be on mobile skin to look decent in my app.the only way i can do this, is if i change user agent to mobile device like apple iphone (example)so i tried this:

WebBrowser.Navigate("", "_self", Nothing, "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko)


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VS 2010 : Change The Headers (User-Agent, Etc) For Webbrowser Control?

Dec 25, 2011

How can I change the headers (User-Agent, etc) for my webbrowser control, not just for the first page that I browse too, but for all pages.

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Set User Agent With ReadXml

Aug 29, 2011

I'm trying to set the user agent for a request with XmlRead. [code]

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VS 2008 - Setting User Agent With HTTPWebRequest

Apr 17, 2010

I am using GET and POST webrequests and am trying to set the User-Agent.

Public Sub getpost(ByVal URL As String, ByVal method As String, ByVal postdata As String)
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(URL)
If method = "POST" Then
request.Method = "POST"
Dim byteArray As Byte() = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(postdata)
[Code] .....

The above is what I tried to set the user-agent but it returns an error saying that I'm not properly setting it.

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Add User Agent Download String When Downloading A File

Apr 24, 2011

My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile _
("http://example/example.exe", _

I'm using this code to download a file can I add User Agent String so protocol analyzers could have info about this download with a custom string I make.

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Create An Agent That Can Check Either The Document Submitted By User Is Relevent?

Feb 6, 2009

I'm new in multi agent system...I have been assigned to do a project by using agent.The problem is how to create an agent that can check either the document submitted by user is relevent to the topic have been set by the administrator

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Take Url Given By User From Input Box / Create New Webclient To Handle Download asynchronously

Jun 13, 2012

I'm trying to code a program that can download multiple files at once (on different threads of course).I have created a custom listview component that will allow me to add a progressbar directly to it.What my real question is, how can i take a url given by the user from an input box and create a new webclient to handle the download asynchronously and also report the progress without disturbing all of the other downloads in progress?

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Create An Intelligent Agent?

Feb 14, 2012

I am currently doing my Honours in Computer Science and taking Artificial Intelligence as a subject. As part of completing the subject I have to develop my own basic intelligent agent.

I have yet to rap my head around what I actually have to do for this project. I am not the most technically gifted programmer and I have no idea of what to do or where to start

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Convert Agent Based Programming To VB?

Jun 13, 2009

I am converting an agent based programming language into a VB format. The agent based programming creates different agents (people) that each one of them has a distinct attribute (ex: ____, age). So if I have 5 agents, then there maybe male/female and a number assigned to each person. I thought about create an array for each agent, but I don't know how many arrays I should have because the agent based programming creates random number of agents.

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Make Intelligent Agent 2008?

Jun 9, 2009

How can i make Intelligent Agent vb 2008

you know if you are doing a game and will play to the computer.

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DB/Reporting :: Scheduling With SQL 2005 Server Agent And SSIS?

Jun 2, 2008

I'm currently using SQL Server 2005 and I've created a business intelligence solution that has a "Package1" copying a table from a database to my local database. I tried executing this package/solution from my .Net IDE and it worked.

Later, I tried creating a job that will execute the package at the intervals of 1 hour per day using SQL Server Agent but when I get to the part where I select the type of job (under the "Job step property", I can't find the job type of "SQL Server Integration Services Package". I've been following this: tutorial but I can't execute my job probably because I'm using an incorrect job type.

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Creating A Local User With The Option "User Must Change Password At Next Logon" Set

Oct 19, 2010

I am currently creating a tool that can manage local user accounts on Windows-PCs. I am using the functions described on

this MSDN page ; and after some struggling, I got most of them to work.

Unluckily, I haven't found a way to set the option "User must change password at next logon" while creating a new user account. I use the

NetUserAdd -Function to create the new user. I set the level to 1 and supply a

USER_INFO_1 -Structure . This structure accepts flags, and the flag UF_PASSWORD_EXPIRED seems to be exactly what I want - but when I set it, the user can log on without changing the password first...

I'm developing on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit using Visual Studio 2010 Express.

Here's my code:

#Region "Constants"
Public Const UF_PASSWORD_EXPIRED As Integer = &H800000
Public Const USER_PRIV_USER As Integer = 1


View 7 Replies

VS 2005 - Allow A User To Change The Height Of The Treeview Which Will Automatically Change The Height Of The Textbox?

Apr 9, 2009

I have a treeview and text box below it... is it easy or even possible to allow a user to change the height of the treeview which will automatically change the height of the textbox so there is no gap between them?ie one gets bigger the other gets smaller etc etc

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.Net Used To Change Windows User Log On?

Jan 19, 2009

I am currently working on a project that, among other things, should allow the user of the form to click a button and be taken to the change password window for that particular user. The is Start>Control Panel>Users> select a user> Change password. I am trying to save the user alot of time by just taking them to the approite window. It would be nice if the password was automatically changed.I know that the System. should contain the right code touse but I am having trouble finding the right path. I did find a code to shut down [code]System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("shutdown", "-l -t 00")[\code]

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Allow User To Change Form Color?

Mar 5, 2011

Does anybody know how i can allow the user to change the form background colour?

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Allow User To Change Timer Interval?

Jan 25, 2009

I was wondering how do I make it so that people that use my program can change the Timer Interval. So they can set the timer.

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Change The Ftp Password For A Certain User Programmatically?

Oct 15, 2011

Is there a way to change the ftp password for a certain user programmatically?

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Change The User's Screen Dimensions?

Jan 2, 2010

is there a way to change the user's screen dimensions. like change to 600x800 resolution

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How To Change A Value In User Control At Runtime

Aug 20, 2009

For example here i have create a user control. the user control contains labels. when the user hit right arrow button on keyboard, the control will appear on form1. when the user control is there. user can select a label. and when user hit buttons on keyboard, the label.text will change according to the button hit on the keyboard. i have done this code. i just write it roughly here.


is this code above should i write on usercontrol1 code area or form1 code area? because i got confused here.

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How To Change Color Of User Types

Dec 8, 2010

In a VB.NET Web Site, the User Types syntax coloring doesn't work. What are potential causes of this? It seems to not understand the difference between a "User Type" and an "Identifier."
Note: C# works as expected.

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How To Change The Windows User Password

Apr 14, 2012

I want to change the windows user password in a Module...

Just change it, how can i do that?

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User Change Link Name And Location?

Oct 15, 2011

I am trying to write a program where a user of my app can change the link location and label name.

At work we have testing scenarios that change at different locations, and instead of me sending updates every week, allow the user to update the link and label name by appending a file or db to pull the information?

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VS 2010 Change The User's Wallpaper?

Jul 2, 2010

Heres the code on how to change the users wallpaper.

Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Public Class Form1
Private Declare Function SystemParametersInfo Lib "user32" Alias


View 1 Replies - Change The Text Of A Label In A User Control?

Jan 31, 2010

I have a User Control with a label on it. I have a Master Page that I have dropped the User Control on. I have other .aspx pages that use the master page that has the user control on it.

What is the best way to change the text of that label on the user control from the .aspx page?

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Change Cursor To USER-DEFINED CustomCursor?

Mar 7, 2011

Maybe I have missed something obvious. Currently I am using the feedback interrupt to change the cursor to one of the Windows supplied cursors

Instead of using the pre-packaged cursors, is it possible to use my own custom-cursor (icon), and if so - are there any rules re size etc., or can I use something like a png/jpg etc.. ?

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Change Form Position On User Click

Apr 1, 2011

If the user click one of 4 buttons the form position on the screen will change. The four positions are Top Right, Bottom Right, Top Left, Bottom Left.

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